Source code for abjad.overrides

import copy
import dataclasses
import typing

from . import _indentlib
from . import contributions as _contributions
from . import enums as _enums
from . import lyenv as _lyenv
from . import string as _string

def _format_scheme_value(value):
    if value is True:
        result = "##t"
    elif value is False:
        result = "##f"
    elif isinstance(value, int | float):
        result = str(value)
    elif value is None:
        result = "##f"
    elif isinstance(value, _enums.Horizontal | _enums.Vertical):
        result = rf"#{}"
    elif isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2:
        result = f"#'({value[0]} . {value[1]})"
        assert isinstance(value, str), repr(value)
        result = str(value)
    return result

def _format_lilypond_attribute(attribute):
    assert isinstance(attribute, str), repr(attribute)
    attribute = attribute.replace("__", ".")
    result = attribute.replace("_", "-")
    return result

def _make_lilypond_tweak_string(attribute, value, *, directed=True, grob=None) -> str:
    if grob is not None:
        grob = _string.to_upper_camel_case(grob)
        grob += "."
        grob = ""
    attribute = _format_lilypond_attribute(attribute)
    value = _format_scheme_value(value)
    string = rf"\tweak {grob}{attribute} {value}"
    if directed:
        string = "- " + string
    return string

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(order=True, slots=True, unsafe_hash=True) class LilyPondOverride: r""" LilyPond grob override. .. container:: example >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... lilypond_type="Staff", ... grob_name="TextSpanner", ... once=True, ... property_path=( ... "bound-details", ... "left", ... "text", ... ), ... value=r"\markup \bold { over pressure }", ... ) >>> print(override.override_string) \once \override Staff.TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup \bold { over pressure } >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... lilypond_type="Staff", ... grob_name="TextSpanner", ... once=True, ... property_path="bound_details__left__text", ... value=r"\markup \bold { over pressure }", ... ) >>> print(override.override_string) \once \override Staff.TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup \bold { over pressure } """ lilypond_type: str | None = None grob_name: str = "NoteHead" once: bool = False is_revert: bool = False property_path: str | typing.Sequence[str] = "color" value: bool | int | float | str = "#red" format_leaf_children: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
[docs] def __post_init__(self): if self.lilypond_type is not None: assert isinstance(self.lilypond_type, str) assert isinstance(self.grob_name, str) assert isinstance(self.once, bool), repr(self.once) assert isinstance(self.is_revert, bool) if isinstance(self.property_path, str): property_path_ = (self.property_path,) else: property_path_ = tuple(self.property_path) assert all(isinstance(_, str) for _ in property_path_) self.property_path = property_path_ prototype = ( bool | int | float | str | _enums.Horizontal | _enums.Vertical | tuple ) assert isinstance(self.value, prototype), repr(self.value)
def _get_contributions(self, component=None): contributions = _contributions.ContributionsBySite() if not self.once: revert_format = "\n".join(self.revert_format_pieces) contributions.grob_reverts.append(revert_format) if not self.is_revert: override_format = "\n".join(self.override_format_pieces) contributions.grob_overrides.append(override_format) return contributions def _override_property_path_string(self): parts = [] if self.lilypond_type is not None: parts.append(self.lilypond_type) parts.append(self.grob_name) for part in self.property_path: part = _format_lilypond_attribute(part) parts.append(part) path = ".".join(parts) return path def _revert_property_path_string(self): parts = [] if self.lilypond_type is not None: parts.append(self.lilypond_type) parts.append(self.grob_name) part = _format_lilypond_attribute(self.property_path[0]) parts.append(part) path = ".".join(parts) return path @property def override_format_pieces(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: r""" Gets LilyPond grob override \override format pieces. .. container:: example >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... lilypond_type="Staff", ... grob_name="TextSpanner", ... once=True, ... property_path=( ... "bound-details", ... "left", ... "text", ... ), ... value=r"\markup \bold { over pressure }", ... ) >>> for line in override.override_format_pieces: ... line ... '\\once \\override Staff.TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \\markup \\bold { over pressure }' """ result = [] if self.once: result.append(r"\once") result.append(r"\override") result.append(self._override_property_path_string()) result.append("=") string = _format_scheme_value(self.value) value_pieces = string.split("\n") result.append(value_pieces[0]) result[:] = [" ".join(result)] result.extend(value_pieces[1:]) return tuple(result) @property def override_string(self) -> str: r""" Gets LilyPond grob override \override string. .. container:: example >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... grob_name="Glissando", ... property_path="style", ... value="#'zigzag", ... ) >>> override.override_string "\\override = #'zigzag" """ return "\n".join(self.override_format_pieces) @property def revert_format_pieces(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: r""" Gets LilyPond grob override \revert format pieces. .. container:: example >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... grob_name="Glissando", ... property_path="style", ... value="#'zigzag", ... ) >>> override.revert_format_pieces ('\\revert',) """ result = rf"\revert {self._revert_property_path_string()}" return (result,) @property def revert_string(self) -> str: r""" Gets LilyPond grob override \revert string. .. container:: example >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... grob_name="Glissando", ... property_path="style", ... value="#'zigzag", ... ) >>> override.revert_string '\\revert' """ return "\n".join(self.revert_format_pieces)
[docs] def tweak_string(self, directed=True, grob=False) -> str: r""" Gets LilyPond grob override \tweak string. .. container:: example >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... grob_name="Glissando", ... property_path="style", ... value="#'zigzag", ... ) >>> override.tweak_string() "- \\tweak style #'zigzag" .. container:: example >>> override = abjad.LilyPondOverride( ... grob_name="RehearsalMark", ... property_path="color", ... value="#red", ... ) >>> override.tweak_string(directed=False) '\\tweak color #red' """ if directed: result = [r"- \tweak"] else: result = [r"\tweak"] if grob: property_path = [self.grob_name] + list(self.property_path) else: property_path = list(self.property_path) string = ".".join(property_path) result.append(string) string = _format_scheme_value(self.value) result.append(string) return " ".join(result)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(order=True, slots=True, unsafe_hash=True) class LilyPondSetting: r""" LilyPond context setting. .. container:: example >>> context_setting = abjad.LilyPondSetting( ... lilypond_type="Score", ... context_property="autoBeaming", ... value="##f", ... ) >>> print("\n".join(context_setting.format_pieces)) \set Score.autoBeaming = ##f """ lilypond_type: str | None = None context_property: str = "autoBeaming" is_unset: bool = False value: typing.Any = False format_leaf_children: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
[docs] def __post_init__(self): if self.lilypond_type is not None: assert isinstance(self.lilypond_type, str) assert isinstance(self.context_property, str) assert isinstance(self.is_unset, bool) assert isinstance(self.value, bool | int | float | str), repr(self.value)
def _get_contributions(self, component=None): contributions = _contributions.ContributionsBySite() string = "\n".join(self.format_pieces) contributions.context_settings.append(string) return contributions @property def format_pieces(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: r""" Gets LilyPond context setting ``\set`` or ``\unset`` format pieces. """ result = [] if not self.is_unset: result.append(r"\set") else: result.append(r"\unset") if self.lilypond_type is not None: string = f"{self.lilypond_type}.{self.context_property}" result.append(string) else: result.append(self.context_property) result.append("=") string = _format_scheme_value(self.value) value_pieces = string.split("\n") result.append(value_pieces[0]) result[:] = [" ".join(result)] result.extend(value_pieces[1:]) return tuple(result)
[docs] class Interface: """ Base class from which grob, setting and tweak interfaces inherit. """
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` is an interface with attribute pairs equal to those of this interface. .. container:: example >>> note_1 = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.setting(note_1).Voice.auto_beaming = False >>> abjad.setting(note_1).Staff.tupletFullLength = True >>> note_2 = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.setting(note_2).Voice.auto_beaming = False >>> abjad.setting(note_2).Staff.tupletFullLength = True >>> note_3 = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.setting(note_3).Voice.auto_beaming = True >>> setting_1 = abjad.setting(note_1) >>> setting_2 = abjad.setting(note_2) >>> setting_3 = abjad.setting(note_3) >>> setting_1 == setting_1 True >>> setting_1 == setting_2 True >>> setting_1 == setting_3 False >>> setting_2 == setting_1 True >>> setting_2 == setting_2 True >>> setting_2 == setting_3 False >>> setting_3 == setting_1 False >>> setting_3 == setting_2 False >>> setting_3 == setting_3 True .. container:: example >>> note_1 = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.override(note_1).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> abjad.override(note_1).Stem.color = "#red" >>> note_2 = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.override(note_2).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> abjad.override(note_2).Stem.color = "#red" >>> note_3 = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.override(note_3).NoteHead.color = "#red" >>> override_1 = abjad.override(note_1) >>> override_2 = abjad.override(note_2) >>> override_3 = abjad.override(note_3) >>> override_1 == override_1 True >>> override_1 == override_2 True >>> override_1 == override_3 False >>> override_2 == override_1 True >>> override_2 == override_2 True >>> override_2 == override_3 False >>> override_3 == override_1 False >>> override_3 == override_2 False >>> override_3 == override_3 True """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): attribute_pairs_1 = self._get_attribute_pairs() attribute_pairs_2 = argument._get_attribute_pairs() return attribute_pairs_1 == attribute_pairs_2 return False
def __getstate__(self) -> dict: """ Gets object state. """ return copy.deepcopy(vars(self))
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes interface. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets repr. """ body_string = "" pairs = self._get_attribute_pairs() pairs = [str(_) for _ in pairs] body_string = ", ".join(pairs) return f"{type(self).__name__}({body_string})"
def __setstate__(self, state) -> None: """ Sets object state. """ for key, value in state.items(): self.__dict__[key] = value def _get_attribute_pairs(self): return list(sorted(vars(self).items()))
[docs] class OverrideInterface(Interface): """ Override interface. .. container:: example Override interfaces are created by the ``abjad.override()`` factory function: >>> note = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.override(note) OverrideInterface() """
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): r""" Gets Interface (or OverrideInterface) keyed to ``name``. .. container:: example Somewhat confusingly, getting a grob name returns an interface: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.override(staff[0]).NoteHead Interface() While getting a context name returns an override interface: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.override(staff[0]).Staff OverrideInterface() Which can then be deferenced to get an interface: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.override(staff[0]).Staff.NoteHead Interface() Note that the dot-chained user syntax is unproblematic. But the class of each interface returned in the chain is likely to be surprising at first encounter. """ camel_name = _string.to_upper_camel_case(name) if name.startswith("_"): try: return vars(self)[name] except KeyError: type_name = type(self).__name__ raise AttributeError("{type_name!r} object has no attribute: {name!r}.") elif camel_name in _lyenv.contexts: try: return vars(self)["_" + name] except KeyError: context = OverrideInterface() vars(self)["_" + name] = context return context elif camel_name in _lyenv.grob_interfaces: try: return vars(self)[name] except KeyError: vars(self)[name] = Interface() return vars(self)[name] else: try: return vars(self)[name] except KeyError: type_name = type(self).__name__ raise AttributeError( f"{type_name!r} object has no attribute: {name!r}." )
[docs] def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Sets attribute ``attribute`` of override interface to ``value``. """ object.__setattr__(self, attribute, value)
def _get_attribute_tuples(self): result = [] for name, value in vars(self).items(): if type(value) is Interface: grob, grob_proxy = name, value pairs = iter(vars(grob_proxy).items()) for attribute, value in pairs: triple = (grob, attribute, value) result.append(triple) else: context, context_proxy = name.strip("_"), value for grob, grob_proxy in vars(context_proxy).items(): pairs = iter(vars(grob_proxy).items()) for attribute, value in pairs: quadruple = (context, grob, attribute, value) result.append(quadruple) result.sort() return tuple(result) def _list_contributions(self, contribution_type, once=False): assert contribution_type in ("override", "revert") result = [] for attribute_tuple in self._get_attribute_tuples(): if len(attribute_tuple) == 3: context = None grob = attribute_tuple[0] attribute = attribute_tuple[1] value = attribute_tuple[2] elif len(attribute_tuple) == 4: context = attribute_tuple[0] grob = attribute_tuple[1] attribute = attribute_tuple[2] value = attribute_tuple[3] else: raise ValueError(f"invalid attribute tuple: {attribute_tuple!r}.") if contribution_type == "override": override = LilyPondOverride( lilypond_type=context, grob_name=grob, once=once, is_revert=False, property_path=attribute, value=value, ) override_string = override.override_string result.append(override_string) else: override = LilyPondOverride( lilypond_type=context, grob_name=grob, is_revert=True, property_path=attribute, ) revert_string = override.revert_string result.append(revert_string) result.sort() return result
[docs] class SettingInterface(Interface): """ LilyPond setting interface. .. container:: example >>> note = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.setting(note) SettingInterface() """
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str): r""" Gets arbitrary object keyed to ``name``. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> string = r'\markup "Vn. I"' >>> abjad.setting(staff).instrumentName = string >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup "Vn. I" } { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. container:: example Returns arbitrary object keyed to ``name``: >>> abjad.setting(staff).instrumentName '\\markup "Vn. I"' """ camel_name = _string.to_upper_camel_case(name) if name.startswith("_"): try: return vars(self)[name] except KeyError: message = "{type(self).__name__!r} object has no attribute: {name!r}." raise AttributeError(message) elif camel_name in _lyenv.contexts: try: return vars(self)["_" + name] except KeyError: context = Interface() vars(self)["_" + name] = context return context else: try: return vars(self)[name] except KeyError: message = "{type(self).__name__!r} object has no attribute: {name!r}." raise AttributeError(message)
def _format_in_with_block(self) -> list[str]: strings = [] for key, value in vars(self).items(): assert isinstance(key, str), repr(key) name = key.split("_") first = name[0:1] rest = name[1:] rest = [_.title() for _ in rest] name = first + rest string = "".join(name) value = _format_scheme_value(value) value_parts = value.split("\n") result = rf"{string!s} = {value_parts[0]!s}" pieces = [result] for part in value_parts[1:]: pieces.append(_indentlib.INDENT + part) string = "\n".join(pieces) strings.append(string) return strings def _format_inline(self, context=None) -> list[str]: result = [] for name, value in vars(self).items(): # if we've found a leaf context namespace if name.startswith("_"): for x, y in vars(value).items(): if not x.startswith("_"): string = self._format_inline_helper(x, y, name) result.append(string) # otherwise we've found a default leaf context setting else: # parse default context setting string = self._format_inline_helper(name, value) result.append(string) return result def _format_inline_helper(self, name, value, context=None): name = name.split("_") first = name[0:1] rest = name[1:] rest = [_.title() for _ in rest] name = first + rest name = "".join(name) value = _format_scheme_value(value) if context is not None: context_string = context[1:] context_string = context_string.split("_") context_string = [_.title() for _ in context_string] context_string = "".join(context_string) context_string += "." else: context_string = "" result = rf"\set {context_string}{name} = {value}" return result def _get_attribute_tuples(self): result = [] for name, value in vars(self).items(): if type(value) is Interface: prefixed_context_name = name lilypond_type = prefixed_context_name.strip("_") context_proxy = value attribute_pairs = context_proxy._get_attribute_pairs() for attribute_name, attribute_value in attribute_pairs: triple = (lilypond_type, attribute_name, attribute_value) result.append(triple) else: attribute_name, attribute_value = name, value result.append((attribute_name, attribute_value)) result.sort() return result
[docs] def override(argument): r""" Makes LilyPond grob override interface. .. container:: example Overrides staff symbol color: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 e'4 d'4 f'4") >>> abjad.override(staff).StaffSymbol.color = "#red" >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override StaffSymbol.color = #red } { c'4 e'4 d'4 f'4 } .. container:: example Specify grob context like this: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 e'4 d'4 f'4") >>> abjad.override(staff[0]).Staff.StaffSymbol.color = "#blue" >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \once \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #blue c'4 e'4 d'4 f'4 } .. container:: example Returns LilyPond grob override interface. >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 e' d' f'") >>> abjad.override(staff) OverrideInterface() """ if getattr(argument, "_overrides", None) is None: argument._overrides = OverrideInterface() return argument._overrides
[docs] def setting(argument): r""" Makes LilyPond setting name interface. .. container:: example Sets instrument name: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 e'4 d'4 f'4") >>> string = r'\markup "Vn. I"' >>> abjad.setting(staff).instrumentName = string >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup "Vn. I" } { c'4 e'4 d'4 f'4 } .. container:: example Returns LilyPond setting name interface: >>> abjad.setting(staff) SettingInterface(('instrumentName', '\\markup "Vn. I"')) """ if getattr(argument, "_lilypond_setting_name_manager", None) is None: argument._lilypond_setting_name_manager = SettingInterface() return argument._lilypond_setting_name_manager