Source code for abjadext.nauert.qtargets

import abc
import bisect
import copy
import typing

import abjad

from .attackpointoptimizers import (
from .gracehandlers import ConcatenatingGraceHandler, GraceHandler
from .heuristics import DistanceHeuristic, Heuristic
from .jobhandlers import JobHandler, SerialJobHandler
from .qeventproxy import QEventProxy
from .qevents import TerminalQEvent
from .qeventsequence import QEventSequence
from .qtargetitems import QTargetBeat, QTargetItem, QTargetMeasure

[docs] class QTarget(abc.ABC): """ Abstract q-target. ``QTarget`` is created by a concrete ``QSchema`` instance, and represents the mold into which the timepoints contained by a ``QSequence`` instance will be poured, as structured by that ``QSchema`` instance. Not composer-safe. Used internally by the ``quantize`` function. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_items",) ### INITIALIZATION ### def __init__(self, items: typing.Sequence[QTargetItem] | None = None): items = [] if items is None else items assert all(isinstance(x, self.item_class) for x in items) self._items: typing.Sequence[QTargetItem] = () if len(items) > 0: self._items = tuple(sorted(items, key=lambda x: x.offset_in_ms)) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __call__( self, q_event_sequence: QEventSequence, grace_handler: GraceHandler | None = None, heuristic: Heuristic | None = None, job_handler: JobHandler | None = None, attack_point_optimizer: AttackPointOptimizer | None = None, attach_tempos: bool = True, ): """ Calls q-target. """ assert isinstance(q_event_sequence, QEventSequence) if grace_handler is None: grace_handler = ConcatenatingGraceHandler() assert isinstance(grace_handler, GraceHandler) if heuristic is None: heuristic = DistanceHeuristic() assert isinstance(heuristic, Heuristic) if job_handler is None: job_handler = SerialJobHandler() assert isinstance(job_handler, JobHandler) if attack_point_optimizer is None: attack_point_optimizer = NaiveAttackPointOptimizer() assert isinstance(attack_point_optimizer, AttackPointOptimizer) if isinstance(self, BeatwiseQTarget) and isinstance( attack_point_optimizer, MeasurewiseAttackPointOptimizer ): message = "{} is not supposed to be used together with {}.".format( self.__class__.__name__, attack_point_optimizer.__class__.__name__ ) raise TypeError(message) # TODO: this step seems unnecessary now (23/09/2021), (maybe) write more tests to verify # if next-to-last QEvent is silent, pop the TerminalQEvent, # in order to prevent rest-tuplets # q_events = q_event_sequence # if isinstance(q_event_sequence[-2], SilentQEvent): # q_events = q_event_sequence[:-1] # parcel QEvents out to each beat beats = offsets = sorted([beat.offset_in_ms for beat in beats]) for q_event in q_event_sequence: index = bisect.bisect(offsets, q_event.offset) - 1 beat = beats[index] beat.q_events.append(q_event) # generate QuantizationJobs and process with the JobHandler jobs = [beat(i) for i, beat in enumerate(beats)] jobs = [job for job in jobs if job] jobs = job_handler(jobs) for job in jobs: assert job is not None beats[job.job_id]._q_grids = job.q_grids # for i, beat in enumerate(beats): # print i, len(beat.q_grids) # for q_event in beat.q_events: # print '\t{}'.format(q_event.offset) # select the best QGrid for each beat, according to the Heuristic beats = heuristic(beats) # shift QEvents attached to each QGrid's "next downbeat" # over to the next QGrid's first leaf - the real downbeat orphaned_q_events_proxies = self._shift_downbeat_q_events_to_next_q_grid() # TODO: handle a final QGrid with QEvents attached to its # next_downbeat. # TODO: remove a final QGrid with no QEvents self._regroup_q_grid_with_unnecessary_divisions() # convert the QGrid representation into notation, # handling grace-note behavior with the GraceHandler notation = self._notate( attach_tempos=attach_tempos, attack_point_optimizer=attack_point_optimizer, grace_handler=grace_handler, ) handle_orphaned_q_events = getattr( grace_handler, "handle_orphaned_q_event_proxies", None ) if callable(handle_orphaned_q_events) and orphaned_q_events_proxies: last_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(notation, -1) handle_orphaned_q_events(last_leaf, orphaned_q_events_proxies) return notation
### PRIVATE METHODS ### @abc.abstractmethod def _notate( self, grace_handler: GraceHandler, attack_point_optimizer: AttackPointOptimizer, attach_tempos: bool = True, ) -> abjad.Voice: raise NotImplementedError def _notate_leaves( self, grace_handler: GraceHandler, voice: abjad.Voice | None = None ): for leaf in abjad.iterate.leaves(voice): if leaf._has_indicator(dict): annotation = leaf._get_indicator(dict) q_events = annotation["q_events"] pitches, attachments, grace_container = grace_handler(q_events) new_leaf: abjad.Leaf if not pitches: new_leaf = abjad.Rest(leaf) elif 1 < len(pitches): new_leaf = abjad.Chord(leaf) new_leaf.written_pitches = pitches else: new_leaf = abjad.Note(leaf) new_leaf.written_pitch = pitches[0] if attachments is not None: abjad.annotate(new_leaf, "q_event_attachments", attachments) if grace_container: abjad.attach(grace_container, new_leaf) abjad.mutate.replace(leaf, new_leaf) if not isinstance(new_leaf, abjad.Rest): abjad.annotate(new_leaf, "tie_to_next", True) elif abjad.get.indicator(new_leaf, abjad.Tie): abjad.detach(abjad.Tie, new_leaf) else: previous_leaf = abjad._iterlib._get_leaf(leaf, -1) if isinstance(previous_leaf, abjad.Rest): new_leaf = type(previous_leaf)(leaf.written_duration) elif isinstance(previous_leaf, abjad.Note): new_leaf = type(previous_leaf)( previous_leaf.written_pitch, leaf.written_duration ) else: new_leaf = type(previous_leaf)( previous_leaf.written_pitches, leaf.written_duration ) abjad.mutate.replace(leaf, new_leaf) if abjad.get.annotation(previous_leaf, "tie_to_next") is True: leaves = [previous_leaf, new_leaf] abjad.tie(leaves) abjad.annotate(new_leaf, "tie_to_next", True) if leaf._has_indicator(abjad.MetronomeMark): tempo = leaf._get_indicator(abjad.MetronomeMark) abjad.detach(abjad.MetronomeMark, leaf) abjad.detach(abjad.MetronomeMark, new_leaf) abjad.attach(tempo, new_leaf) if leaf._has_indicator(abjad.TimeSignature): time_signature = leaf._get_indicator(abjad.TimeSignature) abjad.detach(abjad.TimeSignature, leaf) abjad.detach(abjad.TimeSignature, new_leaf) abjad.attach(time_signature, new_leaf) def _regroup_q_grid_with_unnecessary_divisions(self): for beat in beat.q_grid.regroup_leaves_with_unencessary_divisions() def _shift_downbeat_q_events_to_next_q_grid(self) -> list[QEventProxy]: beats = assert beats[-1].q_grid is not None for one, two in abjad.sequence.nwise(beats): one_q_events = one.q_grid.next_downbeat.q_event_proxies two_q_events = two.q_grid.leaves[0].q_event_proxies while one_q_events: two_q_events.insert(0, one_q_events.pop()) return [ proxy for proxy in beats[-1].q_grid.next_downbeat.q_event_proxies if not isinstance(proxy.q_event, TerminalQEvent) ] ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @abc.abstractproperty def beats(self) -> tuple[QTargetBeat, ...]: """ Beats of q-target. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def duration_in_ms(self) -> abjad.Duration: """ Duration of q-target in milliseconds. """ last_item = self._items[-1] return last_item.offset_in_ms + last_item.duration_in_ms @abc.abstractproperty def item_class(self): """ Item class of q-target. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def items(self): """ Items of q-target. """ return self._items
[docs] class BeatwiseQTarget(QTarget): """ Beatwise q-target. Not composer-safe. Used internally by the ``quantize`` function. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = () ### INITIALIZATION ### def __init__(self, items: typing.Sequence[QTargetBeat] | None = None): items = [] if items is None else items self._items: typing.Sequence[QTargetBeat] super().__init__(items) ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _notate( self, grace_handler: GraceHandler, attack_point_optimizer: AttackPointOptimizer, attach_tempos: bool = True, ) -> abjad.Voice: voice = abjad.Voice() # generate the first beat = self._items[0] assert isinstance(beat, QTargetBeat) and beat.q_grid is not None components = beat.q_grid(beat.beatspan) voice.extend(components) if attach_tempos: attachment_target: abjad.Component = components[0] leaves = if isinstance(attachment_target, abjad.Container): attachment_target = leaves[0] tempo = copy.deepcopy(beat.tempo) abjad.attach(tempo, attachment_target) # generate the rest pairwise, comparing tempi for beat_one, beat_two in abjad.sequence.nwise(self.items): components = beat_two.q_grid(beat_two.beatspan) voice.extend(components) if (beat_two.tempo != beat_one.tempo) and attach_tempos: attachment_target = components[0] leaves = if isinstance(attachment_target, abjad.Container): attachment_target = leaves[0] tempo = copy.deepcopy(beat_two.tempo) abjad.attach(tempo, attachment_target) # apply logical ties, pitches, grace containers self._notate_leaves(grace_handler=grace_handler, voice=voice) # partition logical ties in voice attack_point_optimizer(voice) return voice ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def beats(self) -> tuple[QTargetBeat, ...]: """ Beats of beatwise q-target. """ return tuple(self._items) @property def item_class(self) -> type[QTargetBeat]: """ Item class of beatwise q-target. """ return QTargetBeat
[docs] class MeasurewiseQTarget(QTarget): """ Measurewise quantization target. Not composer-safe. Used internally by the ``quantize`` function. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = () ### INITIALIZATION ### def __init__(self, items: typing.Sequence[QTargetMeasure] | None = None): super().__init__(items) ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _notate( self, grace_handler: GraceHandler, attack_point_optimizer: AttackPointOptimizer, attach_tempos: bool = True, ) -> abjad.Voice: voice = abjad.Voice() # generate the first q_target_measure = self._items[0] assert isinstance(q_target_measure, QTargetMeasure) time_signature = q_target_measure.time_signature measure = abjad.Container() for beat in measure.extend(beat.q_grid(beat.beatspan)) voice.append(measure) leaf = abjad.get.leaf(measure, 0) abjad.attach(time_signature, leaf) if attach_tempos: tempo = copy.deepcopy(q_target_measure.tempo) leaf = abjad.get.leaf(measure, 0) abjad.attach(tempo, leaf) # generate the rest pairwise, comparing tempi pairs = abjad.sequence.nwise(self.items) for q_target_measure_one, q_target_measure_two in pairs: measure = abjad.Container() voice.append(measure) for beat in measure.extend(beat.q_grid(beat.beatspan)) if ( q_target_measure_two.time_signature != q_target_measure_one.time_signature ): time_signature = q_target_measure_two.time_signature leaf = abjad.get.leaf(measure, 0) abjad.attach(time_signature, leaf) if ( q_target_measure_two.tempo != q_target_measure_one.tempo ) and attach_tempos: tempo = copy.deepcopy(q_target_measure_two.tempo) leaf = abjad.get.leaf(measure, 0) abjad.attach(tempo, leaf) # apply logical ties, pitches, grace containers self._notate_leaves(grace_handler=grace_handler, voice=voice) # partition logical ties in each measure for index, measure in enumerate(voice): if isinstance(attack_point_optimizer, MeasurewiseAttackPointOptimizer): # then we need to pass the time signature of each measure attack_point_optimizer(measure, self.items[index].time_signature) else: attack_point_optimizer(measure) return voice ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def beats(self) -> tuple[QTargetBeat, ...]: """ Beats of measurewise q-target. """ return tuple([beat for item in self.items for beat in]) @property def item_class(self) -> type[QTargetMeasure]: """ Item class of measurewise q-target. """ return QTargetMeasure