Source code for abjad.parsers.scheme

import dataclasses
import typing

from ply import lex

from .. import exceptions
from .base import Parser

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True) class Scheme: """ Abjad model of Scheme code. """ value: typing.Any = None
[docs] class SchemeParser(Parser): """ ``SchemeParser`` mimics how LilyPond's embedded Scheme parser behaves. It parses a single Scheme expression and then stops, by raising a ``SchemeParserFinishedError``. The parsed expression and its exact length in characters are cached on the ``SchemeParser`` instance. It is intended to be used only in conjunction with ``LilyPondParser``. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ( "cursor", "cursor_end", "expression_depth", "result", "string_accumulator", ) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__(self, debug=False): self.cursor = None self.cursor_end = None self.expression_depth = None self.result = None self.string_accumulator = None Parser.__init__(self, debug=debug) ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _setup(self): self.expression_depth = 0 self.cursor = 0 ### LEX SETUP ### A = r"[A-Za-z]" N = r"[0-9]" DIGIT = rf"{N}" UNSIGNED = rf"{N}+" HEX = r"(X|x)[A-Fa-f0-9]+" INT = rf"(-?{UNSIGNED})" REAL = r"(({}\.{}*)|(-?\.{}+))".format(INT, N, N) INITIAL = r"({}|!|\$|%|&|\*|/|<|>|\?|~|_|\^|:|=)".format(A) SUBSEQUENT = r"({}|{}|\.|\+|-)".format(INITIAL, N) # IDENTIFIER = r'({}{}*|\+|-|\.\.\.)'.format(INITIAL, SUBSEQUENT) # has been rewritten to prevent Sphinx from complaining that it looks like bad ReST IDENTIFIER = ( r"([A-Za-z!\$%&\*/<>\?~_\^:=][A-Za-z0-9!\$%&\*/<>\?~_\^:=\.\+-]*|[\+-]|\.\.\.)" ) states = (("quote", "exclusive"),) tokens = ( "AMPERSAND", "ASTERISK", "BOOLEAN", "CARAT", "COLON", "DECIMAL", "DOLLAR", "EQUALS", "EXCLAMATION", "HASH", "HEXADECIMAL", "IDENTIFIER", "INTEGER", "L_CARAT", "L_PAREN", "MINUS", "PERCENT", "PERIOD", "PLUS", "QUESTION", "QUOTE", "R_CARAT", "R_PAREN", "SLASH", "STRING", "TILDE", "UNDERSCORE", ) ### LEX METHODS ### t_ignore = ""
[docs] def t_whitespace(self, t): r"[ \t\r]+" self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor pass
[docs] def t_BOOLEAN(self, t): r"\#(T|F|t|f)" self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor if t.value[-1].lower() == "t": t.value = True else: t.value = False return t
[docs] @lex.TOKEN(HEX) def t_HEXADECIMAL(self, t): self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor t.value = int(t.value[2:], 16) return t
[docs] @lex.TOKEN(REAL) def t_DECIMAL(self, t): self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor t.value = float(t.value) return t
[docs] def t_HASH(self, t): r"\#" self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor return t
[docs] @lex.TOKEN(INT) def t_INTEGER(self, t): self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor t.value = int(t.value) return t
[docs] def t_L_PAREN(self, t): r"\(" self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor self.expression_depth += 1 return t
[docs] def t_R_PAREN(self, t): r"\)" self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor return t
[docs] def t_quote(self, t): r"\" " self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor t.lexer.push_state("quote") self.string_accumulator = "" pass
[docs] def t_quote_440(self, t): r"""\\[nt\\'"]""" self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor self.string_accumulator += t.value pass
[docs] def t_quote_443(self, t): r'[^\\""]+' self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor self.string_accumulator += t.value pass
[docs] def t_quote_446(self, t): r"\" " self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor t.lexer.pop_state() t.type = "STRING" t.value = self.string_accumulator self.string_accumulator = "" return t
[docs] def t_quote_456(self, t): r"." self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor self.string_accumulator += t.value pass
[docs] @lex.TOKEN(IDENTIFIER) def t_IDENTIFIER(self, t): self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor return t
[docs] def t_newline(self, t): r"\n+" self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
[docs] def t_anything(self, t): r"." self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor types = { "&": "AMPERSAND", "*": "ASTERISK", "^": "CARAT", ":": "COLON", "$": "DOLLAR", "=": "EQUALS", "!": "EXCLAMATION", "<": "L_CARAT", "-": "MINUS", "%": "PERCENT", ".": "PERIOD", "+": "PLUS", "?": "QUESTION", "'": "QUOTE", ">": "R_CARAT", ")": "R_PAREN", "/": "SLASH", "~": "TILDE", "_": "UNDERSCORE", } if t.value in types: t.type = types[t.value] return t else: # t.lexer.skip(1) pass
[docs] def t_error(self, t): self.cursor += len(t.value) t.cursor_end = self.cursor if self.debug: print(f"SchemeParser-{id(self)}: Illegal character {t.value[0]!r}")
# t.lexer.skip(1) t_quote_error = t_error t_quote_ignore = t_ignore ### YACC SETUP ### start = "program" ### YACC METHODS ### ### program ### """<program> : <form>* """
[docs] def p_program__forms(self, p): """ program : forms """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_forms__EMPTY(self, p): """ forms : """ p[0] = []
[docs] def p_forms__forms__form(self, p): """ forms : forms form """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
### form ### """<form> : <definition> | <expression> """
[docs] def p_form__expression(self, p): """ form : expression """ # print 'form : expression' # print p[1] p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1] self.result = p[0] self.cursor_end = p.slice[0].cursor_end if self.debug: print("PARSED {!r}".format(self.lexer.lexdata[: self.cursor_end])) raise exceptions.SchemeParserFinishedError
### definition ### """<definition> : <variable definition> | <syntax definition> | (begin <definition>*) | (let-syntax (<syntax binding>*) <definition>*) | (letrec-syntax (<syntax binding>*) <definition>*) | <derived definition> """ ### variable definition ### """<variable definition> : (define <variable> <expression>) | (define (<variable> <variable>*) <body>) | (define (<variable> <variable>* . <variable>) <body>) """ ### variable ### """<variable> : <identifier> """
[docs] def p_variable__IDENTIFIER(self, p): """ variable : IDENTIFIER """ # print 'variable : IDENTIFIER' # print p[1] p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end raise Exception(p, "AAA") p[0] = Scheme(p[1])
### body ### """<body> : <definition>* <expression>+ """ ### syntax definition ### """<syntax definition> : (define-syntax <keyword> <transformer expression>) """ ### keyword ### """<keyword> : <identifier> """ ### syntax binding ### """<syntax binding> : (<keyword> <transformer expression>) """ ### expression ### """<expression> : <constant> | <variable> | (quote <datum>) | ' <datum> | (lambda <formals> <body>) | (if <expression> <expression> <expression>) | (if <expression> <expression>) | (set! <variable> <expression>) | <application> | (let-syntax (<syntax binding>*) <expression>+) | (letrec-syntax (<syntax binding>*) <expression>+) | <derived expression> """
[docs] def p_expression__variable(self, p): """ expression : variable """ # print 'expression : variable' # print p[1] p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_expression__QUOTE__datum(self, p): """ expression : QUOTE datum """ # print 'expression : QUOTE datum' # print p[2] p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end datum = p[2] p[0] = Scheme(datum)
[docs] def p_expression__constant(self, p): """ expression : constant """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
### constant ### """<constant> : <boolean> | <number> | <character> | <string> """
[docs] def p_constant__boolean(self, p): """ constant : boolean """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1] if self.expression_depth < 1: # print 'constant : boolean' # print p[1] self.result = p[0] self.cursor_end = p.slice[0].cursor_end raise exceptions.SchemeParserFinishedError
[docs] def p_constant__number(self, p): """ constant : number """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1] if self.expression_depth < 1: # print 'constant : number' # print p[1] self.result = p[0] self.cursor_end = p.slice[0].cursor_end raise exceptions.SchemeParserFinishedError
[docs] def p_constant__string(self, p): """ constant : string """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1] if self.expression_depth < 1: # print 'constant : string' # print p[1] self.result = p[0] self.cursor_end = p.slice[0].cursor_end raise exceptions.SchemeParserFinishedError
### formals ### """<formals> : <variable> | (<variable>*) | (<variable>+ . <variable>) """ ### application ### """<application> : (<expression> <expression>*) """ ### identifier ### """<identifier> : <initial> <subsequent>* | + | - | ... """ ### initial ### """<initial> : <letter> | ! | $ | % | & | * | / | : | < | = | > | ? | ~ | _ | ^ """ ### subsequent ### """<subsequent> : <initial> | <digit> | . | + | - """ ### letter ### """<letter> : a | b | ... | z """ ### digit ### """<digit> : 0 | 1 | ... | 9 """ ### datum ### """<datum> : <boolean> | <number> | <character> | <string> | <symbol> | <list> | <vector> """
[docs] def p_datum__constant(self, p): """ datum : constant """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_datum__symbol(self, p): """ datum : symbol """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
# def p_datum__boolean(self, p): # """datum : boolean""" # p[0] = p[1] # def p_datum__number(self, p): # """datum : number""" # p[0] = p[1] # def p_datum__string(self, p): # """datum : string""" # p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_datum__list(self, p): """ datum : list """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_datum__vector(self, p): """ datum : vector """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_data__EMPTY(self, p): """ data : """ p[0] = []
[docs] def p_data__data__datum(self, p): """ data : data datum """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
### boolean ### """<boolean> : #t | #f """
[docs] def p_boolean__BOOLEAN(self, p): """ boolean : BOOLEAN """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
### number ### """<number> : <num 2> | <num 8> | <num 10> | <num 16> """
[docs] def p_number__DECIMAL(self, p): """ number : DECIMAL """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_number__HEXADECIMAL(self, p): """ number : HEXADECIMAL """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
[docs] def p_number__INTEGER(self, p): """ number : INTEGER """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
### character ### r"""<character> : #\ <any character> | #\newline | #\space """ ### string ### """<string> : " <string character>* " """
[docs] def p_string__STRING(self, p): """ string : STRING """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
### string character ### r"""<string character> : \" | \\ | <any character other than " or \> """ ### symbol ### """<symbol> : <identifier> """
[docs] def p_symbol__IDENTIFIER(self, p): """ symbol : IDENTIFIER """ # print 'symbol : IDENTIFIER' # print p[1] p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[1]
### vector ### """<vector> : #(<datum>*) """
[docs] def p_vector__HASH__L_PAREN__data__R_PAREN(self, p): """ vector : HASH L_PAREN data R_PAREN """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[3] self.expression_depth -= 1
### list ### """<list> : (<datum>*) | (<datum>+ . <datum>) | <abbreviation> """
[docs] def p_list__L_PAREN__data__R_PAREN(self, p): """ list : L_PAREN data R_PAREN """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end p[0] = p[2] self.expression_depth -= 1
[docs] def p_list__L_PAREN__data__datum__PERIOD__datum__R_PAREN(self, p): """ list : L_PAREN data datum PERIOD datum R_PAREN """ p.slice[0].cursor_end = p.slice[-1].cursor_end self.expression_depth -= 1
### abbreviation ### """<abbreviation> : ' <datum> | ` <datum> | , <datum> | ,@ <datum> """ ### error ###
[docs] def p_error(self, p): if p: if self.debug: print("SchemeParser-{}: Syntax error at {!r}".format(id(self), p.value)) self._parser.errok() else: if self.debug: print("SchemeParser-{}: Syntax error at EOF".format(id(self)))
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def lexer_rules_object(self): """ Lexer rules object of Scheme parser. """ return self @property def parser_rules_object(self): """ Parser rules object of Scheme parser. """ return self