Scales, diatonic

Scale literals

Use string input to “write” a scale directly:

>>> voice = abjad.Voice("a'4 b' cs'' d'' e'' fs'' gs'' a''", name="Example_Voice")
>>> staff = abjad.Staff([voice], name="Example_Staff")
>>> note =, 0)
>>> key_signature = abjad.KeySignature(
...     abjad.NamedPitchClass("a"), abjad.Mode("major")
... )
>>> abjad.attach(key_signature, note)

A function to generate one octave of a scale

Use a list of intervals to model the structure of any scale. Here’s the interval structure of C major, G major, D major and every other scale in the major mode:

>>> intervals = "M2 M2 m2 M2 M2 M2 m2".split()
>>> intervals = [abjad.NamedInterval(_) for _ in intervals]

This function makes one octave of any scale:

>>> def make_scale(tonic, intervals):
...     pitches = []
...     pitch = abjad.NamedPitch(tonic)
...     pitches.append(pitch)
...     for interval in intervals:
...         pitch = pitch + interval
...         pitches.append(pitch)
...     return pitches

Here’s one octave of a major scale, rooted on C:

>>> make_scale("c'", intervals)
[NamedPitch("c'"), NamedPitch("d'"), NamedPitch("e'"), NamedPitch("f'"), NamedPitch("g'"), NamedPitch("a'"), NamedPitch("b'"), NamedPitch("c''")]

Here’s one octave of a natural minor scale, rooted on C:

>>> intervals = "M2 m2 M2 M2 m2 M2 M2".split()
>>> intervals = [abjad.NamedInterval(_) for _ in intervals]
>>> make_scale("c'", intervals)
[NamedPitch("c'"), NamedPitch("d'"), NamedPitch("ef'"), NamedPitch("f'"), NamedPitch("g'"), NamedPitch("af'"), NamedPitch("bf'"), NamedPitch("c''")]

Here’s one octave of a Dorian scale, rooted on C:

>>> intervals = "M2 m2 M2 M2 M2 m2 M2".split()
>>> intervals = [abjad.NamedInterval(_) for _ in intervals]
>>> make_scale("c'", intervals)
[NamedPitch("c'"), NamedPitch("d'"), NamedPitch("ef'"), NamedPitch("f'"), NamedPitch("g'"), NamedPitch("a'"), NamedPitch("bf'"), NamedPitch("c''")]

Illustrating one scale at a time

Change pitches to notes like this:

>>> intervals = "M2 M2 m2 M2 M2 M2 m2".split()
>>> intervals = [abjad.NamedInterval(_) for _ in intervals]
>>> pitches = make_scale("a'", intervals)
>>> notes = [abjad.Note(_, (1, 4)) for _ in pitches]
>>> voice = abjad.Voice(notes, name="Example_Voice")
>>> staff = abjad.Staff([voice], name="Example_Staff")
>>> note =, 0)
>>> key_signature = abjad.KeySignature(
...     abjad.NamedPitchClass("a"), abjad.Mode("major")
... )
>>> abjad.attach(key_signature, note)

Reverse scale direction like this:

>>> notes = [abjad.Note(_, (1, 4)) for _ in reversed(pitches)]
>>> voice = abjad.Voice(notes, name="Example_Voice")
>>> staff = abjad.Staff([voice], name="Example_Staff")
>>> note =, 0)
>>> key_signature = abjad.KeySignature(
...     abjad.NamedPitchClass("a"), abjad.Mode("major")
... )
>>> abjad.attach(key_signature, note)

Join ascending and descending segments like this:

>>> notes = [abjad.Note(_, (1, 4)) for _ in pitches]
>>> descending = [abjad.Note(_, (1, 4)) for _ in reversed(pitches)]
>>> descending = descending[1:]
>>> notes.extend(descending)
>>> voice = abjad.Voice(notes, name="Example_Voice")
>>> staff = abjad.Staff([voice], name="Example_Staff")
>>> note =, 0)
>>> key_signature = abjad.KeySignature(
...     abjad.NamedPitchClass("a"), abjad.Mode("major")
... )
>>> abjad.attach(key_signature, note)

A function to enumerate many scales

This dictionary changes mode to intervals:

>>> mode_to_intervals = {
...     "major": "M2 M2 m2 M2 M2 M2 m2",
...     "minor": "M2 m2 M2 M2 m2 M2 M2",
...     "dorian": "M2 m2 M2 M2 M2 m2 M2",
... }

This function enumerates scales in any mode:

>>> def make_score(tonics, mode_name):
...     voice = abjad.Voice(name="Example_Voice")
...     staff = abjad.Staff([voice], name="Example_Staff")
...     score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score")
...     intervals = mode_to_intervals[mode_name]
...     intervals = intervals.split()
...     intervals = [abjad.NamedInterval(_) for _ in intervals]
...     for tonic in tonics:
...         pitch_class = abjad.NamedPitchClass(tonic)
...         mode = abjad.Mode(mode_name)
...         key_signature = abjad.KeySignature(pitch_class, mode)
...         pitches = []
...         ascending = make_scale(tonic, intervals)
...         pitches.extend(ascending)
...         descending = make_scale(tonic, intervals)
...         descending = list(reversed(descending))[1:]
...         pitches.extend(descending)
...         notes = [abjad.Note(_, (1, 4)) for _ in pitches]
...         name = notes[0].written_pitch.get_name(locale="us")
...         name = name[:-1]
...         string = rf'\markup {{ "{name} {mode_name}" }}'
...         markup = abjad.Markup(string)
...         abjad.attach(markup, notes[0], direction=abjad.UP)
...         bar_line = abjad.BarLine("||")
...         abjad.attach(bar_line, notes[-1])
...         string = r"\markup \transparent A"
...         strut = abjad.Markup(string)
...         bundle = abjad.bundle(strut, r"- \tweak staff-padding 8")
...         abjad.attach(bundle, notes[-1], direction=abjad.UP)
...         voice.extend(notes)
...     time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((15, 4))
...     abjad.attach(time_signature, voice[0])
...     return score

This LilyPond code styles output:

>>> preamble = r"""#(set-global-staff-size 14)
... \layout {
...     \context {
...         \Score
...         \override BarNumber.stencil = ##f
...         \override TextScript.staff-padding = 3
...         \override TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
...     }
...     indent = 0
... }
... """

Twelve major scales

>>> string = "C4 G4 D4 A4 E4 B4 F4 Bb4 Eb4 Ab4 Db4 Gb4"
>>> tonics = string.split()
>>> score = make_score(tonics, "major")
>>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([preamble, score])

Twelve minor scales

>>> string = "C4 G4 D4 A4 E4 B4 F4 Bb4 Eb4 Ab4 Db4 Gb4"
>>> tonics = string.split()
>>> score = make_score(tonics, "minor")
>>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([preamble, score])

Twelve Dorian scales

>>> string = "C4 G4 D4 A4 E4 B4 F4 Bb4 Eb4 Ab4 Db4 Gb4"
>>> tonics = string.split()
>>> score = make_score(tonics, "dorian")
>>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([preamble, score])

[Bača (3.3, 3.7)]