Source code for

import collections
import itertools
import typing

from . import _getlib, _iterlib, _updatelib
from . import cyclictuple as _cyclictuple
from . import duration as _duration
from . import enums as _enums
from . import get as _get
from . import iterate as _iterate
from . import math as _math
from . import parentage as _parentage
from . import pattern as _pattern
from . import pcollections as _pcollections
from . import score as _score
from . import sequence as _sequence
from . import typings as _typings

def _head_filter_subresult(result, head):
    result_ = []
    for item in result:
        if isinstance(item, _score.Component):
            leaves = _iterlib._get_logical_tie_leaves(item)
            if head == (item is leaves[0]):
            if not all(isinstance(_, _score.Component) for _ in item):
                raise NotImplementedError(item)
            selection = []
            for component in item:
                leaves = _iterlib._get_logical_tie_leaves(component)
                if head == leaves[0]:
    assert isinstance(result_, list), repr(result_)
    return result_

def _is_immediate_child_of_outermost_voice(component):
    parentage = _parentage.Parentage(component)
    context = parentage.get(_score.Voice, -1) or parentage.get(_score.Context)
    if context is not None:
        return parentage.component._parent is context
    return None

def _tail_filter_subresult(result, tail):
    result_ = []
    for item in result:
        if isinstance(item, _score.Component):
            leaves = _iterlib._get_logical_tie_leaves(item)
            if tail == (item is leaves[-1]):
            if not all(isinstance(_, _score.Component) for _ in item):
                raise NotImplementedError(item)
            selection = []
            for component in item:
                leaves = _iterlib._get_logical_tie_leaves(component)
                if tail == leaves[-1]:
    assert isinstance(result_, list), repr(result_)
    return result_

def _trim_subresult(result, trim):
    assert trim in (True, _enums.LEFT)
    prototype = (_score.MultimeasureRest, _score.Rest, _score.Skip)
    result_ = []
    found_good_component = False
    for item in result:
        if isinstance(item, _score.Component):
            if not isinstance(item, prototype):
                found_good_component = True
            if not all(isinstance(_, _score.Component) for _ in item):
                raise NotImplementedError(item)
            selection = []
            for component in item:
                if not isinstance(component, prototype):
                    found_good_component = True
                if found_good_component:
            item = selection
        if found_good_component:
    if trim is _enums.LEFT:
        result = result_
        result__ = []
        found_good_component = False
        for item in reversed(result_):
            if isinstance(item, _score.Component):
                if not isinstance(item, prototype):
                    found_good_component = True
                if not all(isinstance(_, _score.Component) for _ in item):
                    raise NotImplementedError(item)
                selection = []
                for component in reversed(item):
                    if not isinstance(component, prototype):
                        found_good_component = True
                    if found_good_component:
                        selection.insert(0, component)
                item = selection
            if found_good_component:
                result__.insert(0, item)
        assert isinstance(result__, list), repr(result__)
        result = result__
    return result

[docs] class LogicalTie( """ Logical tie of a component. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c' d' e' ~ e'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>>[2]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'4"), Note("e'4")]) """ __slots__ = ("_items",) def __init__(self, items=None): if items is None: items = [] if isinstance(items, _score.Component): items = [items] items = tuple(items) for item in items: if not isinstance(item, _score.Component): raise Exception("components only:\n {items!r}") self._items = tuple(items)
[docs] def __contains__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` is in selection. """ return argument in self.items
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when selection and ``argument`` are of the same type and when items in selection equal item in ``argument``. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.items == argument.items elif isinstance(argument, return self.items == tuple(argument) return False
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes selection. """ return id(self)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Gets number of items in selection. """ return len(self.items)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets interpreter representation of selection. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}(items={list(self.items)!r})"
[docs] def __getitem__(self, argument): """ Gets ``argument``. Returns component or list (not logical tie). """ result = self.items.__getitem__(argument) if isinstance(result, tuple): result = list(result) return result
def _scale(self, multiplier): for leaf in list(self): leaf._scale(multiplier) @property def head(self) -> _score.Leaf: """ Reference to element ``0`` in logical tie. """ assert self.items return self.items[0] @property def items(self) -> tuple: """ Gets items in selection. """ return self._items @property def is_pitched(self) -> bool: """ Is true when logical tie head is a note or chord. """ return hasattr(self.head, "written_pitch") or hasattr( self.head, "written_pitches" ) @property def is_trivial(self) -> bool: """ Is true when length of logical tie is less than or equal to ``1``. """ return len(self) <= 1 @property def tail(self) -> _score.Leaf: """ Gets last leaf in logical tie. """ assert self.items return self.items[-1] @property def written_duration(self) -> _duration.Duration: """ Sum of written duration of all components in logical tie. """ return _duration.Duration(sum([_.written_duration for _ in self]))
[docs] def chord( argument, n: int, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, ) -> _score.Chord: r""" Selects chord ``n`` in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects chord -1: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result =, -1) >>> result Chord("<fs' gs'>16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ return chords(argument, exclude=exclude, grace=grace)[n]
[docs] def chords( argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None ) -> list[_score.Chord]: r""" Selects chords in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects chords: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... Chord("<a'' b''>16") Chord("<d' e'>4") Chord("<d' e'>16") Chord("<a'' b''>16") Chord("<e' fs'>4") Chord("<e' fs'>16") Chord("<a'' b''>16") Chord("<fs' gs'>4") Chord("<fs' gs'>16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 bf'16 \abjad-color-music #'red <a'' b''>16 c'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue <d' e'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 bf'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue <a'' b''>16 d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red <e' fs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { r16 bf'16 \abjad-color-music #'red <a'' b''>16 e'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue <fs' gs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ items = [] prototype = _score.Chord for item in components(argument, prototype=prototype, exclude=exclude, grace=grace): assert isinstance(item, prototype) items.append(item) return items
[docs] def components( argument, prototype=None, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, ) -> list[_score.Component]: r""" Selects components. .. container:: example Selects notes: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d'8 ~ d'16 e'16 ~ e'8 r4 g'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Note) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'4") Note("d'8") Note("d'16") Note("e'16") Note("e'8") Note("g'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'16 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 r4 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 } .. container:: example Selects both main notes and graces when ``grace=None``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Leaf, grace=None) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("cf''16") Note("bf'16") Note("d'8") Note("af'16") Note("gf'16") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'blue cf''16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue \afterGrace d'8 { \abjad-color-music #'red af'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Leaf, grace=None) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'4") Note("d'4") Note("e'4") Note("gf'16") Note("f'4") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'4 } } .. container:: example Excludes grace notes when ``grace=False``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Leaf, grace=False) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \grace { cf''16 bf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue \afterGrace d'8 { af'16 gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Leaf, grace=False) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'4") Note("d'4") Note("e'4") Note("f'4") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'4 } } .. container:: example Selects only grace notes when ``grace=True``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Leaf, grace=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("cf''16") Note("bf'16") Note("af'16") Note("gf'16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'red cf''16 \abjad-color-music #'blue bf'16 } \afterGrace d'8 { \abjad-color-music #'red af'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } e'8 f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Leaf, grace=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("gf'16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red gf'16 } f'4 } } """ generator = _iterlib._public_iterate_components( argument, prototype=prototype, exclude=exclude, grace=None, reverse=reverse ) result = [] for component in generator: if ( grace is None or (grace is True and _get.grace(component)) or (grace is False and not _get.grace(component)) ): result.append(component) return result
_components_alias = components
[docs] def exclude(argument, indices: typing.Sequence[int], period: int | None = None) -> list: r""" Excludes items at ``indices`` by ``period``. .. container:: example Excludes every other leaf: >>> string = r"c'8 d'8 ~ d'8 e'8 ~ e'8 ~ e'8 r8 f'8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result =, [0], 2) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 ~ e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } .. container:: example Excludes every other logical tie: >>> string = r"c'8 d'8 ~ d'8 e'8 ~ e'8 ~ e'8 r8 f'8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result =, [0], 2) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8"), Note("d'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 e'8 ~ e'8 ~ e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } .. container:: example Excludes note 1 (or nothing) in each pitched logical tie: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'8 d'8 ~ d'8 e'8 ~ e'8 ~ e'8 r8 f'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> result = [, [1]) for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] [Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8"), Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 ~ d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 ~ e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } """ pattern = _pattern.Pattern(indices, period=period, inverted=True) items = _sequence.retain_pattern(argument, pattern) return list(items)
[docs] def filter(argument, predicate=None) -> list: r""" Filters ``argument`` by ``predicate``. .. container:: example Selects runs with duration equal to 2/8: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, lambda _ : abjad.get.duration(_) == abjad.Duration((2, 8)) ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8 } """ if predicate is None: return list(argument) items = [_ for _ in argument if predicate(_)] return items
[docs] def flatten(argument, depth: int = 1) -> list: r""" Flattens ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects first two leaves of each tuplet: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result = >>> result = [[:2] for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item [Rest('r16'), Note("bf'16")] [Rest('r16'), Note("bf'16")] [Rest('r16'), Note("bf'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 7/4 r16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { \abjad-color-music #'blue r16 \abjad-color-music #'blue bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'red r16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16 } } } } .. container:: example Selects first two leaves of all tuplets: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result = >>> result = [[:2] for _ in result] >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item Rest('r16') Note("bf'16") Rest('r16') Note("bf'16") Rest('r16') Note("bf'16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 7/4 r16 \abjad-color-music #'blue bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { \abjad-color-music #'red r16 \abjad-color-music #'blue bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'red r16 \abjad-color-music #'blue bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ items = _sequence.flatten(argument, depth=depth) return list(items)
[docs] def get( argument, indices: typing.Sequence[int] | tuple[list[int], int] | _pattern.Pattern, period: int | None = None, *, invert: bool = False, ) -> list: r""" Gets items in ``argument`` at ``indices`` according to ``period``. .. container:: example Gets every other leaf: >>> string = r"c'8 d'8 ~ d'8 e'8 ~ e'8 ~ e'8 r8 f'8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result =, [0], 2) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Rest('r8') >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 ~ e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 f'8 } .. container:: example Gets every other logical tie: >>> string = r"c'8 d'8 ~ d'8 e'8 ~ e'8 ~ e'8 r8 f'8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result =, [0], 2) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'8"), Note("e'8"), Note("e'8")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 d'8 ~ d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 r8 f'8 } .. container:: example Gets note 1 (or nothing) in each pitched logical tie: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'8 d'8 ~ d'8 e'8 ~ e'8 ~ e'8 r8 f'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> result = [, [1]) for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item [] [Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8")] [] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 ~ e'8 r8 f'8 } """ if isinstance(indices, _pattern.Pattern): assert period is None pattern = indices elif isinstance(indices, tuple): assert len(indices) == 2, repr(indices) indices_, period = indices assert isinstance(indices_, list), repr(indices_) assert isinstance(period, int), repr(period) pattern = _pattern.Pattern(indices_, period=period) else: pattern = _pattern.Pattern(indices, period=period) if invert is True: pattern = ~pattern items = _sequence.retain_pattern(argument, pattern) return list(items)
[docs] def group(argument) -> list[list]: r""" Groups ``argument`` in selection. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r''' ... c'8 ~ c'16 c'16 r8 c'16 c'16 ... d'8 ~ d'16 d'16 r8 d'16 d'16 ... ''') >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Note("d'8"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'green c'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 \abjad-color-music #'green d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 } """ return group_by(argument)
[docs] def group_by(argument, predicate=None) -> list[list]: r''' Groups items in ``argument`` by ``predicate``. .. container:: example Wraps selection in selection when ``predicate`` is none: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... c'8 ~ c'16 c'16 r8 c'16 c'16 ... d'8 ~ d'16 d'16 r8 d'16 d'16 ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Note("d'8"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'green c'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 \abjad-color-music #'green c'16 \abjad-color-music #'green d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 \abjad-color-music #'green d'16 } ''' items = [] if predicate is None: def predicate(argument): return True pairs = itertools.groupby(argument, predicate) for count, group in pairs: items.append(list(group)) return items
[docs] def group_by_contiguity(argument) -> list[list]: r''' Groups items in ``argument`` by contiguity. .. container:: example Groups pitched leaves by contiguity: >>> string = r"c'8 d' r \times 2/3 { e' r f' } g' a' r" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> staff.extend("r8 <c' e' g'>8 ~ <c' e' g'>4") >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] [Chord("<c' e' g'>8"), Chord("<c' e' g'>4")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 r8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 } \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 \abjad-color-music #'red a'8 r8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue <c' e' g'>8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue <c' e' g'>4 } .. container:: example Groups sixteenths by contiguity: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d'16 d' d' d' e'4 f'16 f' f' f'") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, lambda _: abjad.get.duration(_) == abjad.Duration(1, 16) ... ) >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")] [Note("f'16"), Note("f'16"), Note("f'16"), Note("f'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'4 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 e'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 } .. container:: example Groups short-duration logical ties by contiguity; then gets leaf 0 in each group: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d'8 ~ d'16 e'16 ~ e'8 f'4 g'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, lambda _: abjad.get.duration(_) < abjad.Duration(1, 4) ... ) >>> result = >>> result = [, 0) for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item Note("d'8") Note("g'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'4 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ d'16 e'16 ~ e'8 f'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 } .. container:: example Groups pitched leaves pitch; then regroups each group by contiguity: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... c'8 ~ c'16 c'16 r8 c'16 c'16 ... d'8 ~ d'16 d'16 r8 d'16 d'16 ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item [Note("c'8"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16")] [Note("c'16"), Note("c'16")] [Note("d'8"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")] [Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 } .. container:: example Groups pitched logical ties by contiguity; then regroups each group by pitch: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... c'8 ~ c'16 c'16 r8 c'16 c'16 ... d'8 ~ d'16 d'16 r8 d'16 d'16 ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8"), Note("c'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8"), Note("d'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16")])] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 } ''' result = [] selection = [] selection.extend(argument[:1]) for item in argument[1:]: this_timespan = _getlib._get_timespan(selection[-1]) that_timespan = _getlib._get_timespan(item) # remove displacement this_stop_offset = this_timespan.stop_offset this_stop_offset = _duration.Offset(this_stop_offset.pair) that_start_offset = that_timespan.start_offset that_start_offset = _duration.Offset(that_start_offset.pair) # if this_timespan.stop_offset == that_timespan.start_offset: if this_stop_offset == that_start_offset: selection.append(item) else: result.append(selection) selection = [item] if selection: result.append(selection) return result
[docs] def group_by_duration(argument) -> list[list]: r""" Groups items in ``argument`` by duration. .. container:: example Groups logical ties by duration: >>> string = "c'4 ~ c'16 d' ~ d' d' e'4 ~ e'16 f' ~ f' f'" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4"), Note("c'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'4"), Note("e'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'16"), Note("f'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'16")])] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue e'16 \abjad-color-music #'red f'16 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red f'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 } """ def predicate(argument): return _getlib._get_duration(argument) return group_by(argument, predicate=predicate)
[docs] def group_by_length(argument) -> list[list]: r""" Groups items in ``argument`` by length. .. container:: example Groups logical ties by length: >>> string = "c'4 ~ c'16 d' ~ d' d' e'4 ~ e'16 f' ~ f' f'" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4"), Note("c'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'4"), Note("e'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'16"), Note("f'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'16")])] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red e'4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'16 \abjad-color-music #'red f'16 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red f'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 } """ def predicate(argument): if isinstance(argument, _score.Leaf): return 1 return len(argument) return group_by(argument, predicate)
[docs] def group_by_measure(argument) -> list[list]: r""" Groups items in ``argument`` by measure. .. container:: example Groups leaves by measure: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' e' f' g' a' b' c''") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)), staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), staff[4]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((1, 8)), staff[7]) >>> result = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8"), Note("f'8")] [Note("g'8"), Note("a'8"), Note("b'8")] [Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red \time 3/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'red a'8 \abjad-color-music #'red b'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 1/8 c''8 } .. container:: example Groups leaves by measure and joins pairs of consecutive groups: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' e' f' g' a' b' c''") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)), staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), staff[4]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((1, 8)), staff[7]) >>> result = >>> result = >>> result =, [2], cyclic=True) >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8"), Note("f'8")] [Note("g'8"), Note("a'8"), Note("b'8"), Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 3/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue b'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 1/8 c''8 } .. container:: example Groups leaves by measure; then gets item 0 in each group: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' e' f' g' a' b' c''") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)), staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), staff[4]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((1, 8)), staff[7]) >>> result = >>> result = >>> result = [_[0] for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item Note("c'8") Note("e'8") Note("g'8") Note("c''8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red \time 3/8 g'8 a'8 b'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 1/8 c''8 } .. container:: example Groups leaves by measure; then gets item -1 in each group: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' e' f' g' a' b' c''") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)), staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), staff[4]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((1, 8)), staff[7]) >>> result = >>> result = >>> result = [_[-1] for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("d'8") Note("f'8") Note("b'8") Note("c''8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \time 3/8 g'8 a'8 \abjad-color-music #'red b'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 1/8 c''8 } .. container:: example Works with implicit time signatures: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f' g' a' b' c''") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> score = abjad.Score([staff]) >>> string = r"\musicLength 16" >>> abjad.setting(score).proportionalNotationDuration = string >>> result = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'4"), Note("d'4"), Note("e'4"), Note("f'4")] [Note("g'4"), Note("a'4"), Note("b'4"), Note("c''4")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'red d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red e'4 \abjad-color-music #'red f'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue b'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue c''4 } .. container:: example Groups logical ties by measure: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' ~ d' e' ~ e' f' g' ~ g'") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)), staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), staff[4]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((1, 8)), staff[7]) >>> result = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8"), Note("d'8")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'8"), Note("e'8")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("g'8"), Note("g'8")])] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 3/8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red \time 1/8 g'8 } .. container:: example REGRESSION: works for pickup measure: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4 | d'4 e'4 f'4 | g'4 a'4 b'4") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4), partial=abjad.Duration(1, 4)) >>> abjad.attach(time_signature, staff[0]) >>> leaves = >>> for measure in ... print(measure) ... [Note("c'4")] [Note("d'4"), Note("e'4"), Note("f'4")] [Note("g'4"), Note("a'4"), Note("b'4")] """ def _get_first_component(argument): component = components(argument)[0] assert isinstance(component, _score.Component) return component def _get_measure_number(argument): first_component = _get_first_component(argument) assert first_component._measure_number is not None return first_component._measure_number selections = [] first_component = _get_first_component(argument) _updatelib._update_measure_numbers(first_component) pairs = itertools.groupby(argument, _get_measure_number) for value, group in pairs: selections.append(list(group)) return selections
[docs] def group_by_pitch(argument) -> list[list]: r""" Groups items in ``argument`` by pitch. .. container:: example Groups logical ties by pitches: >>> string = "c'4 ~ c'16 d' ~ d' d' e'4 ~ e'16 f' ~ f' f'" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> lts = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4"), Note("c'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16"), Note("d'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'4"), Note("e'16")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'16"), Note("f'16")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'16")])] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red e'4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'16 } """ def predicate(argument): generator = _iterate.pitches(argument) return _pcollections.PitchSet(generator) return group_by(argument, predicate)
[docs] def leaf( argument, n: int, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, head: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, prototype=None, reverse: bool | None = None, tail: bool | None = None, trim: bool | _enums.Horizontal | None = None, ) -> _score.Leaf: r""" Selects leaf ``n` in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects leaf -1: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result =, -1) >>> result Chord("<fs' gs'>16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ return leaves( argument, exclude=exclude, grace=grace, head=head, pitched=pitched, prototype=prototype, reverse=reverse, tail=tail, trim=trim, )[n]
@typing.overload def leaves( argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, head: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, tail: bool | None = None, trim: bool | _enums.Horizontal | None = None, ) -> list[_score.Leaf]: pass @typing.overload def leaves( argument, prototype: typing.Type[_score.Chord], *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, head: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, tail: bool | None = None, trim: bool | _enums.Horizontal | None = None, ) -> list[_score.Chord]: pass @typing.overload def leaves( argument, prototype: typing.Type[_score.MultimeasureRest], *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, head: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, tail: bool | None = None, trim: bool | _enums.Horizontal | None = None, ) -> list[_score.MultimeasureRest]: pass @typing.overload def leaves( argument, prototype: typing.Type[_score.Note], *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, head: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, tail: bool | None = None, trim: bool | _enums.Horizontal | None = None, ) -> list[_score.Note]: pass
[docs] def leaves( argument, prototype=None, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, head: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, tail: bool | None = None, trim: bool | _enums.Horizontal | None = None, ): r''' Selects leaves in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects leaves: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { r8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' r8 } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... Rest('r8') Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") Rest('r8') Rest('r8') Note("f'8") Note("e'8") Note("d'8") Rest('r8') >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 } } .. container:: example Selects pitched leaves: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { r8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' r8 } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") Note("f'8") Note("e'8") Note("d'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 r8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 r8 } } .. container:: example Trimmed leaves are the correct selection for ottava brackets. Selects trimmed leaves: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { r8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' r8 } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, trim=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") Rest('r8') Rest('r8') Note("f'8") Note("e'8") Note("d'8") >>> abjad.ottava(result) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { r8 \abjad-color-music #'red \ottava 1 d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \ottava 0 r8 } } .. container:: example Set ``trim`` to ``abjad.LEFT`` to trim rests at left (and preserve rests at right): >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { r8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' r8 } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, trim=abjad.LEFT) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") Rest('r8') Rest('r8') Note("f'8") Note("e'8") Note("d'8") Rest('r8') >>> abjad.ottava(result) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { r8 \abjad-color-music #'red \ottava 1 d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \ottava 0 } } .. container:: example REGRESSION: selects trimmed leaves (even when there are no rests to trim): >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { c'8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' c' } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, trim=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") Rest('r8') Rest('r8') Note("f'8") Note("e'8") Note("d'8") Note("c'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'8 } } .. container:: example Selects leaves in tuplets: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { r8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' r8 } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Tuplet) >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... Rest('r8') Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("e'8") Note("d'8") Rest('r8') >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 } f'8 r8 r8 f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 } } .. container:: example Selects trimmed leaves in tuplets: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { r8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' r8 } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Tuplet) >>> result =, trim=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("e'8") Note("d'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 } f'8 r8 r8 f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 r8 } } .. container:: example Pitched heads is the correct selection for most articulations. Selects pitched heads in tuplets: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { c'8 d' ~ d' } e' r ... r e' \times 2/3 { d' ~ d' c' } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Tuplet) >>> result =, head=True, pitched=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("d'8") Note("d'8") Note("c'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 ~ d'8 } e'8 r8 r8 e'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'8 } } .. container:: example Pitched tails in the correct selection for laissez vibrer. Selects pitched tails in tuplets: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { c'8 d' ~ d' } e' r ... r e' \times 2/3 { d' ~ d' c' } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Tuplet) >>> result =, tail=True, pitched=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("d'8") Note("d'8") Note("c'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 } e'8 r8 r8 e'8 \tuplet 3/2 { d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'8 } } .. container:: example Chord heads are the correct selection for arpeggios. Selects chord heads in tuplets: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { <c' e' g'>8 ~ <c' e' g'> d' } e' r ... r <g d' fs'> \times 2/3 { e' <c' d'> ~ <c' d'> } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Tuplet) >>> result =, abjad.Chord, head=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Chord("<c' e' g'>8") Chord("<c' d'>8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red <c' e' g'>8 ~ <c' e' g'>8 d'8 } e'8 r8 r8 <g d' fs'>8 \tuplet 3/2 { e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue <c' d'>8 ~ <c' d'>8 } } .. container:: example Excludes leaves with ``"HIDDEN"`` indicator: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { r8 d' e' } f' r ... r f' \times 2/3 { e' d' r8 } ... """) >>> abjad.attach("HIDDEN", staff[-1][-2]) >>> abjad.attach("HIDDEN", staff[-1][-1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, exclude="HIDDEN") >>> for item in result: ... item ... Rest('r8') Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") Rest('r8') Rest('r8') Note("f'8") Note("e'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 d'8 r8 } } .. container:: example Selects both main notes and graces when ``grace=None``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=None) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("cf''16") Note("bf'16") Note("d'8") Note("af'16") Note("gf'16") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'blue cf''16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue \afterGrace d'8 { \abjad-color-music #'red af'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=None) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'4") Note("d'4") Note("e'4") Note("gf'16") Note("f'4") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'4 } } .. container:: example Excludes grace notes when ``grace=False``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=False) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("d'8") Note("e'8") Note("f'8") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \grace { cf''16 bf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue \afterGrace d'8 { af'16 gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=False) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'4") Note("d'4") Note("e'4") Note("f'4") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'4 } } .. container:: example Selects only grace notes when ``grace=True``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("cf''16") Note("bf'16") Note("af'16") Note("gf'16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'red cf''16 \abjad-color-music #'blue bf'16 } \afterGrace d'8 { \abjad-color-music #'red af'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } e'8 f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("gf'16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red gf'16 } f'4 } } ''' assert trim in (True, False, _enums.LEFT, None) if pitched: prototype = (_score.Chord, _score.Note) elif prototype is None: prototype = _score.Leaf prototype = prototype or _score.Component if not isinstance(prototype, tuple): prototype = (prototype,) result = [] components = _components_alias( argument, prototype=prototype, exclude=exclude, grace=grace, reverse=reverse ) if components: if trim in (True, _enums.LEFT): components = _trim_subresult(components, trim) if head is not None: components = _head_filter_subresult(components, head) if tail is not None: components = _tail_filter_subresult(components, tail) result.extend(components) return result
[docs] def logical_tie( argument, n: int = 0, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, nontrivial: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, ) -> LogicalTie: r""" Selects logical tie ``n`` in ``argument``. .. todo:: Make work on nonhead leaves. .. todo:: Write examples. .. todo:: Remove ``abjad.get.logical_tie()``. """ return logical_ties( argument, exclude=exclude, grace=grace, nontrivial=nontrivial, pitched=pitched, reverse=reverse, )[n]
[docs] def logical_ties( argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, nontrivial: bool | None = None, pitched: bool | None = None, reverse: bool | None = None, ) -> list[LogicalTie]: r''' Selects logical ties in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects logical ties: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' ~ { d' e' r f'~ } f' r") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8"), Note("d'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Rest('r8')]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8"), Note("f'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Rest('r8')]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 ~ { \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 ~ } \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 } .. container:: example Selects pitched logical ties: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' ~ { d' e' r f'~ } f' r") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8"), Note("d'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8"), Note("f'8")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 ~ { \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 ~ } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 r8 } .. container:: example Selects pitched nontrivial logical ties: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d' ~ { d' e' r f'~ } f' r") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = ... staff, ... pitched=True, ... nontrivial=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8"), Note("d'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8"), Note("f'8")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 ~ { \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 ~ } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 r8 } .. container:: example Selects pitched logical ties (starting) in each tuplet: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { c'8 d' e' ~ } e' f' ~ ... \times 2/3 { f' g' a' ~ } a' b' ~ ... \times 2/3 { b' c'' d'' } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Tuplet) >>> result = [, pitched=True) for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'8"), Note("e'8")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("g'8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("a'8"), Note("a'8")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c''8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d''8")])] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 ~ } \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 f'8 ~ \tuplet 3/2 { f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 ~ } \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 b'8 ~ \tuplet 3/2 { b'8 \abjad-color-music #'red c''8 \abjad-color-music #'red d''8 } } .. container:: example Selects pitched logical ties (starting) in each of the last two tuplets: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r""" ... \times 2/3 { c'8 d' e' ~ } e' f' ~ ... \times 2/3 { f' g' a' ~ } a' b' ~ ... \times 2/3 { b' c'' d'' } ... """) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, abjad.Tuplet)[-2:] >>> result = [, pitched=True) for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [LogicalTie(items=[Note("g'8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("a'8"), Note("a'8")])] [LogicalTie(items=[Note("c''8")]), LogicalTie(items=[Note("d''8")])] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 d'8 e'8 ~ } e'8 f'8 ~ \tuplet 3/2 { f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 \abjad-color-music #'red a'8 ~ } \abjad-color-music #'red a'8 b'8 ~ \tuplet 3/2 { b'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue c''8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d''8 } } .. container:: example Selects both main notes and graces when ``grace=None``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=None) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("cf''16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("bf'16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("af'16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("gf'16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'blue cf''16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue \afterGrace d'8 { \abjad-color-music #'red af'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=None) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("gf'16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'4")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'4 } } .. container:: example Excludes grace notes when ``grace=False``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=False) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \grace { cf''16 bf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue \afterGrace d'8 { af'16 gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=False) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'4")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue f'4 } } .. container:: example Selects only grace notes when ``grace=True``: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cf''16 bf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("af'16 gf'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, staff[1]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("cf''16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("bf'16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("af'16")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("gf'16")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'red cf''16 \abjad-color-music #'blue bf'16 } \afterGrace d'8 { \abjad-color-music #'red af'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue gf'16 } e'8 f'8 } Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, grace=True) >>> for item in result: ... item ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("gf'16")]) >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red gf'16 } f'4 } } ''' generator = _iterlib._iterate_logical_ties( argument, exclude=exclude, grace=None, nontrivial=nontrivial, pitched=pitched, reverse=reverse, ) result = [] for logical_tie in generator: if ( grace is None or (grace is True and _get.grace(logical_tie.head)) or (grace is False and not _get.grace(logical_tie.head)) ): result.append(logical_tie) return result
[docs] def nontrivial(argument) -> list: r""" Selects nontrivial items in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects nontrivial runs: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { c'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } """ items = [_ for _ in argument if len(_) > 1] return items
[docs] def note( argument, n: int, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, ) -> _score.Note: r""" Selects note ``n`` in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects note -1: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result =, -1) >>> result Note("e'16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 \abjad-color-music #'green e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ return notes(argument, exclude=exclude, grace=grace)[n]
[docs] def notes( argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None ) -> list[_score.Note]: r""" Selects notes in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects notes: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("bf'16") Note("c'16") Note("bf'16") Note("d'16") Note("bf'16") Note("e'16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 <a'' b''>16 \abjad-color-music #'blue c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 <a'' b''>16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { r16 \abjad-color-music #'red bf'16 <a'' b''>16 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ items = [] for item in components(argument, _score.Note, exclude=exclude, grace=grace): assert isinstance(item, _score.Note) items.append(item) return items
[docs] def partition_by_counts( argument, counts, *, cyclic: bool = False, enchain: bool = False, fuse_overhang: bool = False, nonempty: bool = False, overhang: bool | _enums.Comparison = False, ) -> list[list]: r""" Partitions items in ``argument`` by ``counts``. .. container:: example Partitions leaves into a single part of length 3; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [3], ... cyclic=False, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("d'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8 } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts of length 3; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [3], ... cyclic=True, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("f'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 g'8 a'8 } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts of length 3; returns overhang at end: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [3], ... cyclic=True, ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("f'8")] [Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 \abjad-color-music #'red a'8 } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts of length 3; fuses overhang to last part: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [3], ... cyclic=True, ... fuse_overhang=True, ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts of length 3; returns overhang at end: >>> string = "c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 r8 c''8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = ... leaves, ... [1, 2, 3], ... cyclic=True, ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] [Rest('r8'), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("f'8")] [Note("g'8")] [Note("a'8"), Note("b'8")] [Rest('r8'), Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue", "#cyan"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'cyan e'8 \abjad-color-music #'cyan r8 \abjad-color-music #'cyan f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue b'8 \abjad-color-music #'cyan r8 \abjad-color-music #'cyan c''8 } .. container:: example With negative ``counts``. Partitions leaves alternately into parts 2 and -3 (without overhang): >>> string = "c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 r8 c''8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = ... leaves, ... [2, -3], ... cyclic=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 d'8 e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 a'8 b'8 r8 c''8 } .. container:: example With negative ``counts``. Partitions leaves alternately into parts 2 and -3 (with overhang): >>> string = "c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 r8 c''8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = ... leaves, ... [2, -3], ... cyclic=True, ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8")] [Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 d'8 e'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 a'8 b'8 r8 \abjad-color-music #'red c''8 } .. container:: example REGRESSION. Noncyclic counts work when ``overhang`` is true: >>> string = "c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 r8 c''8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = ... leaves, ... [3], ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8"), Note("b'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue b'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue c''8 } """ result = [] groups_ = _sequence.partition_by_counts( argument, [abs(_) for _ in counts], cyclic=cyclic, enchain=enchain, overhang=overhang, ) groups = list(groups_) total = len(groups) if overhang and fuse_overhang and 1 < len(groups): last_count = counts[(len(groups) - 1) % len(counts)] if len(groups[-1]) != last_count: last_group = groups.pop() groups[-1] += last_group subresult = [] if cyclic: counts = _cyclictuple.CyclicTuple(counts) for i, group in enumerate(groups): if overhang and i == total - 1: pass else: try: count = counts[i] except Exception: raise Exception(counts, i) if count < 0: continue subresult.append(group) if nonempty and not subresult: subresult.append(groups[0]) result.extend(subresult) return result
[docs] def partition_by_durations( argument, durations, *, cyclic: bool = False, fill: _enums.Comparison | None = None, in_seconds: bool = False, overhang: bool | _enums.Comparison = False, ) -> list[list]: r""" Partitions items in ``argument`` by ``durations``. .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts equal to exactly 3/8; returns overhang at end: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> leaves = >>> result = ... leaves, ... [abjad.Duration(3, 8)], ... cyclic=True, ... fill=abjad.EXACT, ... in_seconds=False, ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] [Note("b'8"), Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 2/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 b'8 \abjad-color-music #'red c''8 } } .. container:: example Partitions leaves into one part equal to exactly 3/8; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [abjad.Duration(3, 8)], ... cyclic=False, ... fill=abjad.EXACT, ... in_seconds=False, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 e'8 f'8 } { \time 2/8 g'8 a'8 } { \time 2/8 b'8 c''8 } } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts equal to (or just less than) 3/16 and 1/16; returns overhang at end: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [abjad.Duration(3, 16), abjad.Duration(1, 16)], ... cyclic=True, ... fill=abjad.MORE, ... in_seconds=False, ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8")] [Note("a'8")] [Note("b'8"), Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 2/8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 b'8 \abjad-color-music #'red c''8 } } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts equal to (or just less than) 3/16; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [abjad.Duration(3, 16)], ... cyclic=True, ... fill=abjad.LESS, ... in_seconds=False, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] [Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8")] [Note("g'8")] [Note("a'8")] [Note("b'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 b'8 c''8 } } .. container:: example Partitions leaves into a single part equal to (or just less than) 3/16; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [abjad.Duration(3, 16)], ... cyclic=False, ... fill=abjad.LESS, ... in_seconds=False, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 c'8 d'8 } { \time 2/8 e'8 f'8 } { \time 2/8 g'8 a'8 } { \time 2/8 b'8 c''8 } } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts equal to exactly 1.5 seconds; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> mark = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 60) >>> leaf = abjad.get.leaf(staff, 0) >>> abjad.attach(mark, leaf, context='Staff') >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [1.5], ... cyclic=True, ... fill=abjad.EXACT, ... in_seconds=True, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \tempo 4=60 \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 2/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } { \time 2/8 b'8 c''8 } } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts equal to exactly 1.5 seconds; returns overhang at end: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> mark = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 60) >>> leaf = abjad.get.leaf(staff, 0) >>> abjad.attach(mark, leaf, context='Staff') >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [1.5], ... cyclic=True, ... fill=abjad.EXACT, ... in_seconds=True, ... overhang=True, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] [Note("b'8"), Note("c''8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \tempo 4=60 \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'blue \time 2/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 b'8 \abjad-color-music #'red c''8 } } .. container:: example Partitions leaves into a single part equal to exactly 1.5 seconds; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> mark = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 60) >>> leaf = abjad.get.leaf(staff, 0) >>> abjad.attach(mark, leaf, context='Staff') >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [1.5], ... cyclic=False, ... fill=abjad.EXACT, ... in_seconds=True, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \tempo 4=60 \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 e'8 f'8 } { \time 2/8 g'8 a'8 } { \time 2/8 b'8 c''8 } } .. container:: example Cyclically partitions leaves into parts equal to (or just less than) 0.75 seconds; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> mark = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 60) >>> leaf = abjad.get.leaf(staff, 0) >>> abjad.attach(mark, leaf, context='Staff') >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [0.75], ... cyclic=True, ... fill=abjad.LESS, ... in_seconds=True, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] [Note("d'8")] [Note("e'8")] [Note("f'8")] [Note("g'8")] [Note("a'8")] [Note("b'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \tempo 4=60 \time 2/8 c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 } { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 2/8 b'8 c''8 } } .. container:: example Partitions leaves into one part equal to (or just less than) 0.75 seconds; truncates overhang: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... abjad.Container("c'8 d'"), ... abjad.Container("e'8 f'"), ... abjad.Container("g'8 a'"), ... abjad.Container("b'8 c''"), ... ]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> for container in staff: ... time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)) ... abjad.attach(time_signature, container[0]) ... >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> mark = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 60) >>> leaf = abjad.get.leaf(staff, 0) >>> abjad.attach(mark, leaf, context='Staff') >>> result = >>> result = ... result, ... [0.75], ... cyclic=False, ... fill=abjad.LESS, ... in_seconds=True, ... overhang=False, ... ) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { { \abjad-color-music #'red \tempo 4=60 \time 2/8 c'8 d'8 } { \time 2/8 e'8 f'8 } { \time 2/8 g'8 a'8 } { \time 2/8 b'8 c''8 } } Interprets ``fill`` as ``Exact`` when ``fill`` is none. Parts must equal ``durations`` exactly when ``fill`` is ``Exact``. Parts must be less than or equal to ``durations`` when ``fill`` is ``Less``. Parts must be greater or equal to ``durations`` when ``fill`` is ``More``. Reads ``durations`` cyclically when ``cyclic`` is true. Reads component durations in seconds when ``in_seconds`` is true. Returns remaining components at end in final part when ``overhang`` is true. """ fill = fill or _enums.EXACT durations = [_duration.Duration(_) for _ in durations] if cyclic: durations = _cyclictuple.CyclicTuple(durations) result = [] part = [] current_duration_index = 0 target_duration = durations[current_duration_index] cumulative_duration = _duration.Duration(0) components_copy = list(argument) while True: try: component = components_copy.pop(0) except IndexError: break component_duration = component._get_duration() if in_seconds: component_duration = _getlib._get_duration_in_seconds(component) candidate_duration = cumulative_duration + component_duration if candidate_duration < target_duration: part.append(component) cumulative_duration = candidate_duration elif candidate_duration == target_duration: part.append(component) result.append(part) part = [] cumulative_duration = _duration.Duration(0) current_duration_index += 1 try: target_duration = durations[current_duration_index] except IndexError: break elif target_duration < candidate_duration: if fill is _enums.EXACT: raise Exception("must partition exactly.") elif fill is _enums.LESS: result.append(part) part = [component] if in_seconds: sum_ = sum([_getlib._get_duration_in_seconds(_) for _ in part]) cumulative_duration = _duration.Duration(sum_) else: sum_ = sum([_getlib._get_duration(_) for _ in part]) cumulative_duration = _duration.Duration(sum_) current_duration_index += 1 try: target_duration = durations[current_duration_index] except IndexError: break if target_duration < cumulative_duration: message = f"target duration {target_duration} is less" message += " than cumulative duration" message += f" {cumulative_duration}." raise Exception(message) elif fill is _enums.MORE: part.append(component) result.append(part) part = [] cumulative_duration = _duration.Duration(0) current_duration_index += 1 try: target_duration = durations[current_duration_index] except IndexError: break if len(part): if overhang: result.append(part) if len(components_copy): if overhang: result.append(components_copy) selections = [list(_) for _ in result] return selections
[docs] def partition_by_ratio(argument, ratio: tuple[int, ...]) -> list[list]: r""" Partitions items in ``argument`` by ``ratio``. .. container:: example Partitions leaves by a ratio of 1:1: >>> string = r"c'8 d' r \times 2/3 { e' r f' } g' a' r" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result =, (1, 1)) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("e'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8"), Rest('r8')] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } \abjad-color-music #'blue g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 } .. container:: example Partitions leaves by a ratio of 1:1:1: >>> string = r"c'8 d' r \times 2/3 { e' r f' } g' a' r" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result =, (1, 1, 1)) >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Note("d'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("e'8"), Rest('r8'), Note("f'8")] [Note("g'8"), Note("a'8"), Rest('r8')] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue", "#cyan"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } \abjad-color-music #'cyan g'8 \abjad-color-music #'cyan a'8 \abjad-color-music #'cyan r8 } """ ratio = ratio or (1,) counts = _math.partition_integer_by_ratio(len(argument), ratio) parts = _sequence.partition_by_counts(argument, counts=counts) selections = [list(_) for _ in parts] return selections
[docs] def rest( argument, n: int, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None, ) -> _score.Rest | _score.MultimeasureRest: r""" Selects rest ``n`` in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects rest -1: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result =, -1) >>> result Rest('r16') >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'green r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ return rests(argument, exclude=exclude, grace=grace)[n]
[docs] def rests( argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None ) -> list[_score.Rest | _score.MultimeasureRest]: r""" Selects rests in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects rests: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... Rest('r16') Rest('r16') Rest('r16') >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'red \time 7/4 r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { \abjad-color-music #'blue r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'red r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ items = [] prototype = (_score.MultimeasureRest, _score.Rest) for item in components(argument, prototype=prototype, exclude=exclude, grace=grace): assert isinstance(item, prototype) items.append(item) return items
[docs] def run( argument, n: int, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None ) -> list[_score.Leaf]: r""" Selects run ``n`` in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects run -1: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 c'16 c'16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 d'16 d'16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 e'16 e'16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result =, -1) >>> result [Note("e'16"), Note("e'16"), Note("e'16"), Chord("<fs' gs'>4"), Chord("<fs' gs'>16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 c'16 c'16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 d'16 d'16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { r16 \abjad-color-music #'green e'16 \abjad-color-music #'green e'16 \abjad-color-music #'green e'16 \abjad-color-music #'green <fs' gs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ return runs(argument, exclude=exclude)[n]
[docs] def runs( argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, grace: bool | None = None ) -> list[list]: r""" Selects runs in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects runs: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 c'16 c'16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 d'16 d'16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 e'16 e'16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Note("c'16"), Chord("<d' e'>4"), Chord("<d' e'>16")] [Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("d'16"), Chord("<e' fs'>4"), Chord("<e' fs'>16")] [Note("e'16"), Note("e'16"), Note("e'16"), Chord("<fs' gs'>4"), Chord("<fs' gs'>16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red <d' e'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue <e' fs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { r16 \abjad-color-music #'red e'16 \abjad-color-music #'red e'16 \abjad-color-music #'red e'16 \abjad-color-music #'red <fs' gs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red <fs' gs'>16 } } } } .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace note (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice( ... "c'16 d' e' r d'4 e' r8 f'", name="MusicVoice" ... ) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[4]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[5:7]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[-1]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'16"), Note("d'16"), Note("e'16")] [Note("cs'16"), Note("d'4"), Chord("<e' g'>16"), Note("gs'16"), Note("a'16"), Note("as'16"), Note("e'4")] [Note("f'8"), Note("fs'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'16 \abjad-color-music #'red d'16 \abjad-color-music #'red e'16 r16 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'blue cs'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \abjad-color-music #'blue \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( \abjad-color-music #'blue gs'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'blue \voiceTwo e'4 r8 } >> \abjad-color-music #'red \oneVoice \afterGrace f'8 { \abjad-color-music #'red fs'16 } } } """ result = leaves(argument, exclude=exclude, grace=grace, pitched=True) groups = group_by_contiguity(result) return groups
[docs] def top(argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None) -> list[_score.Component]: r""" Selects top components in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects top components (up from leaves): >>> string = r"c'8 d' r \times 2/3 { e' r f' } g' a' r" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... Note("c'8") Note("d'8") Rest('r8') Tuplet('3:2', "e'8 r8 f'8") Note("g'8") Note("a'8") Rest('r8') >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 } """ result = [] for component in _iterlib._public_iterate_components(argument, exclude=exclude): for component_ in _parentage.Parentage(component): if ( _is_immediate_child_of_outermost_voice(component_) and component_ not in result ): result.append(component_) return result
[docs] def tuplet( argument, n: int, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, level: int | None = None, ) -> _score.Tuplet: r""" Selects tuplet ``n`` in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects tuplet -1: >>> tuplets = [ ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16", ... "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 ~ <fs' gs'>16", ... ] >>> tuplets = zip([(10, 9), (8, 9), (10, 9)], tuplets) >>> tuplets = [abjad.Tuplet(*_) for _ in tuplets] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.illustrators.components(tuplets) >>> staff = lilypond_file["Staff"] >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.direction = abjad.UP >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> result =, -1) >>> result Tuplet('9:10', "r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 e'16 <fs' gs'>4 <fs' gs'>16") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, "#green") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> score = lilypond_file["Score"] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" { \context Staff = "Staff" \with { \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 3 autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "Voice" { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \time 7/4 r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 c'16 <d' e'>4 ~ <d' e'>16 } \tuplet 9/8 { r16 bf'16 <a'' b''>16 d'16 <e' fs'>4 ~ <e' fs'>16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 9/10 { \abjad-color-music #'green r16 \abjad-color-music #'green bf'16 \abjad-color-music #'green <a'' b''>16 \abjad-color-music #'green e'16 \abjad-color-music #'green <fs' gs'>4 ~ \abjad-color-music #'green <fs' gs'>16 } } } } """ return tuplets(argument, exclude=exclude, level=level)[n]
[docs] def tuplets( argument, *, exclude: _typings.Exclude | None = None, level: int | None = None ) -> list[_score.Tuplet]: r""" Selects tuplets in ``argument``. .. container:: example Selects tuplets at every level: >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\times 2/3 { c'2 \times 2/3 { d'8 e' f' } } \times 2/3 { c'4 d' e' }" ... ) >>> result = >>> for item in result: ... item ... Tuplet('3:2', "c'2 { 2/3 d'8 e'8 f'8 }") Tuplet('3:2', "d'8 e'8 f'8") Tuplet('3:2', "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red c'2 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 } } \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \abjad-color-music #'red d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red e'4 } } .. container:: example Selects tuplets at level -1: >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\times 2/3 { c'2 \times 2/3 { d'8 e' f' } } \times 2/3 { c'4 d' e' }" ... ) >>> result =, level=-1) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Tuplet('3:2', "d'8 e'8 f'8") Tuplet('3:2', "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tuplet 3/2 { c'2 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 } } \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'4 } } Tuplets at level -1 are bottom-level tuplet: tuplets at level -1 contain only one tuplet (themselves) and do not contain any other tuplets. .. container:: example Selects tuplets at level 1: >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\times 2/3 { c'2 \times 2/3 { d'8 e' f' } } \times 2/3 { c'4 d' e' }" ... ) >>> result =, level=1) >>> for item in result: ... item ... Tuplet('3:2', "c'2 { 2/3 d'8 e'8 f'8 }") Tuplet('3:2', "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red c'2 \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 } } \tuplet 3/2 { \abjad-color-music #'blue c'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'4 } } Tuplets at level 1 are top-level tuplets: level-1 tuplets contain only 1 tuplet (themselves) and are not contained by any other tuplets. """ tuplets: list[_score.Tuplet] = [] for item in components(argument, _score.Tuplet, exclude=exclude): assert isinstance(item, _score.Tuplet) tuplets.append(item) if level is None: return tuplets elif level < 0: result = [] for tuplet in tuplets: count = 0 for component in _iterlib._iterate_descendants(tuplet): if isinstance(component, _score.Tuplet): count += 1 if -count == level: result.append(tuplet) else: result = [] for tuplet in tuplets: if _parentage.Parentage(tuplet).count(_score.Tuplet) == level: result.append(tuplet) return result
[docs] def with_next_leaf(argument, *, grace: bool | None = None) -> list[_score.Leaf]: r""" Extends ``argument`` with next leaf. .. container:: example Selects runs (each with next leaf): >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("d'8"), Note("e'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 \abjad-color-music #'red a'8 } .. container:: example Selects pitched tails (each with next leaf): >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'8 r d' ~ d' e' ~ e' r8 f'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = [[-1:]) for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Note("e'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("f'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } .. container:: example Pitched logical ties (each with next leaf) is the correct selection for single-pitch sustain pedal applications. Selects pitched logical ties (each with next leaf): >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'8 r d' ~ d' e' ~ e' r8 f'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> abjad.setting(staff).pedalSustainStyle = "#'mixed" >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("d'8"), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Note("e'8"), Note("e'8"), Rest('r8')] [Note("f'8")] >>> for item in result: ... abjad.piano_pedal(item, context="Staff") ... >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> abjad.override(staff).SustainPedalLineSpanner.staff_padding = 6 >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override SustainPedalLineSpanner.staff-padding = 6 autoBeaming = ##f pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \sustainOn \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \sustainOff \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \sustainOn ~ \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \sustainOff \sustainOn ~ \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \sustainOff \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 \sustainOff \sustainOn } .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace note (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> prototype = ( ... abjad.BeforeGraceContainer, ... abjad.OnBeatGraceContainer, ... abjad.AfterGraceContainer, ... ) >>> result =, prototype) >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("cs'16"), Note("d'4")] [Chord("<e' g'>16"), Note("gs'16"), Note("a'16"), Note("as'16"), Note("e'4")] [Note("fs'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'red cs'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \abjad-color-music #'blue \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( \abjad-color-music #'blue gs'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'blue \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red fs'16 } } } Works with independent after-grace containers (grace-to-main): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = [ for _ in [leaves[2:3]]] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("e'4"), Note("gf'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red gf'16 } f'4 } } Works with independent after-grace containers (grace-to-main): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = [ for _ in [leaves[3:4]]] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("gf'16"), Note("f'4")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'4 } } """ items = leaves(argument) previous_leaf = items[-1] while True: next_leaf = _iterlib._get_leaf(previous_leaf, n=1) if next_leaf is None: break if ( grace is None or (grace is True and _getlib._get_grace_container(next_leaf)) or (grace is False and not _getlib._get_grace_container(next_leaf)) ): items.append(next_leaf) break previous_leaf = next_leaf return items
[docs] def with_previous_leaf(argument) -> list[_score.Leaf]: r""" Extends ``argument`` with previous leaf. .. container:: example Selects runs (each with previous leaf): >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 d'8 e'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result = >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] [Rest('r8'), Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Rest('r8'), Note("f'8"), Note("g'8"), Note("a'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue e'8 \abjad-color-music #'red r8 \abjad-color-music #'red f'8 \abjad-color-music #'red g'8 \abjad-color-music #'red a'8 } .. container:: example Selects pitched heads (each with previous leaf): >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'8 r d' ~ d' e' ~ e' r8 f'8") >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> result =, pitched=True) >>> result = [[:1]) for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'8")] [Rest('r8'), Note("d'8")] [Note("d'8"), Note("e'8")] [Rest('r8'), Note("f'8")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \abjad-color-music #'red c'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue d'8 ~ \abjad-color-music #'red d'8 \abjad-color-music #'red e'8 ~ e'8 \abjad-color-music #'blue r8 \abjad-color-music #'blue f'8 } .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace note (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> prototype = ( ... abjad.BeforeGraceContainer, ... abjad.OnBeatGraceContainer, ... abjad.AfterGraceContainer, ... ) >>> result =, prototype) >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> result = [ for _ in result] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("c'4"), Note("cs'16")] [Note("d'4"), Chord("<e' g'>16"), Note("gs'16"), Note("a'16"), Note("as'16")] [Note("f'4"), Note("fs'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \abjad-color-music #'red c'4 \grace { \abjad-color-music #'red cs'16 } \abjad-color-music #'blue d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \abjad-color-music #'blue \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( \abjad-color-music #'blue gs'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue a'16 \abjad-color-music #'blue as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \abjad-color-music #'red \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red fs'16 } } } Works with independent after-grace containers (grace-to-main): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = [ for _ in [leaves[3:4]]] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("e'4"), Note("gf'16")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \abjad-color-music #'red \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red gf'16 } f'4 } } Works with independent after-grace containers (main-to-grace): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.setting(staff).autoBeaming = False >>> leaves = >>> result = [ for _ in [leaves[-1:]]] >>> for item in result: ... item ... [Note("gf'16"), Note("f'4")] >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(result, ["#red", "#blue"]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { autoBeaming = ##f } { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \abjad-color-music #'red gf'16 } \abjad-color-music #'red f'4 } } """ items = leaves(argument) previous_leaf = _iterlib._get_leaf(items[0], n=-1) if previous_leaf is not None: items.insert(0, previous_leaf) return items