Source code for abjadext.nauert.qeventsequence

import collections
import copy
import itertools
import numbers
import typing

import abjad

from .qevents import PitchedQEvent, QEvent, SilentQEvent, TerminalQEvent

[docs]class QEventSequence: r""" Q-event sequence. Contains only pitched q-events and silent q-events, and terminates with a single terminal q-event. A q-event sequence is the primary input to the quantizer. .. container:: example A q-event sequence provides a number of convenience functions to assist with instantiating new sequences: >>> durations = (1000, -500, 1250, -500, 750) >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_millisecond_durations( ... durations ... ) >>> for q_event in sequence: ... q_event ... PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((1000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((1500, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((2750, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((3250, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((4000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_sequence",) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__(self, sequence): q_event_classes = (PitchedQEvent, SilentQEvent) if sequence is None: self._sequence = () return else: assert 1 < len(sequence) assert all( isinstance(q_event, q_event_classes) for q_event in sequence[:-1] ) assert isinstance(sequence[-1], TerminalQEvent) offsets = [x.offset for x in sequence] offset_sequence = list(offsets) assert abjad.sequence.is_increasing(offset_sequence, strict=False) assert 0 <= sequence[0].offset self._sequence = tuple(sequence) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __contains__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when q-event sequence contains ``argument``. Otherwise false. """ return argument in self._sequence
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when q-event sequence equals ``argument``. Otherwise false. """ if type(self) is type(argument): if self.sequence == argument.sequence: return True return False
@typing.overload def __getitem__(self, argument: int) -> QEvent: ... @typing.overload def __getitem__(self, argument: slice) -> tuple[QEvent, ...]: ...
[docs] def __getitem__(self, argument: int | slice) -> QEvent | tuple[QEvent, ...]: """ Gets item or slice identified by `argument`. Returns item or slice. """ return self._sequence.__getitem__(argument)
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes q-event sequence. Required to be explicitly redefined on Python 3 if __eq__ changes. """ return super(QEventSequence, self).__hash__()
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[QEvent]: """ Iterates q-event sequence. Yields items. """ for x in self._sequence: yield x
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Length of q-event sequence. """ return len(self._sequence)
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def duration_in_ms(self) -> abjad.Duration: r""" Duration in milliseconds of the ``QEventSequence``: >>> durations = (1000, -500, 1250, -500, 750) >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_millisecond_durations( ... durations) >>> sequence.duration_in_ms Duration(4000, 1) """ return abjad.Duration(self[-1].offset) @property def sequence(self) -> tuple: r""" Sequence of q-events. >>> durations = (1000, -500, 1250, -500, 750) >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_millisecond_durations( ... durations) >>> for q_event in sequence.sequence: ... q_event ... PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((1000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((1500, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((2750, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((3250, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((4000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) """ return self._sequence ### PUBLIC METHODS ###
[docs] @classmethod def from_millisecond_durations( class_, milliseconds: typing.Sequence[int | float], fuse_silences: bool = False, ) -> "QEventSequence": r""" Changes sequence of millisecond durations ``durations`` to a ``QEventSequence``: >>> durations = [-250, 500, -1000, 1250, -1000] >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_millisecond_durations( ... durations) >>> for q_event in sequence: ... q_event ... SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((250, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((750, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((1750, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((3000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((4000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) """ durations: typing.Sequence[int | float] if fuse_silences: durations = [ _ for _ in abjad.sequence.sum_by_sign(milliseconds, sign=[-1]) if _ ] else: durations = milliseconds offsets = abjad.math.cumulative_sums([abs(_) for _ in durations]) q_events: list[QEvent] = [] for pair in zip(offsets, durations): offset = abjad.Offset(pair[0]) duration = pair[1] q_event: QEvent # negative duration indicates silence if duration < 0: q_event = SilentQEvent(offset) else: q_event = PitchedQEvent(offset, [0]) q_events.append(q_event) q_events.append(TerminalQEvent(abjad.Offset(offsets[-1]))) return class_(q_events)
[docs] @classmethod def from_millisecond_offsets( class_, offsets: typing.Sequence[abjad.typings.Offset] ) -> "QEventSequence": r""" Changes millisecond offsets ``offsets`` to a ``QEventSequence``: >>> offsets = [0, 250, 750, 1750, 3000, 4000] >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_millisecond_offsets( ... offsets) >>> for q_event in sequence: ... q_event ... PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((250, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((750, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((1750, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((3000, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((4000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) """ q_events: list[QEvent] = [] q_events.extend([PitchedQEvent(_, [0]) for _ in offsets[:-1]]) q_events.append(TerminalQEvent(offsets[-1])) return class_(q_events)
[docs] @classmethod def from_millisecond_pitch_attachment_tuples( class_, tuples: typing.Iterable[tuple] ) -> "QEventSequence": r""" Changes millisecond-duration:pitch:attachment tuples ``tuples`` into a ``QEventSequence``: >>> durations = [250, 500, 1000, 1250, 1000] >>> pitches = [(0,), None, (2, 3), None, (1,)] >>> attachments = [("foo",), None, None, None, ("foobar", "foo")] >>> tuples = tuple(zip(durations, pitches, attachments)) >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_millisecond_pitch_attachment_tuples( ... tuples ... ) >>> for q_event in sequence: ... q_event ... PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=('foo',)) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((250, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((750, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("d'"), NamedPitch("ef'")), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((1750, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((3000, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("cs'"),), index=None, attachments=('foobar', 'foo')) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((4000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) """ assert isinstance(tuples, assert all(isinstance(_, for _ in tuples) assert all(len(_) == 3 for _ in tuples) assert all(0 < _[0] for _ in tuples) for tuple_ in tuples: assert isinstance( tuple_[1], numbers.Number | type(None) | ) if isinstance(tuple_[1], assert 0 < len(tuple_[1]) assert all(isinstance(_, numbers.Number) for _ in tuple_[1]) if tuple_[1] is None: assert tuple_[2] is None # fuse silences g = itertools.groupby(tuples, lambda _: _[1] is not None) groups = [] for value, group in g: if value: groups.extend(list(group)) else: duration = sum(_[0] for _ in group) groups.append((duration, None, None)) # find offsets offsets = abjad.math.cumulative_sums([abs(_[0]) for _ in groups]) # build QEvents q_events: list[QEvent] = [] for pair in zip(offsets, groups): offset = abjad.Offset(pair[0]) pitches = pair[1][1] attachments = pair[1][2] if isinstance(pitches, assert all(isinstance(_, numbers.Number) for _ in pitches) q_events.append(PitchedQEvent(offset, pitches, attachments)) elif isinstance(pitches, type(None)): q_events.append(SilentQEvent(offset)) elif isinstance(pitches, int | float): q_events.append(PitchedQEvent(offset, [pitches], attachments)) q_events.append(TerminalQEvent(abjad.Offset(offsets[-1]))) return class_(q_events)
[docs] @classmethod def from_millisecond_pitch_pairs( class_, pairs: typing.Iterable[tuple] ) -> "QEventSequence": r""" Changes millisecond-duration:pitch pairs ``pairs`` into a ``QEventSequence``: >>> durations = [250, 500, 1000, 1250, 1000] >>> pitches = [(0,), None, (2, 3), None, (1,)] >>> pairs = tuple(zip(durations, pitches)) >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_millisecond_pitch_pairs( ... pairs) >>> for q_event in sequence: ... q_event ... PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((250, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((750, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("d'"), NamedPitch("ef'")), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((1750, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((3000, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("cs'"),), index=None, attachments=()) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((4000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) """ assert isinstance(pairs, assert all(isinstance(_, for _ in pairs) assert all(len(_) == 2 for _ in pairs) assert all(0 < _[0] for _ in pairs) for _, pitches in pairs: assert isinstance( pitches, (numbers.Number, type(None), ) if isinstance(pitches, assert 0 < len(pitches) assert all(isinstance(_, numbers.Number) for _ in pitches) # fuse silences g = itertools.groupby(pairs, lambda x: x[1] is not None) groups = [] for value, group in g: if value: groups.extend(list(group)) else: duration = sum(x[0] for x in group) groups.append((duration, None)) # find offsets offsets = abjad.math.cumulative_sums([abs(x[0]) for x in groups]) # build QEvents q_events: list[QEvent] = [] for pair in zip(offsets, groups): offset = abjad.Offset(pair[0]) pitches = pair[1][1] if isinstance(pitches, assert all(isinstance(x, numbers.Number) for x in pitches) q_events.append(PitchedQEvent(offset, pitches)) elif isinstance(pitches, type(None)): q_events.append(SilentQEvent(offset)) elif isinstance(pitches, int | float): q_events.append(PitchedQEvent(offset, [pitches])) q_events.append(TerminalQEvent(abjad.Offset(offsets[-1]))) return class_(q_events)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tempo_scaled_durations( class_, durations: typing.Sequence[abjad.typings.Duration], tempo: abjad.MetronomeMark, ) -> "QEventSequence": r""" Changes ``durations``, scaled by ``tempo`` into a ``QEventSequence``: .. container:: example >>> tempo = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 174) >>> durations = [(1, 4), (-3, 16), (1, 16), (-1, 2)] >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_tempo_scaled_durations( ... durations, tempo=tempo) >>> for q_event in sequence: ... q_event ... PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((10000, 29)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((17500, 29)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((20000, 29)), index=None, attachments=()) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((40000, 29)), index=None, attachments=()) """ durations = [abjad.Duration(x) for x in durations] assert isinstance(tempo, abjad.MetronomeMark) durations = [x for x in abjad.sequence.sum_by_sign(durations, sign=[-1]) if x] durations = [tempo.duration_to_milliseconds(_) for _ in durations] offsets = abjad.math.cumulative_sums([abs(_) for _ in durations]) q_events = [] for pair in zip(offsets, durations): offset = abjad.Offset(pair[0]) assert isinstance(pair[1], abjad.Duration) duration: abjad.Duration = pair[1] q_event: QEvent # negative duration indicates silence if duration < 0: q_event = SilentQEvent(offset) # otherwise use middle C else: q_event = PitchedQEvent(offset, [0]) q_events.append(q_event) # insert terminating silence QEvent q_events.append(TerminalQEvent(offsets[-1])) return class_(q_events)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tempo_scaled_leaves(class_, leaves, tempo=None) -> "QEventSequence": r""" Changes ``leaves``, optionally with ``tempo`` into a ``QEventSequence``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 <d' fs'>8. r16 gqs'2") >>> tempo = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 72) >>> sequence = nauert.QEventSequence.from_tempo_scaled_leaves(staff[:], tempo) >>> for q_event in sequence: ... q_event ... PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((0, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"),), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((2500, 3)), pitches=(NamedPitch("d'"), NamedPitch("fs'")), index=None, attachments=()) SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((4375, 3)), index=None, attachments=()) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((5000, 3)), pitches=(NamedPitch("gqs'"),), index=None, attachments=()) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((10000, 3)), index=None, attachments=()) If ``tempo`` is ``None``, all leaves in ``leaves`` must have an effective, non-imprecise tempo. The millisecond-duration of each leaf will be determined by its effective tempo. """ assert len(leaves) if tempo is None: prototype = abjad.MetronomeMark assert abjad.get.effective(leaves[0], prototype) is not None elif isinstance(tempo, abjad.MetronomeMark): tempo = copy.deepcopy(tempo) elif isinstance(tempo, tuple): tempo = abjad.MetronomeMark(*tempo) else: raise TypeError(tempo) # sort by silence and tied leaves groups = [] for rvalue, rgroup in itertools.groupby( leaves, lambda x: isinstance(x, (abjad.Rest, abjad.Skip)) ): if rvalue: groups.append(list(rgroup)) else: for tvalue, tgroup in itertools.groupby( rgroup, lambda x: abjad._iterlib._get_logical_tie_leaves(x) ): groups.append(list(tgroup)) # calculate lists of pitches and durations durations = [] pitches = [] for group in groups: # get millisecond cumulative duration if tempo is not None: duration = sum( tempo.duration_to_milliseconds(x._get_duration()) for x in group ) else: duration = sum( abjad.get.effective( x, abjad.MetronomeMark ).duration_to_milliseconds(x._get_duration()) for x in group ) durations.append(duration) pitch: typing.Any # get pitch of first leaf in group if isinstance(group[0], (abjad.Rest, abjad.Skip)): pitch = None elif isinstance(group[0], abjad.Note): assert group[0].written_pitch is not None pitch = group[0].written_pitch.number # chord else: pitch = [x.written_pitch.number for x in group[0].note_heads] pitches.append(pitch) # convert durations and pitches to QEvents and return return class_.from_millisecond_pitch_pairs(tuple(zip(durations, pitches)))