Source code for abjad.pitch

import copy
import dataclasses
import fractions
import functools
import math
import numbers
import re
import typing

from . import enums as _enums
from . import math as _math
from . import string as _string

### MAPPINGS (most will become functions) ###

_direction_number_to_direction_symbol = {0: "", 1: "+", -1: "-"}

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrarily long names
_accidental_abbreviation_to_name = {
    "ss": "double sharp",
    "tqs": "three-quarters sharp",
    "s": "sharp",
    "qs": "quarter sharp",
    "": "natural",
    "qf": "quarter flat",
    "f": "flat",
    "tqf": "three-quarters flat",
    "ff": "double flat",

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrarily long names
_accidental_abbreviation_to_semitones = {
    "ff": -2,
    "tqf": -1.5,
    "f": -1,
    "qf": -0.5,
    "": 0,
    "qs": 0.5,
    "s": 1,
    "tqs": 1.5,
    "ss": 2,

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrarily long abbreviations
_accidental_abbreviation_to_symbol = {
    "ff": "bb",
    "tqf": "tqf",
    "f": "b",
    "qf": "qf",
    "": "",
    "qs": "qs",
    "s": "#",
    "tqs": "tqs",
    "ss": "##",

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrarily long names
_accidental_name_to_abbreviation = {
    "double sharp": "ss",
    "three-quarters sharp": "tqs",
    "sharp": "s",
    "quarter sharp": "qs",
    "natural": "",
    "quarter flat": "qf",
    "flat": "f",
    "three-quarters flat": "tqf",
    "double flat": "ff",

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrary numeric input
_accidental_semitones_to_abbreviation = {
    -2.0: "ff",
    -1.5: "tqf",
    -1.0: "f",
    -0.5: "qf",
    0.0: "",
    0.5: "qs",
    1.0: "s",
    1.5: "tqs",
    2.0: "ss",

_diatonic_pc_name_to_diatonic_pc_number = {
    "c": 0,
    "d": 1,
    "e": 2,
    "f": 3,
    "g": 4,
    "a": 5,
    "b": 6,

_diatonic_pc_name_to_pitch_class_number = {
    "c": 0,
    "d": 2,
    "e": 4,
    "f": 5,
    "g": 7,
    "a": 9,
    "b": 11,

_diatonic_pc_number_to_diatonic_pc_name = {
    0: "c",
    1: "d",
    2: "e",
    3: "f",
    4: "g",
    5: "a",
    6: "b",

_diatonic_pc_number_to_pitch_class_number = {
    0: 0,
    1: 2,
    2: 4,
    3: 5,
    4: 7,
    5: 9,
    6: 11,

_pitch_class_number_to_diatonic_pc_number = {
    0: 0,
    2: 1,
    4: 2,
    5: 3,
    7: 4,
    9: 5,
    11: 6,

_pitch_class_number_to_pitch_class_name = {
    0.0: "c",
    0.5: "cqs",
    1.0: "cs",
    1.5: "dqf",
    2.0: "d",
    2.5: "dqs",
    3.0: "ef",
    3.5: "eqf",
    4.0: "e",
    4.5: "eqs",
    5.0: "f",
    5.5: "fqs",
    6.0: "fs",
    6.5: "gqf",
    7.0: "g",
    7.5: "gqs",
    8.0: "af",
    8.5: "aqf",
    9.0: "a",
    9.5: "aqs",
    10.0: "bf",
    10.5: "bqf",
    11.0: "b",
    11.5: "bqs",

_pitch_class_number_to_pitch_class_name_with_flats = {
    0.0: "c",
    0.5: "dtqf",
    1.0: "df",
    1.5: "dqf",
    2.0: "d",
    2.5: "etqf",
    3.0: "ef",
    3.5: "eqf",
    4.0: "e",
    4.5: "fqf",
    5.0: "f",
    5.5: "gtqf",
    6.0: "gf",
    6.5: "gqf",
    7.0: "g",
    7.5: "atqf",
    8.0: "af",
    8.5: "aqf",
    9.0: "a",
    9.5: "btqf",
    10.0: "bf",
    10.5: "bqf",
    11.0: "b",
    11.5: "cqf",

_pitch_class_number_to_pitch_class_name_with_sharps = {
    0.0: "c",
    0.5: "cqs",
    1.0: "cs",
    1.5: "ctqs",
    2.0: "d",
    2.5: "dqs",
    3.0: "ds",
    3.5: "dtqs",
    4.0: "e",
    4.5: "eqs",
    5.0: "f",
    5.5: "fqs",
    6.0: "fs",
    6.5: "ftqs",
    7.0: "g",
    7.5: "gqs",
    8.0: "gs",
    8.5: "gtqs",
    9.0: "a",
    9.5: "aqs",
    10.0: "as",
    10.5: "atqs",
    11.0: "b",
    11.5: "bqs",

_diatonic_number_to_quality_dictionary = {
    1: {"d": -1, "P": 0, "A": 1},
    2: {"d": 0, "m": 1, "M": 2, "A": 3},
    3: {"d": 2, "m": 3, "M": 4, "A": 5},
    4: {"d": 4, "P": 5, "A": 6},
    5: {"d": 6, "P": 7, "A": 8},
    6: {"d": 7, "m": 8, "M": 9, "A": 10},
    7: {"d": 9, "m": 10, "M": 11, "A": 12},
    8: {"d": 11, "P": 12, "A": 13},

def _diatonic_number_to_octaves_and_diatonic_remainder(number):
    Captures the idea that diatonic numbers 1 (unison), 8 (octave), 15 (two octaves)
    are all "types of octave."

    Likewise, diatonic numbers 2 (second), 9 (second + octave), 16 (second + two octaves)
    are all "types of (diatonic) second."

    ..  container:: example

        >>> function = abjad.pitch._diatonic_number_to_octaves_and_diatonic_remainder
        >>> for number in range(1, 22 + 1):
        ...     octaves, diatonic_remainder = function(number)
        ...     print(f"{number}: {octaves} octave(s) + {diatonic_remainder}")
        1: 0 octave(s) + 1
        2: 0 octave(s) + 2
        3: 0 octave(s) + 3
        4: 0 octave(s) + 4
        5: 0 octave(s) + 5
        6: 0 octave(s) + 6
        7: 0 octave(s) + 7
        8: 1 octave(s) + 1
        9: 1 octave(s) + 2
        10: 1 octave(s) + 3
        11: 1 octave(s) + 4
        12: 1 octave(s) + 5
        13: 1 octave(s) + 6
        14: 1 octave(s) + 7
        15: 2 octave(s) + 1
        16: 2 octave(s) + 2
        17: 2 octave(s) + 3
        18: 2 octave(s) + 4
        19: 2 octave(s) + 5
        20: 2 octave(s) + 6
        21: 2 octave(s) + 7
        22: 3 octave(s) + 1

    octaves = (number - 1) // 7
    remainder = number - 7 * octaves
    return octaves, remainder

def _diatonic_number_and_quality_to_semitones(number, quality):

    >>> function = abjad.pitch._diatonic_number_and_quality_to_semitones

    Number of semitones in perfect octaves:

        >>> function(1, "P")

        >>> function(8, "P")

        >>> function(15, "P")

    Number of semitones in diminished octaves:

        >>> function(1, "d")

        >>> function(8, "d")

        >>> function(15, "d")

    Number of semitones in minor seconds:

        >>> function(2, "m")

        >>> function(9, "m")

        >>> function(16, "m")

    Number of semitones in major seconds:

        >>> function(2, "M")

        >>> function(9, "M")

        >>> function(16, "M")

    octaves, diatonic_remainder = _diatonic_number_to_octaves_and_diatonic_remainder(
    quality_to_semitones = _diatonic_number_to_quality_dictionary[diatonic_remainder]
    semitones = quality_to_semitones[quality]
    semitones += 12 * octaves
    return semitones

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrarily large number of semitones
_semitones_to_quality_and_diatonic_number = {
    0: ("P", 1),
    1: ("m", 2),
    2: ("M", 2),
    3: ("m", 3),
    4: ("M", 3),
    5: ("P", 4),
    6: ("d", 5),
    7: ("P", 5),
    8: ("m", 6),
    9: ("M", 6),
    10: ("m", 7),
    11: ("M", 7),
    12: ("P", 8),

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrarily large strings like "ddd"
_quality_abbreviation_to_quality_string = {
    "M": "major",
    "m": "minor",
    "P": "perfect",
    "aug": "augmented",
    "dim": "diminished",
    "A": "augmented",
    "d": "diminished",

# TODO: change to function; accommodate strings like "double-diminished"
_quality_string_to_quality_abbreviation = {
    "major": "M",
    "minor": "m",
    "perfect": "P",
    "augmented": "A",
    "diminished": "d",

# TODO: change to function; accommodate arbitrarily large number of semitones
_semitones_to_quality_string_and_number = {
    0: ("perfect", 1),
    1: ("minor", 2),
    2: ("major", 2),
    3: ("minor", 3),
    4: ("major", 3),
    5: ("perfect", 4),
    6: ("diminished", 5),
    7: ("perfect", 5),
    8: ("minor", 6),
    9: ("major", 6),
    10: ("minor", 7),
    11: ("major", 7),


_integer_regex_atom = r"-?\d+"

_alphabetic_accidental_regex_atom = (

_symbolic_accidental_regex_atom = "(?P<symbolic_accidental>[#]+[+]?|[b]+[~]?|[+]|[~]|)"

_octave_number_regex_atom = f"(?P<octave_number>{_integer_regex_atom}|)"

_octave_tick_regex_atom = "(?P<octave_tick>,+|'+|)"

_diatonic_pc_name_regex_atom = "(?P<diatonic_pc_name>[A-Ga-g])"


_comprehensive_accidental_regex_body = ("(?P<comprehensive_accidental>{}|{})").format(
    _alphabetic_accidental_regex_atom, _symbolic_accidental_regex_atom

_comprehensive_octave_regex_body = ("(?P<comprehensive_octave>{}|{})").format(
    _octave_number_regex_atom, _octave_tick_regex_atom

_comprehensive_pitch_class_name_regex_body = (
).format(_diatonic_pc_name_regex_atom, _comprehensive_accidental_regex_body)

_comprehensive_pitch_name_regex_body = ("(?P<comprehensive_pitch_name>{}{}{})").format(

_pitch_class_name_regex_body = ("(?P<pitch_class_name>{}{})").format(
    _diatonic_pc_name_regex_atom, _alphabetic_accidental_regex_atom

_pitch_name_regex_body = ("(?P<pitch_name>{}{}{})").format(

_pitch_class_octave_number_regex_body = (

_pitch_class_octave_number_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_pitch_class_octave_number_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

_interval_name_abbreviation_regex_body = r"""
    (?P<direction>[+,-]?)  # one plus, one minus, or neither
    (?P<quality>           # exactly one quality abbreviation
        M|                 # major
        m|                 # minor
        P|                 # perfect
        aug|               # augmented
        A+|                # (possibly) multi-augmented
        dim|               # dimished
        d+                 # (possibly) multi-diminished
    (?P<quartertone>[+~]?) # followed by an optional quartertone inflection
    (?P<number>\d+)        # followed by one or more digits

_range_string_regex_body = r"""
        [\[(]       # open bracket or open parenthesis
        {}|{}|(?P<start_pitch_number>-?\d+) # start pitch
    ,               # comma
    [ ]*            # any amount of whitespace
        {}|{}|(?P<stop_pitch_number>-?\d+) # stop pitch
        [\])]       # close bracket or close parenthesis
    _pitch_class_octave_number_regex_body.replace("<", "<us_start_"),
    _pitch_name_regex_body.replace("<", "<ly_start_"),
    _pitch_class_octave_number_regex_body.replace("<", "<us_stop_"),
    _pitch_name_regex_body.replace("<", "<ly_stop_"),

_range_string_regex = re.compile("^{}$".format(_range_string_regex_body), re.VERBOSE)


_alphabetic_accidental_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_alphabetic_accidental_regex_atom), re.VERBOSE

_symbolic_accidental_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_symbolic_accidental_regex_atom), re.VERBOSE

_comprehensive_accidental_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_comprehensive_accidental_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

_octave_tick_regex = re.compile("^{}$".format(_octave_tick_regex_atom), re.VERBOSE)

_octave_number_regex = re.compile("^{}$".format(_octave_number_regex_atom), re.VERBOSE)

_diatonic_pc_name_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_diatonic_pc_name_regex_atom), re.VERBOSE

_comprehensive_accidental_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_comprehensive_accidental_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

_comprehensive_octave_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_comprehensive_octave_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

_comprehensive_pitch_class_name_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_comprehensive_pitch_class_name_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

_comprehensive_pitch_name_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_comprehensive_pitch_name_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

_pitch_class_name_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_pitch_class_name_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

_pitch_name_regex = re.compile("^{}$".format(_pitch_name_regex_body), re.VERBOSE)

_interval_name_abbreviation_regex = re.compile(
    "^{}$".format(_interval_name_abbreviation_regex_body), re.VERBOSE

[docs] @functools.total_ordering @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, unsafe_hash=True) class Accidental: """ Accidental. .. container:: example >>> abjad.Accidental("ff") Accidental(name='double flat') >>> abjad.Accidental("tqf") Accidental(name='three-quarters flat') >>> abjad.Accidental("f") Accidental(name='flat') >>> abjad.Accidental("") Accidental(name='natural') >>> abjad.Accidental("qs") Accidental(name='quarter sharp') >>> abjad.Accidental("s") Accidental(name='sharp') >>> abjad.Accidental("tqs") Accidental(name='three-quarters sharp') >>> abjad.Accidental("ss") Accidental(name='double sharp') .. container:: example Generalized accidentals are allowed: >>> abjad.Accidental("ssss") Accidental(name='ssss') .. container:: example Less than is true when ``argument`` is an accidental with semitones greater than those of this accidental: >>> accidental_1 = abjad.Accidental("f") >>> accidental_2 = abjad.Accidental("f") >>> accidental_3 = abjad.Accidental("s") >>> accidental_1 < accidental_1 False >>> accidental_1 < accidental_2 False >>> accidental_1 < accidental_3 True >>> accidental_2 < accidental_1 False >>> accidental_2 < accidental_2 False >>> accidental_2 < accidental_3 True >>> accidental_3 < accidental_1 False >>> accidental_3 < accidental_2 False >>> accidental_3 < accidental_3 False .. container:: example >>> abjad.Accidental("ff").semitones -2 >>> abjad.Accidental("tqf").semitones -1.5 >>> abjad.Accidental("f").semitones -1 >>> abjad.Accidental("").semitones 0 >>> abjad.Accidental("qs").semitones 0.5 >>> abjad.Accidental("s").semitones 1 >>> abjad.Accidental("tqs").semitones 1.5 >>> abjad.Accidental("ss").semitones 2 .. container:: example >>> abjad.Accidental("ff").name 'double flat' >>> abjad.Accidental("tqf").name 'three-quarters flat' >>> abjad.Accidental("f").name 'flat' >>> abjad.Accidental("").name 'natural' >>> abjad.Accidental("qs").name 'quarter sharp' >>> abjad.Accidental("s").name 'sharp' >>> abjad.Accidental("tqs").name 'three-quarters sharp' >>> abjad.Accidental("ss").name 'double sharp' """ name: str = "natural" arrow: bool = dataclasses.field(default=False, repr=False) semitones: int = dataclasses.field(compare=False, init=False, repr=False)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): semitones = 0 _arrow = None if is None: pass elif isinstance(, str): if in _accidental_name_to_abbreviation: = _accidental_name_to_abbreviation[] semitones = _accidental_abbreviation_to_semitones[] else: match = _comprehensive_accidental_regex.match( group_dict = match.groupdict() if group_dict["alphabetic_accidental"]: prefix, _, suffix ="q") if prefix.startswith("s"): semitones += len(prefix) elif prefix.startswith("f"): semitones -= len(prefix) if suffix == "s": semitones += 0.5 if prefix == "t": semitones += 1 elif suffix == "f": semitones -= 0.5 if prefix == "t": semitones -= 1 elif group_dict["symbolic_accidental"]: semitones +="#") semitones -="b") if"+"): semitones += 0.5 elif"~"): semitones -= 0.5 elif isinstance(, numbers.Number): semitones = float( assert (semitones % 1.0) in (0.0, 0.5) elif hasattr(, "accidental"): _arrow = semitones = elif isinstance(, type(self)): _arrow = semitones = semitones = _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(semitones) self.semitones = semitones if self.arrow is not None: self.arrow = _string.to_tridirectional_ordinal_constant(self.arrow) if self.arrow is _enums.CENTER: self.arrow = None else: self.arrow = _arrow try: abbreviation = _accidental_semitones_to_abbreviation[self.semitones] name = _accidental_abbreviation_to_name[abbreviation] except KeyError: name = str(self) = name
[docs] def __add__(self, argument): """ Adds ``argument`` to accidental. .. container:: example >>> accidental = abjad.Accidental("qs") >>> accidental + accidental Accidental(name='sharp') >>> accidental + accidental + accidental Accidental(name='three-quarters sharp') Returns new accidental. """ if not isinstance(argument, type(self)): raise TypeError("can only add accidental to other accidental.") semitones = self.semitones + argument.semitones return type(self)(semitones)
[docs] def __call__(self, argument): """ Calls accidental on ``argument``. >>> accidental = abjad.Accidental("s") .. container:: example Calls accidental on pitches: >>> accidental(abjad.NamedPitch("c''")) NamedPitch("cs''") >>> accidental(abjad.NamedPitch("cqs''")) NamedPitch("ctqs''") >>> accidental(abjad.NumberedPitch(12)) NumberedPitch(13) >>> accidental(abjad.NumberedPitch(12.5)) NumberedPitch(13.5) .. container:: example Calls accidental on pitch-classes: >>> accidental(abjad.NamedPitchClass("c")) NamedPitchClass('cs') >>> accidental(abjad.NamedPitchClass("cqs")) NamedPitchClass('ctqs') >>> accidental(abjad.NumberedPitchClass(0)) NumberedPitchClass(1) >>> accidental(abjad.NumberedPitchClass(0.5)) NumberedPitchClass(1.5) Returns new object of ``argument`` type. """ if not hasattr(argument, "_apply_accidental"): raise TypeError(f"do not know how to apply accidental to {argument!r}.") return argument._apply_accidental(self)
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument): """ Returns true or false. """ return self.semitones < argument.semitones
[docs] def __neg__(self): """ Negates accidental. .. container:: example >>> -abjad.Accidental("ff") Accidental(name='double sharp') >>> -abjad.Accidental("tqf") Accidental(name='three-quarters sharp') >>> -abjad.Accidental("f") Accidental(name='sharp') >>> -abjad.Accidental("") Accidental(name='natural') >>> -abjad.Accidental("qs") Accidental(name='quarter flat') >>> -abjad.Accidental("s") Accidental(name='flat') >>> -abjad.Accidental("tqs") Accidental(name='three-quarters flat') >>> -abjad.Accidental("ss") Accidental(name='double flat') Returns new accidental. """ return type(self)(-self.semitones)
[docs] def __radd__(self, argument): """ Raises not implemented error on accidental. """ raise NotImplementedError
# TODO: remove?
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Gets string representation of accidental. .. container:: example >>> str(abjad.Accidental("ff")) 'ff' >>> str(abjad.Accidental("tqf")) 'tqf' >>> str(abjad.Accidental("f")) 'f' >>> str(abjad.Accidental("")) '' >>> str(abjad.Accidental("qs")) 'qs' >>> str(abjad.Accidental("s")) 's' >>> str(abjad.Accidental("tqs")) 'tqs' >>> str(abjad.Accidental("ss")) 'ss' """ if self.semitones in _accidental_semitones_to_abbreviation: return _accidental_semitones_to_abbreviation[self.semitones] character = "s" if self.semitones < 0: character = "f" semitones, remainder = divmod(abs(self.semitones), 1.0) abbreviation = character * int(semitones) if remainder: abbreviation += f"q{character}" return abbreviation
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument): """ Subtracts ``argument`` from accidental. .. container:: example >>> accidental = abjad.Accidental("qs") >>> accidental - accidental Accidental(name='natural') >>> accidental - accidental - accidental Accidental(name='quarter flat') Returns new accidental. """ if not isinstance(argument, type(self)): raise TypeError("can only subtract accidental from other accidental.") semitones = self.semitones - argument.semitones return type(self)(semitones)
@staticmethod def _get_all_accidental_abbreviations(class_): return list(_accidental_abbreviation_to_symbol.keys()) @staticmethod def _get_all_accidental_names(class_): return list(_accidental_name_to_abbreviation.keys()) staticmethod def _get_all_accidental_semitone_values(class_): return list(_accidental_semitones_to_abbreviation.keys()) def _get_lilypond_format(self): return self._abbreviation @classmethod def _is_abbreviation(class_, argument): if not isinstance(argument, str): return False return bool(_alphabetic_accidental_regex.match(argument)) @classmethod def _is_symbol(class_, argument): if not isinstance(argument, str): return False return bool(_symbolic_accidental_regex.match(argument)) @property def symbol(self) -> str: """ Gets symbol of accidental. .. container:: example >>> abjad.Accidental("ff").symbol 'bb' >>> abjad.Accidental("tqf").symbol 'tqf' >>> abjad.Accidental("f").symbol 'b' >>> abjad.Accidental("").symbol '' >>> abjad.Accidental("qs").symbol 'qs' >>> abjad.Accidental("s").symbol '#' >>> abjad.Accidental("tqs").symbol 'tqs' >>> abjad.Accidental("ss").symbol '##' """ abbreviation = _accidental_semitones_to_abbreviation[self.semitones] symbol = _accidental_abbreviation_to_symbol[abbreviation] return symbol
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(order=True, slots=True, unsafe_hash=True) class Octave: """ Octave. .. container:: example: Initializes octave from integer: >>> abjad.Octave(4) Octave(number=4) .. container:: example Initializes octave from named pitch: >>> abjad.Octave(abjad.NamedPitch("cs''")) Octave(number=5) .. container:: example Initializes octave from other octave: >>> abjad.Octave(abjad.Octave(2)) Octave(number=2) .. container:: example >>> octave_1 = abjad.Octave(4) >>> octave_2 = abjad.Octave(4) >>> octave_3 = abjad.Octave(5) >>> octave_1 == octave_1 True >>> octave_1 == octave_2 True >>> octave_1 == octave_3 False >>> octave_2 == octave_1 True >>> octave_2 == octave_2 True >>> octave_2 == octave_3 False >>> octave_3 == octave_1 False >>> octave_3 == octave_2 False >>> octave_3 == octave_3 True """ number: int = 4
[docs] def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.number, int | float): self.number = int(self.number) elif hasattr(self.number, "octave"): self.number = self.number.octave.number elif isinstance(self.number, type(self)): self.number = self.number.number else: raise Exception(f"must be number or string: {self.number!r}.")
# TODO: remove
[docs] def __float__(self): """ Get octave number as float. Returns float. """ return float(self.number)
# TODO: remove
[docs] def __int__(self): """ Get octave number integer. Returns integer. """ return int(self.number)
def _is_tick_string(argument): if not isinstance(argument, str): return False return bool(_octave_tick_regex.match(argument)) # TODO: replace with Octave.pitch that returns abjad.NamedPitch @property def pitch_number(self) -> int: """ Gets pitch number of first note in octave. .. container:: example >>> abjad.Octave(4).pitch_number 0 >>> abjad.Octave(5).pitch_number 12 >>> abjad.Octave(3).pitch_number -12 """ return (self.number - 4) * 12 @property def ticks(self) -> str: """ Gets LilyPond octave tick string. .. container:: example >>> for i in range(-1, 9): ... print(i, abjad.Octave(i).ticks) -1 ,,,, 0 ,,, 1 ,, 2 , 3 4 ' 5 '' 6 ''' 7 '''' 8 ''''' """ if 3 < self.number: return "'" * (self.number - 3) elif self.number < 3: return "," * abs(3 - self.number) return ""
[docs] @classmethod def from_pitch(class_, pitch) -> "Octave": """ Makes octave from ``pitch``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.Octave.from_pitch("cs") Octave(number=3) >>> abjad.Octave.from_pitch("cs'") Octave(number=4) >>> abjad.Octave.from_pitch(1) Octave(number=4) >>> abjad.Octave.from_pitch(13) Octave(number=5) """ if isinstance(pitch, int | float): number = int(math.floor(pitch / 12)) + 4 return class_(number) if hasattr(pitch, "name"): name = elif isinstance(pitch, str): name = pitch else: raise TypeError(pitch) match = re.match(r"^([a-z]+)(\,*|'*)$", name) assert match is not None, repr(match) name, ticks = match.groups() return class_.from_ticks(ticks)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ticks(class_, ticks: str) -> "Octave": """ Makes octave from ``ticks`` string. .. container:: example >>> abjad.Octave.from_ticks("'") Octave(number=4) >>> abjad.Octave.from_ticks(",,") Octave(number=1) """ assert isinstance(ticks, str), repr(ticks) number = 3 if ticks.startswith("'"): number += ticks.count("'") else: number -= ticks.count(",") return class_(number)
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class IntervalClass: """ Abstract interval-class. """ __slots__ = () _is_abstract = True def __init__(self, argument): if isinstance(argument, str): match = _interval_name_abbreviation_regex.match(argument) if match is None: try: argument = float(argument) self._from_number(argument) return except ValueError: message = ( f"can not initialize {type(self).__name__} from {argument!r}." ) raise ValueError(message) message = f"can not initialize {type(self).__name__} from {argument!r}." raise ValueError(message) group_dict = match.groupdict() direction = group_dict["direction"] if direction == "-": direction = -1 else: direction = 1 quality = group_dict["quality"] diatonic_number = int(group_dict["number"]) quality = self._validate_quality_and_diatonic_number( quality, diatonic_number ) quartertone = group_dict["quartertone"] quality += quartertone self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) elif isinstance(argument, tuple) and len(argument) == 2: quality, number = argument direction = _math.sign(number) diatonic_number = abs(number) quality = self._validate_quality_and_diatonic_number( quality, diatonic_number ) self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) elif isinstance(argument, numbers.Number): self._from_number(argument) elif isinstance(argument, Interval | IntervalClass): self._from_interval_or_interval_class(argument) else: message = f"can not initialize {type(self).__name__} from {argument!r}." raise ValueError(message)
[docs] def __abs__(self): """ Gets absolute value of interval-class. Returns new interval-class. """ return type(self)(abs(self._number))
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``number``. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.number == argument.number return False
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes interval-class. """ return hash(self.__class__.__name__ + repr(self))
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``number``. """ assert isinstance(argument, type(self)) return self.number < argument.number
@staticmethod def _named_to_numbered(direction, quality, diatonic_number): octave_number = 0 diatonic_pc_number = abs(diatonic_number) while diatonic_pc_number >= 8: diatonic_pc_number -= 7 octave_number += 1 quartertone = "" if quality.endswith(("+", "~")): quality, quartertone = quality[:-1], quality[-1] base_quality = quality if base_quality == "P" and octave_number and diatonic_pc_number == 1: return 12 * direction if len(quality) > 1: base_quality = quality[0] semitones = _diatonic_number_and_quality_to_semitones( diatonic_pc_number, base_quality, ) if base_quality == "d": semitones -= len(quality) - 1 elif base_quality == "A": semitones += len(quality) - 1 if quartertone == "+": semitones += 0.5 elif quartertone == "~": semitones -= 0.5 if abs(diatonic_number) == 1: semitones = abs(semitones) while abs(semitones) > 12: semitones = (abs(semitones) - 12) * _math.sign(semitones) semitones *= direction return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(semitones) @classmethod def _numbered_to_named(cls, number): number = cls._to_nearest_quarter_tone(float(number)) direction = _math.sign(number) octaves, semitones = divmod(abs(number), 12) if semitones == 0 and octaves: semitones = 12 quartertone = "" if semitones % 1: semitones -= 0.5 quartertone = "+" ( quality, diatonic_pc_number, ) = _semitones_to_quality_and_diatonic_number[semitones] quality += quartertone diatonic_pc_number = cls._to_nearest_quarter_tone(diatonic_pc_number) return direction, quality, diatonic_pc_number @staticmethod def _to_nearest_quarter_tone(number): number = round(float(number) * 4) / 4 div, mod = divmod(number, 1) if mod == 0.75: div += 1 elif mod == 0.5: div += 0.5 return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(div) @classmethod def _validate_quality_and_diatonic_number(cls, quality, diatonic_number): if quality in _quality_string_to_quality_abbreviation: quality = _quality_string_to_quality_abbreviation[quality] if quality == "aug": quality = "A" if quality == "dim": quality = "d" octaves = 0 diatonic_pc_number = diatonic_number while diatonic_pc_number > 7: diatonic_pc_number -= 7 octaves += 1 quality_to_semitones = _diatonic_number_to_quality_dictionary[ diatonic_pc_number ] if quality[0] not in quality_to_semitones: name = cls.__name__ number = diatonic_number message = f"can not initialize {name} from {quality!r} and {number!r}." raise ValueError(message) return quality @property def number(self): """ Gets number of interval-class. Returns number. """ return self._number
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch_carrier): """ Transposes ``pitch_carrier`` by interval-class. Returns new pitch carrier. """ if hasattr(pitch_carrier, "transpose"): return pitch_carrier.transpose(self) elif hasattr(pitch_carrier, "written_pitch"): new_note = copy.copy(pitch_carrier) new_pitch = pitch_carrier.written_pitch.transpose(self) new_note.written_pitch = new_pitch return new_note elif hasattr(pitch_carrier, "written_pitches"): new_chord = copy.copy(pitch_carrier) pairs = zip(new_chord.note_heads, pitch_carrier.note_heads) for new_nh, old_nh in pairs: new_pitch = old_nh.written_pitch.transpose(self) new_nh.written_pitch = new_pitch return new_chord return pitch_carrier
[docs] class NamedIntervalClass(IntervalClass): """ Named interval-class. .. container:: example Initializes from name: >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass("-M9") NamedIntervalClass('-M2') """ __slots__ = ("_number", "_quality") def __init__(self, name="P1"): super().__init__(name or "P1")
[docs] def __abs__(self): """ Gets absolute value of named interval-class. .. container:: example >>> abs(abjad.NamedIntervalClass("-M9")) NamedIntervalClass('+M2') Returns new named interval-class. """ return type(self)((self.quality, abs(self.number)))
[docs] def __add__(self, argument): """ Adds ``argument`` to named interval-class. Returns new named interval-class. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented dummy_pitch = NamedPitch(0) new_pitch = dummy_pitch + self + argument interval = NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(dummy_pitch, new_pitch) return type(self)(interval)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument): """ Is true when ``argument`` is a named interval-class with direction number, quality string and number equal to those of this named interval-class. .. container:: example >>> interval_class_1 = abjad.NamedIntervalClass("P1") >>> interval_class_2 = abjad.NamedIntervalClass("P1") >>> interval_class_3 = abjad.NamedIntervalClass("m2") >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_1 True >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_2 True >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_3 False >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_1 True >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_2 True >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_3 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_3 True Returns true or false. """ return super().__eq__(argument)
# TODO: remove
[docs] def __float__(self): """ Coerce to float. Returns float. """ return float( self._named_to_numbered( self.direction_number, self._quality, abs(self._number) ) )
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes named interval-class. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` is a named interval class with a number greater than that of this named interval. .. container:: example >>> interval_class_1 = abjad.NamedIntervalClass("P1") >>> interval_class_2 = abjad.NamedIntervalClass("P1") >>> interval_class_3 = abjad.NamedIntervalClass("m2") >>> interval_class_1 < interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_1 < interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_1 < interval_class_3 True >>> interval_class_2 < interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_2 < interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_2 < interval_class_3 True >>> interval_class_3 < interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_3 < interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_3 < interval_class_3 False """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return False if self.number == argument.number: self_semitones = NamedInterval(self).semitones argument_semitones = NamedInterval(argument).semitones return self_semitones < argument_semitones return self.number < argument.number
[docs] def __radd__(self, argument): """ Adds interval-class to ``argument`` Returns new named interval-class. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return argument.__add__(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({!r})"
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument): """ Subtracts ``argument`` from named interval-class. Returns new named interval-class. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented dummy_pitch = NamedPitch(0) new_pitch = dummy_pitch + self - argument interval = NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(dummy_pitch, new_pitch) return type(self)(interval)
def _from_interval_or_interval_class(self, argument): try: quality = argument.quality diatonic_number = abs(argument.number) direction = _math.sign(argument.number) except AttributeError: direction, quality, diatonic_number = self._numbered_to_named(argument) self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) def _from_named_parts(self, direction, quality, diatonic_number): self._quality = quality diatonic_pc_number = diatonic_number while diatonic_pc_number > 7: diatonic_pc_number -= 7 if diatonic_pc_number == 1 and diatonic_number >= 8: if quality == "P": diatonic_pc_number = 8 elif quality.startswith("d") or quality == "P~": direction *= -1 if not (diatonic_number == 1 and quality == "P"): diatonic_pc_number *= direction self._number = diatonic_pc_number def _from_number(self, argument): direction, quality, diatonic_number = self._numbered_to_named(argument) self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) @property def direction_number(self): """ Gets direction number of named interval-class. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass("P1").direction_number 0 >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass("+M2").direction_number 1 >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass("-M2").direction_number -1 Returns -1, 0 or 1. """ if self.quality == "P" and abs(self.number) == 1: return 0 return _math.sign(self.number) @property def name(self): """ Gets name of named interval-class. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass("-M9").name '-M2' Returns string. """ return "{}{}{}".format( _direction_number_to_direction_symbol[self.direction_number], self._quality, abs(self.number), ) @property def quality(self): """ Gets quality of named interval-class. Returns string. """ return self._quality
[docs] @classmethod def from_pitch_carriers(class_, pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2): """ Makes named interval-class from ``pitch_carrier_1`` and ``pitch_carrier_2`` .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(-2), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NamedIntervalClass('+M2') .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(0), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NamedIntervalClass('+P8') .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NamedIntervalClass('P1') .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(-3), ... ) NamedIntervalClass('-m3') .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(9), ... ) NamedIntervalClass('-m3') Returns newly constructed named interval-class. """ named_interval = NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2 ) return class_(named_interval)
[docs] class NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(NamedIntervalClass): """ Named inversion-equivalent interval-class. .. container:: example Initializes from string: >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass("-m14") NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+M2') .. container:: example Initializes from pair: >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(("perfect", 1)) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('P1') >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(("perfect", -1)) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('P1') >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(("augmented", 4)) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+A4') >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(("augmented", -4)) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+A4') >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(("augmented", 11)) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+A4') >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(("augmented", -11)) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+A4') .. container:: example Initializes from other interval-class: >>> interval_class = abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass("P1") >>> abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(interval_class) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('P1') """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, name="P1"): super().__init__(name or "P1") self._quality, self._number = self._process_quality_and_number( self._quality, self._number )
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument): """ Compares ``name``. .. container:: example >>> class_ = abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass >>> interval_class_1 = class_("P1") >>> interval_class_2 = class_("P1") >>> interval_class_3 = class_("m2") >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_1 True >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_2 True >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_3 False >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_1 True >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_2 True >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_3 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_3 True Returns true or false. """ return super().__eq__(argument)
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes named inversion-equivalent interval-class. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
@classmethod def _invert_quality_string(class_, quality): inversions = {"M": "m", "m": "M", "P": "P"} if quality in inversions: return inversions[quality] if quality[0] == "A": return "d" * len(quality) return "A" * len(quality) @classmethod def _is_representative_number(class_, argument): if isinstance(argument, numbers.Number): if 1 <= argument <= 4 or argument == 8: return True return False @classmethod def _process_quality_and_number(class_, quality, number): if number == 0: raise ValueError("named interval can not equal zero.") elif abs(number) == 1: number = 1 elif abs(number) % 7 == 0: number = 7 elif abs(number) % 7 == 1: number = 8 else: number = abs(number) % 7 if class_._is_representative_number(number): quality = quality number = number else: quality = class_._invert_quality_string(quality) number = 9 - number return quality, number
[docs] @classmethod def from_pitch_carriers(class_, pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2): """ Makes named inversion-equivalent interval-class from ``pitch_carrier_1`` and ``pitch_carrier_2``. .. container:: example >>> class_ = abjad.NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass >>> class_.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(-2), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+M2') Returns new named inversion-equivalent interval-class. """ named_interval = NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2 ) string = return class_(string)
[docs] class NumberedIntervalClass(IntervalClass): """ Numbered interval-class. .. container:: example Initializes from integer: >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(-14) NumberedIntervalClass(-2) .. container:: example Initializes from float: >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(-14.5) NumberedIntervalClass(-2.5) .. container:: example Initializes from string: >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass("-14.5") NumberedIntervalClass(-2.5) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass("P8") NumberedIntervalClass(12) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass("-P8") NumberedIntervalClass(-12) """ __slots__ = ("_number",) def __init__(self, number=0): super().__init__(number or 0)
[docs] def __abs__(self): """ Gets absolute value of numbered interval-class. Returns new numbered interval-class. """ return type(self)(abs(self.number))
[docs] def __add__(self, argument): """ Adds ``argument`` to numbered interval-class. Returns new numbered interval-class. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return type(self)(float(self) + float(argument))
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``number``. .. container:: example >>> interval_class_1 = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(0) >>> interval_class_2 = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(0) >>> interval_class_3 = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(1) >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_1 True >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_2 True >>> interval_class_1 == interval_class_3 False >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_1 True >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_2 True >>> interval_class_2 == interval_class_3 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_3 == interval_class_3 True """ return super().__eq__(argument)
# TODO: remove
[docs] def __float__(self): """ Coerce to semitones as float. Returns float. """ return float(self._number)
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes numbered interval-class. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument): """ Compares ``number``. .. container:: example >>> interval_class_1 = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(0) >>> interval_class_2 = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(0) >>> interval_class_3 = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass(1) >>> interval_class_1 < interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_1 < interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_1 < interval_class_3 True >>> interval_class_2 < interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_2 < interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_2 < interval_class_3 True >>> interval_class_3 < interval_class_1 False >>> interval_class_3 < interval_class_2 False >>> interval_class_3 < interval_class_3 False Returns true or false. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return False return self.number < argument.number
[docs] def __radd__(self, argument): """ Adds ``argument`` to numbered interval-class. Returns new numbered interval-class. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return type(self)(float(self) + float(argument))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.number!r})"
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument): """ Subtracts ``argument`` from numbered interval-class. Returns new numbered interval-class. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return type(self)(float(self) - float(argument))
def _from_interval_or_interval_class(self, argument): self._from_number(float(argument)) def _from_named_parts(self, direction, quality, diatonic_number): self._number = self._named_to_numbered(direction, quality, diatonic_number) def _from_number(self, argument): direction = _math.sign(argument) number = self._to_nearest_quarter_tone(abs(argument)) pc_number = number % 12 if pc_number == 0 and number: pc_number = 12 self._number = pc_number * direction @property def direction_number(self) -> int: """ Gets direction number of numbered interval-class. Returns -1, 0 or 1. """ if self.number < 1: return -1 elif self.number == 1: return 0 else: return 1 @property def signed_string(self): """ Gets signed string. """ direction_symbol = _direction_number_to_direction_symbol[ _math.sign(self.number) ] return f"{direction_symbol}{abs(self.number)}"
[docs] @classmethod def from_pitch_carriers( class_, pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2 ) -> "NumberedIntervalClass": """ Makes numbered interval-class from ``pitch_carrier_1`` and ``pitch_carrier_2`` .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(-2), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NumberedIntervalClass(2) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(0), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NumberedIntervalClass(12) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(9), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NumberedIntervalClass(3) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(9), ... ) NumberedIntervalClass(-3) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NumberedIntervalClass(0) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(24), ... abjad.NamedPitch(0), ... ) NumberedIntervalClass(-12) >>> abjad.NumberedIntervalClass.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(-2), ... ) NumberedIntervalClass(-2) Returns numbered interval-class. """ interval = NumberedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2 ) return class_(interval)
[docs] class NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(NumberedIntervalClass): """ Numbered inversion-equivalent interval-class. .. container:: example Initializes from integer: >>> abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(0) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(0) >>> abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1) .. container:: example Initializes from float: >>> abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1.5) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1.5) .. container:: example Initializes from string: >>> abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass("1") NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1) """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, number=0): super().__init__(number or 0) self._number %= 12 if 6 < self._number: self._number = 12 - self._number
[docs] def __abs__(self): """ Gets absolute value of numbered inversion-equivalent interval-class. .. container:: example >>> abs(abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(0)) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(0) >>> abs(abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1.5)) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1.5) Returns new numbered inversion-equivalent interval-class. """ return type(self)(abs(self.number))
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument): """ Compares ``number``. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.number < argument.number return False
[docs] def __neg__(self): """ Negates numbered inversion-equivalent interval-class. .. container:: example >>> -abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(0) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(0) >>> -abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1.5) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1.5) Returns new numbered inversion-equivalent interval-class. """ return type(self)(self.number)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.number!r})"
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class Interval: """ Abstract interval. """ __slots__ = ("_interval_class", "_octaves") _is_abstract = True def __init__(self, argument): if isinstance(argument, str): match = _interval_name_abbreviation_regex.match(argument) if match is None: try: argument = float(argument) self._from_number(argument) return except ValueError: class_name = type(self).__name__ message = f"can not initialize {class_name} from {argument!r}." raise ValueError(message) class_name = type(self).__name__ message = f"can not initialize {class_name} from {argument!r}." raise ValueError(message) group_dict = match.groupdict() direction = group_dict["direction"] if direction == "-": direction = -1 else: direction = 1 quality = group_dict["quality"] diatonic_number = int(group_dict["number"]) quality = self._validate_quality_and_diatonic_number( quality, diatonic_number ) quartertone = group_dict["quartertone"] quality += quartertone self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) elif isinstance(argument, tuple) and len(argument) == 2: quality, number = argument direction = _math.sign(number) diatonic_number = abs(number) quality = self._validate_quality_and_diatonic_number( quality, diatonic_number ) self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) elif isinstance(argument, numbers.Number): self._from_number(argument) else: self._from_interval_or_interval_class(argument)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares repr formats. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return repr(self) == repr(argument) return False
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes interval. """ return hash(self.__class__.__name__ + repr(self))
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument): """ Is true when interval is less than ``argument`` Returns true or false. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _from_interval_or_interval_class(self, argument): raise NotImplementedError def _from_named_parts(self, direction, quality, diatonic_number): raise NotImplementedError def _from_number(self, argument): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _named_to_numbered(direction, quality, diatonic_number): octave_number = 0 diatonic_pc_number = abs(diatonic_number) while diatonic_pc_number >= 8: diatonic_pc_number -= 7 octave_number += 1 quartertone = "" if quality.endswith(("+", "~")): quality, quartertone = quality[:-1], quality[-1] base_quality = quality if len(quality) > 1: base_quality = quality[0] semitones = _diatonic_number_and_quality_to_semitones( diatonic_pc_number, base_quality ) if base_quality == "d": semitones -= len(quality) - 1 elif base_quality == "A": semitones += len(quality) - 1 if quartertone == "+": semitones += 0.5 elif quartertone == "~": semitones -= 0.5 if abs(diatonic_number) == 1: semitones = abs(semitones) else: semitones += octave_number * 12 semitones *= direction return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(semitones) @classmethod def _numbered_to_named(cls, number): number = cls._to_nearest_quarter_tone(float(number)) direction = _math.sign(number) octaves, semitones = divmod(abs(number), 12) quartertone = "" if semitones % 1: semitones -= 0.5 quartertone = "+" ( quality, diatonic_number, ) = _semitones_to_quality_and_diatonic_number[semitones] quality += quartertone diatonic_number += octaves * 7 diatonic_number = cls._to_nearest_quarter_tone(diatonic_number) return direction, quality, diatonic_number @staticmethod def _to_nearest_quarter_tone(number): number = round(float(number) * 4) / 4 div, mod = divmod(number, 1) if mod == 0.75: div += 1 elif mod == 0.5: div += 0.5 return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(div) @classmethod def _validate_quality_and_diatonic_number(cls, quality, diatonic_number): if quality in _quality_string_to_quality_abbreviation: quality = _quality_string_to_quality_abbreviation[quality] if quality == "aug": quality = "A" if quality == "dim": quality = "d" octaves = 0 diatonic_pc_number = diatonic_number while diatonic_pc_number > 7: diatonic_pc_number -= 7 octaves += 1 quality_to_semitones = _diatonic_number_to_quality_dictionary[ diatonic_pc_number ] if quality[0] not in quality_to_semitones: name = cls.__name__ number = diatonic_number message = f"can not initialize {name} from {quality!r} and {number!r}." raise ValueError(message) return quality @property def cents(self): """ Gets cents of interval. Returns nonnegative number. """ return 100 * self.semitones @property def direction_number(self): """ Gets direction number of interval Returns integer. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def interval_class(self): """ Gets interval-class of interval. Returns interval-class. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def number(self): """ Gets number of interval. Returns integer. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def octaves(self): """ Gets octaves of interval. Returns nonnegative number. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def semitones(self): """ Gets semitones of interval. Returns integer or float. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch_carrier): """ Transposes ``pitch_carrier`` by interval. Returns new pitch carrier. """ if hasattr(pitch_carrier, "transpose"): return pitch_carrier.transpose(self) elif hasattr(pitch_carrier, "written_pitch"): new_note = copy.copy(pitch_carrier) new_pitch = pitch_carrier.written_pitch.transpose(self) new_note.written_pitch = new_pitch return new_note elif hasattr(pitch_carrier, "written_pitches"): new_chord = copy.copy(pitch_carrier) pairs = zip(new_chord.note_heads, pitch_carrier.note_heads) for new_nh, old_nh in pairs: new_pitch = old_nh.written_pitch.transpose(self) new_nh.written_pitch = new_pitch return new_chord return pitch_carrier
[docs] class NamedInterval(Interval): """ Named interval. .. container:: example Initializes ascending major ninth from string: >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") NamedInterval('+M9') .. container:: example Initializes descending major third from number of semitones: >>> abjad.NamedInterval(-4) NamedInterval('-M3') .. container:: example Initializes from other named interval: >>> abjad.NamedInterval(abjad.NamedInterval(-4)) NamedInterval('-M3') .. container:: example Initializes from numbered interval: >>> abjad.NamedInterval(abjad.NumberedInterval(3)) NamedInterval('+m3') .. container:: example Initializes from pair of quality and diatonic number: >>> abjad.NamedInterval(("M", 3)) NamedInterval('+M3') """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, name="P1"): super().__init__(name or "P1")
[docs] def __abs__(self) -> "NamedInterval": """ Gets absolute value of named interval. .. container:: example >>> abs(abjad.NamedInterval("+M9")) NamedInterval('+M9') >>> abs(abjad.NamedInterval("-M9")) NamedInterval('+M9') """ return type(self)((self.quality, abs(self.number)))
[docs] def __add__(self, argument) -> "NamedInterval": """ Adds ``argument`` to named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("M9") + abjad.NamedInterval("M2") NamedInterval('+M10') """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented dummy_pitch = NamedPitch(0) new_pitch = dummy_pitch + self + argument return NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(dummy_pitch, new_pitch)
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments) -> "NamedInterval": """ Copies named interval. >>> import copy .. container:: example >>> copy.copy(abjad.NamedInterval("+M9")) NamedInterval('+M9') """ return type(self)((self.quality, self.number))
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``name``. .. container:: example >>> interval_1 = abjad.NamedInterval("m2") >>> interval_2 = abjad.NamedInterval("m2") >>> interval_3 = abjad.NamedInterval("m9") >>> interval_1 == interval_1 True >>> interval_1 == interval_2 True >>> interval_1 == interval_3 False >>> interval_2 == interval_1 True >>> interval_2 == interval_2 True >>> interval_2 == interval_3 False >>> interval_3 == interval_1 False >>> interval_3 == interval_2 False >>> interval_3 == interval_3 True """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return == return False
# TODO: remove
[docs] def __float__(self): """ Coerce to semitones as float. Returns float. """ return float(self.semitones)
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes named interval. Returns number. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``semitones``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") < abjad.NamedInterval("+M10") True >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+m9") < abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") True >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") < abjad.NamedInterval("+M2") False """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.semitones < argument.semitones return False
[docs] def __mul__(self, argument) -> "NamedInterval": """ Multiplies named interval by ``argument`` .. container:: example >>> 3 * abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") NamedInterval('+A25') """ if not isinstance(argument, int): raise TypeError(f"must be integer: {argument!r}.") dummy_pitch = NamedPitch(0) for i in range(abs(argument)): dummy_pitch += self result = NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(NamedPitch(0), dummy_pitch) if argument < 0: return -result return result
[docs] def __neg__(self) -> "NamedInterval": """ Negates named interval. .. container:: example >>> -abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") NamedInterval('-M9') >>> -abjad.NamedInterval("-M9") NamedInterval('+M9') """ return type(self)((self.quality, -self.number))
[docs] def __radd__(self, argument) -> "NamedInterval": """ Adds named interval to ``argument`` .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("M9") + abjad.NamedInterval("M2") NamedInterval('+M10') """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return argument.__add__(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({!r})"
[docs] def __rmul__(self, argument) -> "NamedInterval": """ Multiplies ``argument`` by named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") * 3 NamedInterval('+A25') """ return self * argument
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument) -> "NamedInterval": """ Subtracts ``argument`` from named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") - abjad.NamedInterval("+M2") NamedInterval('+P8') >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M2") - abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") NamedInterval('-P8') """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented dummy_pitch = NamedPitch(0) new_pitch = dummy_pitch + self - argument return NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(dummy_pitch, new_pitch)
def _from_interval_or_interval_class(self, argument): try: quality = argument.quality diatonic_number = abs(argument.number) direction = _math.sign(argument.number) except AttributeError: direction, quality, diatonic_number = self._numbered_to_named(argument) self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) def _from_named_parts(self, direction, quality, diatonic_number): octaves = 0 diatonic_pc_number = abs(diatonic_number) while diatonic_pc_number > 7: octaves += 1 diatonic_pc_number -= 7 if diatonic_pc_number == 1 and quality == "P" and diatonic_number >= 8: octaves -= 1 diatonic_pc_number = 8 self._octaves = octaves if direction: diatonic_pc_number *= direction self._interval_class = NamedIntervalClass((quality, diatonic_pc_number)) def _from_number(self, argument): direction, quality, diatonic_number = self._numbered_to_named(argument) self._from_named_parts(direction, quality, diatonic_number) @property def direction_number(self) -> int: """ Gets direction number of named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9").direction_number 1 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+dim2").direction_number 1 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+A1").direction_number 1 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("P1").direction_number 0 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("-m3").direction_number -1 """ if self.quality == "P" and abs(self.number) == 1: return 0 return _math.sign(self.number) @property def interval_class(self) -> "NamedIntervalClass": """ Gets named interval class. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9").interval_class NamedIntervalClass('+M2') >>> abjad.NamedInterval("-M9").interval_class NamedIntervalClass('-M2') >>> abjad.NamedInterval("P1").interval_class NamedIntervalClass('P1') >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+P8").interval_class NamedIntervalClass('+P8') """ return self._interval_class @property def name(self) -> str: """ Gets name of named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9").name '+M9' """ direction_symbol = _direction_number_to_direction_symbol[self.direction_number] return "{}{}{}".format( direction_symbol, self._interval_class.quality, abs(self.number) ) @property def number(self) -> int | float: """ Gets number of named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9").number 9 """ number = self._interval_class._number direction = _math.sign(number) number = abs(number) + (7 * self.octaves) return number * direction @property def octaves(self) -> int: """ Gets octaves of interval. """ return self._octaves @property def quality(self) -> str: """ Gets quality of named interval. """ return self._interval_class.quality @property def semitones(self) -> int: """ Gets semitones of named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9").semitones 14 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("-M9").semitones -14 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("P1").semitones 0 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+P8").semitones 12 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("-P8").semitones -12 """ direction = self.direction_number diatonic_number = abs(self._interval_class._number) quality = self._validate_quality_and_diatonic_number( self.quality, diatonic_number ) diatonic_number += 7 * self._octaves return self._named_to_numbered(direction, quality, diatonic_number) @property def staff_spaces(self) -> float | int: """ Gets staff spaces of named interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+M9").staff_spaces 8 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("-M9").staff_spaces -8 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("P1").staff_spaces 0 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("+P8").staff_spaces 7 >>> abjad.NamedInterval("-P8").staff_spaces -7 """ if self.direction_number == -1: return self.number + 1 elif not self.direction_number: return 0 else: assert self.direction_number == 1 return self.number - 1
[docs] @classmethod def from_pitch_carriers( class_, pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2 ) -> "NamedInterval": """ Makes named interval calculated from ``pitch_carrier_1`` to ``pitch_carrier_2``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(-2), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NamedInterval('+M9') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch("css'"), ... abjad.NamedPitch("cff'"), ... ) NamedInterval('-AAAA1') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch("ds'"), ... abjad.NamedPitch("ef''"), ... ) NamedInterval('+d9') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("c'", "cs'''") NamedInterval('+A15') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("c", "cqs") NamedInterval('+P+1') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("cf'", "bs") NamedInterval('-dd2') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("cff'", "aqs") NamedInterval('-ddd+3') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("cff'", "atqs") NamedInterval('-dddd+3') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("c'", "d''") NamedInterval('+M9') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("c'", "df''") NamedInterval('+m9') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("c'", "dff''") NamedInterval('+d9') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("c'", "dfff''") NamedInterval('+dd9') >>> abjad.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers("c'", "dffff''") NamedInterval('+ddd9') """ pitch_1 = NamedPitch(pitch_carrier_1) pitch_2 = NamedPitch(pitch_carrier_2) degree_1 = pitch_1._get_diatonic_pitch_number() degree_2 = pitch_2._get_diatonic_pitch_number() named_sign = _math.sign(degree_1 - degree_2) named_i_number = abs(degree_1 - degree_2) + 1 numbered_sign = _math.sign( float(NumberedPitch(pitch_1)) - float(NumberedPitch(pitch_2)) ) numbered_i_number = abs( float(NumberedPitch(pitch_1)) - float(NumberedPitch(pitch_2)) ) ( octaves, named_ic_number, ) = _diatonic_number_to_octaves_and_diatonic_remainder(named_i_number) numbered_ic_number = numbered_i_number - 12 * octaves # multiply-diminished intervals can have opposite signs if named_sign and (named_sign == -numbered_sign): numbered_ic_number *= -1 quartertone = "" if numbered_ic_number % 1: quartertone = "+" numbered_ic_number -= 0.5 quality_to_semitones = _diatonic_number_to_quality_dictionary[named_ic_number] semitones_to_quality: dict = { value: key for key, value in quality_to_semitones.items() } quality = "" while numbered_ic_number > max(semitones_to_quality): numbered_ic_number -= 1 quality += "A" while numbered_ic_number < min(semitones_to_quality): numbered_ic_number += 1 quality += "d" quality += semitones_to_quality[numbered_ic_number] quality += quartertone direction = 1 if pitch_2 < pitch_1: direction = -1 return class_((quality, named_i_number * direction))
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch_carrier): """ Transposes ``pitch_carrier`` by named interval. .. container:: example Transposes chord: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<c' e' g'>4") >>> interval = abjad.NamedInterval("+m2") >>> interval.transpose(chord) Chord("<df' f' af'>4") Returns new (copied) object of ``pitch_carrier`` type. """ return super().transpose(pitch_carrier)
[docs] class NumberedInterval(Interval): """ Numbered interval. .. container:: example Initializes from number of semitones: >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(-14) NumberedInterval(-14) Initializes from other numbered interval: >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(abjad.NumberedInterval(-14)) NumberedInterval(-14) Initializes from named interval: >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(abjad.NamedInterval("-P4")) NumberedInterval(-5) Initializes from interval string: >>> abjad.NumberedInterval("-P4") NumberedInterval(-5) """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, number=0): super().__init__(number or 0)
[docs] def __abs__(self) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Absolute value of numbered interval. .. container:: example >>> abs(abjad.NumberedInterval(-14)) NumberedInterval(14) """ return type(self)(abs(self.number))
[docs] def __add__(self, argument) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Adds ``argument`` to numbered interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(3) + abjad.NumberedInterval(14) NumberedInterval(17) >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(3) + abjad.NumberedInterval(-14) NumberedInterval(-11) """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return type(self)(float(self) + float(argument))
[docs] def __copy__(self) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Copies numbered interval. >>> import copy .. container:: example >>> copy.copy(abjad.NumberedInterval(-14)) NumberedInterval(-14) """ return type(self)(self.number)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``number``. .. container:: example >>> interval_1 = abjad.NumberedInterval(12) >>> interval_2 = abjad.NumberedInterval(12) >>> interval_3 = abjad.NumberedInterval(13) >>> interval_1 == interval_1 True >>> interval_1 == interval_2 True >>> interval_1 == interval_3 False >>> interval_2 == interval_1 True >>> interval_2 == interval_2 True >>> interval_2 == interval_3 False >>> interval_3 == interval_1 False >>> interval_3 == interval_2 False >>> interval_3 == interval_3 True """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.number == argument.number return False
# TODO: remove
[docs] def __float__(self): """ Coerce to float. Returns float. """ return float(self.number)
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes numbered interval. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` is a numbered interval with same direction number as this numbered interval and with number greater than that of this numbered interval. .. container:: example >>> interval_1 = abjad.NumberedInterval(12) >>> interval_2 = abjad.NumberedInterval(12) >>> interval_3 = abjad.NumberedInterval(13) >>> interval_1 < interval_1 False >>> interval_1 < interval_2 False >>> interval_1 < interval_3 True >>> interval_2 < interval_1 False >>> interval_2 < interval_2 False >>> interval_2 < interval_3 True >>> interval_3 < interval_1 False >>> interval_3 < interval_2 False >>> interval_3 < interval_3 False Returns true or false. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.number < argument.number return False
[docs] def __neg__(self) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Negates numbered interval. .. container:: example >>> -abjad.NumberedInterval(-14) NumberedInterval(14) """ return type(self)(-self.number)
[docs] def __radd__(self, argument) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Adds numbered interval to ``argument`` .. container:: example >>> interval = abjad.NumberedInterval(14) >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(3).__radd__(interval) NumberedInterval(17) >>> interval = abjad.NumberedInterval(-14) >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(3).__radd__(interval) NumberedInterval(-11) """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return type(self)(float(self) + float(argument))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.number!r})"
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Subtracts ``argument`` from numbered interval. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except Exception: return NotImplemented return type(self)(float(self) - float(argument))
def _from_interval_or_interval_class(self, argument): self._from_number(float(argument)) def _from_named_parts(self, direction, quality, diatonic_number): self._from_number(self._named_to_numbered(direction, quality, diatonic_number)) def _from_number(self, argument): number = self._to_nearest_quarter_tone(argument) direction = _math.sign(number) octaves = 0 pc_number = abs(number) while pc_number > 12: pc_number -= 12 octaves += 1 self._octaves = octaves self._interval_class = NumberedIntervalClass(pc_number * direction) @property def direction_number(self) -> int: """ Gets direction number of numbered interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(-14).direction_number -1 >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(0).direction_number 0 >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(6).direction_number 1 """ return _math.sign(self.number) @property def interval_class(self) -> "NumberedIntervalClass": """ Gets numbered interval class. """ return self._interval_class @property def number(self) -> float | int: """ Gets number of numbered interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(-14).number -14 >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(-2).number -2 >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(0).number 0 """ number = self._interval_class._number direction = _math.sign(number) number = abs(number) + (12 * self.octaves) return number * direction @property def octaves(self) -> int: """ Gets octaves of interval. """ return self._octaves @property def semitones(self) -> int | float: """ Gets semitones corresponding to numbered interval. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedInterval(-14).semitones -14 """ return self.number @property def signed_string(self): """ Gets signed string. """ direction_symbol = _direction_number_to_direction_symbol[ _math.sign(self.number) ] return f"{direction_symbol}{abs(self.number)}"
[docs] @classmethod def from_pitch_carriers( class_, pitch_carrier_1, pitch_carrier_2 ) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Makes numbered interval from ``pitch_carrier_1`` and ``pitch_carrier_2``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(-2), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NumberedInterval(14) >>> abjad.NumberedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NumberedInterval(0) >>> abjad.NumberedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(9), ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... ) NumberedInterval(3) >>> abjad.NumberedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(9), ... ) NumberedInterval(-3) >>> abjad.NumberedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( ... abjad.NamedPitch(12), ... abjad.NamedPitch(-2), ... ) NumberedInterval(-14) """ pitch_1 = NamedPitch(pitch_carrier_1) pitch_2 = NamedPitch(pitch_carrier_2) number = NumberedPitch(pitch_2).number - NumberedPitch(pitch_1).number number = _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(number) return class_(number)
[docs] def transpose(self, pitch_carrier): """ Transposes ``pitch_carrier`` .. container:: example Transposes chord: >>> chord = abjad.Chord("<c' e' g'>4") >>> interval = abjad.NumberedInterval(1) >>> interval.transpose(chord) Chord("<df' f' af'>4") Returns newly constructed object of ``pitch_carrier`` type. """ return super().transpose(pitch_carrier)
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class PitchClass: """ Abstract pitch-class. """ __slots__ = () _is_abstract = True def __init__(self, argument): if isinstance(argument, str): match = _comprehensive_pitch_name_regex.match(argument) if not match: match = _comprehensive_pitch_class_name_regex.match(argument) if not match: class_name = type(self).__name__ message = f"can not instantiate {class_name} from {argument!r}." raise ValueError(message) group_dict = match.groupdict() dpc_name = group_dict["diatonic_pc_name"].lower() dpc_number = _diatonic_pc_name_to_diatonic_pc_number[dpc_name] alteration = Accidental(group_dict["comprehensive_accidental"]).semitones self._from_named_parts(dpc_number, alteration) elif isinstance(argument, numbers.Number): self._from_number(argument) elif isinstance(argument, Pitch | PitchClass): self._from_pitch_or_pitch_class(argument) else: try: pitch = NamedPitch(argument) self._from_pitch_or_pitch_class(pitch) except Exception: class_name = type(self).__name__ message = f"can not instantiate {class_name} from {argument!r}." raise ValueError(message)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares reprs. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return repr(self) == repr(argument) return False
# TODO: remove
[docs] def __float__(self): """ Coerce to float. Returns float. """ return float(self.number)
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes pitch-class. """ return hash(self.__class__.__name__ + repr(self))
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument): """ Is true when pitch-class is less than ``argument``. Returns true or false. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _from_named_parts(self, dpc_number, alteration): raise NotImplementedError def _from_number(self, number): raise NotImplementedError def _from_pitch_or_pitch_class(self, pitch_or_pitch_class): raise NotImplementedError def _get_alteration(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_diatonic_pc_number(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_lilypond_format(self): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _to_nearest_quarter_tone(number): number = round((float(number) % 12) * 4) / 4 div, mod = divmod(number, 1) if mod == 0.75: div += 1 elif mod == 0.5: div += 0.5 div %= 12 return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(div)
[docs] def accidental(self): """ Gets accidental of pitch-class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pitch_class_label(self): """ Gets pitch-class label of pitch-class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def invert(self, axis=None): """ Inverts pitch-class about ``axis``. Returns new pitch-class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def multiply(self, n=1): """ Multiplies pitch-class by ``n``. Returns new pitch-class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def transpose(self, n=0): """ Transposes pitch-class by index ``n``. Returns new pitch-class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class NamedPitchClass(PitchClass): """ Named pitch-class. .. container:: example Initializes from pitch-class name: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") NamedPitchClass('cs') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cqs") NamedPitchClass('cqs') Initializes from number of semitones: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(14) NamedPitchClass('d') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(14.5) NamedPitchClass('dqs') Initializes from named pitch: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.NamedPitch("d")) NamedPitchClass('d') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.NamedPitch("dqs")) NamedPitchClass('dqs') Initializes from numbered pitch: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.NumberedPitch(14)) NamedPitchClass('d') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.NumberedPitch(14.5)) NamedPitchClass('dqs') Initializes from numbered pitch-class: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.NumberedPitchClass(2)) NamedPitchClass('d') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.NumberedPitchClass(2.5)) NamedPitchClass('dqs') Initializes from pitch-class / octave-number string: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("C#5") NamedPitchClass('cs') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("Cs5") NamedPitchClass('cs') Initializes quartertone from pitch-class / octave-number string: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("C+5") NamedPitchClass('cqs') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("Cqs5") NamedPitchClass('cqs') Initializes from pitch-class string: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("C#") NamedPitchClass('cs') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("Cs") NamedPitchClass('cs') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") NamedPitchClass('cs') Initializes quartertone from pitch-class string >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("C+") NamedPitchClass('cqs') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("Cqs") NamedPitchClass('cqs') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cqs") NamedPitchClass('cqs') Initializes from note: >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.Note("d''8.")) NamedPitchClass('d') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass(abjad.Note("dqs''8.")) NamedPitchClass('dqs') """ __slots__ = ("_diatonic_pc_number", "_accidental") def __init__(self, name="c", *, accidental=None, arrow=None): super().__init__(name or "c") if accidental is not None: self._accidental = type(self._accidental)(accidental) if arrow is not None: self._accidental = type(self._accidental)(self._accidental, arrow=arrow)
[docs] def __add__(self, named_interval) -> "NamedPitchClass": """ Adds ``named_interval`` to named pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") + abjad.NamedInterval("+M9") NamedPitchClass('ds') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") + abjad.NamedInterval("-M9") NamedPitchClass('b') """ dummy_pitch = NamedPitch((, 4)) pitch = named_interval.transpose(dummy_pitch) return type(self)(pitch)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares string formats. .. container:: example >>> pitch_class_1 = abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") >>> pitch_class_2 = abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") >>> pitch_class_3 = abjad.NamedPitchClass("df") >>> pitch_class_1 == pitch_class_1 True >>> pitch_class_1 == pitch_class_2 True >>> pitch_class_1 == pitch_class_3 False >>> pitch_class_2 == pitch_class_1 True >>> pitch_class_2 == pitch_class_2 True >>> pitch_class_2 == pitch_class_3 False >>> pitch_class_3 == pitch_class_1 False >>> pitch_class_3 == pitch_class_2 False >>> pitch_class_3 == pitch_class_3 True """ return super().__eq__(argument)
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes named pitch-class. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``number``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") < abjad.NamedPitchClass("d") True >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("d") < abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") False """ assert isinstance(argument, type(self)) return self.number < argument.number
[docs] def __radd__(self, interval): """ Right-addition not defined on named pitch-classes. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").__radd__(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: right-addition not defined on NamedPitchClass. """ message = f"right-addition not defined on {type(self).__name__}." raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({!r})"
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument) -> "NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass": """ Subtracts ``argument`` from named pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs") - abjad.NamedPitchClass("g") NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+A4') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("c") - abjad.NamedPitchClass("cf") NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+A1') >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cf") - abjad.NamedPitchClass("c") NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass('+A1') """ assert isinstance(argument, type(self)) pitch_1 = NamedPitch((, 4)) pitch_2 = NamedPitch((, 4)) mdi = NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(pitch_1, pitch_2) pair = (mdi.quality, mdi.number) dic = NamedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(pair) return dic
def _apply_accidental(self, accidental=None): accidental = Accidental(accidental) new_accidental = self.accidental + accidental new_name = self._get_diatonic_pc_name() + str(new_accidental) return type(self)(new_name) def _from_named_parts(self, dpc_number, alteration): self._diatonic_pc_number = dpc_number self._accidental = Accidental(alteration) def _from_number(self, number): numbered_pitch_class = NumberedPitchClass(number) self._from_pitch_or_pitch_class(numbered_pitch_class) def _from_pitch_or_pitch_class(self, pitch_or_pitch_class): if isinstance(pitch_or_pitch_class, Pitch): pitch_or_pitch_class = pitch_or_pitch_class.pitch_class self._diatonic_pc_number = pitch_or_pitch_class._get_diatonic_pc_number() self._accidental = Accidental( pitch_or_pitch_class._get_alteration(), arrow=pitch_or_pitch_class.arrow, ) def _get_alteration(self): return self._accidental.semitones def _get_diatonic_pc_name(self): return _diatonic_pc_number_to_diatonic_pc_name[self._diatonic_pc_number] def _get_diatonic_pc_number(self): return self._diatonic_pc_number def _get_lilypond_format(self): name = self._get_diatonic_pc_name() accidental = Accidental(self._get_alteration()) return f"{name}{accidental!s}" @property def accidental(self): """ Gets accidental. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").accidental Accidental(name='sharp') """ return self._accidental @property def arrow(self): """ Gets arrow of named pitch-class. Returns up, down or none. """ return self._accidental.arrow @property def name(self) -> str: """ Gets name of named pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").name 'cs' """ diatonic_pc_name = _diatonic_pc_number_to_diatonic_pc_name[ self._diatonic_pc_number ] return f"{diatonic_pc_name}{self._accidental!s}" @property def number(self) -> int | float: """ Gets number. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").number 1 """ dictionary = _diatonic_pc_number_to_pitch_class_number result = dictionary[self._diatonic_pc_number] result += self._accidental.semitones result %= 12 return result @property def pitch_class_label(self): """ Gets pitch-class label. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").pitch_class_label 'C#' """ pc = self._get_diatonic_pc_name().upper() return f"{pc}{self.accidental.symbol}"
[docs] def invert(self, axis=None) -> "NamedPitchClass": """ Inverts named pitch-class. """ axis = axis or NamedPitch("c") axis = NamedPitch(axis) this = NamedPitch(self) interval = this - axis result = axis.transpose(interval) result = type(self)(result) return result
[docs] def multiply(self, n=1) -> "NamedPitchClass": """ Multiplies named pitch-class by ``n``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").multiply(3) NamedPitchClass('ef') """ return type(self)(n * self.number)
[docs] def transpose(self, n=0) -> "NamedPitchClass": """ Transposes named pitch-class by index named interval ``n``. .. container:: example >>> interval = abjad.NamedInterval("-M2") >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").transpose(interval) NamedPitchClass('b') >>> interval = abjad.NamedInterval("P1") >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").transpose(interval) NamedPitchClass('cs') >>> interval = abjad.NamedInterval("+M2") >>> abjad.NamedPitchClass("cs").transpose(interval) NamedPitchClass('ds') """ interval = NamedInterval(n) pitch = NamedPitch((, 4)) pitch = interval.transpose(pitch) return type(self)(pitch)
[docs] class NumberedPitchClass(PitchClass): """ Numbered pitch-class. .. container:: example Initializes from number of semitones: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(13) NumberedPitchClass(1) Initializes from pitch name: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass("d") NumberedPitchClass(2) Initializes from named pitch: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(abjad.NamedPitch("g,")) NumberedPitchClass(7) Initializes from numbered pitch: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(abjad.NumberedPitch(15)) NumberedPitchClass(3) Initializes from named pitch-class: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(abjad.NamedPitchClass("e")) NumberedPitchClass(4) Initializes from pitch-class / octave string: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass("C#5") NumberedPitchClass(1) Initializes from other numbered pitch-class: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(abjad.NumberedPitchClass(9)) NumberedPitchClass(9) Initializes from note: >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(abjad.Note("a'8.")) NumberedPitchClass(9) """ __slots__ = ("_arrow", "_number") def __init__(self, number=0, *, arrow=None): super().__init__(number or 0) if arrow is not None: arrow = _string.to_tridirectional_ordinal_constant(arrow) if arrow is _enums.CENTER: arrow = None self._arrow = arrow
[docs] def __add__(self, argument) -> "NumberedPitchClass": """ Adds ``argument`` to numbered pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> pitch_class = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(9) >>> pitch_class + abjad.NumberedInterval(0) NumberedPitchClass(9) >>> pitch_class + abjad.NumberedInterval(1) NumberedPitchClass(10) >>> pitch_class + abjad.NumberedInterval(2) NumberedPitchClass(11) >>> pitch_class + abjad.NumberedInterval(3) NumberedPitchClass(0) """ interval = NumberedInterval(argument) return type(self)(self.number + interval.number % 12)
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments) -> "NumberedPitchClass": """ Copies numbered pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> import copy >>> pitch_class = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(9) >>> copy.copy(pitch_class) NumberedPitchClass(9) """ return type(self)(self)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument): """ Compares ``number``. .. container:: example >>> pitch_class_1 = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(0) >>> pitch_class_2 = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(0) >>> pitch_class_3 = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(1) >>> pitch_class_1 == pitch_class_1 True >>> pitch_class_1 == pitch_class_2 True >>> pitch_class_1 == pitch_class_3 False >>> pitch_class_2 == pitch_class_1 True >>> pitch_class_2 == pitch_class_2 True >>> pitch_class_2 == pitch_class_3 False >>> pitch_class_3 == pitch_class_1 False >>> pitch_class_3 == pitch_class_2 False >>> pitch_class_3 == pitch_class_3 True """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return self.number == argument.number
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes numbered pitch-class. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Compares ``number``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(1) < abjad.NumberedPitchClass(2) True >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(2) < abjad.NumberedPitchClass(1) False """ if not isinstance(argument, type(self)): raise TypeError(f"can not compare numbered pitch-class to {argument!r}.") return self.number < argument.number
[docs] def __neg__(self) -> "NumberedPitchClass": """ Negates numbered pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> pitch_class = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(9) >>> -pitch_class NumberedPitchClass(3) """ return type(self)(-self.number)
[docs] def __radd__(self, argument): """ Right-addition not defined on numbered pitch-classes. .. container:: example >>> 1 + abjad.NumberedPitchClass(9) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: right-addition not defined on NumberedPitchClass. Raises not implemented error. """ message = f"right-addition not defined on {type(self).__name__}." raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.number!r})"
[docs] def __sub__( self, argument ) -> typing.Union["NumberedPitchClass", "NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass"]: """ Subtracts ``argument`` from numbered pitch-class. Subtraction is defined against both numbered intervals and against other pitch-classes. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(6) - abjad.NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(0) >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(6) - abjad.NumberedPitchClass(7) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1) >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(7) - abjad.NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(1) >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(6) - abjad.NumberedInterval(-1) NumberedPitchClass(5) >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(6) - abjad.NumberedInterval(0) NumberedPitchClass(6) >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(6) - abjad.NumberedInterval(1) NumberedPitchClass(5) """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): interval_class_number = abs(self.number - argument.number) if 6 < interval_class_number: interval_class_number = 12 - interval_class_number return NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(interval_class_number) interval_class = NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass(argument) return type(self)(self.number - interval_class.number % 12)
def _apply_accidental(self, accidental=None): accidental = Accidental(accidental) semitones = self.number + accidental.semitones return type(self)(semitones) def _from_named_parts(self, dpc_number, alteration): number = _diatonic_pc_number_to_pitch_class_number[dpc_number] number += alteration self._from_number(number) def _from_number(self, number): self._arrow = None self._number = self._to_nearest_quarter_tone(number) def _from_pitch_or_pitch_class(self, pitch_or_pitch_class): self._arrow = pitch_or_pitch_class.arrow self._number = self._to_nearest_quarter_tone(float(pitch_or_pitch_class)) def _get_alteration(self): dpc_number = self._get_diatonic_pc_number() pc_number = _diatonic_pc_number_to_pitch_class_number[dpc_number] return float(self) - pc_number def _get_diatonic_pc_name(self): return[0] def _get_diatonic_pc_number(self): return _diatonic_pc_name_to_diatonic_pc_number[self._get_diatonic_pc_name()] def _get_lilypond_format(self): return NamedPitchClass(self)._get_lilypond_format() @property def accidental(self): """ Gets accidental. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(1).accidental Accidental(name='sharp') """ return NamedPitch(self.number).accidental @property def arrow(self): """ Gets arrow of numbered pitch-class. Returns up, down or none. """ return self._arrow @property def name(self) -> str: """ Gets name of numbered pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(13).name 'cs' """ return _pitch_class_number_to_pitch_class_name[self.number] @property def number(self) -> int | float: """ Gets number. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(1).number 1 >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(13).number 1 """ return self._number @property def pitch_class_label(self): """ Gets pitch-class / octave label. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(13).pitch_class_label 'C#' """ name = self._get_diatonic_pc_name().upper() return f"{name}{self.accidental.symbol}"
[docs] def invert(self, axis=None) -> "NumberedPitchClass": """ Inverts numbered pitch-class. .. container:: example >>> for n in range(12): ... pitch_class = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(n) ... print(repr(pitch_class), repr(pitch_class.invert())) ... NumberedPitchClass(0) NumberedPitchClass(0) NumberedPitchClass(1) NumberedPitchClass(11) NumberedPitchClass(2) NumberedPitchClass(10) NumberedPitchClass(3) NumberedPitchClass(9) NumberedPitchClass(4) NumberedPitchClass(8) NumberedPitchClass(5) NumberedPitchClass(7) NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedPitchClass(7) NumberedPitchClass(5) NumberedPitchClass(8) NumberedPitchClass(4) NumberedPitchClass(9) NumberedPitchClass(3) NumberedPitchClass(10) NumberedPitchClass(2) NumberedPitchClass(11) NumberedPitchClass(1) Interprets axis of inversion equal to pitch-class 0. """ axis = axis or NumberedPitch("c") axis = NumberedPitch(axis) this = NumberedPitch(self) interval = this - axis result = axis.transpose(interval) result = type(self)(result) return result
[docs] def multiply(self, n=1) -> "NumberedPitchClass": """ Multiplies pitch-class number by ``n``. .. container:: example >>> for n in range(12): ... pitch_class = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(n) ... print(repr(pitch_class), repr(pitch_class.multiply(5))) ... NumberedPitchClass(0) NumberedPitchClass(0) NumberedPitchClass(1) NumberedPitchClass(5) NumberedPitchClass(2) NumberedPitchClass(10) NumberedPitchClass(3) NumberedPitchClass(3) NumberedPitchClass(4) NumberedPitchClass(8) NumberedPitchClass(5) NumberedPitchClass(1) NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedPitchClass(7) NumberedPitchClass(11) NumberedPitchClass(8) NumberedPitchClass(4) NumberedPitchClass(9) NumberedPitchClass(9) NumberedPitchClass(10) NumberedPitchClass(2) NumberedPitchClass(11) NumberedPitchClass(7) """ return type(self)(n * self.number)
[docs] def transpose(self, n=0) -> "NumberedPitchClass": """ Transposes numbered pitch-class by index ``n``. .. container:: example >>> for n in range(12): ... pitch_class = abjad.NumberedPitchClass(n) ... print(repr(pitch_class), repr(pitch_class.transpose(-13))) ... NumberedPitchClass(0) NumberedPitchClass(11) NumberedPitchClass(1) NumberedPitchClass(0) NumberedPitchClass(2) NumberedPitchClass(1) NumberedPitchClass(3) NumberedPitchClass(2) NumberedPitchClass(4) NumberedPitchClass(3) NumberedPitchClass(5) NumberedPitchClass(4) NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedPitchClass(5) NumberedPitchClass(7) NumberedPitchClass(6) NumberedPitchClass(8) NumberedPitchClass(7) NumberedPitchClass(9) NumberedPitchClass(8) NumberedPitchClass(10) NumberedPitchClass(9) NumberedPitchClass(11) NumberedPitchClass(10) """ return type(self)(self.number + n)
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class Pitch: """ Abstract pitch. """ __slots__ = ("_pitch_class", "_octave") _is_abstract = True def __init__(self, argument, accidental=None, arrow=None, octave=None): if isinstance(argument, str): match = _comprehensive_pitch_name_regex.match(argument) if not match: match = _comprehensive_pitch_class_name_regex.match(argument) if not match: class_name = type(self).__name__ message = f"can not instantiate {class_name} from {argument!r}." raise ValueError(message) group_dict = match.groupdict() _dpc_name = group_dict["diatonic_pc_name"].lower() _dpc_number = _diatonic_pc_name_to_diatonic_pc_number[_dpc_name] _alteration = Accidental(group_dict["comprehensive_accidental"]).semitones foo = group_dict.get("comprehensive_octave", "") assert isinstance(foo, str), repr(foo) if foo.isdigit(): number = int(foo) _octave = Octave(number).number else: _octave = Octave.from_ticks(foo).number self._from_named_parts(_dpc_number, _alteration, _octave) elif isinstance(argument, numbers.Number): self._from_number(argument) elif isinstance(argument, Pitch | PitchClass): self._from_pitch_or_pitch_class(argument) elif isinstance(argument, tuple) and len(argument) == 2: _pitch_class = NamedPitchClass(argument[0]) _octave = Octave(argument[1]) self._from_named_parts( _pitch_class._get_diatonic_pc_number(), _pitch_class._get_alteration(), _octave.number, ) elif hasattr(argument, "written_pitch"): self._from_pitch_or_pitch_class(argument.written_pitch) elif hasattr(argument, "note_heads") and len(argument.note_heads): self._from_pitch_or_pitch_class(argument.note_heads[0]) else: class_name = type(self).__name__ raise ValueError(f"can not instantiate {class_name} from {argument!r}.") if accidental is not None: accidental = Accidental(accidental) self._pitch_class = type(self._pitch_class)( self._pitch_class, accidental=accidental ) if arrow is not None: self._pitch_class = type(self._pitch_class)(self._pitch_class, arrow=arrow) if octave is not None: octave = Octave(octave) self._octave = octave # TODO: remove
[docs] def __float__(self): """ Coerce to float. Returns float. """ return float(self.number)
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes pitch. """ return hash(self.__class__.__name__ + repr(self))
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument): """ Is true when pitch is less than ``argument``. Returns true or false. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _get_lilypond_format(self): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _to_nearest_octave(pitch_number, pitch_class_number): target_pc = pitch_number % 12 down = (target_pc - pitch_class_number) % 12 up = (pitch_class_number - target_pc) % 12 if up < down: return pitch_number + up else: return pitch_number - down @staticmethod def _to_nearest_quarter_tone(number): number = round(float(number) * 4) / 4 quotient, remainder = divmod(number, 1) if remainder == 0.75: quotient += 1 elif remainder == 0.5: quotient += 0.5 return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(quotient) @staticmethod def _to_pitch_class_item_class(item_class): item_class = item_class or NumberedPitch if item_class in (NamedPitchClass, NumberedPitchClass): return item_class elif item_class is NamedPitch: return NamedPitchClass elif item_class is NumberedPitch: return NumberedPitchClass else: raise TypeError(item_class) @staticmethod def _to_pitch_item_class(item_class): item_class = item_class or NumberedPitch if item_class in (NamedPitch, NumberedPitch): return item_class elif item_class is NamedPitchClass: return NamedPitch elif item_class is NumberedPitchClass: return NumberedPitch else: raise TypeError(item_class) @property def arrow(self): """ Gets arrow of pitch. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def hertz(self) -> float: """ Gets frequency of pitch in Hertz. """ hertz = pow(2.0, (float(self.number) - 9.0) / 12.0) * 440.0 return hertz @property def name(self): """ Gets name of pitch. Returns string. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def number(self): """ Gets number of pitch. Returns number. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def octave(self): """ Gets octave of pitch. Returns octave. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def pitch_class(self): """ Gets pitch-class of pitch. Returns pitch-class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_hertz(class_, hertz): """ Creates pitch from ``hertz``. Returns new pitch. """ midi = 9.0 + (12.0 * math.log(float(hertz) / 440.0, 2)) pitch = class_(midi) return pitch
[docs] def get_name(self, locale=None): """ Gets name of pitch according to ``locale``. Returns string. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def invert(self, axis=None): """ Inverts pitch about ``axis``. Interprets ``axis`` of none equal to middle C. Returns new pitch. """ axis = axis or NamedPitch("c'") axis = type(self)(axis) interval = self - axis result = axis.transpose(interval) return result
[docs] def multiply(self, n=1): """ Multiplies pitch by ``n``. Returns new pitch. """ return type(self)(n * self.number)
[docs] def transpose(self, n): """ Transposes pitch by index ``n``. Returns new pitch. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class NamedPitch(Pitch): r""" Named pitch. .. container:: example Initializes from pitch name: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''") NamedPitch("cs''") Initializes quartertone from pitch name: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("aqs") NamedPitch('aqs') Initializes from pitch-class / octave string: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("C#5") NamedPitch("cs''") Initializes quartertone from pitch-class / octave string: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("A+3") NamedPitch('aqs') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("Aqs3") NamedPitch('aqs') Initializes arrowed pitch: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("C#5", arrow=abjad.UP) NamedPitch("cs''", arrow=Vertical.UP) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Small floats just less than a C initialize in the correct octave: Initializes c / C3: >>> abjad.NamedPitch(-12.1) NamedPitch('c') Initializes c' / C4: >>> abjad.NamedPitch(-0.1) NamedPitch("c'") Initializes c'' / C5: >>> abjad.NamedPitch(11.9) NamedPitch("c''") """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, name="c'", *, accidental=None, arrow=None, octave=None): super().__init__( name or "c'", accidental=accidental, arrow=arrow, octave=octave )
[docs] def __add__(self, interval) -> "NamedPitch": """ Adds named pitch to ``interval``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''") + abjad.NamedInterval("-M2") NamedPitch("b'") >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''") + abjad.NamedInterval("P1") NamedPitch("cs''") >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''") + abjad.NamedInterval("+M2") NamedPitch("ds''") """ interval = NamedInterval(interval) return interval.transpose(self)
[docs] def __copy__(self, *arguments) -> "NamedPitch": """ Copies named pitch. >>> import copy .. container:: example >>> copy.copy(abjad.NamedPitch("c''")) NamedPitch("c''") >>> copy.copy(abjad.NamedPitch("cs''")) NamedPitch("cs''") >>> copy.copy(abjad.NamedPitch("df''")) NamedPitch("df''") Copies arrowed pitch: >>> pitch = abjad.NamedPitch("cs''", arrow=abjad.UP) >>> copy.copy(pitch) NamedPitch("cs''", arrow=Vertical.UP) """ return type(self)(self, arrow=self.arrow)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` is a named pitch equal to this named pitch. .. container:: example >>> pitch_1 = abjad.NamedPitch("fs") >>> pitch_2 = abjad.NamedPitch("fs") >>> pitch_3 = abjad.NamedPitch("gf") >>> pitch_1 == pitch_1 True >>> pitch_1 == pitch_2 True >>> pitch_1 == pitch_3 False >>> pitch_2 == pitch_1 True >>> pitch_2 == pitch_2 True >>> pitch_2 == pitch_3 False >>> pitch_3 == pitch_1 False >>> pitch_3 == pitch_2 False >>> pitch_3 == pitch_3 True Returns true or false. """ if isinstance(argument, str): argument = NamedPitch(argument) if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return ( self.number == argument.number and self.accidental == argument.accidental and self.arrow == argument.arrow and self.octave == argument.octave ) return False
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes numbered pitch. """ return super().__hash__()
# mypy currently does not support functools.total_ordering # # remove __le__ (in favor of __lt__) when mypy supports functools.total_ordering # or, refactor this class as a dataclass and then remove __le__
[docs] def __le__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when named pitch is less than or equal to ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> pitch_1 = abjad.NamedPitch("fs") >>> pitch_2 = abjad.NamedPitch("fs") >>> pitch_3 = abjad.NamedPitch("gf") >>> pitch_1 <= pitch_1 True >>> pitch_1 <= pitch_2 True >>> pitch_1 <= pitch_3 True >>> pitch_2 <= pitch_1 True >>> pitch_2 <= pitch_2 True >>> pitch_2 <= pitch_3 True >>> pitch_3 <= pitch_1 False >>> pitch_3 <= pitch_2 False >>> pitch_3 <= pitch_3 True """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False self_dpn = self._get_diatonic_pitch_number() argument_dpn = argument._get_diatonic_pitch_number() if self_dpn == argument_dpn: return self.accidental <= argument.accidental return self_dpn <= argument_dpn
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when named pitch is less than ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> pitch_1 = abjad.NamedPitch("fs") >>> pitch_2 = abjad.NamedPitch("fs") >>> pitch_3 = abjad.NamedPitch("gf") >>> pitch_1 < pitch_1 False >>> pitch_1 < pitch_2 False >>> pitch_1 < pitch_3 True >>> pitch_2 < pitch_1 False >>> pitch_2 < pitch_2 False >>> pitch_2 < pitch_3 True >>> pitch_3 < pitch_1 False >>> pitch_3 < pitch_2 False >>> pitch_3 < pitch_3 False Returns true or false. """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False self_dpn = self._get_diatonic_pitch_number() argument_dpn = argument._get_diatonic_pitch_number() if self_dpn == argument_dpn: return self.accidental < argument.accidental return self_dpn < argument_dpn
[docs] def __radd__(self, interval): """ Right-addition not defined on named pitches. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs'").__radd__(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: right-addition not defined on NamedPitch. """ message = f"right-addition not defined on {type(self).__name__}." raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ if self.arrow is not None: return f"{type(self).__name__}({!r}, arrow={self.arrow})" else: return f"{type(self).__name__}({!r})"
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument) -> "NamedInterval": """ Subtracts ``argument`` from named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''") - abjad.NamedPitch("b'") NamedInterval('-M2') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''") - abjad.NamedPitch("fs''") NamedInterval('+P4') """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(self, argument) interval = NamedInterval(argument) interval = -interval return interval.transpose(self)
def _apply_accidental(self, accidental): name = self._get_diatonic_pc_name() name += str(self.accidental + Accidental(accidental)) name += self.octave.ticks return type(self)(name) def _from_named_parts(self, dpc_number, alteration, octave): dpc_name = _diatonic_pc_number_to_diatonic_pc_name[dpc_number] accidental = Accidental(alteration) octave = Octave(octave) self._octave = octave self._pitch_class = NamedPitchClass(dpc_name + str(accidental)) def _from_number(self, number): number = self._to_nearest_quarter_tone(number) quotient, remainder = divmod(number, 12) pitch_class = NumberedPitchClass(remainder) self._from_named_parts( dpc_number=pitch_class._get_diatonic_pc_number(), alteration=pitch_class._get_alteration(), octave=quotient + 4, ) def _from_pitch_or_pitch_class(self, pitch_or_pitch_class): name = pitch_or_pitch_class._get_lilypond_format() if not isinstance(pitch_or_pitch_class, Pitch): name += "'" if isinstance(pitch_or_pitch_class, Pitch): self._pitch_class = NamedPitchClass(pitch_or_pitch_class.pitch_class) self._octave = pitch_or_pitch_class.octave else: self._pitch_class = NamedPitchClass(pitch_or_pitch_class) self._octave = Octave() def _get_alteration(self): return self.accidental.semitones def _get_diatonic_pc_name(self): return _diatonic_pc_number_to_diatonic_pc_name[ self.pitch_class._diatonic_pc_number ] def _get_diatonic_pc_number(self): diatonic_pc_name = self._get_diatonic_pc_name() diatonic_pc_number = _diatonic_pc_name_to_diatonic_pc_number[diatonic_pc_name] return diatonic_pc_number def _get_diatonic_pitch_number(self): diatonic_pitch_number = 7 * (self.octave.number - 4) diatonic_pitch_number += self._get_diatonic_pc_number() return diatonic_pitch_number def _get_lilypond_format(self): return def _list_contributions(self): contributions = [] if self.arrow is None: return contributions string = r"\once \override Accidental.stencil =" string += " #ly:text-interface::print" contributions.append(string) glyph = f"accidentals.{}" glyph += f".arrow{str(self.arrow).lower()}" string = r"\once \override Accidental.text =" string += rf' \markup {{ \musicglyph #"{glyph}" }}' contributions.append(string) return contributions @property def accidental(self) -> "Accidental": """ Gets accidental of named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c''").accidental Accidental(name='natural') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").accidental Accidental(name='sharp') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("df''").accidental Accidental(name='flat') """ return self.pitch_class.accidental @property def arrow(self): """ Gets arrow of named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").arrow is None True >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''", arrow=abjad.UP).arrow <Vertical.UP: 1> >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''", arrow=abjad.DOWN).arrow <Vertical.DOWN: -1> Displays arrow in interpreter representation: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''", arrow=abjad.DOWN) NamedPitch("cs''", arrow=Vertical.DOWN) Returns up, down or none. """ return self._pitch_class.arrow @property def hertz(self) -> float: """ Gets frequency of named pitch in Hertz. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c''").hertz 523.25... >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").hertz 554.36... >>> abjad.NamedPitch("df''").hertz 554.36... """ return super().hertz @property def name(self) -> str: """ Gets name of named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c''").name "c''" >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").name "cs''" >>> abjad.NamedPitch("df''").name "df''" """ return f"{}{self.octave.ticks}" @property def number(self) -> int | float: """ Gets number of named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c''").number 12 >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").number 13 >>> abjad.NamedPitch("df''").number 13 >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cf'").number -1 """ diatonic_pc_number = self.pitch_class._get_diatonic_pc_number() pc_number = _diatonic_pc_number_to_pitch_class_number[diatonic_pc_number] alteration = self.pitch_class._get_alteration() octave_base_pitch = (self.octave.number - 4) * 12 return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer( pc_number + alteration + octave_base_pitch ) @property def octave(self) -> Octave: """ Gets octave of named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c''").octave Octave(number=5) >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").octave Octave(number=5) >>> abjad.NamedPitch("df''").octave Octave(number=5) """ return self._octave @property def pitch_class(self) -> NamedPitchClass: """ Gets pitch-class of named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c''").pitch_class NamedPitchClass('c') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").pitch_class NamedPitchClass('cs') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("df''").pitch_class NamedPitchClass('df') """ return self._pitch_class
[docs] @classmethod def from_hertz(class_, hertz) -> "NamedPitch": """ Makes named pitch from ``hertz``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch.from_hertz(440) NamedPitch("a'") REGRESSION. Returns c'' (C5) and not c' (C4): >>> abjad.NamedPitch.from_hertz(519) NamedPitch("c''") """ return super().from_hertz(hertz)
[docs] def get_name(self, locale=None) -> str: """ Gets name of named pitch according to ``locale``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").get_name() "cs''" >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs''").get_name(locale="us") 'C#5' Set ``locale`` to ``'us'`` or none. """ if locale is None: return elif locale == "us": name = self._get_diatonic_pc_name().upper() return f"{name}{self.accidental.symbol}{self.octave.number}" else: raise ValueError(f'must be "us" or none: {locale!r}.')
[docs] def invert(self, axis=None) -> "NamedPitch": """ Inverts named pitch around ``axis``. Inverts pitch around middle C explicitly: .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("d'").invert("c'") NamedPitch('bf') >>> abjad.NamedPitch('bf').invert("c'") NamedPitch("d'") Inverts pitch around middle C implicitly: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("d'").invert() NamedPitch('bf') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("bf").invert() NamedPitch("d'") Inverts pitch around A3: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("d'").invert("a") NamedPitch('e') Interprets none-valued ``axis`` equal to middle C. """ return super().invert(axis=axis)
[docs] def multiply(self, n=1) -> "NamedPitch": """ Multiplies named pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("d'").multiply(1) NamedPitch("d'") >>> abjad.NamedPitch("d'").multiply(3) NamedPitch("fs'") >>> abjad.NamedPitch("d'").multiply(6) NamedPitch("c''") >>> abjad.NamedPitch("d'").multiply(6.5) NamedPitch("cs''") """ return super().multiply(n=n)
[docs] def respell(self, accidental="sharps"): """ Respells named pitch with ``accidental``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cs").respell(accidental="flats") NamedPitch('df') >>> abjad.NamedPitch("df").respell(accidental="sharps") NamedPitch('cs') """ if accidental == "sharps": dictionary = _pitch_class_number_to_pitch_class_name_with_sharps else: assert accidental == "flats" dictionary = _pitch_class_number_to_pitch_class_name_with_flats name = dictionary[self.pitch_class.number] candidate = type(self)((name, self.octave.number)) if candidate.number == self.number - 12: candidate = type(self)(candidate, octave=candidate.octave.number + 1) elif candidate.number == self.number + 12: candidate = type(self)(candidate, octave=candidate.octave.number - 1) assert candidate.number == self.number return candidate
[docs] def simplify(self) -> "NamedPitch": """ Reduce alteration to between -2 and 2 while maintaining identical pitch number. >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cssqs'").simplify() NamedPitch("dqs'") >>> abjad.NamedPitch("cfffqf'").simplify() NamedPitch('aqf') >>> float(abjad.NamedPitch("cfffqf'").simplify()) == float(abjad.NamedPitch("aqf")) True .. note:: LilyPond by default only supports accidentals from double-flat to double-sharp. Returns named pitch. """ alteration = self._get_alteration() if abs(alteration) <= 2: return self diatonic_pc_number = self._get_diatonic_pc_number() octave = int(self.octave) while alteration > 2: step_size = 2 if diatonic_pc_number == 2: # e to f step_size = 1 elif diatonic_pc_number == 6: # b to c step_size = 1 octave += 1 diatonic_pc_number = (diatonic_pc_number + 1) % 7 alteration -= step_size while alteration < -2: step_size = 2 if diatonic_pc_number == 3: # f to e step_size = 1 elif diatonic_pc_number == 0: # c to b step_size = 1 octave -= 1 diatonic_pc_number = (diatonic_pc_number - 1) % 7 alteration += step_size diatonic_pc_name = _diatonic_pc_number_to_diatonic_pc_name[diatonic_pc_number] accidental = Accidental(alteration) pitch_name = f"{diatonic_pc_name}{accidental!s}{octave!s}" return type(self)(pitch_name, arrow=self.arrow)
[docs] def transpose(self, n=0) -> "NamedPitch": """ Transposes named pitch by index ``n``. .. container:: example Transposes C4 up a minor second: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c'").transpose(n="m2") NamedPitch("df'") Transposes C4 down a major second: >>> abjad.NamedPitch("c'").transpose(n="-M2") NamedPitch('bf') """ interval = NamedInterval(n) pitch_number = self.number + interval.semitones diatonic_pc_number = self._get_diatonic_pc_number() diatonic_pc_number += interval.staff_spaces diatonic_pc_number %= 7 diatonic_pc_name = _diatonic_pc_number_to_diatonic_pc_name[diatonic_pc_number] pc = _diatonic_pc_name_to_pitch_class_number[diatonic_pc_name] nearest_neighbor = self._to_nearest_octave(pitch_number, pc) semitones = pitch_number - nearest_neighbor accidental = Accidental(semitones) octave_number = int(math.floor((pitch_number - semitones) / 12)) + 4 octave = Octave(octave_number) name = diatonic_pc_name + str(accidental) + octave.ticks return type(self)(name)
# mypy currently does not support functools.total_ordering #
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class NumberedPitch(Pitch): r""" Numbered pitch. .. container:: example Initializes from number: >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13) NumberedPitch(13) Initializes from other numbered pitch: >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(abjad.NumberedPitch(13)) NumberedPitch(13) Initializes from pitch-class / octave pair: >>> abjad.NumberedPitch((1, 5)) NumberedPitch(13) """ __slots__ = ("_number",) def __init__(self, number=0, *, arrow=None, octave=None): super().__init__(number or 0, arrow=arrow, octave=octave)
[docs] def __add__(self, argument) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Adds ``argument`` to numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(12) + abjad.NumberedPitch(13) NumberedPitch(25) >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13) + abjad.NumberedPitch(12) NumberedPitch(25) """ argument = type(self)(argument) semitones = float(self) + float(argument) return type(self)(semitones)
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` is a numbered pitch with ``number`` the same as this numbered pitch. """ if isinstance(argument, int | float): argument = type(self)(argument) if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return ( self.number == argument.number and self.arrow == argument.arrow and self.octave == argument.octave ) return False
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes numbered pitch. """ return super().__hash__()
# mypy currently does not support functools.total_ordering # # remove __le__ (in favor of __lt__) when mypy supports functools.total_ordering # or, refactor this class as a dataclass and then remove __le__
[docs] def __le__(self, argument) -> bool: r"""Is true when ``argument`` can be coerced to a numbered pitch and when this numbered pitch is less or equal to ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> pitch_1 = abjad.NumberedPitch(12) >>> pitch_2 = abjad.NumberedPitch(12) >>> pitch_3 = abjad.NumberedPitch(13) >>> pitch_1 <= pitch_1 True >>> pitch_1 <= pitch_2 True >>> pitch_1 <= pitch_3 True >>> pitch_2 <= pitch_1 True >>> pitch_2 <= pitch_2 True >>> pitch_2 <= pitch_3 True >>> pitch_3 <= pitch_1 False >>> pitch_3 <= pitch_2 False >>> pitch_3 <= pitch_3 True """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return self.number <= argument.number
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: r"""Is true when ``argument`` can be coerced to a numbered pitch and when this numbered pitch is less than ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> pitch_1 = abjad.NumberedPitch(12) >>> pitch_2 = abjad.NumberedPitch(12) >>> pitch_3 = abjad.NumberedPitch(13) >>> pitch_1 < pitch_1 False >>> pitch_1 < pitch_2 False >>> pitch_1 < pitch_3 True >>> pitch_2 < pitch_1 False >>> pitch_2 < pitch_2 False >>> pitch_2 < pitch_3 True >>> pitch_3 < pitch_1 False >>> pitch_3 < pitch_2 False >>> pitch_3 < pitch_3 False """ try: argument = type(self)(argument) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return self.number < argument.number
[docs] def __neg__(self) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Negates numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> -abjad.NumberedPitch(13.5) NumberedPitch(-13.5) >>> -abjad.NumberedPitch(-13.5) NumberedPitch(13.5) """ return type(self)(-self.number)
[docs] def __radd__(self, argument) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Adds numbered pitch to ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> pitch = abjad.NumberedPitch(13) >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(12).__radd__(pitch) NumberedPitch(25) >>> pitch = abjad.NumberedPitch(12) >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).__radd__(pitch) NumberedPitch(25) """ argument = type(self)(argument) return argument.__add__(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.number!r})"
[docs] def __sub__(self, argument) -> "NumberedInterval": """ Subtracts ``argument`` from numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(12) - abjad.NumberedPitch(12) NumberedInterval(0) >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(12) - abjad.NumberedPitch(13) NumberedInterval(1) >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13) - abjad.NumberedPitch(12) NumberedInterval(-1) """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return NumberedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(self, argument) interval = NumberedInterval(argument) interval = -interval return interval.transpose(self)
def _apply_accidental(self, accidental=None): accidental = Accidental(accidental) semitones = self.number + accidental.semitones return type(self)(semitones) def _from_named_parts(self, dpc_number, alteration, octave): pc_number = _diatonic_pc_number_to_pitch_class_number[dpc_number] pc_number += alteration pc_number += (octave - 4) * 12 self._number = _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(pc_number) octave_number, pc_number = divmod(self._number, 12) self._pitch_class = NumberedPitchClass(pc_number) self._octave = Octave(octave_number + 4) def _from_number(self, number): self._number = self._to_nearest_quarter_tone(number) octave_number, pc_number = divmod(self._number, 12) self._octave = Octave(octave_number + 4) self._pitch_class = NumberedPitchClass(pc_number) def _from_pitch_or_pitch_class(self, pitch_or_pitch_class): self._number = self._to_nearest_quarter_tone(float(pitch_or_pitch_class)) octave_number, pc_number = divmod(self._number, 12) self._octave = Octave(octave_number + 4) self._pitch_class = NumberedPitchClass( pc_number, arrow=pitch_or_pitch_class.arrow ) def _get_diatonic_pc_name(self): return self.pitch_class._get_diatonic_pc_name() def _get_diatonic_pc_number(self): return self.numbered_pitch_class._get_diatonic_pc_number() def _get_diatonic_pitch_number(self): result = 7 * (self.octave.number - 4) result += self._get_diatonic_pc_number() return result def _get_lilypond_format(self): return @property def accidental(self) -> Accidental: """ Gets accidental of numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitchClass(13).accidental Accidental(name='sharp') """ return self.pitch_class.accidental @property def arrow(self): """ Gets arrow of numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).arrow is None True >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13, arrow=abjad.UP).arrow <Vertical.UP: 1> >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13, arrow=abjad.DOWN).arrow <Vertical.DOWN: -1> Returns up, down or none. """ return self._pitch_class.arrow @property def hertz(self) -> float: """ Gets frequency of numbered pitch in Hertz. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(9).hertz 440.0 >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(0).hertz 261.62... >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(12).hertz 523.25... """ return super().hertz @property def name(self) -> str: """ Gets name of numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).name "cs''" """ return f"{}{self.octave.ticks}" @property def number(self) -> int | float: """ Gets number of numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).number 13 """ pc_number = float(self.pitch_class) octave_base_pitch = (self.octave.number - 4) * 12 return _math.integer_equivalent_number_to_integer(pc_number + octave_base_pitch) @property def octave(self) -> Octave: """ Gets octave of numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).octave Octave(number=5) """ return self._octave @property def pitch_class(self) -> NumberedPitchClass: """ Gets pitch-class of numbered pitch. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).pitch_class NumberedPitchClass(1) """ return self._pitch_class
[docs] @classmethod def from_hertz(class_, hertz) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Makes numbered pitch from ``hertz``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch.from_hertz(440) NumberedPitch(9) REGRESSION. Returns 12 (not 0): >>> abjad.NumberedPitch.from_hertz(519) NumberedPitch(12) """ return super().from_hertz(hertz)
[docs] def get_name(self, locale: str | None = None) -> str: """ Gets name of numbered pitch name according to ``locale``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).get_name() "cs''" >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).get_name(locale="us") 'C#5' Set ``locale`` to ``"us"`` or none. """ return NamedPitch(self).get_name(locale=locale)
[docs] def interpolate(self, stop_pitch, fraction) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Interpolates between numbered pitch and ``stop_pitch`` by ``fraction``. .. container:: example Interpolates from C4 to C5: >>> start_pitch = abjad.NumberedPitch(0) >>> stop_pitch = abjad.NumberedPitch(12) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, 0) NumberedPitch(0) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, (1, 4)) NumberedPitch(3) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, (1, 2)) NumberedPitch(6) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, (3, 4)) NumberedPitch(9) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, 1) NumberedPitch(12) Interpolates from C5 to C4: >>> start_pitch = abjad.NumberedPitch(12) >>> stop_pitch = abjad.NumberedPitch(0) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, 0) NumberedPitch(12) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, (1, 4)) NumberedPitch(9) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, (1, 2)) NumberedPitch(6) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, (3, 4)) NumberedPitch(3) >>> start_pitch.interpolate(stop_pitch, 1) NumberedPitch(0) """ try: fraction = fractions.Fraction(*fraction) except TypeError: fraction = fractions.Fraction(fraction) assert 0 <= fraction <= 1, repr(fraction) stop_pitch = type(self)(stop_pitch) distance = stop_pitch - self distance = abs(distance.semitones) distance = fraction * distance distance = int(distance) if stop_pitch < self: distance *= -1 pitch_number = self.number pitch_number = pitch_number + distance pitch = NumberedPitch(pitch_number) if self <= stop_pitch: triple = (self, pitch, stop_pitch) assert self <= pitch <= stop_pitch, triple else: triple = (self, pitch, stop_pitch) assert self >= pitch >= stop_pitch, triple return pitch
[docs] def invert(self, axis=None) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Inverts numbered pitch around ``axis``. .. container:: example Inverts pitch-class about pitch-class 0 explicitly: >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(2).invert(0) NumberedPitch(-2) >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(-2).invert(0) NumberedPitch(2) Inverts pitch-class about pitch-class 0 implicitly: >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(2).invert() NumberedPitch(-2) >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(-2).invert() NumberedPitch(2) Inverts pitch-class about pitch-class -3: >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(2).invert(-3) NumberedPitch(-8) """ return Pitch.invert(self, axis=axis)
[docs] def multiply(self, n=1) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Multiplies numbered pitch by index ``n``. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(14).multiply(3) NumberedPitch(42) """ return super().multiply(n=n)
[docs] def transpose(self, n=0) -> "NumberedPitch": """ Tranposes numbered pitch by ``n`` semitones. .. container:: example >>> abjad.NumberedPitch(13).transpose(1) NumberedPitch(14) """ interval = NumberedInterval(n) return type(self)(float(self) + float(interval))
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, order=True, slots=True, unsafe_hash=True) class StaffPosition: """ Staff position. .. container:: example Middle line of staff: >>> abjad.StaffPosition(0) StaffPosition(number=0) One space below middle line of staff: >>> abjad.StaffPosition(-1) StaffPosition(number=-1) One line below middle line of staff: >>> abjad.StaffPosition(-2) StaffPosition(number=-2) """ number: int = 0
[docs] def __post_init__(self): assert isinstance(self.number, int), repr(self.number)