
digraph InheritanceGraph { graph [bgcolor=transparent, color=lightsteelblue2, fontname=Arial, fontsize=10, outputorder=edgesfirst, overlap=prism, penwidth=2, rankdir=LR, splines=spline, style="dashed, rounded", truecolor=true]; node [colorscheme=pastel19, fontname=Arial, fontsize=10, height=0, penwidth=2, shape=box, style="filled, rounded", width=0]; edge [color=lightslategrey, penwidth=1]; subgraph "cluster_abjadext.nauert.quantizationjob" { graph [label="abjadext.nauert.quantizationjob"]; node [color=1]; "abjadext.nauert.quantizationjob.QuantizationJob" [URL="../api/abjadext/nauert/quantizationjob.html#abjadext.nauert.quantizationjob.QuantizationJob", color=black, fontcolor=white, label="Quantization\nJob", target=_top]; } subgraph cluster_builtins { graph [label=builtins]; node [color=2]; "builtins.object" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#object", label=object, target=_top]; } "builtins.object" -> "abjadext.nauert.quantizationjob.QuantizationJob"; }



Quantization job.

class abjadext.nauert.quantizationjob.QuantizationJob(job_id: int = 1, search_tree: SearchTree | None = None, q_event_proxies: Sequence[QEventProxy] | None = None, q_grids: Sequence[QGrid] | None = None)[source]

Quantization job.

Copiable, picklable class for generating all QGrids which are valid under a given SearchTree for a sequence of QEventProxies.

>>> q_event_a = nauert.PitchedQEvent(250, [0, 1])
>>> q_event_b = nauert.SilentQEvent(500)
>>> q_event_c = nauert.PitchedQEvent(750, [3, 7])
>>> proxy_a = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_a, 0.25)
>>> proxy_b = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_b, 0.5)
>>> proxy_c = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_c, 0.75)
>>> definition = {2: {2: None}, 3: None, 5: None}
>>> search_tree = nauert.UnweightedSearchTree(definition)
>>> job = nauert.QuantizationJob(1, search_tree, [proxy_a, proxy_b, proxy_c])

QuantizationJob generates QGrids when called, and stores those QGrids on its q_grids attribute, allowing them to be recalled later, even if pickled:

>>> job()
>>> for q_grid in job.q_grids:
...     print(q_grid.rtm_format)
(1 (1 1 1 1 1))
(1 (1 1 1))
(1 (1 1))
(1 ((1 (1 1)) (1 (1 1))))

QuantizationJob is intended to be useful in multiprocessing-enabled environments.

Attributes Summary


Calls quantization job.


Is true when argument is a quantization job with job ID, search tree, q-event proxies and q-grids equal to those of this quantization job.


Hashes quantization job.


Gets repr.


The job id of the QuantizationJob.


The QEventProxies the QuantizationJob was instantiated with.


The generated QGrids.


The search tree the QuantizationJob was instantiated with.

Special methods

overridden __call__() None[source]

Calls quantization job.

Returns none.

overridden __eq__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when argument is a quantization job with job ID, search tree, q-event proxies and q-grids equal to those of this quantization job. Otherwise false.

overridden __hash__() int[source]

Hashes quantization job.

Required to be explicitly redefined on Python 3 if __eq__ changes.

overridden __repr__()[source]

Gets repr.

Read-only properties


The job id of the QuantizationJob.

Only meaningful when the job is processed via multiprocessing, as the job id is necessary to reconstruct the order of jobs.


The QEventProxies the QuantizationJob was instantiated with.

>>> q_event_a = nauert.PitchedQEvent(250, [0, 1])
>>> q_event_b = nauert.SilentQEvent(500)
>>> q_event_c = nauert.PitchedQEvent(750, [3, 7])
>>> proxy_a = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_a, 0.25)
>>> proxy_b = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_b, 0.5)
>>> proxy_c = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_c, 0.75)
>>> definition = {2: {2: None}, 3: None, 5: None}
>>> search_tree = nauert.UnweightedSearchTree(definition)
>>> job = nauert.QuantizationJob(1, search_tree, [proxy_a, proxy_b, proxy_c])
>>> job()
>>> for q_event_proxy in job.q_event_proxies:
...     q_event_proxy
QEventProxy(q_event=PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((250, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"), NamedPitch("cs'")), index=None, attachments=()), offset=Offset((1, 4)))
QEventProxy(q_event=SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((500, 1)), index=None, attachments=()), offset=Offset((1, 2)))
QEventProxy(q_event=PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((750, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("ef'"), NamedPitch("g'")), index=None, attachments=()), offset=Offset((3, 4)))

The generated QGrids.

>>> q_event_a = nauert.PitchedQEvent(250, [0, 1])
>>> q_event_b = nauert.SilentQEvent(500)
>>> q_event_c = nauert.PitchedQEvent(750, [3, 7])
>>> proxy_a = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_a, 0.25)
>>> proxy_b = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_b, 0.5)
>>> proxy_c = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_c, 0.75)
>>> definition = {2: {2: None}, 3: None, 5: None}
>>> search_tree = nauert.UnweightedSearchTree(definition)
>>> job = nauert.QuantizationJob(1, search_tree, [proxy_a, proxy_b, proxy_c])
>>> job()
>>> for q_grid in job.q_grids:
...     print(q_grid.rtm_format)
(1 (1 1 1 1 1))
(1 (1 1 1))
(1 (1 1))
(1 ((1 (1 1)) (1 (1 1))))

The search tree the QuantizationJob was instantiated with.