Source code for

import enum
import typing

from . import duration as _duration
from . import get as _get
from . import indicators as _indicators
from . import instruments as _instruments
from . import iterate as _iterate
from . import iterpitches as _iterpitches
from . import parentage as _parentage
from . import score as _score
from . import sequence as _sequence
from . import tag as _tag

def _aggregate_context_wrappers(argument):
    Special_Voice may contain other instances of Special_Voice.
    This currently happens with OnBeatGraceContainer.
    This method aggregates all Special_Voice wrappers for checks.
    context_name_to_wrappers = {}
    for context in _iterate.components(argument, _score.Context):
        if not in context_name_to_wrappers:
            context_name_to_wrappers[] = []
        wrappers = context._dependent_wrappers[:]
    return context_name_to_wrappers

[docs] def check_beamed_lone_notes(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks beamed lone notes. .. container:: example Beamed single notes are not wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StartBeam(), voice[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StopBeam(), voice[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'8 [ ] d'8 e'8 f'8 } >>> ([Note("c'8")], 4) The examples above feature Abjad voice containers because beams are voice-persistent. """ violators, total = [], 0 for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): total += 1 if _get.has_indicator(leaf, _indicators.StartBeam): if _get.has_indicator(leaf, _indicators.StopBeam): violators.append(leaf) return violators, total
[docs] def check_beamed_long_notes(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks beamed long notes. .. container:: example Beamed quarter notes are not wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StartBeam(), voice[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StopBeam(), voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 [ d'4 ] e'4 f'4 } >>> ([Note("c'4"), Note("d'4")], 4) Beamed eighth notes are wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StartBeam(), voice[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StopBeam(), voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'8 [ d'8 ] e'8 f'8 } >>> ([], 4) The examples above feature Abjad voice containers because beams are voice-persistent. """ violators, total = [], 0 for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): total += 1 if leaf.written_duration < _duration.Duration((1, 4)): continue start_wrapper = _get.effective(leaf, _indicators.StartBeam, unwrap=False) if start_wrapper is None: continue stop_wrapper = _get.effective(leaf, _indicators.StopBeam, unwrap=False) if stop_wrapper is None: violators.append(leaf) continue if stop_wrapper.leaked_start_offset < start_wrapper.leaked_start_offset: violators.append(leaf) continue leaf_start_offset = leaf._get_timespan().start_offset if stop_wrapper.leaked_start_offset == leaf_start_offset: violators.append(leaf) return violators, total
[docs] def check_duplicate_ids(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: """ Checks duplicate IDs. """ violators = [] components = _iterate.components(argument) total_ids = [id(_) for _ in components] unique_ids = _sequence.remove_repeats(total_ids) if len(unique_ids) < len(total_ids): for current_id in unique_ids: if 1 < total_ids.count(current_id): violators.extend([_ for _ in components if id(_) == current_id]) return violators, len(total_ids)
[docs] def check_empty_containers(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks empty containers. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> staff.append(abjad.Container()) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 { } } >>> violators, total = >>> violators [Container()] """ violators, containers = [], set() for container in _iterate.components(argument, _score.Container): containers.add(container) if len(container) == 0: violators.append(container) return violators, len(containers)
[docs] def check_missing_parents(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: """ Checks missing parents. """ violators, total = [], set() components = _iterate.components(argument) for i, component in enumerate(components): total.add(component) if 0 < i: # BeforeGraceContainer._parent is always none; # so must use Parentage.parent, # which calls BeforeGraceContainer._get_parentage() if _parentage.Parentage(component).parent is None: violators.append(component) return violators, len(total)
[docs] def check_notes_on_wrong_clef(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks notes and chords on wrong clef. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> clef = abjad.Clef('alto') >>> abjad.attach(clef, staff[0]) >>> violin = abjad.Violin() >>> abjad.attach(violin, staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \clef "alto" c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } >>> ([Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8"), Note("f'8")], 4) .. container:: example All instruments allow percussion clef: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> clef = abjad.Clef('percussion') >>> abjad.attach(clef, staff[0]) >>> violin = abjad.Violin() >>> abjad.attach(violin, staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \clef "percussion" c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } >>> ([], 4) """ violators, total = [], set() for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): total.add(leaf) instrument = _get.effective(leaf, _instruments.Instrument) if instrument is None: continue effective_clef = _get.effective(leaf, _indicators.Clef) if effective_clef is None: continue clefs = [] for clef in instrument.clefs: if isinstance(clef, str): clef = _indicators.Clef(clef) assert isinstance(clef, _indicators.Clef), repr(clef) clefs.append(clef) clefs.append(_indicators.Clef("percussion")) if effective_clef not in clefs: violators.append(leaf) return violators, len(total)
[docs] def check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks orphaned dependent wrappers. This should normally never happen because Abjad manages dependent wrappers behind the scenes. This check exists to make sure that any new code added to Abjad doesn't accidentally mangle dependent-wrapper handling. .. container:: example >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 [ d' e' f'") >>> assert len(voice._dependent_wrappers) == 1 >>> wrapper = voice._dependent_wrappers[0] >>> wrapper Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Voice', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=StartBeam(), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) >>> wrapper.component Note("c'8") >>> ([], 1) >>> voice[0:1] = [abjad.Note("cs'8")] >>> voice._dependent_wrappers [] >>> ([], 0) >>> voice._dependent_wrappers.append(wrapper) >>> assert len(voice._dependent_wrappers) == 1 >>> assert wrapper.component not in voice >>> ([Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Voice', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=StartBeam(), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))], 1) """ violators, total = [], 0 for context in _iterate.components(argument, _score.Context): assert isinstance(context, _score.Context) for wrapper in context._dependent_wrappers: total += 1 parentage = _get.parentage(wrapper.component) if context not in parentage: violators.append(wrapper) return violators, total
[docs] def check_out_of_range_pitches( argument, *, allow_indicators: typing.Sequence[str | enum.Enum] = () ) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks out-of-range notes. .. container:: example Out of range: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 <d fs>8 r8") >>> violin = abjad.Violin() >>> abjad.attach(violin, staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 r8 <d fs>8 r8 } >>> ([Chord('<d fs>8')], 2) .. container:: example Using ``allow_indicators``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 <d fs>8 r8") >>> violin = abjad.Violin() >>> abjad.attach(violin, staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach("ALLOW_OUT_OF_RANGE", staff[2]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 r8 <d fs>8 r8 } Does not check for indicator: >>> violators, total = >>> violators [Chord('<d fs>8')] Does check for indicator: >>> violators, total = ... staff, allow_indicators=["ALLOW_OUT_OF_RANGE"] ... ) >>> violators [] """ violators, total = [], set() for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument, pitched=True): total.add(leaf) ok = False for indicator in allow_indicators or (): if leaf._has_indicator(indicator): ok = True if ok is True: continue if "unpitched" in argument._get_indicators(str): continue instrument = _get.effective(leaf, _instruments.Instrument) if instrument is None: continue if not _iterpitches.sounding_pitches_are_in_range(leaf, instrument.pitch_range): violators.append(leaf) return violators, len(total)
[docs] def check_overlapping_beams(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks overlapping beams. .. container:: example >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 [ d' [ e' f' ]") >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'8 [ d'8 [ e'8 f'8 ] } >>> ([Note("d'8")], 3) >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 [ d' [ e' ] f' ]") >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'8 [ d'8 [ e'8 ] f'8 ] } >>> ([Note("d'8")], 4) >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 [ d' e' f' ]") >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'8 [ d'8 e'8 f'8 ] } >>> ([], 2) """ violators, total = [], 0 context_name_to_wrappers = _aggregate_context_wrappers(argument) for _, wrappers in context_name_to_wrappers.items(): wrappers.sort(key=lambda _: _get.timespan(_.component).start_offset) open_beam_count = 0 for wrapper in wrappers: if _get.grace(wrapper.component) is True: continue total += 1 if isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StartBeam): open_beam_count += 1 elif isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StopBeam): open_beam_count -= 1 if open_beam_count < 0 or 1 < open_beam_count: violators.append(wrapper.component) return violators, total
[docs] def check_overlapping_text_spanners(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks overlapping text spanners. Overlapping text spanners are not wellformed: .. container:: example >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.text_spanner(voice) >>> abjad.text_spanner(voice[1:3]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \startTextSpan d'4 \startTextSpan e'4 \stopTextSpan f'4 \stopTextSpan } >>> ([Note("d'4")], 2) .. container:: example Overlapping text spanners with different IDs are wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.text_spanner(voice) >>> command = r'\startTextSpanOne' >>> start_text_span = abjad.StartTextSpan(command=command) >>> abjad.attach(start_text_span, voice[1]) >>> command = r'\stopTextSpanOne' >>> stop_text_span = abjad.StopTextSpan(command=command) >>> abjad.attach(stop_text_span, voice[2]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \startTextSpan d'4 \startTextSpanOne e'4 \stopTextSpanOne f'4 \stopTextSpan } >>> ([], 2) .. container:: example Enchained text spanners do not overlap (and are wellformed): >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.text_spanner(voice[:3]) >>> abjad.text_spanner(voice[-2:]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \startTextSpan d'4 e'4 \stopTextSpan \startTextSpan f'4 \stopTextSpan } >>> ([], 2) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Matching start- and stop-text-spans on a single leaf do not overlap (and are wellformed) iff stop-text-span leaks to the right: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'2 d'2 e'2 f'2") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StartTextSpan(), voice[0]) >>> stop_text_span = abjad.StopTextSpan(leak=True) >>> abjad.attach(stop_text_span, voice[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StartTextSpan(), voice[2]) >>> stop_text_span = abjad.StopTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(stop_text_span, voice[3]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'2 \startTextSpan <> \stopTextSpan d'2 e'2 \startTextSpan f'2 \stopTextSpan } >>> ([], 2) """ violators, total = [], 0 def key(wrapper): if isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StartTextSpan): priority = 1 else: priority = 0 return (wrapper.leaked_start_offset, priority) context_name_to_wrappers = _aggregate_context_wrappers(argument) for _, wrappers in context_name_to_wrappers.items(): wrappers.sort(key=key) open_spanners: dict = {} for wrapper in wrappers: if wrapper.deactivate is True: continue if isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StartTextSpan): total += 1 command = wrapper.unbundle_indicator().command command = command.replace("start", "") command = command.replace("Start", "") if command not in open_spanners: open_spanners[command] = [] if open_spanners[command]: violators.append(wrapper.component) open_spanners[command].append(wrapper.component) elif isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StopTextSpan): command = wrapper.unbundle_indicator().command command = command.replace("stop", "") command = command.replace("Stop", "") if command in open_spanners and open_spanners[command]: open_spanners[command].pop() return violators, total
[docs] def check_unmatched_stop_text_spans(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks unmatched stop text spans. .. container:: example Unmatched stop text span is not wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> stop_text_span = abjad.StopTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(stop_text_span, voice[-1]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 \stopTextSpan } >>> ([Note("c'4")], 0) Matched stop text span is wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> start_text_span = abjad.StartTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(start_text_span, voice[0]) >>> stop_text_span = abjad.StopTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(stop_text_span, voice[-1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \startTextSpan c'4 c'4 c'4 \stopTextSpan } >>> True """ violators, total = [], 0 context_name_to_wrappers = _aggregate_context_wrappers(argument) for _, wrappers in context_name_to_wrappers.items(): wrappers.sort(key=lambda _: _.leaked_start_offset) open_spanners: dict = {} for wrapper in wrappers: if isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StartTextSpan): total += 1 command = wrapper.unbundle_indicator().command command = command.replace("start", "") command = command.replace("Start", "") if command not in open_spanners: open_spanners[command] = [] open_spanners[command].append(wrapper.component) elif isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StopTextSpan): command = wrapper.unbundle_indicator().command command = command.replace("stop", "") command = command.replace("Stop", "") if command not in open_spanners or not open_spanners[command]: violators.append(wrapper.component) else: open_spanners[command].pop() return violators, total
[docs] def check_unterminated_hairpins(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks unterminated hairpins. .. container:: example Unterminated crescendo is not wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> start_hairpin = abjad.StartHairpin('<') >>> abjad.attach(start_hairpin, voice[0]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \< c'4 c'4 c'4 } >>> ([Note("c'4")], 1) Even with start dynamic: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> dynamic = abjad.Dynamic('f') >>> abjad.attach(dynamic, voice[0]) >>> start_hairpin = abjad.StartHairpin('<') >>> abjad.attach(start_hairpin, voice[0]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \f \< c'4 c'4 c'4 } >>> ([Note("c'4")], 1) Terminated crescendo is wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> start_hairpin = abjad.StartHairpin('<') >>> abjad.attach(start_hairpin, voice[0]) >>> dynamic = abjad.Dynamic('f') >>> abjad.attach(dynamic, voice[-1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \< c'4 c'4 c'4 \f } >>> True .. container:: example Bang-terminated crescendo is wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> start_hairpin = abjad.StartHairpin('<') >>> abjad.attach(start_hairpin, voice[0]) >>> stop_hairpin = abjad.StopHairpin() >>> abjad.attach(stop_hairpin, voice[-1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \< c'4 c'4 c'4 \! } >>> True """ violators, total = [], 0 context_name_to_wrappers = _aggregate_context_wrappers(argument) for _, wrappers in context_name_to_wrappers.items(): last_dynamic = None last_tag = _tag.Tag() wrappers.sort(key=lambda _: _.leaked_start_offset) for wrapper in wrappers: parameter = getattr(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), "parameter", None) if parameter == "DYNAMIC" or isinstance( wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StopHairpin ): last_dynamic = wrapper.unbundle_indicator() last_tag = wrapper.tag if isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StartHairpin): total += 1 if ( isinstance(last_dynamic, _indicators.StartHairpin) and _tag.Tag("RIGHT_BROKEN").string not in last_tag.string ): violators.append(wrapper.component) return violators, total
[docs] def check_unterminated_text_spanners(argument) -> tuple[list, int]: r""" Checks unterminated text spanners. .. container:: example Unterminated text spanner is not wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> start_text_span = abjad.StartTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(start_text_span, voice[0]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \startTextSpan c'4 c'4 c'4 } >>> ([Note("c'4")], 1) Terminated text span is wellformed: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> start_text_span = abjad.StartTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(start_text_span, voice[0]) >>> stop_text_span = abjad.StopTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(stop_text_span, voice[-1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \startTextSpan c'4 c'4 c'4 \stopTextSpan } >>> True """ violators, total = [], 0 context_name_to_wrappers = _aggregate_context_wrappers(argument) for _, wrappers in context_name_to_wrappers.items(): wrappers.sort(key=lambda _: _.leaked_start_offset) open_spanners: dict = {} for wrapper in wrappers: if wrapper.deactivate is True: continue if isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StartTextSpan): total += 1 command = wrapper.unbundle_indicator().command command = command.replace("start", "") command = command.replace("Start", "") if command not in open_spanners: open_spanners[command] = [] open_spanners[command].append(wrapper.component) elif isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), _indicators.StopTextSpan): command = wrapper.unbundle_indicator().command command = command.replace("stop", "") command = command.replace("Stop", "") if command not in open_spanners or not open_spanners[command]: # unmatched stop text span pass else: open_spanners[command].pop() for command, list_ in open_spanners.items(): for component in list_: violators.append(component) return violators, total
_globals = globals() def _call_functions( component, check_beamed_lone_notes: bool = True, check_beamed_long_notes: bool = True, check_duplicate_ids: bool = True, check_empty_containers: bool = True, check_missing_parents: bool = True, check_notes_on_wrong_clef: bool = True, check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers: bool = True, check_out_of_range_pitches: bool = True, check_overlapping_beams: bool = True, check_overlapping_text_spanners: bool = True, check_unmatched_stop_text_spans: bool = True, check_unterminated_hairpins: bool = True, check_unterminated_text_spanners: bool = True, ): triples = [] if check_beamed_lone_notes: name = "check_beamed_lone_notes" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_beamed_long_notes: name = "check_beamed_long_notes" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_duplicate_ids: name = "check_duplicate_ids" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_empty_containers: name = "check_empty_containers" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_missing_parents: name = "check_missing_parents" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_notes_on_wrong_clef: name = "check_notes_on_wrong_clef" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers: name = "check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_out_of_range_pitches: name = "check_out_of_range_pitches" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_overlapping_beams: name = "check_overlapping_beams" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_overlapping_text_spanners: name = "check_overlapping_text_spanners" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_unmatched_stop_text_spans: name = "check_unmatched_stop_text_spans" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_unterminated_hairpins: name = "check_unterminated_hairpins" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) if check_unterminated_text_spanners: name = "check_unterminated_text_spanners" violators, count = _globals[name](component) triples.append((violators, count, name)) return triples
[docs] def tabulate_wellformedness( component, check_beamed_lone_notes: bool = True, check_beamed_long_notes: bool = True, check_duplicate_ids: bool = True, check_empty_containers: bool = True, check_missing_parents: bool = True, check_notes_on_wrong_clef: bool = True, check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers: bool = True, check_out_of_range_pitches: bool = True, check_overlapping_beams: bool = True, check_overlapping_text_spanners: bool = True, check_unmatched_stop_text_spans: bool = True, check_unterminated_hairpins: bool = True, check_unterminated_text_spanners: bool = True, ) -> tuple[int, str]: """ Tabulates wellformedness. """ triples = _call_functions( component, check_beamed_lone_notes=check_beamed_lone_notes, check_beamed_long_notes=check_beamed_long_notes, check_duplicate_ids=check_duplicate_ids, check_empty_containers=check_empty_containers, check_missing_parents=check_missing_parents, check_notes_on_wrong_clef=check_notes_on_wrong_clef, check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers=check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers, check_out_of_range_pitches=check_out_of_range_pitches, check_overlapping_beams=check_overlapping_beams, check_overlapping_text_spanners=check_overlapping_text_spanners, check_unmatched_stop_text_spans=check_unmatched_stop_text_spans, check_unterminated_hairpins=check_unterminated_hairpins, check_unterminated_text_spanners=check_unterminated_text_spanners, ) strings = [] total_violators = 0 for violators, total, name in triples: violator_count = len(violators) name = name.replace("check_", "") name = name.replace("_", " ") string = f"{violator_count} / {total} {name}" strings.append(string) total_violators += violator_count return total_violators, "\n".join(strings)
[docs] def wellformed( component, check_beamed_lone_notes: bool = True, check_beamed_long_notes: bool = True, check_duplicate_ids: bool = True, check_empty_containers: bool = True, check_missing_parents: bool = True, check_notes_on_wrong_clef: bool = True, check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers: bool = True, check_out_of_range_pitches: bool = True, check_overlapping_beams: bool = True, check_overlapping_text_spanners: bool = True, check_unmatched_stop_text_spans: bool = True, check_unterminated_hairpins: bool = True, check_unterminated_text_spanners: bool = True, ) -> bool: """ Is true when ``component`` is wellformed. """ triples = _call_functions( component, check_beamed_lone_notes=check_beamed_lone_notes, check_beamed_long_notes=check_beamed_long_notes, check_duplicate_ids=check_duplicate_ids, check_empty_containers=check_empty_containers, check_missing_parents=check_missing_parents, check_notes_on_wrong_clef=check_notes_on_wrong_clef, check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers=check_orphaned_dependent_wrappers, check_out_of_range_pitches=check_out_of_range_pitches, check_overlapping_beams=check_overlapping_beams, check_overlapping_text_spanners=check_overlapping_text_spanners, check_unmatched_stop_text_spans=check_unmatched_stop_text_spans, check_unterminated_hairpins=check_unterminated_hairpins, check_unterminated_text_spanners=check_unterminated_text_spanners, ) for violators, total, name in triples: if violators: return False return True