

digraph InheritanceGraph { graph [bgcolor=transparent, color=lightsteelblue2, fontname=Arial, fontsize=10, outputorder=edgesfirst, overlap=prism, penwidth=2, rankdir=LR, splines=spline, style="dashed, rounded", truecolor=true ]; node [colorscheme=pastel19, fontname=Arial, fontsize=10, height=0, penwidth=2, shape=box, style="filled, rounded", width=0 ]; edge [color=lightslategrey, penwidth=1 ]; subgraph "cluster_abjad.enums" { graph [label="abjad.enums"]; node [color=1]; "abjad.enums.Comparison" [URL="../api/abjad/enums.html#abjad.enums.Comparison", color=black, fontcolor=white, label=Comparison, target=_top]; "abjad.enums.Horizontal" [URL="../api/abjad/enums.html#abjad.enums.Horizontal", color=black, fontcolor=white, label=Horizontal, target=_top]; "abjad.enums.Vertical" [URL="../api/abjad/enums.html#abjad.enums.Vertical", color=black, fontcolor=white, label=Vertical, target=_top]; } subgraph cluster_builtins { graph [label=builtins]; node [color=2]; "builtins.object" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#object", label=object, target=_top]; } subgraph cluster_enum { graph [label=enum]; node [color=3]; "enum.Enum" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/enum.html#enum.Enum", label=Enum, target=_top]; } "builtins.object" -> "enum.Enum" [minlen=1]; "enum.Enum" -> "abjad.enums.Comparison" [minlen=1]; "enum.Enum" -> "abjad.enums.Horizontal" [minlen=2]; "enum.Enum" -> "abjad.enums.Vertical" [minlen=1]; }



Enumeration of amount comparisons.


Enumeration of horizontal alignments.


Enumeration of vertical alignments.

class abjad.enums.Comparison(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Enumeration of amount comparisons.

Special methods

classmethod (EnumType).__contains__(value)

Return True if value is in cls.

value is in cls if: 1) value is a member of cls, or 2) value is the value of one of the cls’s members.

classmethod (EnumType).__getitem__(name)

Return the member matching name.

classmethod (EnumType).__iter__()

Return members in definition order.

classmethod (EnumType).__len__()

Return the number of members (no aliases)

LESS = -1
MORE = 1
class abjad.enums.Horizontal(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Enumeration of horizontal alignments.

Special methods

classmethod (EnumType).__contains__(value)

Return True if value is in cls.

value is in cls if: 1) value is a member of cls, or 2) value is the value of one of the cls’s members.

classmethod (EnumType).__getitem__(name)

Return the member matching name.

classmethod (EnumType).__iter__()

Return members in definition order.

classmethod (EnumType).__len__()

Return the number of members (no aliases)

LEFT = -1
class abjad.enums.Vertical(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Enumeration of vertical alignments.

Special methods

classmethod (EnumType).__contains__(value)

Return True if value is in cls.

value is in cls if: 1) value is a member of cls, or 2) value is the value of one of the cls’s members.

classmethod (EnumType).__getitem__(name)

Return the member matching name.

classmethod (EnumType).__iter__()

Return members in definition order.

classmethod (EnumType).__len__()

Return the number of members (no aliases)

DOWN = -1
UP = 1