Source code for abjad.score

import collections
import copy
import fractions
import functools
import math
import typing

from . import _indentlib, _updatelib
from . import contributions as _contributions
from . import duration as _duration
from . import enums as _enums
from . import exceptions as _exceptions
from . import format as _format
from . import indicators as _indicators
from . import lyconst as _lyconst
from . import lyproxy as _lyproxy
from . import math as _math
from . import overrides as _overrides
from . import pitch as _pitch
from . import tag as _tag
from . import timespan as _timespan
from . import tweaks as _tweaks
from . import typings as _typings

def _indent_strings(strings):
    result = []
    for string in strings:
        assert isinstance(string, str)
        if string.isspace():
            result.append(_indentlib.INDENT + string)
    assert all(isinstance(_, str) for _ in result), repr(result)
    return result

[docs] class Component: """ Component baseclass. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ( "_indicators_are_current", "_is_forbidden_to_update", "_overrides", "_lilypond_setting_name_manager", "_measure_number", "_offsets_are_current", "_offsets_in_seconds_are_current", "_parent", "_start_offset", "_start_offset_in_seconds", "_stop_offset", "_stop_offset_in_seconds", "_tag", "_timespan", "_wrappers", ) _is_abstract = True ### INITIALIZER ### @staticmethod def _parse_lilypond_string(string, language="english"): from .parsers.parse import parse return parse(string, language=language) def __init__(self, *, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None) -> None: self._indicators_are_current = False self._is_forbidden_to_update = False self._measure_number = None self._offsets_are_current = False self._offsets_in_seconds_are_current = False self._overrides = None self._parent = None self._lilypond_setting_name_manager = None self._start_offset = None self._start_offset_in_seconds = None self._stop_offset = None self._stop_offset_in_seconds = None if tag is not None: assert isinstance(tag, _tag.Tag), repr(tag) self._tag = tag self._timespan = _timespan.Timespan() self._wrappers: list = [] ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments): """ Shallow copies component. Copies indicators. Does not copy spanners. Does not copy children. Returns new component. """ component = type(self)(*self.__getnewargs__(), tag=self.tag) if hasattr(self, "identifier"): component.identifier = self.identifier if hasattr(self, "lilypond_type"): component.lilypond_type = self.lilypond_type if hasattr(self, "name"): = if hasattr(self, "simultaneous"): component.simultaneous = self.simultaneous if getattr(self, "_overrides", None) is not None: component._overrides = copy.copy(_overrides.override(self)) if getattr(self, "_lilypond_setting_name_manager", None) is not None: component._lilypond_setting_name_manager = copy.copy( _overrides.setting(self) ) for wrapper in self._wrappers: if not wrapper.annotation: continue wrapper_ = copy.copy(wrapper) wrapper_._component = component wrapper_._bind_component(component) for wrapper in list(self._get_indicators(unwrap=False)): wrapper_ = copy.copy(wrapper) wrapper_._component = component wrapper_._bind_component(component) return component
def __getnewargs__(self): """ Gets new arguments. Returns tuple. """ return () ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _cache_named_children(self): name_dictionary = {} if hasattr(self, "_named_children"): for name, children in self._named_children.items(): name_dictionary[name] = copy.copy(children) name = getattr(self, "name", None) if name is not None: if not in name_dictionary: name_dictionary[] = [] name_dictionary[].append(self) return name_dictionary def _check_for_cycles(self, components): parentage = [self] parent = self._parent while parent is not None: parentage.append(parent) parent = parent._parent for component in components: if component in parentage: return True return False def _format_absolute_after_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.absolute_after.commands) if strings: assert isinstance( self, AfterGraceContainer | BeforeGraceContainer | Leaf ), repr(self) result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _format_absolute_before_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.absolute_before.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result @staticmethod def _get_components(argument): result = [] if isinstance(argument, Component): result.extend(argument._get_subtree()) else: for item in argument: result.extend(Component._get_components(item)) return result def _get_descendants_starting_with(self): return [self] def _get_descendants_stopping_with(self): return [self] def _get_duration(self): duration = self._get_preprolated_duration() if self._parent is None: return duration for parent in self._parent._get_parentage(): multiplier = getattr(parent, "implied_prolation", fractions.Fraction(1)) duration *= multiplier return duration def _get_indicator(self, prototype=None, *, attributes=None, unwrap=True): indicators = self._get_indicators( prototype=prototype, attributes=attributes, unwrap=unwrap ) if not indicators: raise ValueError(f"no attached indicators found matching {prototype!r}.") if 1 < len(indicators): message = f"multiple attached indicators found matching {prototype!r}." raise ValueError(message) return indicators[0] def _get_indicators(self, prototype=None, *, attributes=None, unwrap=True): prototype = prototype or (object,) if not isinstance(prototype, tuple): prototype = (prototype,) prototype_objects, prototype_classes = [], [] for indicator_prototype in prototype: if isinstance(indicator_prototype, type): prototype_classes.append(indicator_prototype) else: prototype_objects.append(indicator_prototype) prototype_objects = tuple(prototype_objects) prototype_classes = tuple(prototype_classes) result = [] for wrapper in self._wrappers: if wrapper.annotation: continue if isinstance(wrapper, prototype_classes): result.append(wrapper) elif any(wrapper == _ for _ in prototype_objects): result.append(wrapper) elif isinstance(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), prototype_classes): result.append(wrapper) elif any(wrapper.unbundle_indicator() == _ for _ in prototype_objects): result.append(wrapper) if attributes is not None: result_ = [] for wrapper in result: for name, value in attributes.items(): if getattr(wrapper.unbundle_indicator(), name, None) != value: break else: result_.append(wrapper) result = result_ if unwrap: indicators = [] for wrapper in result: indicators.append(wrapper.unbundle_indicator()) result = indicators result = result return result def _get_lilypond_format(self): _updatelib._update_now(self, indicators=True) string = _format.format_component(self) return string def _get_markup(self, direction=None): wrappers = self._get_indicators(_indicators.Markup, unwrap=False) if direction is _enums.UP: return tuple(_.get_item() for _ in wrappers if _.direction is _enums.UP) elif direction is _enums.DOWN: return tuple(_.get_item() for _ in wrappers if _.direction is _enums.DOWN) indicators = [_.get_item() for _ in wrappers] return indicators def _get_parentage(self): parentage = [] parent = self while parent is not None: parentage.append(parent) if hasattr(parent, "_main_leaf"): if parent._main_leaf is not None: parent = parent._main_leaf._parent else: parent = None else: parent = parent._parent return parentage def _get_sibling(self, n): assert n in (-1, 0, 1), repr(self, n) if n == 0: return self if self._parent is None: return None if self._parent.simultaneous: return None index = self._parent.index(self) + n if 0 <= index < len(self._parent): return self._parent[index] def _get_timespan(self, in_seconds=False): if in_seconds: _updatelib._update_now(self, offsets_in_seconds=True) if self._start_offset_in_seconds is None: raise _exceptions.MissingMetronomeMarkError return _timespan.Timespan( start_offset=self._start_offset_in_seconds, stop_offset=self._stop_offset_in_seconds, ) else: _updatelib._update_now(self, offsets=True) return self._timespan def _has_indicator(self, prototype=None, *, attributes=None): indicators = self._get_indicators(prototype=prototype, attributes=attributes) return bool(indicators) def _remove_from_parent(self): self._update_later(offsets=True) for component in self._get_parentage()[1:]: if not hasattr(component, "_lilypond_type"): continue for wrapper in component._dependent_wrappers[:]: if wrapper.component is self: component._dependent_wrappers.remove(wrapper) if self._parent is not None: self._parent._components.remove(self) self._parent = None def _remove_named_children_from_parentage(self, name_dictionary): if self._parent is not None and name_dictionary: for parent in self._get_parentage()[1:]: named_children = parent._named_children for name in name_dictionary: for component in name_dictionary[name]: named_children[name].remove(component) if not named_children[name]: del named_children[name] def _restore_named_children_to_parentage(self, name_dictionary): if self._parent is not None and name_dictionary: for parent in self._get_parentage()[1:]: named_children = parent._named_children for name in name_dictionary: if name in named_children: named_children[name].extend(name_dictionary[name]) else: named_children[name] = copy.copy(name_dictionary[name]) def _set_parent(self, new_parent): """ Not composer-safe. """ named_children = self._cache_named_children() self._remove_named_children_from_parentage(named_children) self._remove_from_parent() self._parent = new_parent self._restore_named_children_to_parentage(named_children) self._update_later(offsets=True) def _sibling(self, n): assert n in (-1, 0, 1), repr(n) if n == 0: return self for parent in self._get_parentage(): sibling = parent._get_sibling(_math.sign(n)) if sibling is not None: return sibling def _tag_strings(self, strings): if self.tag is not None: strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, self.tag) return strings def _update_later(self, offsets=False, offsets_in_seconds=False): assert offsets or offsets_in_seconds for component in self._get_parentage(): if offsets: component._offsets_are_current = False elif offsets_in_seconds: component._offsets_in_seconds_are_current = False ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def tag(self) -> _tag.Tag | None: """ Gets component tag. """ if self._tag is not None: assert isinstance(self._tag, _tag.Tag), repr(self._tag) return self._tag @tag.setter def tag(self, argument): if argument is not None: assert isinstance(argument, _tag.Tag), repr(argument) self._tag = argument
[docs] class Leaf(Component): """ Leaf baseclass. Leaves include notes, rests, chords and skips. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ## _allowable_sites = ( "absolute_before", "before", "after", "absolute_after", ) __slots__ = ( "_after_grace_container", "_before_grace_container", "_multiplier", "_written_duration", ) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, written_duration, *, multiplier=None, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None ) -> None: Component.__init__(self, tag=tag) self._after_grace_container = None self._before_grace_container = None self.multiplier = multiplier self.written_duration = written_duration ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments): """ Shallow copies leaf. """ leaf = Component.__copy__(self, *arguments) leaf.multiplier = self.multiplier before_grace_container = self._before_grace_container if before_grace_container is not None: grace_container = before_grace_container._copy_with_children() grace_container._attach(leaf) after_grace_container = self._after_grace_container if after_grace_container is not None: grace_container = after_grace_container._copy_with_children() grace_container._attach(leaf) return leaf
def __getnewargs__(self): """ Gets new arguments. Returns tuple. """ return (self.written_duration,)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self._get_compact_representation()!r})"
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _copy_override_and_set_from_leaf(self, leaf): if getattr(leaf, "_overrides", None) is not None: self._overrides = copy.copy(_overrides.override(leaf)) if getattr(leaf, "_lilypond_setting_name_manager", None) is not None: self._lilypond_setting_name_manager = copy.copy(_overrides.setting(leaf)) for wrapper in leaf._wrappers: wrapper_ = copy.copy(wrapper) wrapper_._component = self wrapper_._bind_component(self) def _format_after_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.stem_tremolos) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.articulations) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.markup) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.spanner_stops) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.start_beam) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.stop_beam) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.spanner_starts) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) # NOTE: LilyPond demands \startTrillSpan appear after almost all # other contributions; pitched trills dangerously # suppress markup and the starts of other spanners when # \startTrillSpan appears lexically prior to those commands; # but \startTrillSpan must appear before calls to \set. strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.trill_spanner_starts) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.leak) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.leaks) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) if self._after_grace_container is not None: string = self._after_grace_container._get_lilypond_format() result.append(string) return result def _format_before_site(self, contributions): result = [] if self._before_grace_container is not None: string = self._before_grace_container._get_lilypond_format() result.append(string) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.before.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.grob_reverts if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.grob_overrides if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.context_settings if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _format_closing_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.closing.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) result = _indent_strings(result) return result def _format_contents(self): result = [] strings = self._format_leaf_nucleus() result.extend(strings) return result def _format_leaf_nucleus(self): strings = self._get_body() if self.tag is not None and self.tag.string: strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, self.tag) return strings def _format_opening_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.opening.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) if self._after_grace_container is not None: assert not self._is_followed_by_after_grace_container() string = r"\afterGrace" if self._after_grace_container.fraction is not None: n, d = self._after_grace_container.fraction string = f"{string} {n}/{d}" result.append(string) if self._is_followed_by_after_grace_container(): assert self._after_grace_container is None, repr( self._after_grace_container ) string = r"\afterGrace" container = self._get_following_after_grace_container() if container.fraction is not None: n, d = container.fraction string = f"{string} {n}/{d}" result.append(string) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.before.pitched_trill) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _get_compact_representation(self): return f"({self._get_formatted_duration()})" def _get_following_after_grace_container(self): if self._parent is not None: index = self._parent.index(self) try: component = self._parent[index + 1] except IndexError: component = None if isinstance(component, IndependentAfterGraceContainer): return component else: return False def _get_formatted_duration(self): strings = [] strings.append(self.written_duration.lilypond_duration_string) if self.multiplier is not None: strings.append(f"{self.multiplier[0]}/{self.multiplier[1]}") if hasattr(self._parent, "_leaf_multiplier"): multiplier = self._parent._leaf_multiplier() if multiplier is not None: strings.append(str(multiplier)) result = " * ".join(strings) return result def _get_multiplied_duration(self): if self.written_duration: if self.multiplier is not None: duration = _duration.Duration(self.multiplier) * self.written_duration return _duration.Duration(duration) return _duration.Duration(self.written_duration) def _get_preprolated_duration(self): return self._get_multiplied_duration() def _get_subtree(self): result = [] if self._before_grace_container is not None: result.extend(self._before_grace_container._get_subtree()) result.append(self) if self._after_grace_container is not None: result.extend(self._after_grace_container._get_subtree()) return result def _is_followed_by_after_grace_container(self): if self._parent is not None: index = self._parent.index(self) try: component = self._parent[index + 1] except IndexError: component = None if isinstance(component, IndependentAfterGraceContainer): return True else: return False def _process_contribution_packet(self, contribution_packet): result = "" for contributor, contributions in contribution_packet: if contributions: if isinstance(contributor, tuple): contributor = _indentlib.INDENT + contributor[0] + ":\n" else: contributor = _indentlib.INDENT + contributor + ":\n" result += contributor for contribution in contributions: contribution = (_indentlib.INDENT * 2) + contribution + "\n" result += contribution return result def _scale(self, multiplier): self.written_duration *= multiplier ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def multiplier(self) -> tuple[int, int] | None: """ Gets multiplier. """ return self._multiplier @multiplier.setter def multiplier(self, argument): if argument is None: self._multiplier = None else: assert isinstance(argument, tuple), repr(argument) assert len(argument) == 2, repr(argument) self._multiplier = argument @property def written_duration(self) -> _duration.Duration: """ Gets written duration. """ return self._written_duration @written_duration.setter def written_duration(self, argument): duration = _duration.Duration(argument) if not duration.is_assignable: message = f"not assignable duration: {duration!r}." raise _exceptions.AssignabilityError(message) self._written_duration = duration
[docs] class Container(Component): r""" Container. .. container:: example Intializes from string: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 e'4 d'4 e'8 f'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 e'4 d'4 e'8 f'8 } .. container:: example Intializes from components: >>> notes = [ ... abjad.Note("c'4"), ... abjad.Note("e'4"), ... abjad.Note("d'4"), ... abjad.Note("e'8"), ... abjad.Note("f'8"), ... ] >>> container = abjad.Container(notes) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 e'4 d'4 e'8 f'8 } .. container:: example Containers are iterables: >>> import collections >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 e'4 d'4 e'8 f'8") >>> isinstance(container, True .. container:: example Containers are not sequences because containers do not implement reverse: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 e'4 d'4 e'8 f'8") >>> isinstance(container, False .. container:: example Formatting positions contributions strictly one-per-line: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation('^'), staff[0]) >>> markup = abjad.Markup(r'\markup Allegro') >>> abjad.attach(markup, staff[0], direction=abjad.UP) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StemTremolo(), staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 :16 - \marcato ^ \markup Allegro d'4 e'4 f'4 } """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### _allowable_sites = ( "absolute_before", "before", "opening", "closing", "after", ) __documentation_section__ = "Containers" __slots__ = ( "_identifier", "_components", "_formatter", "_named_children", "_name", "_is_simultaneous", ) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, components=None, *, identifier: str | None = None, language: str = "english", name: str | None = None, simultaneous: bool = False, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: components = components or [] if not isinstance(components, str): prototype = (Component, str) assert all(isinstance(_, prototype) for _ in components), repr(components) Component.__init__(self, tag=tag) self._named_children: dict = {} self._is_simultaneous = None # sets name temporarily for _find_correct_effective_context: self._name = name self._initialize_components(components, language=language) self.identifier = identifier self.simultaneous = bool(simultaneous) # sets name permanently after _initalize_components: = name ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __contains__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` appears in container. """ if isinstance(argument, str): return argument in self._named_children else: for component in self.components: if component is argument: return True else: return False
[docs] def __delitem__(self, i) -> None: r""" Deletes components(s) at index ``i`` in container. .. container:: example Deletes first tuplet in voice: >>> voice = abjad.Voice() >>> voice.append(abjad.Tuplet((4, 6), "c'4 d'4 e'4")) >>> voice.append(abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "e'4 d'4 c'4")) >>> leaves = >>> abjad.slur(leaves) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { \tuplet 6/4 { c'4 ( d'4 e'4 } \tuplet 3/2 { e'4 d'4 c'4 ) } } >>> tuplet_1 = voice[0] >>> del(voice[0]) >>> start_slur = abjad.StartSlur() >>> leaf =, 0) >>> abjad.attach(start_slur, leaf) First tuplet no longer appears in voice: >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { \tuplet 3/2 { e'4 ( d'4 c'4 ) } } >>> True First tuplet must have start slur removed: >>> abjad.detach(abjad.StartSlur, tuplet_1[0]) (StartSlur(),) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet_1) >>> print(string) \tuplet 6/4 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } >>> True """ result = self[i] wrappers = [] for component in self._get_components(result): wrappers_ = component._get_indicators(unwrap=False) wrappers.extend(wrappers_) if isinstance(result, Component): result._set_parent(None) else: for component in result: component._set_parent(None) for wrapper in wrappers: wrapper._update_effective_context()
@typing.overload def __getitem__(self, argument: typing.SupportsIndex | str) -> Component: pass @typing.overload def __getitem__(self, argument: slice) -> list[Component]: pass
[docs] def __getitem__( self, argument: typing.SupportsIndex | str | slice ) -> Component | list[Component]: """ Gets top-level item or slice identified by ``argument``. """ if isinstance(argument, int): return self.components.__getitem__(argument) elif isinstance(argument, slice): result = self.components.__getitem__(argument) assert isinstance(result, tuple), repr(result) return list(result) elif isinstance(argument, str): if argument not in self._named_children: raise ValueError(f"can not find component named {argument!r}.") elif 1 < len(self._named_children.__getitem__(argument)): raise ValueError(f"multiple components named {argument!r}.") return self._named_children.__getitem__(argument)[0] raise ValueError(f"can not get container at {argument!r}.")
def __getnewargs__(self) -> tuple: """ Gets new container arguments. """ return ([],)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterates container. .. container:: example Abjad containers are iterables: >>> import collections >>> container = abjad.Container() >>> isinstance(container, True .. container:: example Abjad containers are not sequences: >>> import collections >>> container = abjad.Container() >>> isinstance(container, False Yields container elements. Returns generator. """ return iter(self.components)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Gets number of components in container. """ return len(self.components)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets repr. """ string = self._get_contents_summary() if string: return f"{type(self).__name__}({string!r})" else: return f"{type(self).__name__}()"
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i, argument) -> None: """ Sets container ``i`` equal to ``argument``. """ if isinstance(argument, str): argument = self._parse_string(argument) if isinstance(i, int): assert len(argument) == 1, repr(argument) argument = argument[0] wrappers = [] for component in self._get_components(argument): wrappers_ = component._get_indicators(unwrap=False) wrappers.extend(wrappers_) if isinstance(i, int): argument = [argument] if i < 0: i = len(self) + i i = slice(i, i + 1) new_argument = [] for item in argument: if hasattr(item, "_items"): new_argument.extend(item) else: new_argument.append(item) argument = new_argument assert all(isinstance(_, Component) for _ in argument), repr(argument) if any(hasattr(_, "_main_leaf") for _ in argument): raise Exception("must attach grace container to note or chord.") if self._check_for_cycles(argument): raise _exceptions.ParentageError("attempted to induce cycles.") if ( i.start == i.stop and i.start is not None and i.stop is not None and i.start <= -len(self) ): start, stop = 0, 0 else: start, stop, stride = i.indices(len(self)) del self[start:stop] self._components.__setitem__(slice(start, start), argument) for component in argument: component._set_parent(self) for wrapper in wrappers: wrapper._update_effective_context()
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _copy_with_children(self): new_container = self.__copy__() for component in self: if isinstance(component, Container): new_component = component._copy_with_children() else: new_component = component.__copy__() new_container.append(new_component) return new_container def _format_after_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _format_before_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.before.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _format_close_brackets(self): result = [] strings = [] if self.simultaneous: if self.identifier: string = f">> {self.identifier}" else: string = ">>" else: if self.identifier: string = f"}} {self.identifier}" else: string = "}" strings.append(string) if self.tag is not None: strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, self.tag) result.extend(strings) return result def _format_closing_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.grob_reverts if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.closing.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) result = _indent_strings(result) return result def _format_content_pieces(self): strings = [] for component in self.components: string = component._get_lilypond_format() for string in string.split("\n"): if string.isspace(): string = "" else: string = _indentlib.INDENT + string strings.append(string) return strings def _format_contents(self): result = [] strings = self._format_content_pieces() result.extend(strings) return result def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = [] if self.simultaneous: if self.identifier: string = f"<< {self.identifier}" else: string = "<<" else: if self.identifier: string = f"{{ {self.identifier}" else: string = "{" strings.append(string) if self.tag is not None: strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, self.tag) result.extend(strings) return result def _format_opening_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.opening.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.grob_overrides if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.context_settings if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) result = _indent_strings(result) return result def _get_abbreviated_string_format(self): if 0 < len(self): summary = str(len(self)) else: summary = "" if self.simultaneous: open_bracket_string, close_bracket_string = "<<", ">>" else: open_bracket_string, close_bracket_string = "{", "}" name = if name is not None: name = f'-"{name}"' else: name = "" if hasattr(self, "_lilypond_type"): result = "<{}{}{}{}{}>" result = result.format( self.lilypond_type, name, open_bracket_string, summary, close_bracket_string, ) else: result = "<{}{}{}{}>" result = result.format( name, open_bracket_string, summary, close_bracket_string ) return result def _get_compact_representation(self): if not self: return "{ }" return f"{{ {self._get_contents_summary()} }}" def _get_contents_duration(self): if self.simultaneous: return max( [_duration.Duration(0)] + [_._get_preprolated_duration() for _ in self] ) else: duration = _duration.Duration(0) for component in self: duration += component._get_preprolated_duration() return duration def _get_contents_summary(self): if 0 < len(self): result = [] for component in self.components: if hasattr(component, "_get_compact_representation"): result.append(component._get_compact_representation()) else: result.append(str(component)) return " ".join(result) else: return "" def _get_descendants_starting_with(self): result = [] result.append(self) if self.simultaneous: for item in self: result.extend(item._get_descendants_starting_with()) elif self: result.extend(self[0]._get_descendants_starting_with()) return result def _get_descendants_stopping_with(self): result = [] result.append(self) if self.simultaneous: for item in self: result.extend(item._get_descendants_stopping_with()) elif self: result.extend(self[-1]._get_descendants_stopping_with()) return result def _get_preprolated_duration(self): return self._get_contents_duration() def _get_subtree(self): result = [self] for component in self: result.extend(component._get_subtree()) return result def _initialize_components(self, components, *, language: str = "english"): if isinstance(components, and not isinstance( components, str ): components_ = [] for item in components: if isinstance(item, str): parsed = self._parse_string(item, language=language) components_.append(parsed) else: assert isinstance(item, Component) components_.append(item) components = components_ assert all(isinstance(_, Component) for _ in components), repr(components) if isinstance(components, str): parsed = self._parse_string(components, language=language) self._components = [] self.simultaneous = parsed.simultaneous self[:] = parsed[:] else: for component in components: if component._parent is not None: raise Exception(f"must not have parent: {component!r}.") self._components = list(components) for component in self: component._set_parent(self) def _is_one_of_my_first_leaves(self, leaf): return leaf in self._get_descendants_starting_with() def _is_one_of_my_last_leaves(self, leaf): return leaf in self._get_descendants_stopping_with() def _parse_string(self, string, *, language="english"): user_input = string.strip() if not user_input.startswith("<<") or not user_input.endswith(">>"): user_input = f"{{ {user_input} }}" parsed = self._parse_lilypond_string(user_input, language=language) assert isinstance(parsed, Container) return parsed def _scale(self, multiplier): for item in list(self): item._scale(multiplier) ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def components(self) -> tuple: """ Gets components in container. """ return tuple(self._components) @property def identifier(self) -> str | None: r""" Gets and sets bracket comment. .. container:: example >>> container = abjad.Container( ... "c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4", ... identifier='%*% AB', ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { %*% AB c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } %*% AB """ return self._identifier @identifier.setter def identifier(self, argument): assert isinstance(argument, str | type(None)), repr(argument) self._identifier = argument @property def name(self) -> str | None: r""" Gets and sets name of container. .. container:: example Gets container name: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> is None True .. container:: example Sets container name: >>> container = abjad.Container( ... "c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4", ... name='Special', ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> 'Special' Container name does not appear in LilyPond output: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, argument): assert isinstance(argument, str | type(None)) old_name = self._name parent = self._parent while parent is not None: named_children = parent._named_children if old_name is not None: named_children[old_name].remove(self) if not named_children[old_name]: del named_children[old_name] if argument is not None: if argument not in named_children: named_children[argument] = [self] else: named_children[argument].append(self) parent = parent._parent self._name = argument @property def simultaneous(self) -> bool | None: r""" Is true when container is simultaneous. .. container:: example Gets simultaneity status of container: >>> container = abjad.Container() >>> container.append(abjad.Voice("c'8 d'8 e'8")) >>> container.append(abjad.Voice('g4.')) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { \new Voice { c'8 d'8 e'8 } \new Voice { g4. } } >>> container.simultaneous False .. container:: example Sets simultaneity status of container: >>> container = abjad.Container() >>> container.append(abjad.Voice("c'8 d'8 e'8")) >>> container.append(abjad.Voice('g4.')) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { \new Voice { c'8 d'8 e'8 } \new Voice { g4. } } >>> container.simultaneous = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) << \new Voice { c'8 d'8 e'8 } \new Voice { g4. } >> """ return self._is_simultaneous @simultaneous.setter def simultaneous(self, argument): if argument is None: return assert isinstance(argument, bool), repr(argument) if argument and not all(isinstance(_, Container) for _ in self): message = "simultaneous containers must contain" message += " only other containers." raise ValueError(message) self._is_simultaneous = argument self._update_later(offsets=True) ### PUBLIC METHODS ###
[docs] def append(self, component: Component, *, language: str = "english") -> None: r""" Appends ``component`` to container. .. container:: example Appends note to container: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 ( d'4 f'4 )") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) } >>> container.append(abjad.Note("e'4")) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'4 } """ if isinstance(component, str): selection = self._parse_string(component, language=language) assert len(selection) == 1 component = selection[0] assert isinstance(component, Component), repr(component) self.__setitem__(slice(len(self), len(self)), [component])
[docs] def extend(self, argument, *, language: str = "english") -> None: r""" Extends container with ``argument``. .. container:: example Extends container with three notes: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 ( d'4 f'4 )") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) } >>> notes = [abjad.Note("e'32"), abjad.Note("d'32"), abjad.Note("e'16")] >>> container.extend(notes) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'32 d'32 e'16 } """ if isinstance(argument, str): argument = self._parse_string(argument, language=language) self.__setitem__( slice(len(self), len(self)), argument.__getitem__(slice(0, len(argument))), )
[docs] def index(self, component) -> int: r""" Returns index of ``component`` in container. .. container:: example Gets index of last element in container: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 d'4 f'4 e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 d'4 f'4 e'4 } >>> note = container[-1] >>> note Note("e'4") >>> container.index(note) 3 """ for i, element in enumerate(self.components): if element is component: return i else: raise ValueError(f"component {component!r} not in container {self!r}.")
[docs] def insert( self, i: int, component: str | Component, *, language: str = "english" ) -> None: r""" Inserts ``component`` at index ``i`` in container. .. container:: example Inserts note: >>> container = abjad.Container([]) >>> container.extend("fs16 cs' e' a'") >>> container.extend("cs''16 e'' cs'' a'") >>> container.extend("fs'16 e' cs' fs") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { fs16 cs'16 e'16 a'16 cs''16 e''16 cs''16 a'16 fs'16 e'16 cs'16 fs16 } >>> container.insert(-4, abjad.Note("e'4")) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { fs16 cs'16 e'16 a'16 cs''16 e''16 cs''16 a'16 e'4 fs'16 e'16 cs'16 fs16 } """ assert isinstance(i, int) if isinstance(component, str): selection = self._parse_string(component, language=language) assert len(selection) == 1, repr(selection) component = selection[0] assert isinstance(component, Component), repr(component) self.__setitem__(slice(i, i), [component]) return
[docs] def pop(self, i: int = -1) -> Component: r""" Pops component from container at index ``i``. .. container:: example Pops last element from container: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'4 } >>> container.pop() Note("e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) } """ assert isinstance(i, int), repr(i) component = self[i] del self[i] return component
[docs] def remove(self, component: Component) -> None: r""" Removes ``component`` from container. .. container:: example Removes note from container: >>> container = abjad.Container("c'4 d'4 f'4 e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 d'4 f'4 e'4 } >>> note = container[2] >>> note Note("f'4") >>> container.remove(note) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(container) >>> print(string) { c'4 d'4 e'4 } """ assert isinstance(component, Component), repr(component) i = self.index(component) del self[i]
[docs] class AfterGraceContainer(Container): r""" After grace container. .. container:: example >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> notes = [abjad.Note("c'16"), abjad.Note("d'16")] >>> after_grace_container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer(notes, fraction=(15, 16)) >>> abjad.attach(after_grace_container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \afterGrace 15/16 d'4 { c'16 d'16 } e'4 f'4 } LilyPond positions after grace notes at a point 3/4 of the way after the note they follow. The resulting spacing is usually too loose. Customize ``fraction`` as shown here. After grace notes are played in the last moments of duration of the note they follow. Fill after grace containers with notes, rests or chords. Attach after grace containers to notes, rests or chords. .. container:: example REGRESSION. After grace containers format correctly with main note articulations and markup: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("c'16 d'16", fraction=(15, 16)) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> leaves =, grace=None) >>> markup = abjad.Markup(r'\markup Allegro') >>> abjad.attach(markup, leaves[1], direction=abjad.UP) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation("."), leaves[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \afterGrace 15/16 d'4 - \staccato ^ \markup Allegro { c'16 d'16 } e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example REGRESSION #1074. After grace containers format correctly with chords and overrides. It is important here that the ``\afterGrace`` command appear lexically after the ``\override`` command: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 <d' f'>4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("c'16 d'16", fraction=(15, 16)) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> abjad.override(voice[1]).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \once \override NoteHead.color = #red \afterGrace 15/16 <d' f'>4 { c'16 d'16 } e'4 f'4 } """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Containers" __slots__ = ("_fraction", "_main_leaf") ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, components=None, *, fraction: tuple[int, int] | None = None, language: str = "english", tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: # NOTE: _main_leaf must be initialized before container initialization self._main_leaf = None Container.__init__(self, components, language=language, tag=tag) self.fraction = fraction ### SPECIAL METHODS ### def __getnewargs__(self) -> tuple[tuple[int, int] | None]: """ Gets new after grace container arguments. .. container:: example >>> abjad.AfterGraceContainer("d'8", fraction=(15, 16)).__getnewargs__() ((15, 16),) """ return (self.fraction,) ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _attach(self, leaf): if not hasattr(leaf, "written_duration"): raise TypeError(f"must attach to leaf (not {leaf!r}).") leaf._after_grace_container = self self._main_leaf = leaf def _detach(self): if self._main_leaf is not None: main_leaf = self._main_leaf main_leaf._after_grace_container = None self._main_leaf = None return self def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] result.extend(["{"]) return result @property def fraction(self) -> tuple[int, int] | None: r""" Gets LilyPond `\afterGraceFraction`. """ return self._fraction @fraction.setter def fraction(self, fraction: tuple[int, int] | None): if fraction is not None: assert isinstance(fraction, tuple), repr(fraction) assert len(fraction) == 2, repr(fraction) assert isinstance(fraction[0], int), repr(fraction) assert isinstance(fraction[0], int), repr(fraction) assert isinstance(fraction[1], int), repr(fraction) self._fraction = fraction
[docs] class BeforeGraceContainer(Container): r""" Grace container. .. container:: example Grace container models LilyPond's different types of "left-positioned" grace music: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16 ds'") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \grace { cs'16 ds'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } LilyPond engraves grace music at a reduced size. LilyPond positions grace music immediately before a "main note" which follows. .. container:: example Fill grace containers with notes, rests or chords: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("<cs' ds'>16 e'") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \grace { <cs' ds'>16 e'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example Detach grace containers like this: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("<cs' ds'>16 e'") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \grace { <cs' ds'>16 e'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> abjad.detach(abjad.BeforeGraceContainer, voice[1]) (BeforeGraceContainer("<cs' ds'>16 e'16"),) >>> abjad.detach(abjad.BeforeGraceContainer, voice[1]) () >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example Move grace containers like this: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("<cs' ds'>16 e'") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \grace { <cs' ds'>16 e'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> result = abjad.detach(abjad.BeforeGraceContainer, voice[1]) >>> container = result[0] >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[3]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 d'4 e'4 \grace { <cs' ds'>16 e'16 } f'4 } LilyPond provides four types of left-positioned grace music: acciaccaturas, appoggiaturas, grace notes and slashed grace notes; see ``abjad.BeforeGraceContainer.command`` to choose between these. LilyPond's left-positioned grace music contrasts with "right-positioned" after-grace music; see ``abjad.AfterGraceContainer``. Note that neither LilyPond nor Abjad attempts to model the ways that different categories of grace music have been performed historically. Typographic differences in slurring and slashing are provided. But distinctions between (for example) on-the-beat versus before-the-beat performance are left implicit. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Containers" __slots__ = ("_command", "_main_leaf") _commands = ( r"\acciaccatura", r"\appoggiatura", r"\grace", r"\slashedGrace", ) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, components=None, *, command: str = r"\grace", language: str = "english", tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: if command not in self._commands: message = f"unknown command: {repr(command)}.\n" message += " must be in {self._commands}" raise Exception(message) self._command = command self._main_leaf = None Container.__init__(self, components, language=language, tag=tag) ### SPECIAL METHODS ### def __getnewargs__(self) -> tuple: """ Gets new grace container arguments. Returns tuple of single empty list. """ return ([],) ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _attach(self, leaf): if not hasattr(leaf, "written_duration"): raise TypeError(f"must attach to leaf {leaf!r}.") leaf._before_grace_container = self self._main_leaf = leaf def _detach(self): if self._main_leaf is not None: main_leaf = self._main_leaf main_leaf._before_grace_container = None self._main_leaf = None return self def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] string = f"{self.command} {{" result.extend([string]) return result ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def command(self) -> str: r""" Gets command. Chooses between LilyPond's four types of left-positioned grace music. .. container:: example **(Vanilla) grace notes.** LilyPond formats single grace notes with neither a slash nor a slur: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } LilyPond likewise formats runs of grace notes with neither a slash nor a slur: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16 ds'") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \grace { cs'16 ds'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example **Acciaccaturas.** LilyPond formats single acciaccaturas with both a slash and a slur: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer( ... "cs'16", command=r"\acciaccatura" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \acciaccatura { cs'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example exception But LilyPond fails to slash runs of acciaccaturas. This behavior is a longstanding LilyPond bug: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer( ... "cs'16 ds'", command=r"\acciaccatura" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \acciaccatura { cs'16 ds'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. note:: LilyPond fails to slash runs of acciaccaturas. .. container:: example **Appoggiaturas.** LilyPond formats single appoggiaturas with only a slur; no slash is included: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer( ... "cs'16", command=r"\appoggiatura" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \appoggiatura { cs'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } LilyPond likewise formats runs of appoggiaturas with only a slur: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer( ... "cs'16 ds'", command=r"\appoggiatura" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \appoggiatura { cs'16 ds'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example **Slashed grace notes.** LilyPond formats single slashed grace notes with only a slash; no slur is included: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer( ... "cs'16", command=r"\slashedGrace" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \slashedGrace { cs'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example exception But LilyPond fails to slash runs of "slashed" grace notes. This is a longstanding LilyPond bug: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer( ... "cs'16 ds'", command=r"\slashedGrace" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \slashedGrace { cs'16 ds'16 } d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. note:: LilyPond fails to slash runs of "slashed" grace notes. .. container:: example LilyPond ``\acciaccatura``, ``\appoggiatura`` are syntactic sugar. .. container:: example **Grace notes with slur may be used instead of appoggiatura:** >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> leaves =[1:3] >>> abjad.slur(leaves) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \grace { cs'16 ( } d'4 ) e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example **Slashed grace notes with slur may be used instead of acciaccatura:** >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer( ... "cs'16", command=r"\slashedGrace" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[1]) >>> leaves =[1:3] >>> abjad.slur(leaves) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \slashedGrace { cs'16 ( } d'4 ) e'4 f'4 } """ return self._command
[docs] class Chord(Leaf): """ Chord. .. container:: example >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<e' cs'' f''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <e' cs'' f''>4 .. container:: example REGRESSION. Initializes from other chord: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<e' cs'' f''>4", multiplier=(1, 2)) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <e' cs'' f''>4 * 1/2 >>> new_chord = abjad.Chord(chord) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(new_chord) >>> print(string) <e' cs'' f''>4 * 1/2 """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Leaves" __slots__ = ("_note_heads",) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, *arguments, language: str = "english", multiplier: tuple[int, int] | None = None, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: assert len(arguments) in (0, 1, 2) self._note_heads = NoteHeadList() if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], str): string = f"{{ {arguments[0]} }}" parsed = self._parse_lilypond_string(string, language=language) assert len(parsed) == 1 and isinstance(parsed[0], Leaf) arguments = tuple([parsed[0]]) are_cautionary: list[bool | None] = [] are_forced: list[bool | None] = [] are_parenthesized: list[bool | None] = [] if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], Leaf): leaf = arguments[0] written_pitches = [] written_duration = leaf.written_duration if multiplier is None: multiplier = leaf.multiplier # TODO: move to dedicated from_note() constructor: if isinstance(leaf, Note) and leaf.note_head is not None: written_pitches.append(leaf.note_head.written_pitch) are_cautionary = [leaf.note_head.is_cautionary] are_forced = [leaf.note_head.is_forced] are_parenthesized = [leaf.note_head.is_parenthesized] elif isinstance(leaf, Chord): written_pitches.extend(_.written_pitch for _ in leaf.note_heads) are_cautionary = [_.is_cautionary for _ in leaf.note_heads] are_forced = [_.is_forced for _ in leaf.note_heads] are_parenthesized = [_.is_parenthesized for _ in leaf.note_heads] # TODO: move to dedicated constructor: elif len(arguments) == 2: written_pitches, written_duration = arguments if isinstance(written_pitches, str): written_pitches = [_ for _ in written_pitches.split() if _] elif isinstance(written_pitches, type(self)): written_pitches = list(written_pitches.written_pitches) elif len(arguments) == 0: written_pitches = [_pitch.NamedPitch(_) for _ in [0, 4, 7]] written_duration = _duration.Duration(1, 4) else: raise ValueError(f"can not initialize chord from {arguments!r}.") Leaf.__init__(self, written_duration, multiplier=multiplier, tag=tag) if not are_cautionary: are_cautionary = [None] * len(written_pitches) if not are_forced: are_forced = [None] * len(written_pitches) if not are_parenthesized: are_parenthesized = [None] * len(written_pitches) for written_pitch, is_cautionary, is_forced, is_parenthesized in zip( written_pitches, are_cautionary, are_forced, are_parenthesized ): if not is_cautionary: is_cautionary = False if not is_forced: is_forced = False if not is_parenthesized: is_parenthesized = False if written_pitch not in _lyconst.drums: note_head = NoteHead( written_pitch=written_pitch, is_cautionary=is_cautionary, is_forced=is_forced, is_parenthesized=is_parenthesized, ) else: assert isinstance(written_pitch, str), repr(written_pitch) note_head = DrumNoteHead( written_pitch=written_pitch, is_cautionary=is_cautionary, is_forced=is_forced, is_parenthesized=is_parenthesized, ) if isinstance(written_pitch, NoteHead): note_head.tweaks = copy.deepcopy(written_pitch.tweaks) self._note_heads.append(note_head) if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], Leaf): self._copy_override_and_set_from_leaf(arguments[0]) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments) -> "Chord": """ Copies chord. """ new_chord = Leaf.__copy__(self, *arguments) new_chord.note_heads[:] = [] for note_head in self.note_heads: note_head = copy.copy(note_head) new_chord.note_heads.append(note_head) return new_chord
def __getnewargs__( self, ) -> tuple[tuple[_pitch.NamedPitch, ...], _duration.Duration]: """ Gets new chord arguments. .. container:: example >>> abjad.Chord("<c' d'>4").__getnewargs__() ((NamedPitch("c'"), NamedPitch("d'")), Duration(1, 4)) """ return self.written_pitches, self.written_duration ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _format_before_site(self, contributions): result = [] if self._before_grace_container is not None: string = self._before_grace_container._get_lilypond_format() result.append(string) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.before.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.grob_overrides if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.context_settings if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _format_leaf_nucleus(self): result = [] note_heads = self.note_heads if any("\n" in _._get_lilypond_format() for _ in note_heads): for note_head in note_heads: current_format = note_head._get_lilypond_format() format_list = current_format.split("\n") format_list = [_indentlib.INDENT + _ for _ in format_list] result.extend(format_list) result.insert(0, "<") result.append(">") result = "\n".join(result) result += str(self._get_formatted_duration()) else: result.extend([_._get_lilypond_format() for _ in note_heads]) pitches = " ".join(result) duration = self._get_formatted_duration() result = f"<{pitches}>{duration}" # single string, but wrapped in list bc contribution return [result] def _get_compact_representation(self): summary = self._get_summary() duration = self._get_formatted_duration() return f"<{summary}>{duration}" def _get_summary(self): return " ".join([_._get_chord_string() for _ in self.note_heads]) ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def note_heads(self) -> "NoteHeadList": r""" Gets note-heads in chord. .. container:: example Gets note-heads in chord: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<g' c'' e''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> for _ in chord.note_heads: _ NoteHead("g'") NoteHead("c''") NoteHead("e''") .. container:: example Sets note-heads with pitch names: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<g' c'' e''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> chord.note_heads = "c' d' fs'" >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <c' d' fs'>4 .. container:: example Sets note-heads with pitch numbers: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<g' c'' e''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> chord.note_heads = [16, 17, 19] >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <e'' f'' g''>4 Set note-heads with any iterable. """ return self._note_heads @note_heads.setter def note_heads(self, note_heads): self._note_heads[:] = [] if isinstance(note_heads, str): note_heads = note_heads.split() self.note_heads.extend(note_heads) @property def written_duration(self) -> _duration.Duration: """ Gets and sets written duration of chord. .. container:: example Get written duration: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<e' cs'' f''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> chord.written_duration Duration(1, 4) .. container:: example Set written duration: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<e' cs'' f''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> chord.written_duration = abjad.Duration(1, 16) >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ return super().written_duration @written_duration.setter def written_duration(self, argument): Leaf.written_duration.fset(self, argument) @property def written_pitches(self) -> tuple[_pitch.NamedPitch, ...]: """ Written pitches in chord. .. container:: example Get written pitches: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<g' c'' e''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> chord.written_pitches (NamedPitch("g'"), NamedPitch("c''"), NamedPitch("e''")) .. container:: example Set written pitches with pitch names: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<e' g' c''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> chord.written_pitches = "f' b' d''" >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <f' b' d''>4 >>> chord.written_pitches (NamedPitch("f'"), NamedPitch("b'"), NamedPitch("d''")) Set written pitches with any iterable. """ return tuple(_.written_pitch for _ in self.note_heads) @written_pitches.setter def written_pitches(self, pitches): self.note_heads = pitches
[docs] class Cluster(Container): r""" Cluster. .. container:: example >>> cluster = abjad.Cluster("c'8 <d' g'>8 b'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(cluster) >>> print(string) \makeClusters { c'8 <d' g'>8 b'8 } >>> cluster Cluster("c'8 <d' g'>8 b'8") """ __documentation_section__ = "Containers" __slots__ = () def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] if self.simultaneous: brackets_open = ["<<"] else: brackets_open = ["{"] string = rf"\makeClusters {brackets_open[0]}" result.append(string) return result
[docs] class Context(Container): r""" LilyPond context. .. container:: example >>> context = abjad.Context(lilypond_type='GlobalContext', name='Meter_Voice') >>> context Context(lilypond_type='GlobalContext', name='Meter_Voice') .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(context) >>> print(string) \context GlobalContext = "Meter_Voice" { } """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Contexts" __slots__ = ( "_lilypond_type", "_consists_commands", "_dependent_wrappers", "_remove_commands", ) _default_lilypond_type = "Voice" lilypond_types = ( "Score", "StaffGroup", "ChoirStaff", "GrandStaff", "PianoStaff", "Staff", "RhythmicStaff", "TabStaff", "DrumStaff", "VaticanaStaff", "MensuralStaff", "Voice", "VaticanaVoice", "MensuralVoice", "Lyrics", "DrumVoice", "FiguredBass", "TabVoice", "CueVoice", "ChordNames", ) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, components=None, *, language: str = "english", lilypond_type: str = "Context", name: str | None = None, simultaneous: bool = False, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: self._consists_commands: list[str] = [] self._dependent_wrappers: list = [] self._remove_commands: list[str] = [] self.lilypond_type = lilypond_type Container.__init__( self, simultaneous=simultaneous, components=components, language=language, name=name, tag=tag, ) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments): """ Shallow copies context. Copies indicators. Does not copy children. Returns new component. """ new_context = Container.__copy__(self) new_context._consists_commands = copy.copy(self.consists_commands) new_context._remove_commands = copy.copy(self.remove_commands) return new_context
def __getnewargs__(self): """ Gets new context arguments. Returns tuple. """ return ([],)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets interpreter representation of context. .. container:: example >>> context = abjad.Context( ... lilypond_type='GlobalContext', ... name='Meter_Voice', ... ) >>> repr(context) "Context(lilypond_type='GlobalContext', name='Meter_Voice')" """ parameters = [] if self.components: string = repr(self._get_contents_summary()) parameters.append(string) if self.lilypond_type != type(self).__name__: parameters.append(f"lilypond_type={self.lilypond_type!r}") if parameters.append(f"name={!r}") if self.simultaneous is True: parameters.append(f"simultaneous={self.simultaneous!r}") string = ", ".join(parameters) return f"{type(self).__name__}({string})"
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _format_closing_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.closing.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) result = _indent_strings(result) return result def _format_consists_commands(self): result = [] for engraver in self.consists_commands: string = rf"\consists {engraver}" result.append(string) return result def _format_invocation(self): if is not None: string = rf'\context {self.lilypond_type} = "{}"' else: string = rf"\new {self.lilypond_type}" return string def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] if self.simultaneous: if self.identifier: open_bracket = f"<< {self.identifier}" else: open_bracket = "<<" else: if self.identifier: open_bracket = f"{{ {self.identifier}" else: open_bracket = "{" brackets_open = [open_bracket] remove_commands = self._format_remove_commands() consists_commands = self._format_consists_commands() overrides = contributions.grob_overrides settings = contributions.context_settings if remove_commands or consists_commands or overrides or settings: contributions = [self._format_invocation(), r"\with", "{"] contributions = self._tag_strings(contributions) result.extend(contributions) contributions = [_indentlib.INDENT + _ for _ in remove_commands] contributions = self._tag_strings(contributions) result.extend(contributions) contributions = [_indentlib.INDENT + _ for _ in consists_commands] contributions = self._tag_strings(contributions) result.extend(contributions) contributions = [_indentlib.INDENT + _ for _ in overrides] contributions = self._tag_strings(contributions) result.extend(contributions) contributions = [_indentlib.INDENT + _ for _ in settings] contributions = self._tag_strings(contributions) result.extend(contributions) contributions = [f"}} {brackets_open[0]}"] contributions = ["}", open_bracket] contributions = self._tag_strings(contributions) result.extend(contributions) else: contribution = self._format_invocation() contribution += f" {brackets_open[0]}" contributions = [contribution] contributions = [self._format_invocation(), open_bracket] contributions = self._tag_strings(contributions) result.extend(contributions) return result def _format_opening_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.opening.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) result = _indent_strings(result) return result def _format_remove_commands(self): result = [] for engraver in self.remove_commands: string = rf"\remove {engraver}" result.append(string) return result ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def consists_commands(self): r""" Unordered set of LilyPond engravers to include in context definition. .. container:: example Manage with add, update, other standard set commands: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([]) >>> staff.consists_commands.append("Horizontal_bracket_engraver") >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver } { } """ return self._consists_commands @property def lilypond_context(self): """ Gets ``LilyPondContext`` associated with context. Returns LilyPond context instance. """ try: lilypond_context = _lyproxy.LilyPondContext(name=self.lilypond_type) except AssertionError: lilypond_context = _lyproxy.LilyPondContext( name=self._default_lilypond_type ) return lilypond_context @property def lilypond_type(self) -> str: """ Gets lilypond type. .. container:: example >>> context = abjad.Context( ... lilypond_type="ViolinStaff", ... name="MyViolinStaff", ... ) >>> context.lilypond_type 'ViolinStaff' Gets and sets lilypond type of context. """ return self._lilypond_type @lilypond_type.setter def lilypond_type(self, argument): if argument is None: argument = type(self).__name__ else: argument = str(argument) self._lilypond_type = argument @property def remove_commands(self): r""" Unordered set of LilyPond engravers to remove from context. .. container:: example Manage with add, update, other standard set commands: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([]) >>> staff.remove_commands.append("Time_signature_engraver") >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver } { } """ return self._remove_commands @property def tag(self) -> _tag.Tag | None: r""" Gets tag. .. container:: example >>> context = abjad.Context( ... "c'4 d' e' f'", ... lilypond_type="CustomContext", ... tag=abjad.Tag("RED"), ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(context, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! RED \new CustomContext %! RED { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 %! RED } """ return super().tag @tag.setter def tag(self, argument) -> None: self._tag = argument
[docs] class IndependentAfterGraceContainer(Container): r""" Independent after grace container. .. container:: example After grace notes: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> notes = [abjad.Note("c'16"), abjad.Note("d'16")] >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer(notes, fraction=(15, 16)) >>> voice.insert(2, container) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'4 \afterGrace 15/16 d'4 { c'16 d'16 } e'4 f'4 } LilyPond positions after grace notes at a point 3/4 of the way after the note they follow. The resulting spacing is usually too loose. Customize ``fraction`` as shown above. After grace notes are played in the last moments of the duration of the note they follow. Fill grace containers with notes, rests or chords. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Containers" __slots__ = ("_fraction",) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, components=None, *, fraction: tuple[int, int] | None = None, language: str = "english", tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: Container.__init__(self, components, language=language, tag=tag) self.fraction = fraction def __getnewargs__(self): """ Gets new after grace container arguments. Returns tuple of single empty list. """ return ([],) def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] result.extend(["{"]) return result def _get_preprolated_duration(self): return _duration.Duration(0) @property def fraction(self) -> tuple[int, int] | None: r""" Gets LilyPond `\afterGraceFraction`. """ return self._fraction @fraction.setter def fraction(self, fraction: tuple[int, int] | None): if fraction is not None: assert isinstance(fraction, tuple), repr(fraction) assert len(fraction) == 2, repr(fraction) assert isinstance(fraction[0], int), repr(fraction) assert isinstance(fraction[0], int), repr(fraction) assert isinstance(fraction[1], int), repr(fraction) self._fraction = fraction
[docs] class MultimeasureRest(Leaf): r""" Multimeasure rest. .. container:: example >>> rest = abjad.MultimeasureRest((1, 4)) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. container:: example Multimeasure rests may be tagged: >>> rest = abjad.MultimeasureRest( ... "R1", tag=abjad.Tag("GLOBAL_MULTIMEASURE_REST") ... ) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(rest, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! GLOBAL_MULTIMEASURE_REST R1 .. container:: example REGRESSION #1049. Parser reads multimeasure rest multipliers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/8 R1 * 3/8") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 3/8 R1 * 3/8 } """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Leaves" __slots__ = () ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, *arguments, language: str = "english", multiplier: tuple[int, int] | None = None, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: if len(arguments) == 0: arguments = ((1, 4),) rest = Rest(*arguments, language=language) Leaf.__init__(self, rest.written_duration, multiplier=multiplier, tag=tag) ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _get_body(self): """ Gets list of string representation of body of rest. Picked up as contribution at format-time. """ result = "R" + str(self._get_formatted_duration()) return [result] def _get_compact_representation(self): return f"R{self._get_formatted_duration()}" ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def tag(self) -> _tag.Tag | None: r""" Gets tag. .. container:: example >>> rest = abjad.MultimeasureRest( ... 1, tag=abjad.Tag('MULTIMEASURE_REST') ... ) >>> rest.multiplier = (3, 8) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(rest, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! MULTIMEASURE_REST R1 * 3/8 """ return super().tag @tag.setter def tag(self, argument) -> None: self._tag = argument
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class NoteHead: r""" Note-head. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> note.note_head NoteHead("cs''") .. container:: example >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead("cs''") >>> abjad.tweak(note_head, r"\tweak color #red") >>> note_head.tweaks (Tweak(string='\\tweak color #red', i=None, tag=None),) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note_head) >>> print(string) \tweak color #red cs'' .. container:: example >>> chord = abjad.Chord([0, 2, 10], (1, 4)) >>> abjad.tweak(chord.note_heads[0], r"\tweak color #red") >>> abjad.tweak(chord.note_heads[0], r"\tweak thickness 2") >>> abjad.tweak(chord.note_heads[1], r"\tweak color #red") >>> abjad.tweak(chord.note_heads[1], r"\tweak thickness 2") >>> abjad.tweak(chord.note_heads[2], r"\tweak color #blue") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) < \tweak color #red \tweak thickness 2 c' \tweak color #red \tweak thickness 2 d' \tweak color #blue bf' >4 """ __documentation_section__ = "Note-heads" __slots__ = ( "_alternative", "_is_cautionary", "_is_forced", "_is_parenthesized", "_written_pitch", "tweaks", ) def __init__( self, written_pitch=None, *, is_cautionary=None, is_forced=None, is_parenthesized=None, tweaks=None, ): self._alternative = None tweaks_ = () if isinstance(written_pitch, NoteHead): note_head = written_pitch tweaks_ = copy.deepcopy(note_head.tweaks) written_pitch = note_head.written_pitch is_cautionary = note_head.is_cautionary is_forced = note_head.is_forced elif written_pitch is None: written_pitch = 0 self.written_pitch = written_pitch self.is_cautionary = is_cautionary self.is_forced = is_forced self.is_parenthesized = is_parenthesized self.tweaks = None if tweaks is not None: assert all(isinstance(_, _tweaks.Tweak) for _ in tweaks) tweaks_ = tweaks_ + tuple(tweaks) self.tweaks = tweaks_
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments) -> "NoteHead": """ Copies note-head. .. container:: example >>> import copy >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead(13) >>> copy.copy(note_head) NoteHead("cs''") """ result = type(self)( self.written_pitch, is_cautionary=self.is_cautionary, is_forced=self.is_forced, is_parenthesized=self.is_parenthesized, ) tweaks = copy.deepcopy(self.tweaks) result.tweaks = tweaks return result
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ```argument`` is a note-head with written pitch equal to that of this note-head. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.written_pitch == argument.written_pitch return self.written_pitch == argument
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes note-head. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` is a note-head with written pitch greater than that of this note-head. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.written_pitch < argument.written_pitch try: argument = type(self)(argument) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return self.written_pitch < argument.written_pitch
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets interpreter representation of note-head. .. container:: example >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead(13) >>> note_head NoteHead("cs''") """ strings = [] if isinstance(self.written_pitch, _pitch.NamedPitch): string = strings.append(repr(string)) # drum note head: elif isinstance(self.written_pitch, str): string = self.written_pitch strings.append(repr(string)) if self.is_cautionary: string = f"is_cautionary={self.is_cautionary!r}" strings.append(string) if self.is_forced: string = f"is_forced={self.is_forced!r}" strings.append(string) if self.is_parenthesized: string = f"is_parenthesized={self.is_parenthesized!r}" strings.append(string) if self.tweaks: string = f"tweaks={self.tweaks!r}" strings.append(string) string = ", ".join(strings) return f"{type(self).__name__}({string})"
def _get_chord_string(self) -> str: result = "" if self.written_pitch: result = if self.is_forced: result += "!" if self.is_cautionary: result += "?" return result def _get_note_head_strings(self): assert self.written_pitch result = [] if self.is_parenthesized: result.append(r"\parenthesize") for tweak in sorted(self.tweaks): strings = tweak._list_contributions() result.extend(strings) written_pitch = self.written_pitch if isinstance(written_pitch, _pitch.NamedPitch): written_pitch = written_pitch.simplify() kernel = # drum note head: else: assert isinstance(written_pitch, str) kernel = written_pitch if self.is_forced: kernel += "!" if self.is_cautionary: kernel += "?" result.append(kernel) return result def _get_lilypond_format(self, duration=None): pieces = self._get_note_head_strings() if duration is not None: pieces[-1] = pieces[-1] + duration if self.alternative: pieces = _tag.double_tag(pieces, self.alternative[2]) pieces_ = self.alternative[0]._get_note_head_strings() if duration is not None: pieces_[-1] = pieces_[-1] + duration pieces_ = _tag.double_tag(pieces_, self.alternative[1], deactivate=True) pieces.extend(pieces_) result = "\n".join(pieces) return result @property def alternative(self) -> tuple["NoteHead", _tag.Tag, _tag.Tag]: """ Gets and sets note-head alternative. >>> import copy .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("c''4") >>> alternative = copy.copy(note.note_head) >>> alternative.is_forced = True >>> triple = (alternative, abjad.Tag("-PARTS"), abjad.Tag("+PARTS")) >>> note.note_head.alternative = triple >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! +PARTS c''4 %! -PARTS %@% c''!4 Survives pitch reassignment: >>> note.written_pitch = "D5" >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! +PARTS d''4 %! -PARTS %@% d''!4 Clear with none: >>> note.note_head.alternative = None >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note, tags=True) >>> print(string) d''4 .. container:: example >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<c' d' bf''>4") >>> alternative = copy.copy(chord.note_heads[0]) >>> alternative.is_forced = True >>> triple = (alternative, abjad.Tag("-PARTS"), abjad.Tag("+PARTS")) >>> chord.note_heads[0].alternative = triple >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord, tags=True) >>> print(string) < %! +PARTS c' %! -PARTS %@% c'! d' bf'' >4 Suvives pitch reassignment: >>> chord.note_heads[0].written_pitch = "B3" >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord, tags=True) >>> print(string) < %! +PARTS b %! -PARTS %@% b! d' bf'' >4 Clear with none: >>> chord.note_heads[0].alternative = None >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord, tags=True) >>> print(string) <b d' bf''>4 """ return self._alternative @alternative.setter def alternative(self, argument): if argument is not None: assert isinstance(argument, tuple), repr(argument) assert len(argument) == 3, repr(argument) assert isinstance(argument[0], NoteHead), repr(argument) assert argument[0].alternative is None, repr(argument) assert isinstance(argument[1], _tag.Tag), repr(argument) assert isinstance(argument[2], _tag.Tag), repr(argument) self._alternative = argument @property def is_cautionary(self) -> bool: """ Gets and sets cautionary accidental flag. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("c''") >>> note.note_head.is_cautionary = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) c''?4 >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''") >>> note.note_head.is_cautionary = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''?4 """ return self._is_cautionary @is_cautionary.setter def is_cautionary(self, argument): self._is_cautionary = bool(argument) @property def is_forced(self) -> bool: """ Gets and sets forced accidental flag. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("c''") >>> note.note_head.is_forced = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) c''!4 >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''") >>> note.note_head.is_forced = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''!4 """ return self._is_forced @is_forced.setter def is_forced(self, argument): if argument is not None: argument = bool(argument) self._is_forced = argument @property def is_parenthesized(self) -> bool: r""" Gets and sets forced accidental flag. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("c''") >>> note.note_head.is_parenthesized = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) \parenthesize c''4 >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''") >>> note.note_head.is_parenthesized = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) \parenthesize cs''4 """ return self._is_parenthesized @is_parenthesized.setter def is_parenthesized(self, argument): if argument is not None: argument = bool(argument) self._is_parenthesized = argument @property def named_pitch(self) -> _pitch.NamedPitch: """ Gets named pitch. .. container:: example >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead("cs''") >>> note_head.named_pitch NamedPitch("cs''") """ return self.written_pitch @property def written_pitch(self) -> _pitch.NamedPitch: """ Gets and sets written pitch of note-head. .. container:: example >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead("cs''") >>> note_head.written_pitch NamedPitch("cs''") >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead("cs''") >>> note_head.written_pitch = "d''" >>> note_head.written_pitch NamedPitch("d''") """ return self._written_pitch @written_pitch.setter def written_pitch(self, argument): written_pitch = _pitch.NamedPitch(argument) self._written_pitch = written_pitch if self.alternative is not None: self.alternative[0].written_pitch = written_pitch
[docs] class DrumNoteHead(NoteHead): """ Drum note-head. .. container:: example >>> note_head = abjad.DrumNoteHead("snare") >>> note_head DrumNoteHead('snare') """ __documentation_section__ = "Note-heads" __slots__ = () def __init__( self, written_pitch: str = "snare", *, is_cautionary: bool = False, is_forced: bool = False, is_parenthesized: bool = False, tweaks: _tweaks.Tweak | None = None, ) -> None: NoteHead.__init__( self, written_pitch=None, is_cautionary=is_cautionary, is_forced=is_forced, is_parenthesized=is_parenthesized, tweaks=tweaks, ) assert str(written_pitch) in _lyconst.drums drum_pitch = _lyconst.drums[str(written_pitch)] self._written_pitch = drum_pitch
[docs] class NoteHeadList(list): """ Note-head list. .. container:: example >>> for _ in abjad.NoteHeadList([11, 10, 9]): _ NoteHead("a'") NoteHead("bf'") NoteHead("b'") """ __documentation_section__ = "Note-heads" def __init__(self, argument=()): note_heads = [NoteHead(_) for _ in argument] list.__init__(self, note_heads) self.sort()
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i, argument): """ Coerces ``argument`` and sets at ``i``. """ if isinstance(i, int): new_item = NoteHead(argument) list.__setitem__(self, i, new_item) elif isinstance(i, slice): new_items = [NoteHead(_) for _ in argument] list.__setitem__(self, i, new_items) self.sort()
[docs] def append(self, item): """ Coerces ``item`` and appends note-head. """ if isinstance(item, NoteHead): note_head = item else: note_head = NoteHead(item) list.append(self, note_head) self.sort()
[docs] def extend(self, items) -> None: r""" Extends note-heads. .. container:: example >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<ef'>") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <ef'>4 >>> note_heads = [] >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead("cs''") >>> abjad.tweak(note_head, r"\tweak color #blue") >>> note_heads.append(note_head) >>> note_head = abjad.NoteHead("f''") >>> abjad.tweak(note_head, r"\tweak color #green") >>> note_heads.append(note_head) >>> chord.note_heads.extend(note_heads) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) < ef' \tweak color #blue cs'' \tweak color #green f'' >4 """ note_heads = [_ if isinstance(_, NoteHead) else NoteHead(_) for _ in items] list.extend(self, note_heads) self.sort()
[docs] def get(self, pitch) -> NoteHead: r""" Gets note-head by ``pitch``. .. container:: example Gets note-head by pitch name: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<e' cs'' f''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> note_head = chord.note_heads.get("e'") >>> abjad.tweak(note_head, r"\tweak color #red") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) < \tweak color #red e' cs'' f'' >4 .. container:: example Gets note-head by pitch number: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<e' cs'' f''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> note_head = chord.note_heads.get(4) >>> abjad.tweak(note_head, r"\tweak color #red") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) < \tweak color #red e' cs'' f'' >4 Raises missing note-head error when chord contains no note-head with ``pitch``. Raises extra note-head error when chord contains more than one note-head with ``pitch``. """ result = [] pitch = _pitch.NamedPitch(pitch) for note_head in self: assert isinstance(note_head, NoteHead), repr(note_head) if note_head.written_pitch == pitch: result.append(note_head) count = len(result) if count == 0: raise ValueError("missing note-head.") elif count == 1: note_head = result[0] return note_head else: raise ValueError("extra note-head.")
[docs] def pop(self, i=-1) -> NoteHead: r""" Pops note-head ``i``. .. container:: example >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<ef' c'' f''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <ef' c'' f''>4 >>> chord.note_heads.pop(1) NoteHead("c''") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <ef' f''>4 """ return list.pop(self, i)
[docs] def remove(self, item): r""" Removes ``item``. .. container:: example >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<ef' c'' f''>4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <ef' c'' f''>4 >>> note_head = chord.note_heads[1] >>> chord.note_heads.remove(note_head) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) <ef' f''>4 """ if isinstance(item, NoteHead): note_head = item else: note_head = NoteHead(item) list.remove(self, note_head)
[docs] class Note(Leaf): """ Note. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''8.") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''8. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Initializes from other note: >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''4", multiplier=(1, 1)) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''4 * 1/1 >>> new_note = abjad.Note(note) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(new_note) >>> print(string) cs''4 * 1/1 .. container:: example Selects language: >>> abjad.Note("dod''8.", language="français") Note("cs''8.") """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Leaves" __slots__ = ("_note_head",) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, *arguments, language: str = "english", multiplier: tuple[int, int] | None = None, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: assert len(arguments) in (0, 1, 2) if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], str): string = f"{{ {arguments[0]} }}" parsed = self._parse_lilypond_string(string, language=language) assert len(parsed) == 1 and isinstance(parsed[0], Leaf) arguments = tuple([parsed[0]]) written_pitch = None is_cautionary = False is_forced = False is_parenthesized = False if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], Leaf): leaf = arguments[0] written_pitch = None written_duration = leaf.written_duration if multiplier is None: multiplier = leaf.multiplier if isinstance(leaf, Note) and leaf.note_head is not None: written_pitch = leaf.note_head.written_pitch is_cautionary = leaf.note_head.is_cautionary is_forced = leaf.note_head.is_forced is_parenthesized = leaf.note_head.is_parenthesized # TODO: move into separate from_chord() constructor: elif isinstance(leaf, Chord): written_pitches = [_.written_pitch for _ in leaf.note_heads] if written_pitches: written_pitch = written_pitches[0] is_cautionary = leaf.note_heads[0].is_cautionary is_forced = leaf.note_heads[0].is_forced is_parenthesized = leaf.note_heads[0].is_parenthesized elif len(arguments) == 2: written_pitch, written_duration = arguments elif len(arguments) == 0: written_pitch = _pitch.NamedPitch("C4") written_duration = _duration.Duration(1, 4) else: raise ValueError(f"can not initialize note from {arguments!r}.") Leaf.__init__(self, written_duration, multiplier=multiplier, tag=tag) if written_pitch is not None: if written_pitch not in _lyconst.drums: self.note_head = NoteHead( written_pitch=written_pitch, is_cautionary=is_cautionary, is_forced=is_forced, is_parenthesized=is_parenthesized, ) else: assert isinstance(written_pitch, str), repr(written_pitch) self.note_head = DrumNoteHead( written_pitch=written_pitch, is_cautionary=is_cautionary, is_forced=is_forced, is_parenthesized=is_parenthesized, ) if isinstance(written_pitch, NoteHead): self.note_head.tweaks = copy.deepcopy(written_pitch.tweaks) else: self._note_head = None if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], Leaf): self._copy_override_and_set_from_leaf(arguments[0]) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments) -> "Note": """ Copies note. """ new_note = Leaf.__copy__(self, *arguments) new_note.note_head = copy.copy(self.note_head) return new_note
def __getnewargs__(self) -> tuple: """ Gets new arguments. """ return (self.written_pitch, self.written_duration) ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _get_body(self): duration = self._get_formatted_duration() if self.note_head is not None: string = self.note_head._get_lilypond_format(duration=duration) else: string = duration return [string] def _get_compact_representation(self): return self._get_body()[0] ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def note_head(self) -> NoteHead | None: """ Gets and sets note-head. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''8.") >>> note.note_head NoteHead("cs''") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''8. >>> note.note_head = 'D5' >>> note.note_head NoteHead("d''") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) d''8. """ return self._note_head @note_head.setter def note_head(self, argument): if isinstance(argument, type(None)): self._note_head = None elif isinstance(argument, NoteHead): self._note_head = argument else: note_head = NoteHead(written_pitch=argument) self._note_head = note_head @property def written_duration(self) -> _duration.Duration: """ Gets and sets written duration. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''8.") >>> note.written_duration Duration(3, 16) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''8. >>> note.written_duration = (1, 16) >>> note.written_duration Duration(1, 16) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''16 """ return super().written_duration @written_duration.setter def written_duration(self, argument): return Leaf.written_duration.fset(self, argument) # TODO: change Note always to have a note head @property def written_pitch(self) -> _pitch.NamedPitch | None: """ Gets and sets written pitch. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("cs''8.") >>> note.written_pitch NamedPitch("cs''") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''8. >>> note.written_pitch = 'D5' >>> note.written_pitch NamedPitch("d''") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) d''8. """ if self.note_head is not None: return self.note_head.written_pitch else: return None @written_pitch.setter def written_pitch(self, argument): if argument is None: if self.note_head is not None: self.note_head.written_pitch = None else: if self.note_head is None: self.note_head = NoteHead(self, written_pitch=None) else: pitch = _pitch.NamedPitch(argument) self.note_head.written_pitch = pitch ### PUBLIC METHODS ###
[docs] @staticmethod def from_pitch_and_duration(pitch, duration) -> "Note": """ Makes note from ``pitch`` and ``duration``. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note.from_pitch_and_duration('C#5', (3, 16)) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) cs''8. """ note = Note(pitch, duration) return note
[docs] class Rest(Leaf): r""" Rest. .. container:: example >>> rest = abjad.Rest("r8.") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([rest]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 16)), rest) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 3/16 r8. } """ __documentation_section__ = "Leaves" __slots__ = () def __init__( self, written_duration=None, *, language: str = "english", multiplier: tuple[int, int] | None = None, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: original_input = written_duration if isinstance(written_duration, Leaf): multiplier = written_duration.multiplier if isinstance(written_duration, str): string = f"{{ {written_duration} }}" parsed = self._parse_lilypond_string(string, language=language) assert len(parsed) == 1 and isinstance(parsed[0], Leaf) written_duration = parsed[0] if isinstance(written_duration, Leaf): written_duration = written_duration.written_duration elif written_duration is None: written_duration = _duration.Duration(1, 4) else: written_duration = _duration.Duration(written_duration) Leaf.__init__(self, written_duration, multiplier=multiplier, tag=tag) if isinstance(original_input, Leaf): self._copy_override_and_set_from_leaf(original_input) def _get_body(self): return [self._get_compact_representation()] def _get_compact_representation(self): return f"r{self._get_formatted_duration()}"
[docs] class Score(Context): r""" Score. .. container:: example >>> staff_1 = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> staff_2 = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff_1, staff_2]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score << \new Staff { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } \new Staff { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } >> """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Contexts" __slots__ = () _default_lilypond_type = "Score" ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, components=None, *, language: str = "english", lilypond_type: str = "Score", name: str | None = None, simultaneous: bool = True, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: Context.__init__( self, components=components, language=language, lilypond_type=lilypond_type, simultaneous=simultaneous, name=name, tag=tag, ) ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def tag(self) -> _tag.Tag | None: r""" Gets tag. .. container:: example >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", tag=abjad.Tag("RED")) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([voice], tag=abjad.Tag("BLUE")) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], tag=abjad.Tag("GREEN")) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! GREEN \new Score %! GREEN << %! BLUE \new Staff %! BLUE { %! RED \new Voice %! RED { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 %! RED } %! BLUE } %! GREEN >> """ return super().tag @tag.setter def tag(self, argument) -> None: self._tag = argument
[docs] class Staff(Context): r""" Staff. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } .. container:: example Can initialize from collection of strings: >>> staff = abjad.Staff([ ... r"\times 9/10 { r8 c'16 c'16 bf'4~ bf'16 r16 }", ... r"\times 9/10 { bf'16 e''16 e''4 ~ e''16 r16 fs''16 af''16 }", ... r"\times 4/5 { a'16 r4 }", ... ]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 10/9 { r8 c'16 c'16 bf'4 ~ bf'16 r16 } } { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 10/9 { bf'16 e''16 e''4 ~ e''16 r16 fs''16 af''16 } } { \tuplet 5/4 { a'16 r4 } } } """ __documentation_section__ = "Contexts" __slots__ = () _default_lilypond_type = "Staff" def __init__( self, components=None, *, language: str = "english", lilypond_type: str = "Staff", name: str | None = None, simultaneous: bool = False, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: Context.__init__( self, components=components, language=language, lilypond_type=lilypond_type, simultaneous=simultaneous, name=name, tag=tag, )
[docs] class StaffGroup(Context): r""" Staff group. .. container:: example >>> staff_1 = abjad.Staff("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'1") >>> staff_2 = abjad.Staff("g2 f2 e1") >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([staff_1, staff_2]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'1 } \new Staff { g2 f2 e1 } >> """ __documentation_section__ = "Contexts" __slots__ = () _default_lilypond_type = "StaffGroup" def __init__( self, components=None, *, language: str = "english", lilypond_type: str = "StaffGroup", name: str | None = None, simultaneous: bool = True, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: Context.__init__( self, components=components, language=language, lilypond_type=lilypond_type, simultaneous=simultaneous, name=name, tag=tag, )
[docs] class TremoloContainer(Container): r""" Tremolo container. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } Duration of container equal to contents duration multiplied by count: >>> abjad.get.duration(staff[0]) Duration(1, 4) Duration of each leaf equal to written duration multiplied by count: >>> abjad.get.duration(staff[0][0]) Duration(1, 8) """ __documentation_section__ = "Containers" __slots__ = ("_count",) def __init__( self, count: int = 2, components=None, *, language: str = "english", tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: assert _math.is_assignable_integer(count), repr(count) self._count = count Container.__init__(self, components, language=language, tag=tag) if len(self) != 2: raise Exception(f"must contain 2 leaves (not {len(self)}") def __getnewargs__(self) -> tuple: """ Gets new arguments of tremolo container. """ return (self.count,) def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] result.append(rf"\repeat tremolo {self.count}") result.append("{") return result def _get_preprolated_duration(self): return self.implied_prolation * self._get_contents_duration() @property def count(self) -> int: """ Gets count. .. container:: example >>> tremolo_container = abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "<c' d'>16 e'16") >>> tremolo_container.count 2 """ return self._count @property def implied_prolation(self) -> fractions.Fraction: r""" Gets implied prolation of tremolo container. .. container:: example Defined equal to count. >>> tremolo_container = abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "<c' d'>16 e'16") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tremolo_container.implied_prolation Fraction(2, 1) """ fraction = fractions.Fraction(self.count) return fraction
[docs] class Tuplet(Container): r""" Tuplet. .. container:: example A tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet("6:4", "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 6/4 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } .. container:: example A nested tuplet: >>> second_tuplet = abjad.Tuplet("7:4", "g'4. ( a'16 )") >>> tuplet.insert(1, second_tuplet) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0) \tuplet 6/4 { c'8 \tuplet 7/4 { g'4. ( a'16 ) } d'8 e'8 } .. container:: example A doubly nested tuplet: >>> third_tuplet = abjad.Tuplet("5:4", []) >>> third_tuplet.extend("e''32 [ ef''32 d''32 cs''32 cqs''32 ]") >>> second_tuplet.insert(1, third_tuplet) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0) \tuplet 6/4 { c'8 \tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0) \tuplet 7/4 { g'4. ( \tuplet 5/4 { e''32 [ ef''32 d''32 cs''32 cqs''32 ] } a'16 ) } d'8 e'8 } .. container:: example Selects language: >>> abjad.Tuplet("6:4", "do'2 dod' re'", language="français") Tuplet('6:4', "c'2 cs'2 d'2") .. container:: example Tuplets can be entered as LilyPond input: >>> voice = abjad.Voice(r"\tuplet 6/4 { c'4 d' e' }") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { \tuplet 6/4 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } } >>> voice = abjad.Voice(r"\times 4/6 { c'4 d' e' }") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { \tuplet 6/4 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } } .. container:: example Tweak tuplets like this: >>> tuplet_1 = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 ( d'4 e'4 )") >>> abjad.tweak(tuplet_1, r"\tweak color #red") >>> abjad.tweak(tuplet_1, r"\tweak staff-padding 2") >>> tuplet_2 = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 ( d'4 e'4 )") >>> abjad.tweak(tuplet_2, r"\tweak color #green") >>> abjad.tweak(tuplet_2, r"\tweak staff-padding 2") >>> tuplet_3 = abjad.Tuplet((5, 4), [tuplet_1, tuplet_2]) >>> abjad.tweak(tuplet_3, r"\tweak color #blue") >>> abjad.tweak(tuplet_3, r"\tweak staff-padding 4") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([tuplet_3]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> leaves = >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((5, 4)), leaves[0]) >>> literal = abjad.LilyPondLiteral( ... r"\set tupletFullLength = ##t", site="opening" ... ) >>> abjad.attach(literal, staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \set tupletFullLength = ##t \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tweak color #blue \tweak staff-padding 4 \tuplet 4/5 { \tweak color #red \tweak staff-padding 2 \tuplet 3/2 { \time 5/4 c'4 ( d'4 e'4 ) } \tweak color #green \tweak staff-padding 2 \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ( d'4 e'4 ) } } } .. todo:: Report LilyPond bug that results from removing tupletFullLength in the example above: blue tuplet bracket shrinks to encompass only the second underlying tuplet. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Containers" __slots__ = ( "_denominator", "_force_fraction", "_hide", "_multiplier", "tweaks", ) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, multiplier="3:2", components=None, *, denominator: int | None = None, force_fraction: bool = False, hide: bool = False, language: str = "english", tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, tweaks: _tweaks.Tweak | None = None, ) -> None: Container.__init__(self, components, language=language, tag=tag) self.tweaks = () if isinstance(multiplier, str) and ":" in multiplier: strings = multiplier.split(":") numbers = [int(_) for _ in strings] pair = numbers[1], numbers[0] elif isinstance(multiplier, tuple): pair = multiplier[0], multiplier[1] else: message = f"tuplet multiplier must be pair or string (not {multiplier!r})." raise ValueError(message) self.multiplier = pair self.denominator = denominator self.force_fraction = force_fraction self.hide = hide ### SPECIAL METHODS ### def __getnewargs__(self) -> tuple: """ Gets new arguments of tuplet. """ return (self.multiplier,)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets repr. """ string = self._get_contents_summary() return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.colon_string!r}, {string!r})"
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _format_after_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.grob_reverts if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.after.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _format_before_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.before.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.grob_overrides if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) strings = contributions.context_settings if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) return result def _format_close_brackets(self): result = [] if self.multiplier: strings = ["}"] if self.tag is not None: strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, self.tag) result.extend(strings) return result def _format_closing_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.closing.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) result = _indent_strings(result) return result def _format_lilypond_fraction_command_string(self): if self.hide: return "" if "text" in vars(_overrides.override(self).TupletNumber): return "" if ( self.augmentation() or not self._is_dyadic_rational() or self.multiplier[1] == 1 or self.force_fraction ): return r"\tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text" return "" def _format_open_brackets_site(self, contributions): result = [] if self.multiplier: if self.hide: string = self._get_scale_durations_command_string() contributions = [string, "{"] else: contributions = [] fraction_command_string = ( self._format_lilypond_fraction_command_string() ) if fraction_command_string: contributions.append(fraction_command_string) edge_height_tweak_string = self._get_edge_height_tweak_string() if edge_height_tweak_string: contributions.append(edge_height_tweak_string) for tweak in sorted(self.tweaks): strings = tweak._list_contributions() contributions.extend(strings) tuplet_command_string = self._get_tuplet_command_string() contributions.append(tuplet_command_string) contributions.append("{") if self.tag is not None: contributions = _tag.double_tag(contributions, self.tag) result.extend(contributions) return result def _format_opening_site(self, contributions): result = [] strings = contributions.alphabetize(contributions.opening.commands) if strings: result.append(f"% {}:") result.extend(strings) result = _indent_strings(result) return result def _get_compact_representation(self): n, d = self.multiplier if not self: return f"{{ {n}/{d} }}" return f"{{ {n}/{d} {self._get_contents_summary()} }}" def _get_edge_height_tweak_string(self): duration = self._get_preprolated_duration() denominator = duration.denominator if not _math.is_nonnegative_integer_power_of_two(denominator): return r"\tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0)" def _get_multiplier_fraction_string(self): numerator, denominator = self.multiplier if self.denominator is not None: inverse_multiplier = fractions.Fraction(denominator, numerator) pair = _duration.with_denominator(inverse_multiplier, self.denominator) denominator, numerator = pair return f"{numerator}/{denominator}" def _is_dyadic_rational(self): if self.multiplier: numerator = self.multiplier[0] return _math.is_nonnegative_integer_power_of_two(numerator) else: return True def _get_preprolated_duration(self): return self.multiplied_duration def _get_ratio_string(self): if self.multiplier is not None: numerator, denominator = self.multiplier ratio_string = f"{denominator}:{numerator}" return ratio_string else: return None def _get_scale_durations_command_string(self): numerator, denominator = self.multiplier string = rf"\scaleDurations #'({numerator} . {denominator})" return string def _get_summary(self): if 0 < len(self): return ", ".join([str(_) for _ in self.components]) else: return "" def _get_times_command_string(self): string = rf"\times {self._get_multiplier_fraction_string()}" return string def _get_tuplet_command_string(self): numerator, denominator = self.multiplier if self.denominator is not None: inverse_multiplier = fractions.Fraction(denominator, numerator) pair = _duration.with_denominator(inverse_multiplier, self.denominator) denominator, numerator = pair string = rf"\tuplet {denominator}/{numerator}" return string def _scale(self, multiplier): multiplier = fractions.Fraction(multiplier) for component in self[:]: if isinstance(component, Leaf): component._scale(multiplier) self.normalize_multiplier() ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def colon_string(self) -> str: r""" Gets colon string. .. container example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet("3:2", "c'4 d' e'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } >>> tuplet.colon_string '3:2' """ numerator, denominator = self.multiplier return f"{denominator}:{numerator}" @property def denominator(self) -> int | None: r""" Gets and sets preferred denominator of tuplet. .. container:: example Gets preferred denominator of tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet("3:2", "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> tuplet.denominator is None True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } .. container:: example Sets preferred denominator of tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet("3:2", "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } >>> tuplet.denominator = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 6/4 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } """ return self._denominator @denominator.setter def denominator(self, argument): if isinstance(argument, int): if not 0 < argument: raise ValueError(argument) elif not isinstance(argument, type(None)): raise TypeError(argument) self._denominator = argument @property def force_fraction(self) -> bool | None: r""" Gets and sets force fraction flag. .. container:: example To illustrate the effect of Abjad's force fraction property, we can temporarily restore LilyPond's default tuplet number formatting like this: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 d' e'")) >>> staff.append(abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 d' e'")) >>> staff.append(abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 d' e'")) >>> string = '#tuplet-number::calc-denominator-text' >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletNumber.text = string >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TupletNumber.text = #tuplet-number::calc-denominator-text } { \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } } Which makes it possible to see the effect of setting force fraction to true on a single tuplet: >>> tuplet = staff[1] >>> tuplet.force_fraction = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TupletNumber.text = #tuplet-number::calc-denominator-text } { \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } } .. container:: example Ignored when tuplet number text is overridden explicitly: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> duration = abjad.get.duration(tuplet) >>> note = abjad.Note.from_pitch_and_duration(0, duration) >>> string = abjad.illustrators.components_to_score_markup_string([note]) >>> string = rf"\markup {{ {string} }}" >>> abjad.override(tuplet).TupletNumber.text = string >>> staff = abjad.Staff([tuplet]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \override TupletNumber.text = \markup { \score { \context Score = "Score" \with { \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 0.5 proportionalNotationDuration = ##f } << \context RhythmicStaff = "Rhythmic_Staff" \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \override Stem.direction = #up \override Stem.length = 5 \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t \override TupletBracket.direction = #up \override TupletBracket.minimum-length = 4 \override TupletBracket.padding = 1.25 \override TupletBracket.shorten-pair = #'(-1 . -1.5) \override TupletBracket.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods \override TupletNumber.font-size = 0 \override TupletNumber.text = #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text tupletFullLength = ##t } { c'4 } >> \layout { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##t } } } \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } \revert TupletNumber.text } """ return self._force_fraction @force_fraction.setter def force_fraction(self, argument): if isinstance(argument, bool): self._force_fraction = argument else: raise TypeError(f"force fraction must be boolean (not {argument!r}).") @property def hide(self) -> bool | None: r""" Is true when tuplet bracket hides. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } >>> tuplet.hide False .. container:: example >>> tuplet_1 = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> tuplet_2 = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([tuplet_1, tuplet_2]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } \tuplet 3/2 { d'4 e'4 f'4 } } >>> staff[0].hide = True >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \scaleDurations #'(2 . 3) { c'4 d'4 e'4 } \tuplet 3/2 { d'4 e'4 f'4 } } Hides tuplet bracket and tuplet number when true. """ return self._hide @hide.setter def hide(self, argument): assert isinstance(argument, bool), repr(argument) self._hide = argument @property def implied_prolation(self) -> fractions.Fraction: r""" Gets implied prolation of tuplet. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.implied_prolation Fraction(2, 3) """ return fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) @property def multiplied_duration(self) -> _duration.Duration: r""" Gets multiplied duration of tuplet. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.multiplied_duration Duration(1, 4) """ multiplier = fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) contents_duration = self._get_contents_duration() return _duration.Duration(multiplier * contents_duration) @property def multiplier(self) -> tuple[int, int]: r""" Gets and sets multiplier of tuplet. .. container:: example Gets tuplet multiplier: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.multiplier (2, 3) .. container:: example Sets tuplet multiplier: >>> tuplet.multiplier = (4, 3) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 3/4 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } """ return self._multiplier @multiplier.setter def multiplier(self, argument): if isinstance(argument, tuple): assert len(argument) == 2, repr(argument) else: raise ValueError(f"tuplet multiplier must be pair, not {argument!r}.") if fractions.Fraction(*argument) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"tuplet multiplier must be positive, not {argument!r}.") self._multiplier = argument @property def tag(self) -> _tag.Tag | None: r""" Gets tag. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet( ... (2, 3), "c'4 d' e'", tag=abjad.Tag('RED') ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! RED \tuplet 3/2 %! RED { c'4 d'4 e'4 %! RED } """ return super().tag @tag.setter def tag(self, argument) -> None: self._tag = argument ### PUBLIC METHODS ###
[docs] def append( self, component: Component, *, language: str = "english", preserve_duration=False, ) -> None: r""" Appends ``component`` to tuplet. .. container:: example Appends note to tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 ( d'4 f'4 )") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) } >>> tuplet.append(abjad.Note("e'4")) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'4 } .. container:: example Appends note to tuplet and preserves tuplet duration: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 ( d'4 f'4 )") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) } >>> tuplet.append(abjad.Note("e'4"), preserve_duration=True) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 2/1 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'4 } """ if preserve_duration: old_duration = self._get_duration() Container.append(self, component, language=language) if preserve_duration: new_duration = self._get_contents_duration() multiplier = old_duration / new_duration self.multiplier = _duration.pair(multiplier) assert self._get_duration() == old_duration
[docs] def augmentation(self) -> bool: r""" Is true when tuplet multiplier is greater than ``1``. .. container:: example Augmented tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((4, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.augmentation() True .. container:: example Diminished tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.augmentation() False .. container:: example Trivial tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'8. d'8. e'8.") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.augmentation() False """ if self.multiplier: return 1 < fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) else: return False
[docs] def diminution(self) -> bool: r""" Is true when tuplet multiplier is less than ``1``. .. container:: example Augmented tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((4, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.diminution() False .. container:: example Diminished tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.diminution() True .. container:: example Trivial tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'8. d'8. e'8.") >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> tuplet.diminution() False """ if self.multiplier: return fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) < 1 else: return False
[docs] def extend( self, argument, *, language: str = "english", preserve_duration=False ) -> None: r""" Extends tuplet with ``argument``. .. container:: example Extends tuplet with three notes: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 ( d'4 f'4 )") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) } >>> notes = [abjad.Note("e'32"), abjad.Note("d'32"), abjad.Note("e'16")] >>> tuplet.extend(notes) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'32 d'32 e'16 } .. container:: example Extends tuplet with three notes and preserves tuplet duration: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 ( d'4 f'4 )") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) } >>> notes = [abjad.Note("e'32"), abjad.Note("d'32"), abjad.Note("e'16")] >>> tuplet.extend(notes, preserve_duration=True) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 7/4 { c'4 ( d'4 f'4 ) e'32 d'32 e'16 } """ if preserve_duration: old_duration = self._get_duration() Container.extend(self, argument, language=language) if preserve_duration: new_duration = self._get_contents_duration() multiplier = old_duration / new_duration self.multiplier = _duration.pair(multiplier) assert self._get_duration() == old_duration
[docs] @staticmethod def from_duration( duration: _typings.Duration, components, *, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None ) -> "Tuplet": r""" Makes tuplet from ``duration`` and ``components``. .. container:: example Makes diminution: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet.from_duration((2, 8), "c'8 d' e'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } """ if not len(components): raise Exception(f"components must be nonempty: {components!r}.") target_duration = _duration.Duration(duration) tuplet = Tuplet((1, 1), components, tag=tag) contents_duration = tuplet._get_duration() multiplier = target_duration / contents_duration tuplet.multiplier = _duration.pair(multiplier) return tuplet
[docs] def normalize_multiplier(self) -> None: r""" Normalizes tuplet multiplier. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 3), "c'4 d' e'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/1 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } >>> abjad.Duration(tuplet.multiplier).normalized() False >>> tuplet.normalize_multiplier() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } >>> abjad.Duration(tuplet.multiplier).normalized() True .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((8, 3), "c'32 d'32 e'32") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 3/8 { c'32 d'32 e'32 } >>> abjad.Duration(tuplet.multiplier).normalized() False >>> tuplet.normalize_multiplier() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 3/4 { c'16 d'16 e'16 } >>> abjad.Duration(tuplet.multiplier).normalized() True .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((5, 12), "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 12/5 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } >>> abjad.Duration(tuplet.multiplier).normalized() False >>> tuplet.normalize_multiplier() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 6/5 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } >>> abjad.Duration(tuplet.multiplier).normalized() True """ # find tuplet multiplier multiplier = fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) integer_exponent = int(math.log(multiplier, 2)) leaf_multiplier = fractions.Fraction(2) ** integer_exponent # scale leaves in tuplet by power of two for component in self: if isinstance(component, Leaf): old_written_duration = component.written_duration new_written_duration = leaf_multiplier * old_written_duration multiplier = new_written_duration / old_written_duration component._scale(multiplier) numerator, denominator = _duration.pair(leaf_multiplier) multiplier = fractions.Fraction(denominator, numerator) multiplier *= fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) pair = multiplier.numerator, multiplier.denominator self.multiplier = pair
[docs] def rest_filled(self) -> bool: r""" Is true when tuplet is rest-filled. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 2), "r4 r r") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. container:: example >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 2/3 { r4 r4 r4 } >>> tuplet.rest_filled() True """ return all(isinstance(_, Rest) for _ in self)
[docs] def rewrite_dots(self) -> None: r""" Rewrites dots. .. container:: example Rewrites single dots as 3:2 prolation: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'8. c'8.") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'8. c'8. } >>> tuplet.rewrite_dots() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 2/3 { c'8 c'8 } .. container:: example Rewrites double dots as 7:4 prolation: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'8.. c'8..") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'8.. c'8.. } >>> tuplet.rewrite_dots() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 4/7 { c'8 c'8 } .. container:: example Does nothing when dot counts differ: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'8. d'8. e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'8. d'8. e'8 } >>> tuplet.rewrite_dots() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'8. d'8. e'8 } .. container:: example Does nothing when leaves carry no dots: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 2), "c'8 d' e'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 2/3 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } >>> tuplet.rewrite_dots() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 2/3 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } Not yet implemented for multiply nested tuplets. """ dot_counts = set() for component in self: if isinstance(component, Tuplet): return dot_count = component.written_duration.dot_count dot_counts.add(dot_count) if 1 < len(dot_counts): return assert len(dot_counts) == 1 global_dot_count = dot_counts.pop() if global_dot_count == 0: return dot_multiplier = _duration.Duration.from_dot_count(global_dot_count) multiplier = fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) * dot_multiplier self.multiplier = multiplier.pair dot_multiplier_reciprocal = dot_multiplier.reciprocal for component in self: component.written_duration *= dot_multiplier_reciprocal
[docs] def set_minimum_denominator(self, denominator) -> None: r""" Sets preferred denominator of tuplet to at least ``denominator``. .. container:: example Sets preferred denominator of tuplet to ``8`` at least: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 5), "c'4 d'8 e'8 f'4 g'2") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 5/3 { c'4 d'8 e'8 f'4 g'2 } >>> tuplet.set_minimum_denominator(8) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 10/6 { c'4 d'8 e'8 f'4 g'2 } """ assert _math.is_nonnegative_integer_power_of_two(denominator) self.force_fraction = True durations = [ self._get_contents_duration(), self._get_preprolated_duration(), _duration.Duration(1, denominator), ] pairs = _duration.Duration.durations_to_nonreduced_fractions(durations) self.denominator = pairs[1][0]
[docs] def toggle_prolation(self) -> None: r""" Changes augmented tuplets to diminished; changes diminished tuplets to augmented. .. container:: example Changes augmented tuplet to diminished: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((4, 3), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 3/4 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } >>> tuplet.toggle_prolation() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } Multiplies the written duration of the leaves in tuplet by the least power of ``2`` necessary to diminshed tuplet. .. container:: example Changes diminished tuplet to augmented: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } >>> tuplet.toggle_prolation() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 3/4 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } Divides the written duration of the leaves in tuplet by the least power of ``2`` necessary to diminshed tuplet. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Leaves trivial tuplets unchanged: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } >>> tuplet.toggle_prolation() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'4 d'4 e'4 } Does not yet work with nested tuplets. """ if self.diminution(): while self.diminution(): multiplier = 2 * fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) pair = multiplier.numerator, multiplier.denominator self.multiplier = pair for component in self._get_subtree(): if isinstance(component, Leaf): component.written_duration /= 2 elif self.augmentation(): while not self.diminution(): multiplier = fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) / 2 pair = multiplier.numerator, multiplier.denominator self.multiplier = pair for component in self._get_subtree(): if isinstance(component, Leaf): component.written_duration *= 2
[docs] def trivial(self) -> bool: r""" Is true when tuplet multiplier is equal to ``1`` and no multipliers attach to any leaves in tuplet. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'8 d'8 e'8 } >>> tuplet.trivial() True .. container:: example Tuplet is not trivial when multipliers attach to tuplet leaves: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((1, 1), "c'8 d'8 e'8") >>> tuplet[0].multiplier = (3, 2) >>> tuplet[-1].multiplier = (1, 2) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'8 * 3/2 d'8 e'8 * 1/2 } >>> tuplet.trivial() False """ if self.multiplier != (1, 1): return False for component in self: if isinstance(component, Tuplet): continue elif hasattr(component, "written_duration"): if component.multiplier is not None: return False return True
[docs] def trivializable(self) -> bool: r""" Is true when tuplet is trivializable (can be rewritten with a ratio of 1:1). Redudant tuplet: .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 4), "c'4 c'4") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([tuplet]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), tuplet[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 4/3 { \time 3/8 c'4 c'4 } >>> tuplet.trivializable() True Can be rewritten without a tuplet bracket: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8. c'8.") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'8. c'8. } .. container:: example Nontrivializable tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 5), "c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([tuplet]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)), tuplet[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 5/3 { \time 3/4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 } } >>> tuplet.trivializable() False Can not be rewritten without a tuplet bracket. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Nontrivializable tuplet: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 4), "c'2. c4") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([tuplet]) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)), tuplet[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 4/3 { \time 3/4 c'2. c4 } } >>> tuplet.trivializable() False """ for component in self: if isinstance(component, Tuplet): continue assert isinstance(component, Leaf), repr(component) fraction = fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) * component.written_duration duration = _duration.Duration(fraction) if not duration.is_assignable: return False return True
[docs] def trivialize(self) -> None: r""" Trivializes tuplet. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 4), "c'2") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 4/3 { c'2 } >>> tuplet.trivializable() True >>> tuplet.trivialize() >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 1/1 { c'4. } """ if not self.trivializable(): return for component in self: if isinstance(component, Tuplet): multiplier = fractions.Fraction(*component.multiplier) multiplier *= fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) pair = multiplier.numerator, multiplier.denominator component.multiplier = pair elif isinstance(component, Leaf): component.written_duration *= fractions.Fraction(*self.multiplier) else: raise TypeError(component) self.multiplier = (1, 1)
[docs] class Voice(Context): r""" Voice. .. container:: example >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } Voice-contexted indicators like dynamics work with nested voices. .. container:: example Forte affects all red notes: >>> outer_red_voice = abjad.Voice("e''8 d''", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_red_voice = abjad.Voice("c''4 b' c''8", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_blue_voice = abjad.Voice("e'4 f' e'8", name='Blue_Voice') >>> container = abjad.Container( ... [inner_red_voice, inner_blue_voice], ... simultaneous=True, ... ) >>> outer_red_voice.append(container) >>> outer_red_voice.extend("d''8") >>> abjad.override(outer_red_voice).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(1) >>> abjad.attach(command, outer_red_voice[0]) >>> abjad.override(inner_blue_voice).NoteHead.color = "#blue" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(2) >>> abjad.attach(command, inner_blue_voice[0]) >>> dynamic = abjad.Dynamic('f') >>> abjad.attach(dynamic, outer_red_voice[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(outer_red_voice) >>> print(string) \context Voice = "Red_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #red } { \voiceOne e''8 \f d''8 << \context Voice = "Red_Voice" { c''4 b'4 c''8 } \context Voice = "Blue_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #blue } { \voiceTwo e'4 f'4 e'8 } >> d''8 } >>> for leaf in abjad.iterate.leaves(outer_red_voice): ... dynamic = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.Dynamic) ... print(leaf, dynamic) ... Note("e''8") Dynamic(name='f', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("d''8") Dynamic(name='f', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("c''4") Dynamic(name='f', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("b'4") Dynamic(name='f', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("c''8") Dynamic(name='f', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("e'4") None Note("f'4") None Note("e'8") None Note("d''8") Dynamic(name='f', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) .. container:: example Piano affects all blue notes: >>> outer_red_voice = abjad.Voice("e''8 d''", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_red_voice = abjad.Voice("c''4 b' c''8", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_blue_voice = abjad.Voice("e'4 f' e'8", name='Blue_Voice') >>> container = abjad.Container( ... [inner_red_voice, inner_blue_voice], ... simultaneous=True, ... ) >>> outer_red_voice.append(container) >>> outer_red_voice.extend("d''8") >>> abjad.override(outer_red_voice).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(1) >>> abjad.attach(command, outer_red_voice[0]) >>> abjad.override(inner_blue_voice).NoteHead.color = "#blue" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(2) >>> abjad.attach(command, inner_blue_voice[0]) >>> dynamic = abjad.Dynamic('p') >>> abjad.attach(dynamic, inner_blue_voice[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(outer_red_voice) >>> print(string) \context Voice = "Red_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #red } { \voiceOne e''8 d''8 << \context Voice = "Red_Voice" { c''4 b'4 c''8 } \context Voice = "Blue_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #blue } { \voiceTwo e'4 \p f'4 e'8 } >> d''8 } >>> for leaf in abjad.iterate.leaves(outer_red_voice): ... dynamic = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.Dynamic) ... print(leaf, dynamic) ... Note("e''8") None Note("d''8") None Note("c''4") None Note("b'4") None Note("c''8") None Note("e'4") Dynamic(name='p', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("f'4") Dynamic(name='p', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("e'8") Dynamic(name='p', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("d''8") None .. container:: example Mezzoforte affects red notes from C4 forward: >>> outer_red_voice = abjad.Voice("e''8 d''", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_red_voice = abjad.Voice("c''4 b' c''8", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_blue_voice = abjad.Voice("e'4 f' e'8", name='Blue_Voice') >>> container = abjad.Container( ... [inner_red_voice, inner_blue_voice], ... simultaneous=True, ... ) >>> outer_red_voice.append(container) >>> outer_red_voice.extend("d''8") >>> abjad.override(outer_red_voice).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(1) >>> abjad.attach(command, outer_red_voice[0]) >>> abjad.override(inner_blue_voice).NoteHead.color = "#blue" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(2) >>> abjad.attach(command, inner_blue_voice[0]) >>> dynamic = abjad.Dynamic('mf') >>> abjad.attach(dynamic, inner_red_voice[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(outer_red_voice) >>> print(string) \context Voice = "Red_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #red } { \voiceOne e''8 d''8 << \context Voice = "Red_Voice" { c''4 \mf b'4 c''8 } \context Voice = "Blue_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #blue } { \voiceTwo e'4 f'4 e'8 } >> d''8 } >>> for leaf in abjad.iterate.leaves(outer_red_voice): ... dynamic = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.Dynamic) ... print(leaf, dynamic) ... Note("e''8") None Note("d''8") None Note("c''4") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("b'4") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("c''8") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("e'4") None Note("f'4") None Note("e'8") None Note("d''8") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) .. container:: example Mezzoforte and piano set at the same time: >>> outer_red_voice = abjad.Voice("e''8 d''", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_red_voice = abjad.Voice("c''4 b' c''8", name='Red_Voice') >>> inner_blue_voice = abjad.Voice("e'4 f' e'8", name='Blue_Voice') >>> container = abjad.Container( ... [inner_red_voice, inner_blue_voice], ... simultaneous=True, ... ) >>> outer_red_voice.append(container) >>> outer_red_voice.extend("d''8") >>> abjad.override(outer_red_voice).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(1) >>> abjad.attach(command, outer_red_voice[0]) >>> abjad.override(inner_blue_voice).NoteHead.color = "#blue" >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(2) >>> abjad.attach(command, inner_blue_voice[0]) >>> dynamic = abjad.Dynamic('mf') >>> abjad.attach(dynamic, inner_red_voice[0]) >>> dynamic = abjad.Dynamic('p') >>> abjad.attach(dynamic, inner_blue_voice[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(outer_red_voice) >>> print(string) \context Voice = "Red_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #red } { \voiceOne e''8 d''8 << \context Voice = "Red_Voice" { c''4 \mf b'4 c''8 } \context Voice = "Blue_Voice" \with { \override NoteHead.color = #blue } { \voiceTwo e'4 \p f'4 e'8 } >> d''8 } >>> for leaf in abjad.iterate.leaves(outer_red_voice): ... dynamic = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.Dynamic) ... print(leaf, dynamic) ... Note("e''8") None Note("d''8") None Note("c''4") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("b'4") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("c''8") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("e'4") Dynamic(name='p', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("f'4") Dynamic(name='p', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("e'8") Dynamic(name='p', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) Note("d''8") Dynamic(name='mf', command=None, hide=False, leak=False, name_is_textual=False, ordinal=None) .. container:: example Selects language: >>> abjad.Voice("do'8 re' mi' fa'", language="français") Voice("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __documentation_section__ = "Contexts" __slots__ = () _default_lilypond_type = "Voice" ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, components=None, *, language: str = "english", lilypond_type: str = "Voice", name: str | None = None, simultaneous: bool = False, tag: _tag.Tag | None = None, ) -> None: Context.__init__( self, components=components, language=language, lilypond_type=lilypond_type, simultaneous=simultaneous, name=name, tag=tag, ) ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def tag(self) -> _tag.Tag | None: r""" Gets tag. .. container:: example >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", tag=abjad.Tag('RED')) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice, tags=True) >>> print(string) %! RED \new Voice %! RED { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 %! RED } """ return super().tag @tag.setter def tag(self, argument) -> None: self._tag = argument