Source code for abjadext.nauert.quantizationjob

import typing

from .qeventproxy import QEventProxy
from .qgrid import QGrid
from .searchtrees import SearchTree, UnweightedSearchTree

[docs] class QuantizationJob: r""" Quantization job. Copiable, picklable class for generating all ``QGrids`` which are valid under a given ``SearchTree`` for a sequence of ``QEventProxies``. .. container:: example >>> q_event_a = nauert.PitchedQEvent(250, [0, 1]) >>> q_event_b = nauert.SilentQEvent(500) >>> q_event_c = nauert.PitchedQEvent(750, [3, 7]) >>> proxy_a = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_a, 0.25) >>> proxy_b = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_b, 0.5) >>> proxy_c = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_c, 0.75) >>> definition = {2: {2: None}, 3: None, 5: None} >>> search_tree = nauert.UnweightedSearchTree(definition) >>> job = nauert.QuantizationJob( ... 1, search_tree, [proxy_a, proxy_b, proxy_c]) .. container:: example ``QuantizationJob`` generates ``QGrids`` when called, and stores those ``QGrids`` on its ``q_grids`` attribute, allowing them to be recalled later, even if pickled: >>> job() >>> for q_grid in job.q_grids: ... print(q_grid.rtm_format) 1 (1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (1 (1 1 1)) (1 (1 1)) (1 ((1 (1 1)) (1 (1 1)))) ``QuantizationJob`` is intended to be useful in multiprocessing-enabled environments. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_job_id", "_q_event_proxies", "_q_grids", "_search_tree") ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, job_id: int = 1, search_tree: SearchTree | None = None, q_event_proxies: typing.Sequence[QEventProxy] | None = None, q_grids: typing.Sequence[QGrid] | None = None, ): search_tree = search_tree or UnweightedSearchTree() q_event_proxies = q_event_proxies or [] assert isinstance(search_tree, SearchTree) assert all(isinstance(x, QEventProxy) for x in q_event_proxies) self._job_id = job_id self._search_tree = search_tree self._q_event_proxies = tuple(q_event_proxies) self._q_grids: tuple[QGrid, ...] if q_grids is None: self._q_grids = () else: assert all(isinstance(x, QGrid) for x in q_grids) self._q_grids = tuple(q_grids) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __call__(self) -> None: """ Calls quantization job. Returns none. """ # print('XXX') # print(format(self.q_event_proxies[0])) q_grid = QGrid() q_grid.fit_q_events(self.q_event_proxies) # print(format(q_grid)) old_q_grids = [] new_q_grids = [q_grid] while new_q_grids: q_grid = new_q_grids.pop() search_results = self.search_tree(q_grid) # print q_grid.rtm_format # for x in search_results: # print '\t', x.rtm_format new_q_grids.extend(search_results) old_q_grids.append(q_grid) # for q_grid in old_q_grids: # print('\t', q_grid) # print() self._q_grids = tuple(old_q_grids)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when `argument` is a quantization job with job ID, search tree, q-event proxies and q-grids equal to those of this quantization job. Otherwise false. """ if type(self) is type(argument): if self.job_id == argument.job_id: if self.search_tree == argument.search_tree: if self.q_event_proxies == argument.q_event_proxies: if self.q_grids == argument.q_grids: return True return False
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes quantization job. Required to be explicitly redefined on Python 3 if __eq__ changes. """ return super(QuantizationJob, self).__hash__()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}(job_id={self.job_id!r}, search_tree={self.search_tree!r}, q_event_proxies={self.q_event_proxies!r}, q_grids={self.q_grids})"
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def job_id(self) -> int: """ The job id of the ``QuantizationJob``. Only meaningful when the job is processed via multiprocessing, as the job id is necessary to reconstruct the order of jobs. """ return self._job_id @property def q_event_proxies(self) -> tuple[QEventProxy, ...]: r""" The ``QEventProxies`` the ``QuantizationJob`` was instantiated with. >>> q_event_a = nauert.PitchedQEvent(250, [0, 1]) >>> q_event_b = nauert.SilentQEvent(500) >>> q_event_c = nauert.PitchedQEvent(750, [3, 7]) >>> proxy_a = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_a, 0.25) >>> proxy_b = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_b, 0.5) >>> proxy_c = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_c, 0.75) >>> definition = {2: {2: None}, 3: None, 5: None} >>> search_tree = nauert.UnweightedSearchTree(definition) >>> job = nauert.QuantizationJob( ... 1, search_tree, [proxy_a, proxy_b, proxy_c]) >>> job() >>> for q_event_proxy in job.q_event_proxies: ... q_event_proxy ... QEventProxy(q_event=PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((250, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"), NamedPitch("cs'")), index=None, attachments=()), offset=Offset((1, 4))) QEventProxy(q_event=SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((500, 1)), index=None, attachments=()), offset=Offset((1, 2))) QEventProxy(q_event=PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((750, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("ef'"), NamedPitch("g'")), index=None, attachments=()), offset=Offset((3, 4))) """ return self._q_event_proxies @property def q_grids(self) -> tuple[QGrid, ...]: r""" The generated ``QGrids``. >>> q_event_a = nauert.PitchedQEvent(250, [0, 1]) >>> q_event_b = nauert.SilentQEvent(500) >>> q_event_c = nauert.PitchedQEvent(750, [3, 7]) >>> proxy_a = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_a, 0.25) >>> proxy_b = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_b, 0.5) >>> proxy_c = nauert.QEventProxy(q_event_c, 0.75) >>> definition = {2: {2: None}, 3: None, 5: None} >>> search_tree = nauert.UnweightedSearchTree(definition) >>> job = nauert.QuantizationJob( ... 1, search_tree, [proxy_a, proxy_b, proxy_c]) >>> job() >>> for q_grid in job.q_grids: ... print(q_grid.rtm_format) 1 (1 (1 1 1 1 1)) (1 (1 1 1)) (1 (1 1)) (1 ((1 (1 1)) (1 (1 1)))) """ return self._q_grids @property def search_tree(self) -> SearchTree: """ The search tree the ``QuantizationJob`` was instantiated with. """ return self._search_tree