Score fragment, piano
Here’s one way of modeling piano music with a bit of polyphony in the left hand.
Make an empty score:
>>> rh_voice = abjad.Voice(name="RH_Voice")
>>> rh_staff = abjad.Staff([rh_voice], name="RH_Staff")
>>> lh_voice_1 = abjad.Voice(name="LH_Voice_1")
>>> lh_voice_2 = abjad.Voice(name="LH_Voice_2")
>>> lh_staff = abjad.Staff(name="LH_Staff", simultaneous=True)
>>> lh_staff.extend([lh_voice_1, lh_voice_2])
>>> piano_staff = abjad.StaffGroup(lilypond_type="PianoStaff", name="Piano_Staff")
>>> piano_staff.extend([rh_staff, lh_staff])
>>> score = abjad.Score([piano_staff], name="Score")
Type LilyPond input:
>>> rh = r"""
... a'8 \pp [ ( g' f' e' ] d'4 )
... g'8 \mp [ ( f' e' d' ] c'8 \< d'16 e' f'8 e' \! d'2 \> ~ d' \! )
... """
>>> lh_1 = r"s1 * 2/4 s1 * 3/4 s1 * 2/4 \voiceOne b2 ~ b"
>>> lh_2 = r"""
... b4 d'8 \pp [ ( c' b a ] af4 )
... c'8 \mp [ ( bf a g ] fs g16 a16 \voiceTwo b4 a g2 )
... """
Extend the voices:
>>> rh_voice.extend(rh)
>>> lh_voice_1.extend(lh_1)
>>> lh_voice_2.extend(lh_2)
Attach time signatures:
>>> time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4))
>>> note =, 0)
>>> abjad.attach(time_signature, note)
>>> time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4))
>>> note =, 4)
>>> abjad.attach(time_signature, note)
>>> time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4))
>>> note =, 9)
>>> abjad.attach(time_signature, note)
Attach a clef and final bar line:
>>> clef = abjad.Clef("bass")
>>> note =, 0)
>>> abjad.attach(clef, note)
>>> bar_line = abjad.BarLine("|.")
>>> note =, -1)
>>> abjad.attach(bar_line, note)
Override LilyPond’s hairpin formatting:
>>> note =, -2)
>>> abjad.override(note).Hairpin.to_barline = False