
digraph InheritanceGraph { graph [bgcolor=transparent, color=lightsteelblue2, fontname=Arial, fontsize=10, outputorder=edgesfirst, overlap=prism, penwidth=2, rankdir=LR, splines=spline, style="dashed, rounded", truecolor=true]; node [colorscheme=pastel19, fontname=Arial, fontsize=10, height=0, penwidth=2, shape=box, style="filled, rounded", width=0]; edge [color=lightslategrey, penwidth=1]; subgraph "cluster_abjad.duration" { graph [label="abjad.duration"]; node [color=1]; "abjad.duration.Duration" [URL="../api/abjad/duration.html#abjad.duration.Duration", color=black, fontcolor=white, label=Duration, target=_top]; "abjad.duration.Offset" [URL="../api/abjad/duration.html#abjad.duration.Offset", color=black, fontcolor=white, label=Offset, target=_top]; "abjad.duration.Duration" -> "abjad.duration.Offset"; } subgraph cluster_builtins { graph [label=builtins]; node [color=2]; "builtins.object" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#object", label=object, target=_top]; } subgraph cluster_fractions { graph [label=fractions]; node [color=3]; "fractions.Fraction" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/fractions.html#fractions.Fraction", label=Fraction, target=_top]; } subgraph cluster_numbers { graph [label=numbers]; node [color=4]; "numbers.Complex" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/numbers.html#numbers.Complex", label=Complex, shape=oval, style=bold, target=_top]; "numbers.Number" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/numbers.html#numbers.Number", label=Number, target=_top]; "numbers.Rational" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/numbers.html#numbers.Rational", label=Rational, shape=oval, style=bold, target=_top]; "numbers.Real" [URL="https://docs.python.org/3/library/numbers.html#numbers.Real", label=Real, shape=oval, style=bold, target=_top]; "numbers.Complex" -> "numbers.Real"; "numbers.Number" -> "numbers.Complex"; "numbers.Real" -> "numbers.Rational"; } "builtins.object" -> "numbers.Number"; "fractions.Fraction" -> "abjad.duration.Duration"; "numbers.Rational" -> "fractions.Fraction"; }






class abjad.duration.Duration(*arguments)[source]


Initializes from integer numerator:

>>> abjad.Duration(3)
Duration(3, 1)

Initializes from integer numerator and denominator:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 16)
Duration(3, 16)

Initializes from integer-equivalent numeric numerator:

>>> abjad.Duration(3.0)
Duration(3, 1)

Initializes from integer-equivalent numeric numerator and denominator:

>>> abjad.Duration(3.0, 16)
Duration(3, 16)

Initializes from integer-equivalent singleton:

>>> abjad.Duration((3,))
Duration(3, 1)

Initializes from integer-equivalent pair:

>>> abjad.Duration((3, 16))
Duration(3, 16)

Initializes from other duration:

>>> abjad.Duration(abjad.Duration(3, 16))
Duration(3, 16)

Intializes from fraction:

>>> import fractions
>>> abjad.Duration(fractions.Fraction(3, 16))
Duration(3, 16)

Initializes from solidus string:

>>> abjad.Duration("3/16")
Duration(3, 16)

Durations inherit from built-in fraction:

>>> isinstance(abjad.Duration(3, 16), fractions.Fraction)

Durations are numbers:

>>> import numbers
>>> isinstance(abjad.Duration(3, 16), numbers.Number)

Attributes Summary


Gets absolute value of duration.


Adds duration to arguments.


Divides duration by arguments.


Equals the pair (duration // arguments, duration % arguments).


Is true when duration equals argument.


Is true when duration is greater than or equal to argument.


Is true when duration is greater than argument.


Hashes duration.


Is true when duration is less than or equal to argument.


Is true when duration is less than argument.


Modulus operator applied to duration.


Duration multiplied by argument.


Redefined explicitly because abjad.Duration inherits from built-in fractions.Fraction:


Negates duration.


Makes new duration.


Get positive duration.


Raises duration to arguments power.


Adds arguments to duration.


Divides arguments by duration.


Documentation required.


Gets repr.


Documentation required.


Multiplies arguments by duration.


Raises arguments to the power of duration.


Subtracts duration from arguments.


Documentation required.


Subtracts arguments from duration.


Documentation required.


Gets dot count.


Changes durations to pairs sharing least common denominator.


Gets assignable duration equal to or just greater than this duration.


Gets duration equal or just greater power of two.


Gets assignable duration equal or just less than this duration.


Gets duration of the form d**2 equal to or just less than this duration.


Gets base-2 exponent.


Gets flag count.


Initializes duration (in seconds) from clock string.


Makes duration from dot_count.


Initializes duration from LilyPond duration string.


Gets implied prolation.


Is true when duration is assignable.


Is true when duration is an integer power of two.


Is true when argument correctly initializes a duration.


Gets LilyPond duration string.


Is true when duration is greater than 1/2 and less than 2.


Gets numerator and denominator.


Gets prolation string.


Gets reciprocal.


Changes duration to clock string.

Special methods

overridden __abs__(*arguments)[source]

Gets absolute value of duration.

Returns nonnegative duration.

overridden __add__(*arguments)[source]

Adds duration to arguments.

Returns duration when arguments is a duration:

>>> duration_1 = abjad.Duration(1, 2)
>>> duration_2 = abjad.Duration(3, 2)
>>> duration_1 + duration_2
Duration(2, 1)

Returns duration.


a != 0




complex(self) == complex(float(self), 0)

__div__(*arguments) Fraction[source]

Divides duration by arguments.

>>> abjad.Duration(1) / abjad.Duration(3, 3)
Fraction(1, 1)
overridden __divmod__(*arguments)[source]

Equals the pair (duration // arguments, duration % arguments).

Returns pair.

overridden __eq__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when duration equals argument.


float(self) = self.numerator / self.denominator

It’s important that this conversion use the integer’s “true” division rather than casting one side to float before dividing so that ratios of huge integers convert without overflowing.




a // b

(Fraction).__format__(format_spec, /)

Format this fraction according to the given format specification.

overridden __ge__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when duration is greater than or equal to argument.

overridden __gt__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when duration is greater than argument.

overridden __hash__() int[source]

Hashes duration.

(Fraction).__int__(_index=<built-in function index>)


overridden __le__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when duration is less than or equal to argument.

overridden __lt__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when duration is less than argument.

overridden __mod__(*arguments)[source]

Modulus operator applied to duration.

Returns duration.

overridden __mul__(argument)[source]

Duration multiplied by argument.

Returns a new duration when argument is a duration:

>>> duration_1 = abjad.Duration(1, 2)
>>> duration_2 = abjad.Duration(3, 2)
>>> duration_1 * duration_2
Duration(3, 4)

Returns duration.

overridden __ne__(argument) bool[source]

Redefined explicitly because abjad.Duration inherits from built-in fractions.Fraction:

“The __ne__ method follows automatically from __eq__ only if __ne__ isn’t already defined in a superclass. So, if you’re inheriting from a builtin, it’s best to override both.”

See https://bugs.python.org/issue4395#msg89533.


>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset(1)
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset(1, displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 == offset_2
>>> offset_1 != offset_2
overridden __neg__(*arguments)[source]

Negates duration.

Returns new duration.

overridden static __new__(class_, *arguments)[source]

Makes new duration.

overridden __pos__(*arguments)[source]

Get positive duration.

Returns new duration.

overridden __pow__(*arguments)[source]

Raises duration to arguments power.

Returns new duration.

overridden __radd__(*arguments)[source]

Adds arguments to duration.

Returns new duration.


Divides arguments by duration.

Returns new duration.

overridden __rdivmod__(*arguments)[source]

Documentation required.

overridden __repr__() str[source]

Gets repr.


a // b

overridden __rmod__(*arguments)[source]

Documentation required.

overridden __rmul__(*arguments)[source]

Multiplies arguments by duration.

Returns new duration.


round(self, ndigits)

Rounds half toward even.

overridden __rpow__(*arguments)[source]

Raises arguments to the power of duration.

Returns new duration.

overridden __rsub__(*arguments)[source]

Subtracts duration from arguments.

Returns new duration.

overridden __rtruediv__(*arguments)[source]

Documentation required.

Returns new duration.



overridden __sub__(*arguments)[source]

Subtracts arguments from duration.

>>> abjad.Duration(1, 2) - abjad.Duration(2, 8)
Duration(1, 4)

Returns new duration.

overridden __truediv__(*arguments)[source]

Documentation required.





Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is equal to the original Fraction.

The ratio is in lowest terms and has a positive denominator.


Conjugate is a no-op for Reals.


Return True if the Fraction is an integer.


Closest Fraction to self with denominator at most max_denominator.

>>> Fraction("3.141592653589793").limit_denominator(10)
Fraction(22, 7)
>>> Fraction("3.141592653589793").limit_denominator(100)
Fraction(311, 99)
>>> Fraction(4321, 8765).limit_denominator(10000)
Fraction(4321, 8765)
normalized() bool[source]

Is true when duration is greater than 1/2 and less than 2.

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 2).normalized()
to_clock_string() str[source]

Changes duration to clock string.

Changes duration to clock string:

>>> note = abjad.Note("c'4")
>>> duration = abjad.Duration(117)
>>> clock_string = duration.to_clock_string()
>>> clock_string
>>> string = rf"\markup {{ {clock_string} }}"
>>> markup = abjad.Markup(string)
>>> abjad.attach(markup, note, direction=abjad.UP)
>>> abjad.show(note)  

Rounds down to nearest second.

Class & static methods

static durations_to_nonreduced_fractions(durations: list) list[tuple[int, int]][source]

Changes durations to pairs sharing least common denominator.

>>> durations = [abjad.Duration(2, 4), 3, (5, 16)]
>>> result = abjad.Duration.durations_to_nonreduced_fractions(durations)
>>> for x in result:
...     x
(8, 16)
(48, 16)
(5, 16)
static from_clock_string(clock_string) Duration[source]

Initializes duration (in seconds) from clock string.

>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("0'00''")
Duration(0, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("0'59''")
Duration(59, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("1'00''")
Duration(60, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("1'17''")
Duration(77, 1)
classmethod (Fraction).from_decimal(dec)

Converts a finite Decimal instance to a rational number, exactly.

static from_dot_count(dot_count: int) Duration[source]

Makes duration from dot_count.

>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(0)
Duration(1, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(1)
Duration(3, 2)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(2)
Duration(7, 4)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(3)
Duration(15, 8)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(4)
Duration(31, 16)
classmethod (Fraction).from_float(f)

Converts a finite float to a rational number, exactly.

Beware that Fraction.from_float(0.3) != Fraction(3, 10).

static from_lilypond_duration_string(lilypond_duration_string) Duration[source]

Initializes duration from LilyPond duration string.

>>> abjad.Duration.from_lilypond_duration_string("8.")
Duration(3, 16)
static is_token(argument) bool[source]

Is true when argument correctly initializes a duration.

>>> abjad.Duration.is_token("8.")

Read-only properties


Gets dot count.

Gets dot count:

>>> for n in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     try:
...         duration = abjad.Duration(n, 16)
...         sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...         dot_count = duration.dot_count
...         string = f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{dot_count}"
...         print(string)
...     except abjad.AssignabilityError:
...         sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...         print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t--")
1/16	0
2/16	0
3/16	1
4/16	0
5/16	--
6/16	1
7/16	2
8/16	0
9/16	--
10/16	--
11/16	--
12/16	1
13/16	--
14/16	2
15/16	3
16/16	0

Dot count defined equal to number of dots required to notate duration.

Raises assignability error when duration is not assignable.


Gets assignable duration equal to or just greater than this duration.

Gets equal-or-greater assignable duration:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_greater_assignable
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	3/16
4/16	1/4
5/16	3/8
6/16	3/8
7/16	7/16
8/16	1/2
9/16	3/4
10/16	3/4
11/16	3/4
12/16	3/4
13/16	7/8
14/16	7/8
15/16	15/16
16/16	1

Gets duration equal or just greater power of two.

Gets equal-or-greater power-of-two:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_greater_power_of_two
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	1/4
4/16	1/4
5/16	1/2
6/16	1/2
7/16	1/2
8/16	1/2
9/16	1
10/16	1
11/16	1
12/16	1
13/16	1
14/16	1
15/16	1
16/16	1

Gets assignable duration equal or just less than this duration.

Gets equal-or-lesser assignable duration:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_lesser_assignable
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	3/16
4/16	1/4
5/16	1/4
6/16	3/8
7/16	7/16
8/16	1/2
9/16	1/2
10/16	1/2
11/16	1/2
12/16	3/4
13/16	3/4
14/16	7/8
15/16	15/16
16/16	1

Gets duration of the form d**2 equal to or just less than this duration.

Gets equal-or-lesser power-of-two:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_lesser_power_of_two
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	1/8
4/16	1/4
5/16	1/4
6/16	1/4
7/16	1/4
8/16	1/2
9/16	1/2
10/16	1/2
11/16	1/2
12/16	1/2
13/16	1/2
14/16	1/2
15/16	1/2
16/16	1

Gets base-2 exponent.

Gets equal-or-greater power-of-two:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     exponent = duration.exponent
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{duration.exponent!s}")
1/16	4
2/16	3
3/16	3
4/16	2
5/16	2
6/16	2
7/16	2
8/16	1
9/16	1
10/16	1
11/16	1
12/16	1
13/16	1
14/16	1
15/16	1
16/16	0

Gets flag count.

Gets flag count:

>>> for n in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(n, 64)
...     sixty_fourths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 64)
...     print(f"{sixty_fourths[0]}/{sixty_fourths[1]}\t{duration.flag_count}")
1/64	4
2/64	3
3/64	3
4/64	2
5/64	2
6/64	2
7/64	2
8/64	1
9/64	1
10/64	1
11/64	1
12/64	1
13/64	1
14/64	1
15/64	1
16/64	0

Flag count defined equal to number of flags required to notate duration.


Real numbers have no imaginary component.


Gets implied prolation.

Gets implied prolation:

>>> for denominator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(1, denominator)
...     result = duration.implied_prolation
...     print(f"{duration!s}\t{result!s}")
1	1
1/2	1
1/3	2/3
1/4	1
1/5	4/5
1/6	2/3
1/7	4/7
1/8	1
1/9	8/9
1/10	4/5
1/11	8/11
1/12	2/3
1/13	8/13
1/14	4/7
1/15	8/15
1/16	1

Is true when duration is assignable.

Is true when duration is assignable:

>>> for numerator in range(0, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{duration.is_assignable}")
0/16	False
1/16	True
2/16	True
3/16	True
4/16	True
5/16	False
6/16	True
7/16	True
8/16	True
9/16	False
10/16	False
11/16	False
12/16	True
13/16	False
14/16	True
15/16	True
16/16	True

Is true when duration is an integer power of two.

Is true when duration has power-of-two denominator:

>>> for n in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(1, n)
...     result = duration.is_dyadic_rational
...     print(f"{duration!s}\t{result}")
1	True
1/2	True
1/3	False
1/4	True
1/5	False
1/6	False
1/7	False
1/8	True
1/9	False
1/10	False
1/11	False
1/12	False
1/13	False
1/14	False
1/15	False
1/16	True

Gets LilyPond duration string.

Gets LilyPond duration string:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 16).lilypond_duration_string

Raises assignability error when duration is not assignable.


Gets numerator and denominator.

Gets pair:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 16).pair
(3, 16)

Gets prolation string.

Gets prolation string:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 16).prolation_string

Real numbers are their real component.


Gets reciprocal.

Gets reciprocal:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 7).reciprocal
Duration(7, 3)
class abjad.duration.Offset(*arguments, **keywords)[source]


Initializes from integer numerator:

>>> abjad.Offset(3)
Offset((3, 1))

Initializes from integer numerator and denominator:

>>> abjad.Offset(3, 16)
Offset((3, 16))

Initializes from integer-equivalent numeric numerator:

>>> abjad.Offset(3.0)
Offset((3, 1))

Initializes from integer-equivalent numeric numerator and denominator:

>>> abjad.Offset(3.0, 16)
Offset((3, 16))

Initializes from integer-equivalent singleton:

>>> abjad.Offset((3,))
Offset((3, 1))

Initializes from integer-equivalent pair:

>>> abjad.Offset((3, 16))
Offset((3, 16))

Initializes from duration:

>>> abjad.Offset(abjad.Duration(3, 16))
Offset((3, 16))

Initializes from other offset:

>>> abjad.Offset(abjad.Offset(3, 16))
Offset((3, 16))

Initializes from other offset with displacement:

>>> offset = abjad.Offset((3, 16), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> abjad.Offset(offset)
Offset((3, 16), displacement=Duration(-1, 16))

Intializes from fraction:

>>> import fractions
>>> abjad.Offset(fractions.Fraction(3, 16))
Offset((3, 16))

Initializes from solidus string:

>>> abjad.Offset("3/16")
Offset((3, 16))

Offsets inherit from built-in fraction:

>>> isinstance(abjad.Offset(3, 16), fractions.Fraction)

Offsets are numbers:

>>> import numbers
>>> isinstance(abjad.Offset(3, 16), numbers.Number)

Attributes Summary


Copies offset.


Deep copies offset.


Is true when offset equals argument.


Is true when offset is greater than or equal to argument.


Is true when offset is greater than argument.


Hashes offset.


Is true when offset is less than or equal to argument.


Is true when offset is less than argument.


Makes new duration.


Gets interpreter representation of offset.


Subtracts argument from offset.


Gets displacement.

Special methods


Gets absolute value of duration.

Returns nonnegative duration.


Adds duration to arguments.

Returns duration when arguments is a duration:

>>> duration_1 = abjad.Duration(1, 2)
>>> duration_2 = abjad.Duration(3, 2)
>>> duration_1 + duration_2
Duration(2, 1)

Returns duration.


a != 0




complex(self) == complex(float(self), 0)

overridden __copy__(*arguments) Offset[source]

Copies offset.

>>> import copy

Copies offset with displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2 = copy.copy(offset_1)
>>> offset_1
Offset((1, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2
Offset((1, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 == offset_2
>>> offset_1 is offset_2
overridden __deepcopy__(*arguments) Offset[source]

Deep copies offset.

>>> import copy

Copies offset with displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2 = copy.deepcopy(offset_1)
>>> offset_1
Offset((1, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2
Offset((1, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 == offset_2
>>> offset_1 is offset_2
(Duration).__div__(*arguments) Fraction

Divides duration by arguments.

>>> abjad.Duration(1) / abjad.Duration(3, 3)
Fraction(1, 1)

Equals the pair (duration // arguments, duration % arguments).

Returns pair.

overridden __eq__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when offset equals argument.

With equal numerators, denominators and displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 == offset_1
>>> offset_1 == offset_2
>>> offset_2 == offset_1
>>> offset_2 == offset_2

With equal numerators and denominators but differing grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 8))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 == offset_1
>>> offset_1 == offset_2
>>> offset_2 == offset_1
>>> offset_2 == offset_2

With differing numerators and denominators. Ignores grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 2), displacement=(-99))
>>> offset_1 == offset_1
>>> offset_1 == offset_2
>>> offset_2 == offset_1
>>> offset_2 == offset_2

float(self) = self.numerator / self.denominator

It’s important that this conversion use the integer’s “true” division rather than casting one side to float before dividing so that ratios of huge integers convert without overflowing.




a // b

(Fraction).__format__(format_spec, /)

Format this fraction according to the given format specification.

overridden __ge__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when offset is greater than or equal to argument.

With equal numerators, denominators and displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 >= offset_1
>>> offset_1 >= offset_2
>>> offset_2 >= offset_1
>>> offset_2 >= offset_2

With equal numerators and denominators but differing grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 8))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 >= offset_1
>>> offset_1 >= offset_2
>>> offset_2 >= offset_1
>>> offset_2 >= offset_2

With differing numerators and denominators. Ignores grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 2), displacement=(-99))
>>> offset_1 >= offset_1
>>> offset_1 >= offset_2
>>> offset_2 >= offset_1
>>> offset_2 >= offset_2
overridden __gt__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when offset is greater than argument.

With equal numerators, denominators and displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 > offset_1
>>> offset_1 > offset_2
>>> offset_2 > offset_1
>>> offset_2 > offset_2

With equal numerators and denominators but differing grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 8))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 > offset_1
>>> offset_1 > offset_2
>>> offset_2 > offset_1
>>> offset_2 > offset_2

With differing numerators and denominators. Ignores grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 2), displacement=(-99))
>>> offset_1 > offset_1
>>> offset_1 > offset_2
>>> offset_2 > offset_1
>>> offset_2 > offset_2
overridden __hash__() int[source]

Hashes offset.

(Fraction).__int__(_index=<built-in function index>)


overridden __le__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when offset is less than or equal to argument.

With equal numerators, denominators and displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 <= offset_1
>>> offset_1 <= offset_2
>>> offset_2 <= offset_1
>>> offset_2 <= offset_2

With equal numerators and denominators but differing grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 8))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 <= offset_1
>>> offset_1 <= offset_2
>>> offset_2 <= offset_1
>>> offset_2 <= offset_2

With differing numerators and denominators. Ignores grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 2), displacement=(-99))
>>> offset_1 <= offset_1
>>> offset_1 <= offset_2
>>> offset_2 <= offset_1
>>> offset_2 <= offset_2
overridden __lt__(argument) bool[source]

Is true when offset is less than argument.

With equal numerators, denominators and displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 < offset_1
>>> offset_1 < offset_2
>>> offset_2 < offset_1
>>> offset_2 < offset_2

With equal numerators and denominators but differing nonzero grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 8))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 < offset_1
>>> offset_1 < offset_2
>>> offset_2 < offset_1
>>> offset_2 < offset_2

With equal numerators and denominators but differing zero-valued displacement:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4), displacement=(-1, 8))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 4))
>>> offset_1 < offset_1
>>> offset_1 < offset_2
>>> offset_2 < offset_1
>>> offset_2 < offset_2

With differing numerators and denominators. Ignores grace displacements:

>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset((1, 4))
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset((1, 2), displacement=(-99))
>>> offset_1 < offset_1
>>> offset_1 < offset_2
>>> offset_2 < offset_1
>>> offset_2 < offset_2

Modulus operator applied to duration.

Returns duration.


Duration multiplied by argument.

Returns a new duration when argument is a duration:

>>> duration_1 = abjad.Duration(1, 2)
>>> duration_2 = abjad.Duration(3, 2)
>>> duration_1 * duration_2
Duration(3, 4)

Returns duration.

(Duration).__ne__(argument) bool

Redefined explicitly because abjad.Duration inherits from built-in fractions.Fraction:

“The __ne__ method follows automatically from __eq__ only if __ne__ isn’t already defined in a superclass. So, if you’re inheriting from a builtin, it’s best to override both.”

See https://bugs.python.org/issue4395#msg89533.


>>> offset_1 = abjad.Offset(1)
>>> offset_2 = abjad.Offset(1, displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset_1 == offset_2
>>> offset_1 != offset_2

Negates duration.

Returns new duration.

overridden static __new__(class_, *arguments, **keywords)[source]

Makes new duration.


Get positive duration.

Returns new duration.


Raises duration to arguments power.

Returns new duration.


Adds arguments to duration.

Returns new duration.


Divides arguments by duration.

Returns new duration.


Documentation required.

overridden __repr__() str[source]

Gets interpreter representation of offset.

>>> abjad.Offset(1, 4)
Offset((1, 4))
>>> abjad.Offset(1, 4, displacement=(-1, 16))
Offset((1, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16))

a // b


Documentation required.


Multiplies arguments by duration.

Returns new duration.


round(self, ndigits)

Rounds half toward even.


Raises arguments to the power of duration.

Returns new duration.


Subtracts duration from arguments.

Returns new duration.


Documentation required.

Returns new duration.



overridden __sub__(argument)[source]

Subtracts argument from offset.

Offset taken from offset returns duration:

>>> abjad.Offset(2) - abjad.Offset(1, 2)
Duration(3, 2)

Duration taken from offset returns another offset:

>>> abjad.Offset(2) - abjad.Duration(1, 2)
Offset((3, 2))

Coerces argument to offset when argument is neither offset nor duration:

>>> import fractions
>>> abjad.Offset(2) - fractions.Fraction(1, 2)
Duration(3, 2)

Documentation required.





Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is equal to the original Fraction.

The ratio is in lowest terms and has a positive denominator.


Conjugate is a no-op for Reals.


Return True if the Fraction is an integer.


Closest Fraction to self with denominator at most max_denominator.

>>> Fraction("3.141592653589793").limit_denominator(10)
Fraction(22, 7)
>>> Fraction("3.141592653589793").limit_denominator(100)
Fraction(311, 99)
>>> Fraction(4321, 8765).limit_denominator(10000)
Fraction(4321, 8765)
(Duration).normalized() bool

Is true when duration is greater than 1/2 and less than 2.

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 2).normalized()
(Duration).to_clock_string() str

Changes duration to clock string.

Changes duration to clock string:

>>> note = abjad.Note("c'4")
>>> duration = abjad.Duration(117)
>>> clock_string = duration.to_clock_string()
>>> clock_string
>>> string = rf"\markup {{ {clock_string} }}"
>>> markup = abjad.Markup(string)
>>> abjad.attach(markup, note, direction=abjad.UP)
>>> abjad.show(note)  

Rounds down to nearest second.

Class & static methods

static (Duration).durations_to_nonreduced_fractions(durations: list) list[tuple[int, int]]

Changes durations to pairs sharing least common denominator.

>>> durations = [abjad.Duration(2, 4), 3, (5, 16)]
>>> result = abjad.Duration.durations_to_nonreduced_fractions(durations)
>>> for x in result:
...     x
(8, 16)
(48, 16)
(5, 16)
static (Duration).from_clock_string(clock_string) Duration

Initializes duration (in seconds) from clock string.

>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("0'00''")
Duration(0, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("0'59''")
Duration(59, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("1'00''")
Duration(60, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_clock_string("1'17''")
Duration(77, 1)
classmethod (Fraction).from_decimal(dec)

Converts a finite Decimal instance to a rational number, exactly.

static (Duration).from_dot_count(dot_count: int) Duration

Makes duration from dot_count.

>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(0)
Duration(1, 1)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(1)
Duration(3, 2)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(2)
Duration(7, 4)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(3)
Duration(15, 8)
>>> abjad.Duration.from_dot_count(4)
Duration(31, 16)
classmethod (Fraction).from_float(f)

Converts a finite float to a rational number, exactly.

Beware that Fraction.from_float(0.3) != Fraction(3, 10).

static (Duration).from_lilypond_duration_string(lilypond_duration_string) Duration

Initializes duration from LilyPond duration string.

>>> abjad.Duration.from_lilypond_duration_string("8.")
Duration(3, 16)
static (Duration).is_token(argument) bool

Is true when argument correctly initializes a duration.

>>> abjad.Duration.is_token("8.")

Read-only properties


Gets displacement.

Gets displacement equal to none:

>>> offset = abjad.Offset(1, 4)
>>> offset.displacement is None

Gets displacement equal to a negative sixteenth:

>>> offset = abjad.Offset(1, 4, displacement=(-1, 16))
>>> offset.displacement
Duration(-1, 16)

Stores zero-valued displacement as none:

>>> offset = abjad.Offset(1, 4, displacement=0)
>>> offset.displacement is None
>>> offset
Offset((1, 4))

Gets dot count.

Gets dot count:

>>> for n in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     try:
...         duration = abjad.Duration(n, 16)
...         sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...         dot_count = duration.dot_count
...         string = f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{dot_count}"
...         print(string)
...     except abjad.AssignabilityError:
...         sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...         print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t--")
1/16	0
2/16	0
3/16	1
4/16	0
5/16	--
6/16	1
7/16	2
8/16	0
9/16	--
10/16	--
11/16	--
12/16	1
13/16	--
14/16	2
15/16	3
16/16	0

Dot count defined equal to number of dots required to notate duration.

Raises assignability error when duration is not assignable.


Gets assignable duration equal to or just greater than this duration.

Gets equal-or-greater assignable duration:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_greater_assignable
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	3/16
4/16	1/4
5/16	3/8
6/16	3/8
7/16	7/16
8/16	1/2
9/16	3/4
10/16	3/4
11/16	3/4
12/16	3/4
13/16	7/8
14/16	7/8
15/16	15/16
16/16	1

Gets duration equal or just greater power of two.

Gets equal-or-greater power-of-two:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_greater_power_of_two
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	1/4
4/16	1/4
5/16	1/2
6/16	1/2
7/16	1/2
8/16	1/2
9/16	1
10/16	1
11/16	1
12/16	1
13/16	1
14/16	1
15/16	1
16/16	1

Gets assignable duration equal or just less than this duration.

Gets equal-or-lesser assignable duration:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_lesser_assignable
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	3/16
4/16	1/4
5/16	1/4
6/16	3/8
7/16	7/16
8/16	1/2
9/16	1/2
10/16	1/2
11/16	1/2
12/16	3/4
13/16	3/4
14/16	7/8
15/16	15/16
16/16	1

Gets duration of the form d**2 equal to or just less than this duration.

Gets equal-or-lesser power-of-two:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     result = duration.equal_or_lesser_power_of_two
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{result!s}")
1/16	1/16
2/16	1/8
3/16	1/8
4/16	1/4
5/16	1/4
6/16	1/4
7/16	1/4
8/16	1/2
9/16	1/2
10/16	1/2
11/16	1/2
12/16	1/2
13/16	1/2
14/16	1/2
15/16	1/2
16/16	1

Gets base-2 exponent.

Gets equal-or-greater power-of-two:

>>> for numerator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     exponent = duration.exponent
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{duration.exponent!s}")
1/16	4
2/16	3
3/16	3
4/16	2
5/16	2
6/16	2
7/16	2
8/16	1
9/16	1
10/16	1
11/16	1
12/16	1
13/16	1
14/16	1
15/16	1
16/16	0

Gets flag count.

Gets flag count:

>>> for n in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(n, 64)
...     sixty_fourths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 64)
...     print(f"{sixty_fourths[0]}/{sixty_fourths[1]}\t{duration.flag_count}")
1/64	4
2/64	3
3/64	3
4/64	2
5/64	2
6/64	2
7/64	2
8/64	1
9/64	1
10/64	1
11/64	1
12/64	1
13/64	1
14/64	1
15/64	1
16/64	0

Flag count defined equal to number of flags required to notate duration.


Real numbers have no imaginary component.


Gets implied prolation.

Gets implied prolation:

>>> for denominator in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(1, denominator)
...     result = duration.implied_prolation
...     print(f"{duration!s}\t{result!s}")
1	1
1/2	1
1/3	2/3
1/4	1
1/5	4/5
1/6	2/3
1/7	4/7
1/8	1
1/9	8/9
1/10	4/5
1/11	8/11
1/12	2/3
1/13	8/13
1/14	4/7
1/15	8/15
1/16	1

Is true when duration is assignable.

Is true when duration is assignable:

>>> for numerator in range(0, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(numerator, 16)
...     sixteenths = abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, 16)
...     print(f"{sixteenths[0]}/{sixteenths[1]}\t{duration.is_assignable}")
0/16	False
1/16	True
2/16	True
3/16	True
4/16	True
5/16	False
6/16	True
7/16	True
8/16	True
9/16	False
10/16	False
11/16	False
12/16	True
13/16	False
14/16	True
15/16	True
16/16	True

Is true when duration is an integer power of two.

Is true when duration has power-of-two denominator:

>>> for n in range(1, 16 + 1):
...     duration = abjad.Duration(1, n)
...     result = duration.is_dyadic_rational
...     print(f"{duration!s}\t{result}")
1	True
1/2	True
1/3	False
1/4	True
1/5	False
1/6	False
1/7	False
1/8	True
1/9	False
1/10	False
1/11	False
1/12	False
1/13	False
1/14	False
1/15	False
1/16	True

Gets LilyPond duration string.

Gets LilyPond duration string:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 16).lilypond_duration_string

Raises assignability error when duration is not assignable.


Gets numerator and denominator.

Gets pair:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 16).pair
(3, 16)

Gets prolation string.

Gets prolation string:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 16).prolation_string

Real numbers are their real component.


Gets reciprocal.

Gets reciprocal:

>>> abjad.Duration(3, 7).reciprocal
Duration(7, 3)




Divides pair by integer n.


Changes durations to durations.


Changes argument to pair.


Spells duration as pair with denominator.

abjad.duration.add_pairs(pair_1, pair_2)[source]
abjad.duration.divide_pair(pair, n) tuple[int, int][source]

Divides pair by integer n.

abjad.duration.durations(durations) list[Duration][source]

Changes durations to durations.

>>> abjad.durations([(15, 8), (3, 8)])
[Duration(15, 8), Duration(3, 8)]
abjad.duration.pair(argument) tuple[int, int][source]

Changes argument to pair.

>>> abjad.duration.pair((3, 6))
(3, 6)
>>> abjad.duration.pair(abjad.Fraction(3, 6))
(1, 2)
>>> abjad.duration.pair(abjad.Duration(3, 6))
(1, 2)
>>> abjad.duration.pair(abjad.Offset((3, 6)))
(1, 2)
>>> abjad.duration.pair(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 6)))
(3, 6)
abjad.duration.with_denominator(duration, denominator) tuple[int, int][source]

Spells duration as pair with denominator.

>>> abjad.duration.with_denominator(abjad.Duration(3, 6), 12)
(6, 12)
>>> for numerator in range(12):
...     fraction = abjad.Fraction(numerator, 6)
...     print(fraction, abjad.duration.with_denominator(fraction, 12))
0 (0, 12)
1/6 (2, 12)
1/3 (4, 12)
1/2 (6, 12)
2/3 (8, 12)
5/6 (10, 12)
1 (12, 12)
7/6 (14, 12)
4/3 (16, 12)
3/2 (18, 12)
5/3 (20, 12)
11/6 (22, 12)
>>> for numerator in range(12):
...     pair = (numerator, 6)
...     print(pair, abjad.duration.with_denominator(pair, 8))
(0, 6) (0, 8)
(1, 6) (1, 6)
(2, 6) (2, 6)
(3, 6) (4, 8)
(4, 6) (4, 6)
(5, 6) (5, 6)
(6, 6) (8, 8)
(7, 6) (7, 6)
(8, 6) (8, 6)
(9, 6) (12, 8)
(10, 6) (10, 6)
(11, 6) (11, 6)
>>> for numerator in range(12):
...     pair = (numerator, 6)
...     print(pair, abjad.duration.with_denominator(pair, 12))
(0, 6) (0, 12)
(1, 6) (2, 12)
(2, 6) (4, 12)
(3, 6) (6, 12)
(4, 6) (8, 12)
(5, 6) (10, 12)
(6, 6) (12, 12)
(7, 6) (14, 12)
(8, 6) (16, 12)
(9, 6) (18, 12)
(10, 6) (20, 12)
(11, 6) (22, 12)