Source code for abjadext.nauert.qevents

import abc
import collections
import numbers
import typing

import abjad

[docs] class QEvent(abc.ABC): """ Abstract Q-event. Represents an attack point to be quantized. All ``QEvents`` possess a rational offset in milliseconds, and an optional index for disambiguating events which fall on the same offset in a ``QGrid``. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_attachments", "_index", "_offset") ### INITIALIZER ### @abc.abstractmethod def __init__( self, offset: abjad.typings.Offset = 0, index: int | None = None, attachments: typing.Iterable | None = None, ): offset = abjad.Offset(offset) self._offset = offset self._index = index self._attachments = tuple(attachments or ()) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when `epxr` is a q-event with offset greater than that of this q-event. Otherwise false. """ if type(self) is type(self): if self.offset < argument.offset: return True return False
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}(offset={self.offset!r}, index={self.index!r}, attachments={self.attachments!r})"
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def attachments(self) -> tuple: """ The attachments of the QEvent. """ return self._attachments @property def index(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """ The optional index, for sorting QEvents with identical offsets. """ return self._index @property def offset(self) -> abjad.Offset: """ The offset in milliseconds of the event. """ return self._offset
[docs] @classmethod def from_offset_pitches_attachments( class_, offset, pitches, attachments ) -> "QEvent": match pitches: case assert all(isinstance(x, numbers.Number) for x in pitches) return PitchedQEvent(offset, pitches, attachments) case None: return SilentQEvent(offset, attachments) case int() | float(): return PitchedQEvent(offset, [pitches], attachments) case _: raise TypeError(type(pitches))
[docs] class PitchedQEvent(QEvent): """ Pitched q-event. Indicates the onset of a period of pitched material in a q-event sequence. .. container:: example >>> pitches = [0, 1, 4] >>> nauert.PitchedQEvent(1000, pitches) PitchedQEvent(offset=Offset((1000, 1)), pitches=(NamedPitch("c'"), NamedPitch("cs'"), NamedPitch("e'")), index=None, attachments=()) """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_attachments", "_index", "_offset", "_pitches") ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, offset: abjad.typings.Offset = 0, pitches: typing.Iterable[int | float] | None = None, attachments: typing.Iterable | None = None, index: int | None = None, ): QEvent.__init__(self, offset=offset, index=index) if attachments is None: attachments = () else: attachments = tuple(attachments) pitches = pitches or [] self._pitches = tuple([abjad.NamedPitch(x) for x in pitches]) self._attachments = attachments ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when `argument` is a pitched q-event with offset, pitches, attachments and index equal to those of this pitched q-event. Otherwise false. """ if ( type(self) is type(argument) and self.offset == argument.offset and self.pitches == argument.pitches and self.attachments == argument.attachments and self.index == argument.index ): return True return False
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes pitched q-event. Required to be explicitly redefined on Python 3 if __eq__ changes. """ return super(PitchedQEvent, self).__hash__()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}(offset={self.offset!r}, pitches={self.pitches!r}, index={self.index!r}, attachments={self.attachments!r})"
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def attachments(self) -> tuple: """ Attachments of pitched q-event. """ return self._attachments @property def pitches(self) -> tuple[abjad.NamedPitch, ...]: """ Pitches of pitched q-event. """ return self._pitches
[docs] class SilentQEvent(QEvent): """ Silent q-event. .. container:: example >>> q_event = nauert.SilentQEvent(1000) >>> q_event SilentQEvent(offset=Offset((1000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_attachments",) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, offset: abjad.typings.Offset = 0, attachments: typing.Iterable | None = None, index: int | None = None, ): QEvent.__init__(self, offset=offset, index=index) if attachments is None: attachments = () else: attachments = tuple(attachments) self._attachments = attachments ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when `argument` is a silent q-event with offset, attachments and index equal to those of this silent q-event. Otherwise false. """ if ( type(self) is type(argument) and self._offset == argument._offset and self._attachments == argument._attachments and self._index == argument._index ): return True return False
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """Hashes silent q-event. Required to be explicitly redefined on Python 3 if __eq__ changes. """ return super(SilentQEvent, self).__hash__()
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def attachments(self) -> tuple: """ Gets attachments of silent q-event. """ return self._attachments
[docs] class TerminalQEvent(QEvent): """ Terminal q-event. .. container:: example >>> nauert.TerminalQEvent(1000) TerminalQEvent(offset=Offset((1000, 1)), index=None, attachments=()) Carries no significance outside the context of a ``QEventSequence``. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_offset",) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__(self, offset: abjad.typings.Offset = 0): QEvent.__init__(self, offset=offset) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when `argument` is a terminal q-event with offset equal to that of this terminal q-event. Otherwise false. """ if type(self) is type(argument) and self.offset == argument.offset: return True return False
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes terminal q-event. Required to be explicitly redefined on Python 3 if __eq__ changes. """ return super(TerminalQEvent, self).__hash__()