Source code for abjad.meter

Tools for modeling musical meter.

import bisect
import collections
import fractions

import uqbar.graphs

from . import _getlib, _iterlib
from . import duration as _duration
from . import indicators as _indicators
from . import lilypondfile as _lilypondfile
from . import math as _math
from . import mutate as _mutate
from . import parentage as _parentage
from . import rhythmtrees as _rhythmtrees
from . import score as _score
from . import select as _select
from . import sequence as _sequence
from . import timespan as _timespan

[docs] class Meter: """ Meter models a common practice understanding of beats and other levels of rhythmic organization structured as a tree. Meter structure corresponds to the monotonically increasing sequence of factors in the numerator of a given time signature. Successively deeper levels of the tree divide time by successive factors. .. container:: example Duple meter: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((2, 4)) >>> meter Meter('(2/4 (1/4 1/4))') >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``2/4`` comprises two beats. .. container:: example Triple meter: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((3, 4)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``3/4`` comprises three beats. .. container:: example Quadruple meter: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((4, 4)) >>> meter Meter('(4/4 (1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4))') >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (4/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4)) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``4/4`` comprises four beats. .. container:: example Compound triple meter: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 8)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (6/8 ( (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)))) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``6/8`` comprises two beats of three parts each. .. container:: example Another compound triple meter: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((12, 8)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (12/8 ( (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)))) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``12/8`` comprises four beats of three parts each. .. container:: example An asymmetric meter: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((5, 4)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (5/4 ( (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)))) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``5/4`` comprises two unequal beats. By default unequal beats are arranged from greatest to least. .. container:: example Another asymmetric meter: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (7/4 ( (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)))) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``7/4`` comprises three unequal beats. Beats are arranged from greatest to least by default. .. container:: example The same asymmetric meter structured differently: >>> meter = abjad.Meter( ... (7, 4), ... increase_monotonic=True, ... ) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (7/4 ( (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)))) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP ``7/4`` with beats arragned from least to greatest. .. container:: example Meter interpreted by default as containing two compound beats: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 4)) >>> meter Meter('(6/4 ((3/4 (1/4 1/4 1/4)) (3/4 (1/4 1/4 1/4))))') >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (6/4 ( (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)) (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)))) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP Same meter customized to contain four compound beats: >>> parser = abjad.rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeParser() >>> meter = abjad.Meter('(6/4 ((3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8))))') >>> meter Meter('(6/4 ((3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 (1/8 1/8 1/8))))') >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (6/4 ( (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)))) >>> abjad.graph(meter) # doctest: +SKIP Prime divisions greater than ``3`` are converted to sequences of ``2`` and ``3`` summing to that prime. Summands are arranged from greatest to least by default. This means that ``5`` becomes ``3+2`` and ``7`` becomes ``3+2+2`` in the examples above. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ( "_increase_monotonic", "_denominator", "_numerator", "_preferred_boundary_depth", "_root_node", ) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, argument=(4, 4), increase_monotonic=None, preferred_boundary_depth=None, ): assert isinstance(preferred_boundary_depth, int | type(None)) self._preferred_boundary_depth = preferred_boundary_depth def recurse(node, factors, denominator, increase_monotonic): if factors: factor, factors = factors[0], factors[1:] assert isinstance(factor, int), repr(factor) assert isinstance(node.preprolated_duration, tuple) pair = _duration.divide_pair(node.preprolated_duration, factor) if factor in (2, 3, 4): if factors: for _ in range(factor): child = _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeContainer( preprolated_duration=pair ) node.append(child) recurse(child, factors, denominator, increase_monotonic) else: for _ in range(factor): node.append( _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeLeaf( preprolated_duration=(1, denominator) ) ) else: parts = [3] total = 3 while total < factor: if not increase_monotonic: parts.append(2) else: parts.insert(0, 2) total += 2 for part in parts: assert isinstance(part, int) grouping = _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeContainer( preprolated_duration=(part * pair[0], pair[1]) ) if factors: for _ in range(part): child = _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeContainer( preprolated_duration=pair ) grouping.append(child) recurse( child, factors, denominator, increase_monotonic, ) else: for _ in range(part): grouping.append( _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeLeaf( preprolated_duration=(1, denominator) ) ) node.append(grouping) else: node.extend( [ _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeLeaf( preprolated_duration=(1, denominator) ) for _ in range(node.pair[0]) ] ) increase_monotonic = bool(increase_monotonic) try: numerator = argument.numerator denominator = argument.denominator is_fraction_like = True except AttributeError: is_fraction_like = False if isinstance(argument, type(self)): root = argument.root_node numerator, denominator = argument.numerator, argument.denominator increase_monotonic = argument.increase_monotonic elif isinstance(argument, str | _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeContainer): if isinstance(argument, str): parsed = _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeParser()(argument) assert len(parsed) == 1 root = parsed[0] else: root = argument for node in [root] + list(root.depth_first()): assert node.prolation == 1 numerator, denominator = root.pair elif is_fraction_like or isinstance(argument, tuple): if isinstance(argument, tuple): numerator, denominator = argument else: numerator, denominator = argument.pair pair = (numerator, denominator) factors = _math.factors(numerator) # group two nested levels of 2s into a 4 if 1 < len(factors) and factors[0] == factors[1] == 2: factors[0:2] = [4] root = _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeContainer(preprolated_duration=pair) recurse(root, factors, denominator, increase_monotonic) else: name = type(self).__name__ raise ValueError(f"can not initialize {name}: {argument!r}.") self._root_node = root self._numerator = numerator self._denominator = denominator self._increase_monotonic = increase_monotonic ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument): """ Compares ``numerator``, ``denominator``, ``increase_monotonic``, ``preferred_boundary_depth``. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): return ( self.numerator == argument.numerator and self.denominator == argument.denominator and self.increase_monotonic == argument.increase_monotonic and self.preferred_boundary_depth == argument.preferred_boundary_depth ) return False
[docs] def __graph__(self, **keywords): """ Gets Graphviz format of meter. .. container:: example Graphs ``7/4``: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> meter_graph = meter.__graph__() >>> abjad.graph(meter_graph) # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> print(format(meter_graph, 'graphviz')) digraph G { graph [bgcolor=transparent, fontname=Arial, penwidth=2, truecolor=true]; node [fontname=Arial, fontsize=12, penwidth=2]; edge [penwidth=2]; node_0 [label="7/4", shape=triangle]; node_1 [label="3/4", shape=triangle]; node_2 [label="1/4", shape=box]; node_3 [label="1/4", shape=box]; node_4 [label="1/4", shape=box]; node_5 [label="2/4", shape=triangle]; node_6 [label="1/4", shape=box]; node_7 [label="1/4", shape=box]; node_8 [label="2/4", shape=triangle]; node_9 [label="1/4", shape=box]; node_10 [label="1/4", shape=box]; subgraph cluster_offsets { graph [style=rounded]; node_11_0 [color=white, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, fontname="Arial bold", label="{ <f_0_0> 0 | <f_0_1> +++ }", shape=Mrecord, style=filled]; node_11_1 [color=white, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, fontname="Arial bold", label="{ <f_0_0> 1/4 | <f_0_1> + }", shape=Mrecord, style=filled]; node_11_2 [color=white, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, fontname="Arial bold", label="{ <f_0_0> 1/2 | <f_0_1> + }", shape=Mrecord, style=filled]; node_11_3 [color=white, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, fontname="Arial bold", label="{ <f_0_0> 3/4 | <f_0_1> ++ }", shape=Mrecord, style=filled]; node_11_4 [color=white, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, fontname="Arial bold", label="{ <f_0_0> 1 | <f_0_1> + }", shape=Mrecord, style=filled]; node_11_5 [color=white, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, fontname="Arial bold", label="{ <f_0_0> 5/4 | <f_0_1> ++ }", shape=Mrecord, style=filled]; node_11_6 [color=white, fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white, fontname="Arial bold", label="{ <f_0_0> 3/2 | <f_0_1> + }", shape=Mrecord, style=filled]; node_11_7 [label="{ <f_0_0> 7/4 | <f_0_1> +++ }", shape=Mrecord]; } node_0 -> node_1; node_0 -> node_5; node_0 -> node_8; node_1 -> node_2; node_1 -> node_3; node_1 -> node_4; node_2 -> node_11_0 [style=dotted]; node_2 -> node_11_1 [style=dotted]; node_3 -> node_11_1 [style=dotted]; node_3 -> node_11_2 [style=dotted]; node_4 -> node_11_2 [style=dotted]; node_4 -> node_11_3 [style=dotted]; node_5 -> node_6; node_5 -> node_7; node_6 -> node_11_3 [style=dotted]; node_6 -> node_11_4 [style=dotted]; node_7 -> node_11_4 [style=dotted]; node_7 -> node_11_5 [style=dotted]; node_8 -> node_9; node_8 -> node_10; node_9 -> node_11_5 [style=dotted]; node_9 -> node_11_6 [style=dotted]; node_10 -> node_11_6 [style=dotted]; node_10 -> node_11_7 [style=dotted]; } Returns Graphviz graph. """ def make_offset_node(offset, leaf_one=None, leaf_two=None, is_last=False): offset = _duration.Offset(offset) if not is_last: offset_node = uqbar.graphs.Node( attributes={ "shape": "Mrecord", "style": "filled", "color": "white", "fontname": "Arial bold", "fontcolor": "white", "fillcolor": "black", } ) else: offset_node = uqbar.graphs.Node(attributes={"shape": "Mrecord"}) offset_field = uqbar.graphs.RecordField(label=str(offset)) weight_field = uqbar.graphs.RecordField(label="+" * offsets.items[offset]) group = uqbar.graphs.RecordGroup() group.extend([offset_field, weight_field]) offset_node.append(group) offset_subgraph.append(offset_node) leaf_one_node = node_mapping[leaf_one] edge = uqbar.graphs.Edge(attributes={"style": "dotted"}) edge.attach(leaf_one_node, offset_node) if leaf_two: leaf_two_node = node_mapping[leaf_two] edge = uqbar.graphs.Edge(attributes={"style": "dotted"}) edge.attach(leaf_two_node, offset_node) offsets = MetricAccentKernel.count_offsets( _sequence.flatten(self.depthwise_offset_inventory, depth=-1) ) graph = uqbar.graphs.Graph( name="G", attributes={ "bgcolor": "transparent", "fontname": "Arial", "penwidth": 2, "truecolor": True, }, edge_attributes={"penwidth": 2}, node_attributes={"fontname": "Arial", "fontsize": 12, "penwidth": 2}, ) node_mapping = {} root = self._root_node nodes = [root] + list(root.depth_first()) leaves = [_ for _ in nodes if not hasattr(_, "children")] for node in nodes: graphviz_node = uqbar.graphs.Node() graphviz_node.attributes["label"] = node._get_fraction_string() if isinstance(node, _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeContainer): graphviz_node.attributes["shape"] = "triangle" else: graphviz_node.attributes["shape"] = "box" graph.append(graphviz_node) node_mapping[node] = graphviz_node if node.parent is not None: uqbar.graphs.Edge().attach( node_mapping[node.parent], node_mapping[node] ) offset = leaves[0].start_offset offset_subgraph = uqbar.graphs.Graph( name="cluster_offsets", attributes={"style": "rounded"} ) graph.append(offset_subgraph) make_offset_node(offset, leaves[0]) for one, two in _sequence.nwise(leaves): offset = one.stop_offset make_offset_node(offset, one, two) offset = leaves[-1].stop_offset make_offset_node(offset, leaves[-1], is_last=True) return graph
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes meter. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterates meter. .. container:: example Iterates ``5/4``: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((5, 4)) >>> for pair in meter: ... pair ... ((0, 4), (1, 4)) ((1, 4), (2, 4)) ((2, 4), (3, 4)) ((0, 4), (3, 4)) ((3, 4), (4, 4)) ((4, 4), (5, 4)) ((3, 4), (5, 4)) ((0, 4), (5, 4)) Yields pairs. """ def recurse(node): result = [] for child in node: if isinstance(child, _rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeLeaf): result.append(child) else: result.extend(recurse(child)) result.append(node) return result result = recurse(self.root_node) for node in result: pair = _duration.with_denominator(node.start_offset, self.denominator) start_offset = pair pair = _duration.with_denominator(node.stop_offset, self.denominator) stop_offset = pair yield start_offset, stop_offset
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.rtm_format!r})"
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def denominator(self): """ Gets denominator of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> meter.denominator 4 Returns positive integer. """ return self._denominator @property def depthwise_offset_inventory(self): """ Gets depthwise offset inventory of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> for depth, offsets in enumerate( ... meter.depthwise_offset_inventory): ... print(depth, offsets) 0 (Offset((0, 1)), Offset((7, 4))) 1 (Offset((0, 1)), Offset((3, 4)), Offset((5, 4)), Offset((7, 4))) 2 (Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 4)), Offset((1, 2)), Offset((3, 4)), Offset((1, 1)), Offset((5, 4)), Offset((3, 2)), Offset((7, 4))) Returns dictionary. """ inventory = [] all_offsets = set() all_offsets.add(_duration.Offset(self.numerator, self.denominator)) for depth, nodes in sorted(self.root_node._depthwise_inventory().items()): for node in nodes: all_offsets.add(_duration.Offset(node.start_offset)) inventory.append(tuple(sorted(all_offsets))) return tuple(inventory) @property def duration(self): """ Gets duration of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> meter.duration Duration(7, 4) Returns duration. """ return _duration.Duration(self.numerator, self.denominator) @property def fraction_string(self): """ Gets fraction string. """ return f"{self.pair[0]}/{self.pair[1]}" @property def implied_time_signature(self): """ Gets implied time signature of meter. .. container:: example >>> abjad.Meter((4, 4)).implied_time_signature TimeSignature(pair=(4, 4), hide=False, partial=None) Returns time signature. """ duration = self.root_node.preprolated_duration if hasattr(duration, "pair"): pair = duration.pair else: pair = duration return _indicators.TimeSignature(pair) @property def increase_monotonic(self) -> bool | None: """ Is true when meter divides large primes into collections of ``2`` and ``3`` that increase monotonically. .. container:: example An asymmetric meter with beats arranged greatest to least: >>> meter = abjad.Meter( ... (7, 4), ... increase_monotonic=False, ... ) >>> meter.increase_monotonic False >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (7/4 ( (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)))) This is default beahvior. .. container:: example The same asymmetric meter with unequal beats arranged least to greatest: >>> meter = abjad.Meter( ... (7, 4), ... increase_monotonic=True ... ) >>> meter.increase_monotonic True >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (7/4 ( (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)))) """ return self._increase_monotonic @property def is_compound(self): """ Is true when meter is compound. .. container:: example Compound meters written over ``4``: >>> for numerator in range(1, 13): ... meter = abjad.Meter((numerator, 4)) ... string = True if meter.is_compound else '' ... print(str(meter.fraction_string), string) ... 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/4 True 7/4 8/4 9/4 True 10/4 11/4 12/4 True .. container:: example Compound meters written over ``8``: >>> for numerator in range(1, 13): ... meter = abjad.Meter((numerator, 8)) ... string = True if meter.is_compound else '' ... print(str(meter.fraction_string), string) ... 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 True 7/8 8/8 9/8 True 10/8 11/8 12/8 True Compound meters defined equal to those meters with a numerator divisible by ``3`` (but not equal to ``3``). Returns true or false. """ if 3 in _math.divisors(self.numerator): if not self.numerator == 3: return True return False @property def is_simple(self): """ Is true when meter is simple. .. container:: example Simple meters written over ``4``: >>> for numerator in range(1, 13): ... meter = abjad.Meter((numerator, 4)) ... string = True if meter.is_simple else '' ... print(str(meter.fraction_string), string) ... 1/4 True 2/4 True 3/4 True 4/4 True 5/4 True 6/4 7/4 True 8/4 True 9/4 10/4 True 11/4 True 12/4 .. container:: example Simple meters written over ``8``: >>> for numerator in range(1, 13): ... meter = abjad.Meter((numerator, 8)) ... string = True if meter.is_simple else '' ... print(str(meter.fraction_string), string) ... 1/8 True 2/8 True 3/8 True 4/8 True 5/8 True 6/8 7/8 True 8/8 True 9/8 10/8 True 11/8 True 12/8 Simple meters defined equal to those meters with a numerator not divisible by ``3``. Meters with numerator equal to ``3`` are also defined as simple. Returns true or false. """ return not self.is_compound @property def numerator(self): """ Gets numerator of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> meter.numerator 7 Returns positive integer. """ return self._numerator @property def pair(self): """ Gets pair of numerator and denominator of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 4)) >>> meter.pair (6, 4) Returns pair. """ return (self.numerator, self.denominator) @property def preferred_boundary_depth(self): """ Gets preferred boundary depth of meter. .. container:: example No preferred boundary depth: >>> abjad.Meter((6, 8)).preferred_boundary_depth is None True .. container:: example Customized preferred boundary depth: >>> meter = abjad.Meter( ... (6, 8), ... preferred_boundary_depth=1, ... ) >>> meter.preferred_boundary_depth 1 Used by ``abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()``. Defaults to none. Set to integer or none. Returns integer or none. """ return self._preferred_boundary_depth @property def pretty_rtm_format(self): """ Gets pretty RTM format of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (7/4 ( (3/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)))) Returns string. """ return self.root_node.pretty_rtm_format @property def root_node(self): """ Gets root node of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> for _ in meter.root_node: _ RhythmTreeContainer((3, 4)) RhythmTreeContainer((2, 4)) RhythmTreeContainer((2, 4)) Returns rhythm tree node. """ return self._root_node @property def rtm_format(self): """ Gets RTM format of meter. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((7, 4)) >>> meter.rtm_format '(7/4 ((3/4 (1/4 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 (1/4 1/4)) (2/4 (1/4 1/4))))' Returns string. """ return self._root_node.rtm_format ### PUBLIC METHODS ###
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_meters( argument, meters, denominator=32, discard_final_orphan_downbeat=True, maximum_run_length=None, starting_offset=None, ): """ Finds the best-matching sequence of meters for the offsets contained in ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> meters = [(3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 4)] >>> meters = [abjad.Meter(_) for _ in meters] .. container:: example Matches a series of hypothetical ``4/4`` measures: >>> argument = [(0, 4), (4, 4), (8, 4), (12, 4), (16, 4)] >>> for meter in abjad.Meter.fit_meters(argument, meters): ... print(meter.implied_time_signature) ... TimeSignature(pair=(4, 4), hide=False, partial=None) TimeSignature(pair=(4, 4), hide=False, partial=None) TimeSignature(pair=(4, 4), hide=False, partial=None) TimeSignature(pair=(4, 4), hide=False, partial=None) .. container:: example Matches a series of hypothetical ``5/4`` measures: >>> argument = [(0, 4), (3, 4), (5, 4), (10, 4), (15, 4), (20, 4)] >>> for meter in abjad.Meter.fit_meters(argument, meters): ... print(meter.implied_time_signature) ... TimeSignature(pair=(3, 4), hide=False, partial=None) TimeSignature(pair=(4, 4), hide=False, partial=None) TimeSignature(pair=(3, 4), hide=False, partial=None) TimeSignature(pair=(5, 4), hide=False, partial=None) TimeSignature(pair=(5, 4), hide=False, partial=None) Coerces offsets from ``argument`` via ``MetricAccentKernel.count_offsets()``. Returns list. """ session = _MeterFittingSession( kernel_denominator=denominator, maximum_run_length=maximum_run_length, meters=meters, offset_counter=argument, ) meters = session() return meters
[docs] def generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator(self, denominator, normalize=True): r""" Generates a dictionary of all offsets in a meter up to ``denominator``. Keys are the offsets and the values are the normalized weights of those offsets. .. container:: example >>> meter = abjad.Meter((4, 4)) >>> kernel = meter.generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator(8) >>> for offset, weight in sorted(kernel.kernel.items()): ... print(f"{offset!s}\t{weight!s}") ... 0 3/16 1/8 1/16 1/4 1/8 3/8 1/16 1/2 1/8 5/8 1/16 3/4 1/8 7/8 1/16 1 3/16 This is useful for testing how strongly a collection of offsets responds to a given meter. Returns dictionary. """ assert _math.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(denominator // self.denominator) inventory = list(self.depthwise_offset_inventory) old_flag_count = _duration.Duration(1, self.denominator).flag_count new_flag_count = _duration.Duration(1, denominator).flag_count extra_depth = new_flag_count - old_flag_count for _ in range(extra_depth): old_offsets = inventory[-1] new_offsets = [] for first, second in _sequence.nwise(old_offsets): new_offsets.append(first) new_offsets.append((first + second) / 2) new_offsets.append(old_offsets[-1]) inventory.append(tuple(new_offsets)) total = 0 kernel = {} for offsets in inventory: for offset in offsets: if offset not in kernel: kernel[offset] = 0 kernel[offset] += 1 total += 1 if normalize: for offset, response in kernel.items(): kernel[offset] = fractions.Fraction(response, total) return MetricAccentKernel(kernel)
[docs] @staticmethod def rewrite_meter( components, meter, boundary_depth=None, initial_offset=None, maximum_dot_count=None, rewrite_tuplets=True, ): r""" Rewrites ``components`` according to ``meter``. .. container:: example Rewrites the contents of a measure in a staff using the default meter for that measure's time signature: >>> lily_string = "| 2/4 c'2 ~ |" >>> lily_string += "| 4/4 c'32 d'2.. ~ d'16 e'32 ~ |" >>> lily_string += "| 2/4 e'2 |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff[:] = container >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 2/4 c'2 ~ } { \time 4/4 c'32 d'2.. ~ d'16 e'32 ~ } { \time 2/4 e'2 } } >>> meter = abjad.Meter((4, 4)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (4/4 ( 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4)) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(staff[1][:], meter) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 2/4 c'2 ~ } { \time 4/4 c'32 d'8.. ~ d'2 ~ d'8.. e'32 ~ } { \time 2/4 e'2 } } .. container:: example Rewrites the contents of a measure in a staff using a custom meter: >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff[:] = container >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 2/4 c'2 ~ } { \time 4/4 c'32 d'2.. ~ d'16 e'32 ~ } { \time 2/4 e'2 } } >>> rtm = '(4/4 ((2/4 (1/4 1/4)) (2/4 (1/4 1/4))))' >>> meter = abjad.Meter(rtm) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) # doctest: +SKIP (4/4 ( (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)) (2/4 ( 1/4 1/4)))) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(staff[1][:], meter) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 2/4 c'2 ~ } { \time 4/4 c'32 d'4... ~ d'4... e'32 ~ } { \time 2/4 e'2 } } .. container:: example Limit the maximum number of dots per leaf using ``maximum_dot_count``: >>> lily_string = "| 3/4 c'32 d'8 e'8 fs'4... |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 3/4 c'32 d'8 e'8 fs'4... } } Without constraining the ``maximum_dot_count``: >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(measure[:], time_signature) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 3/4 c'32 d'16. ~ d'32 e'16. ~ e'32 fs'4... } } Constraining the ``maximum_dot_count`` to ``2``: >>> lily_string = "| 3/4 c'32 d'8 e'8 fs'4... |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... measure[:], ... time_signature, ... maximum_dot_count=2, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 3/4 c'32 d'16. ~ d'32 e'16. ~ e'32 fs'8.. ~ fs'4 } } Constraining the ``maximum_dot_count`` to ``1``: >>> lily_string = "| 3/4 c'32 d'8 e'8 fs'4... |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... measure[:], ... time_signature, ... maximum_dot_count=1, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 3/4 c'32 d'16. ~ d'32 e'16. ~ e'32 fs'16. ~ fs'8 ~ fs'4 } } Constraining the ``maximum_dot_count`` to ``0``: >>> lily_string = "| 3/4 c'32 d'8 e'8 fs'4... |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... measure[:], ... time_signature, ... maximum_dot_count=0, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 3/4 c'32 d'16 ~ d'32 ~ d'32 e'16 ~ e'32 ~ e'32 fs'16 ~ fs'32 ~ fs'8 ~ fs'4 } } .. container:: example Split logical ties at different depths of the ``Meter``, if those logical ties cross any offsets at that depth, but do not also both begin and end at any of those offsets. Consider the default meter for ``9/8``: >>> meter = abjad.Meter((9, 8)) >>> print(meter.pretty_rtm_format) (9/8 ( (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)) (3/8 ( 1/8 1/8 1/8)))) We can establish that meter without specifying a ``boundary_depth``: >>> lily_string = "| 9/8 c'2 d'2 e'8 |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 9/8 c'2 d'2 e'8 } } >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(measure[:], time_signature) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 9/8 c'2 d'4 ~ d'4 e'8 } } With a ``boundary_depth`` of ``1`` logical ties which cross any offsets created by nodes with a depth of ``1`` in this Meter's rhythm tree - i.e. ``0/8`` ``3/8`` ``6/8`` and ``9/8`` - which do not also begin and end at any of those offsets, will be split: >>> lily_string = "| 9/8 c'2 d'2 e'8 |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... measure[:], ... time_signature, ... boundary_depth=1, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 9/8 c'4. ~ c'8 d'4 ~ d'4 e'8 } } For this ``9/8`` meter, and this input notation, A ``boundary_depth`` of ``2`` causes no change, as all logical ties already align to multiples of ``1/8`` >>> lily_string = "| 9/8 c'2 d'2 e'8 |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... measure[:], ... time_signature, ... boundary_depth=2, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 9/8 c'2 d'4 ~ d'4 e'8 } } .. container:: example Comparison of ``3/4`` and ``6/8`` at ``boundary_depths`` of 0 and 1: >>> triple = "| 3/4 2 4 || 3/4 4 2 || 3/4 4. 4. |" >>> triple += "| 3/4 2 ~ 8 8 || 3/4 8 8 ~ 2 |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(triple) >>> staff_1 = abjad.Staff() >>> staff_1[:] = container >>> duples = "| 6/8 2 4 || 6/8 4 2 || 6/8 4. 4. |" >>> duples += "| 6/8 2 ~ 8 8 || 6/8 8 8 ~ 2 |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(duples) >>> staff_2 = abjad.Staff() >>> staff_2[:] = container >>> score = abjad.Score([staff_1, staff_2]) In order to see the different time signatures on each staff, we need to move some engravers from the Score context to the Staff context: >>> engravers = [ ... 'Timing_translator', ... 'Time_signature_engraver', ... 'Default_bar_line_engraver', ... ] >>> score.remove_commands.extend(engravers) >>> score[0].consists_commands.extend(engravers) >>> score[1].consists_commands.extend(engravers) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score \with { \remove Timing_translator \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Default_bar_line_engraver } << \new Staff \with { \consists Timing_translator \consists Time_signature_engraver \consists Default_bar_line_engraver } { { \time 3/4 c'2 c'4 } { \time 3/4 c'4 c'2 } { \time 3/4 c'4. c'4. } { \time 3/4 c'2 ~ c'8 c'8 } { \time 3/4 c'8 c'8 ~ c'2 } } \new Staff \with { \consists Timing_translator \consists Time_signature_engraver \consists Default_bar_line_engraver } { { \time 6/8 c'2 c'4 } { \time 6/8 c'4 c'2 } { \time 6/8 c'4. c'4. } { \time 6/8 c'2 ~ c'8 c'8 } { \time 6/8 c'8 c'8 ~ c'2 } } >> Here we establish a meter without specifying any boundary depth: >>> for staff in score: ... for container in staff: ... leaf = abjad.get.leaf(container, 0) ... time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... leaf, ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) ... abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(container[:], time_signature) ... >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score \with { \remove Timing_translator \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Default_bar_line_engraver } << \new Staff \with { \consists Timing_translator \consists Time_signature_engraver \consists Default_bar_line_engraver } { { \time 3/4 c'2 c'4 } { \time 3/4 c'4 c'2 } { \time 3/4 c'4. c'4. } { \time 3/4 c'2 ~ c'8 c'8 } { \time 3/4 c'8 c'8 ~ c'2 } } \new Staff \with { \consists Timing_translator \consists Time_signature_engraver \consists Default_bar_line_engraver } { { \time 6/8 c'2 c'4 } { \time 6/8 c'4 c'2 } { \time 6/8 c'4. c'4. } { \time 6/8 c'4. ~ c'4 c'8 } { \time 6/8 c'8 c'4 ~ c'4. } } >> Here we reestablish meter at a boundary depth of ``1`` >>> for staff in score: ... for container in staff: ... leaf = abjad.get.leaf(container, 0) ... time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... leaf, ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) ... abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... container[:], ... time_signature, ... boundary_depth=1, ... ) ... >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score \with { \remove Timing_translator \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Default_bar_line_engraver } << \new Staff \with { \consists Timing_translator \consists Time_signature_engraver \consists Default_bar_line_engraver } { { \time 3/4 c'2 c'4 } { \time 3/4 c'4 c'2 } { \time 3/4 c'4 ~ c'8 c'8 ~ c'4 } { \time 3/4 c'2 ~ c'8 c'8 } { \time 3/4 c'8 c'8 ~ c'2 } } \new Staff \with { \consists Timing_translator \consists Time_signature_engraver \consists Default_bar_line_engraver } { { \time 6/8 c'4. ~ c'8 c'4 } { \time 6/8 c'4 c'8 ~ c'4. } { \time 6/8 c'4. c'4. } { \time 6/8 c'4. ~ c'4 c'8 } { \time 6/8 c'8 c'4 ~ c'4. } } >> Note that the two time signatures are much more clearly disambiguated above. .. container:: example Establishing meter recursively in measures with nested tuplets: >>> lily_string = "| 4/4 c'16 ~ c'4 d'8. ~ " >>> lily_string += "2/3 { d'8. ~ 3/5 { d'16 e'8. f'16 ~ } } " >>> lily_string += "f'4 |" >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(lily_string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(container) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 4/4 c'16 ~ c'4 d'8. ~ \tuplet 3/2 { d'8. ~ \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 5/3 { d'16 e'8. f'16 ~ } } f'4 } } When establishing a meter on a selection of components which contain containers, like tuplets or containers, ``rewrite_meter()`` will recurse into those containers, treating them as measures whose time signature is derived from the preprolated preprolated_duration of the container's contents: >>> measure = staff[0] >>> time_signature = abjad.get.indicator( ... measure[0], ... abjad.TimeSignature ... ) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... measure[:], ... time_signature, ... boundary_depth=1, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 4/4 c'4 ~ c'16 d'8. ~ \tuplet 3/2 { d'8 ~ d'16 ~ \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 5/3 { d'16 e'8 ~ e'16 f'16 ~ } } f'4 } } .. container:: example Default rewrite behavior doesn't subdivide the first note in this measure because the first note in the measure starts at the beginning of a level-0 beat in meter: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4.. c'16 ~ c'4") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((6, 8)), staff[0]) >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 8)) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(staff[:], meter) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 6/8 c'4.. c'16 ~ c'4 } Setting boundary depth to 1 subdivides the first note in this measure: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4.. c'16 ~ c'4") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((6, 8)), staff[0]) >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 8)) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(staff[:], meter, boundary_depth=1) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 6/8 c'4. ~ c'16 c'16 ~ c'4 } Another way of doing this is by setting preferred boundary depth on the meter itself: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4.. c'16 ~ c'4") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((6, 8)), staff[0]) >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 8), preferred_boundary_depth=1) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter(staff[:], meter) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 6/8 c'4. ~ c'16 c'16 ~ c'4 } This makes it possible to divide different meters in different ways. .. container:: example Rewrites notes and tuplets: >>> lily_string = r"c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8 \times 6/7 { c'4. r16 }" >>> lily_string += r" \times 6/7 { r16 c'4. } c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(lily_string) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((6, 4)), staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 6/4 c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8 \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { c'4. r16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { r16 c'4. } c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8 } >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 4)) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... staff[:], ... meter, ... boundary_depth=1, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 6/4 c'4. \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { c'8. ~ c'8 ~ c'16 r16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { r16 c'8 ~ c'4 } c'4. } The tied note rewriting is good while the tuplet rewriting could use some adjustment. Rewrites notes but not tuplets: >>> lily_string = r"c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8 \times 6/7 { c'4. r16 }" >>> lily_string += r" \times 6/7 { r16 c'4. } c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(lily_string) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((6, 4)), staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 6/4 c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8 \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { c'4. r16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { r16 c'4. } c'8 ~ c'8 ~ c'8 } >>> meter = abjad.Meter((6, 4)) >>> abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter( ... staff[:], ... meter, ... boundary_depth=1, ... rewrite_tuplets=False, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 6/4 c'4. \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { c'4. r16 } \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 7/6 { r16 c'4. } c'4. } Operates in place and returns none. """ def recurse( boundary_depth=None, boundary_offsets=None, depth=0, logical_tie=None, ): offsets = _MeterManager.get_offsets_at_depth(depth, offset_inventory) logical_tie_duration = sum( _._get_preprolated_duration() for _ in logical_tie ) logical_tie_timespan = _getlib._get_timespan(logical_tie) logical_tie_start_offset = logical_tie_timespan.start_offset logical_tie_stop_offset = logical_tie_timespan.stop_offset logical_tie_starts_in_offsets = logical_tie_start_offset in offsets logical_tie_stops_in_offsets = logical_tie_stop_offset in offsets if not _MeterManager.is_acceptable_logical_tie( logical_tie_duration=logical_tie_duration, logical_tie_starts_in_offsets=logical_tie_starts_in_offsets, logical_tie_stops_in_offsets=logical_tie_stops_in_offsets, maximum_dot_count=maximum_dot_count, ): split_offset = None offsets = _MeterManager.get_offsets_at_depth(depth, offset_inventory) # If the logical tie's start aligns, # take the latest possible offset. if logical_tie_starts_in_offsets: offsets = reversed(offsets) for offset in offsets: if logical_tie_start_offset < offset < logical_tie_stop_offset: split_offset = offset break if split_offset is not None: split_offset -= logical_tie_start_offset shards = _mutate.split(logical_tie[:], [split_offset]) logical_ties = [_select.LogicalTie(_) for _ in shards] for logical_tie in logical_ties: recurse( boundary_depth=boundary_depth, boundary_offsets=boundary_offsets, depth=depth, logical_tie=logical_tie, ) else: recurse( boundary_depth=boundary_depth, boundary_offsets=boundary_offsets, depth=depth + 1, logical_tie=logical_tie, ) elif _MeterManager.is_boundary_crossing_logical_tie( boundary_depth=boundary_depth, boundary_offsets=boundary_offsets, logical_tie_start_offset=logical_tie_start_offset, logical_tie_stop_offset=logical_tie_stop_offset, ): offsets = boundary_offsets if logical_tie_start_offset in boundary_offsets: offsets = reversed(boundary_offsets) split_offset = None for offset in offsets: if logical_tie_start_offset < offset < logical_tie_stop_offset: split_offset = offset break assert split_offset is not None split_offset -= logical_tie_start_offset shards = _mutate.split(logical_tie[:], [split_offset]) logical_ties = [_select.LogicalTie(shard) for shard in shards] for logical_tie in logical_ties: recurse( boundary_depth=boundary_depth, boundary_offsets=boundary_offsets, depth=depth, logical_tie=logical_tie, ) else: _mutate._fuse(logical_tie[:]) if not isinstance(meter, Meter): meter = Meter(meter) boundary_depth = boundary_depth or meter.preferred_boundary_depth if not isinstance(meter, Meter): meter = Meter(meter) if boundary_depth is not None: boundary_depth = int(boundary_depth) if maximum_dot_count is not None: maximum_dot_count = int(maximum_dot_count) assert 0 <= maximum_dot_count if initial_offset is None: initial_offset = _duration.Offset(0) initial_offset = _duration.Offset(initial_offset) nongrace_components = [ _ for _ in components if not isinstance(_, _score.IndependentAfterGraceContainer) ] # first_start_offset = components[0]._get_timespan().start_offset # last_start_offset = components[-1]._get_timespan().start_offset first_start_offset = nongrace_components[0]._get_timespan().start_offset last_start_offset = nongrace_components[-1]._get_timespan().start_offset difference = last_start_offset - first_start_offset + initial_offset assert difference < meter.implied_time_signature.duration # Build offset inventory, adjusted for initial offset and prolation. first_offset = components[0]._get_timespan().start_offset first_offset -= initial_offset if components[0]._parent is None: prolation = 1 else: parentage = _parentage.Parentage(components[0]._parent) prolation = parentage.prolation offset_inventory = [] for offsets in meter.depthwise_offset_inventory: offsets = [(_ * prolation) + first_offset for _ in offsets] offset_inventory.append(tuple(offsets)) # Build boundary offset inventory, if applicable. if boundary_depth is not None: boundary_offsets = offset_inventory[boundary_depth] else: boundary_offsets = None # Cache results of iterator; # we'll be mutating the underlying collection iterator = _MeterManager.iterate_rewrite_inputs(components) items = tuple(iterator) for item in items: if isinstance(item, _select.LogicalTie): recurse( boundary_depth=boundary_depth, boundary_offsets=boundary_offsets, depth=0, logical_tie=item, ) elif isinstance(item, _score.Tuplet) and not rewrite_tuplets: pass else: preprolated_duration = sum( [_._get_preprolated_duration() for _ in item] ) if preprolated_duration.numerator == 1: pair = _duration.with_denominator( preprolated_duration, 4 * preprolated_duration.denominator ) preprolated_duration = pair sub_metrical_hierarchy = Meter(preprolated_duration) sub_boundary_depth = 1 if boundary_depth is None: sub_boundary_depth = None Meter.rewrite_meter( item[:], sub_metrical_hierarchy, boundary_depth=sub_boundary_depth, maximum_dot_count=maximum_dot_count, )
[docs] def illustrate_meter_list( meter_list, denominator=16, range_=None, scale=None ) -> _lilypondfile.LilyPondFile: r""" Illustrates meters. .. container:: example >>> meters = [abjad.Meter(_) for _ in [(3, 4), (5, 16), (7, 8)]] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.meter.illustrate_meter_list(meters, scale=0.5) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> lilypond_file = abjad.meter.illustrate_meter_list(meters) >>> markup = lilypond_file.items[0] >>> string = abjad.lilypond(markup) >>> print(string) \markup \column { \combine \combine \translate #'(1.0 . 1) \sans \fontsize #-3 \center-align \fraction 3 4 \translate #'(49.38709677419355 . 1) \sans \fontsize #-3 \center-align \fraction 5 16 \translate #'(69.54838709677419 . 1) \sans \fontsize #-3 \center-align \fraction 7 8 \combine \postscript #" 0.2 setlinewidth 1 0.5 moveto 49.38709677419355 0.5 lineto stroke 1 1.25 moveto 1 -0.25 lineto stroke 49.38709677419355 1.25 moveto 49.38709677419355 -0.25 lineto stroke 49.38709677419355 0.5 moveto 69.54838709677419 0.5 lineto stroke 49.38709677419355 1.25 moveto 49.38709677419355 -0.25 lineto stroke 69.54838709677419 1.25 moveto 69.54838709677419 -0.25 lineto stroke 69.54838709677419 0.5 moveto 126 0.5 lineto stroke 69.54838709677419 1.25 moveto 69.54838709677419 -0.25 lineto stroke 126 1.25 moveto 126 -0.25 lineto stroke " \postscript #" 1 -2 moveto 0 -6.153846153846154 rlineto stroke 5.032258064516129 -2 moveto 0 -1.5384615384615385 rlineto stroke 9.064516129032258 -2 moveto 0 -3.076923076923077 rlineto stroke 13.096774193548388 -2 moveto 0 -1.5384615384615385 rlineto stroke 17.129032258064516 -2 moveto 0 -4.615384615384616 rlineto stroke 21.161290322580644 -2 moveto 0 -1.5384615384615385 rlineto stroke 25.193548387096776 -2 moveto 0 -3.076923076923077 rlineto stroke 29.225806451612904 -2 moveto 0 -1.5384615384615385 rlineto stroke 33.25806451612903 -2 moveto 0 -4.615384615384616 rlineto stroke 37.29032258064516 -2 moveto 0 -1.5384615384615385 rlineto stroke 41.32258064516129 -2 moveto 0 -3.076923076923077 rlineto stroke 45.354838709677416 -2 moveto 0 -1.5384615384615385 rlineto stroke 49.38709677419355 -2 moveto 0 -6.153846153846154 rlineto stroke 49.38709677419355 -2 moveto 0 -10.909090909090908 rlineto stroke 53.41935483870968 -2 moveto 0 -3.6363636363636367 rlineto stroke 57.45161290322581 -2 moveto 0 -3.6363636363636367 rlineto stroke 61.483870967741936 -2 moveto 0 -7.272727272727273 rlineto stroke 65.51612903225806 -2 moveto 0 -3.6363636363636367 rlineto stroke 69.54838709677419 -2 moveto 0 -10.909090909090908 rlineto stroke 69.54838709677419 -2 moveto 0 -5.517241379310345 rlineto stroke 73.58064516129032 -2 moveto 0 -1.3793103448275863 rlineto stroke 77.61290322580645 -2 moveto 0 -2.7586206896551726 rlineto stroke 81.64516129032258 -2 moveto 0 -1.3793103448275863 rlineto stroke 85.6774193548387 -2 moveto 0 -2.7586206896551726 rlineto stroke 89.70967741935483 -2 moveto 0 -1.3793103448275863 rlineto stroke 93.74193548387096 -2 moveto 0 -4.137931034482759 rlineto stroke 97.7741935483871 -2 moveto 0 -1.3793103448275863 rlineto stroke 101.80645161290323 -2 moveto 0 -2.7586206896551726 rlineto stroke 105.83870967741936 -2 moveto 0 -1.3793103448275863 rlineto stroke 109.87096774193549 -2 moveto 0 -4.137931034482759 rlineto stroke 113.90322580645162 -2 moveto 0 -1.3793103448275863 rlineto stroke 117.93548387096774 -2 moveto 0 -2.7586206896551726 rlineto stroke 121.96774193548387 -2 moveto 0 -1.3793103448275863 rlineto stroke 126 -2 moveto 0 -5.517241379310345 rlineto stroke " } """ durations = [_.duration for _ in meter_list] total_duration = sum(durations) offsets = _math.cumulative_sums(durations, start=0) timespans = _timespan.TimespanList() for one, two in _sequence.nwise(offsets): timespan = _timespan.Timespan(start_offset=one, stop_offset=two) timespans.append(timespan) if range_ is not None: minimum, maximum = range_ else: minimum, maximum = 0, total_duration minimum = float(_duration.Offset(minimum)) maximum = float(_duration.Offset(maximum)) if scale is None: scale = 1.0 assert 0 < scale postscript_scale = 125.0 / (maximum - minimum) postscript_scale *= float(scale) postscript_x_offset = (minimum * postscript_scale) - 1 timespan_markup = _timespan._make_timespan_list_markup( timespans, postscript_x_offset, postscript_scale, draw_offsets=False, ) postscript_strings = [] rational_x_offset = _duration.Offset(0) for meter in meter_list: kernel_denominator = denominator or meter.denominator kernel = MetricAccentKernel.from_meter(meter, kernel_denominator) for offset, weight in sorted(kernel.kernel.items()): weight = float(weight) * -40 ps_x_offset = float(rational_x_offset + offset) ps_x_offset *= postscript_scale ps_x_offset += 1 postscript_strings.append(f"{_timespan._fpa(ps_x_offset)} -2 moveto") postscript_strings.append(f"0 {_timespan._fpa(weight)} rlineto") postscript_strings.append("stroke") rational_x_offset += meter.duration fraction_pairs = [] for meter, offset in zip(meter_list, offsets): numerator, denominator = meter.numerator, meter.denominator x_translation = float(offset) * postscript_scale x_translation -= postscript_x_offset top_string = rf"\translate #'({x_translation} . 1)" bottom_string = r"\sans \fontsize #-3 \center-align" bottom_string = bottom_string + rf" \fraction {numerator} {denominator}" pair = (top_string, bottom_string) fraction_pairs.append(pair) fraction_strings = [] fraction_strings.append(fraction_pairs[0][0]) fraction_strings.append(fraction_pairs[0][1]) for pair in fraction_pairs[1:]: fraction_strings.insert(0, r"\combine") fraction_strings.append(pair[0]) fraction_strings.append(pair[1]) strings = [] strings.append(r"\markup") strings.append(r"\column") strings.append("{") strings.extend(fraction_strings) strings.append(r"\combine") strings.append(timespan_markup.string) strings.append(r"\postscript") strings.append('#"') strings.extend(postscript_strings) strings.append('"') strings.append("}") string = "\n".join(strings) markup = _indicators.Markup(string) lilypond_file = _lilypondfile.LilyPondFile() lilypond_file.items.append(markup) return lilypond_file
[docs] class MetricAccentKernel: """ Metric accent kernel. .. container:: example >>> hierarchy = abjad.Meter((7, 8)) >>> kernel = hierarchy.generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator(8) >>> kernel MetricAccentKernel(kernel={Offset((0, 1)): Fraction(3, 14), Offset((7, 8)): Fraction(3, 14), Offset((3, 8)): Fraction(1, 7), Offset((5, 8)): Fraction(1, 7), Offset((1, 8)): Fraction(1, 14), Offset((1, 4)): Fraction(1, 14), Offset((1, 2)): Fraction(1, 14), Offset((3, 4)): Fraction(1, 14)}) Call the kernel against an expression from which offsets can be counted to receive an impulse-response: .. container:: example >>> offsets = [(0, 8), (1, 8), (1, 8), (3, 8)] >>> kernel(offsets) Fraction(1, 2) """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ("_kernel", "_offsets") ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__(self, kernel=None): kernel = kernel or {} assert isinstance(kernel, dict) for key, value in kernel.items(): assert isinstance(key, _duration.Offset) assert isinstance(value, fractions.Fraction) self._kernel = kernel.copy() self._offsets = tuple(sorted(self._kernel)) ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __call__(self, argument): r""" Calls metrical accent kernal on ``argument``. >>> upper_staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4. e'8 f'4.") >>> lower_staff = abjad.Staff(r'\clef bass c4 b,4 a,2') >>> score = abjad.Score([upper_staff, lower_staff]) >>> kernel = abjad.MetricAccentKernel.from_meter((4, 4)) >>> kernel(score) Fraction(10, 33) Returns float. """ offset_count = self.count_offsets(argument) response = fractions.Fraction(0, 1) for offset, count in offset_count.items.items(): if offset in self._kernel: weight = self._kernel[offset] weighted_count = weight * count response += weighted_count return response
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument): """ Is true when ``argument`` is a metrical accent kernal with a kernal equal to that of this metrical accent kernel. Returns true or false. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): if self.kernel == argument.kernel: if self.duration == argument.duration: return True return False
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Hashes metric accent kernel. Returns integer. """ return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Gets repr. """ return f"{type(self).__name__}(kernel={self.kernel})"
### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def duration(self): """ Gets duration. """ if self._offsets: return _duration.Duration(self._offsets[-1]) else: return _duration.Duration(0) @property def kernel(self): """ The kernel datastructure. Returns dict. """ return self._kernel.copy() ### PUBLIC METHODS ###
[docs] @staticmethod def count_offsets(argument) -> _timespan.OffsetCounter: r""" Count offsets in ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> upper_staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4. e'8 f'4.") >>> lower_staff = abjad.Staff(r'\clef bass c4 b,4 a,2') >>> score = abjad.Score([upper_staff, lower_staff]) .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score << \new Staff { c'8 d'4. e'8 f'4. } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c4 b,4 a,2 } >> >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> MetricAccentKernel = abjad.MetricAccentKernel >>> leaves = >>> counter = abjad.MetricAccentKernel.count_offsets(leaves) >>> for offset, count in sorted(counter.items.items()): ... offset, count (Offset((0, 1)), 2) (Offset((1, 8)), 2) (Offset((1, 4)), 2) (Offset((1, 2)), 4) (Offset((5, 8)), 2) (Offset((1, 1)), 2) .. container:: example >>> a = abjad.Timespan(0, 10) >>> b = abjad.Timespan(5, 15) >>> c = abjad.Timespan(15, 20) >>> counter = MetricAccentKernel.count_offsets((a, b, c)) >>> for offset, count in sorted(counter.items.items()): ... offset, count (Offset((0, 1)), 1) (Offset((5, 1)), 1) (Offset((10, 1)), 1) (Offset((15, 1)), 2) (Offset((20, 1)), 1) Returns counter. """ return _timespan.OffsetCounter(argument)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_meter(meter, denominator=32, normalize=True): """ Create a metric accent kernel from ``meter``. Returns new metric accent kernel. """ if not isinstance(meter, Meter): meter = Meter(meter) return meter.generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator( denominator=denominator, normalize=normalize )
class _MeterFittingSession: """ Meter-fitting session. Used internally by Meter.fit_meters(). """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ( "_cached_offset_counters", "_kernel_denominator", "_kernels", "_longest_kernel", "_maximum_run_length", "_meters", "_offset_counter", "_ordered_offsets", ) KernelScore = collections.namedtuple("KernelScore", ("kernel", "score")) ### INITIALIZER ### def __init__( self, kernel_denominator=32, maximum_run_length=None, meters=None, offset_counter=None, ): self._cached_offset_counters = {} if maximum_run_length is not None: maximum_run_length = int(maximum_run_length) assert 0 < maximum_run_length self._maximum_run_length = maximum_run_length if offset_counter: self._offset_counter = MetricAccentKernel.count_offsets(offset_counter) else: self._offset_counter = {} self._ordered_offsets = tuple(sorted(self.offset_counter.items)) meters = meters or () self._meters = tuple(Meter(_) for _ in meters) self._kernel_denominator = _duration.Duration(kernel_denominator) self._kernels = {} for meter in self._meters: kernel = meter.generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator( self._kernel_denominator ) self._kernels[kernel] = meter if self.kernels: self._longest_kernel = sorted(self._kernels, key=lambda _: _.duration)[-1] else: self._longest_kernel = None ### SPECIAL METHODS ### def __call__(self): """ Fits meters. Returns meter list. """ selected_kernels = [] current_offset = _duration.Offset(0) while current_offset < self.ordered_offsets[-1]: kernel_scores = [] kernels = self._get_kernels(selected_kernels) offset_counter = self._get_offset_counter_at(current_offset) if not offset_counter: winning_kernel = self.longest_kernel if selected_kernels: winning_kernel = selected_kernels[-1] else: for kernel in kernels: if ( self.maximum_run_length and 1 < len(kernels) and self.maximum_run_length <= len(selected_kernels) ): last_n_kernels = selected_kernels[-self.maximum_run_length :] if len(set(last_n_kernels)) == 1: if kernel == last_n_kernels[-1]: continue initial_score = kernel(offset_counter) lookahead_score = self._get_lookahead_score( current_offset, kernel, kernels ) score = initial_score + lookahead_score kernel_score = self.KernelScore(kernel=kernel, score=score) kernel_scores.append(kernel_score) kernel_scores.sort(key=lambda kernel_score: kernel_score.score) winning_kernel = kernel_scores[-1].kernel selected_kernels.append(winning_kernel) current_offset += winning_kernel.duration selected_meters = (self.kernels[_] for _ in selected_kernels) return selected_meters ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _get_kernels(self, selected_kernels): return tuple(self.kernels) def _get_lookahead_score(self, current_offset, kernel, kernels): lookahead_scores = [] lookahead_offset = current_offset + kernel.duration lookahead_offset_counter = self._get_offset_counter_at(lookahead_offset) for lookahead_kernel in kernels: lookahead_scores.append(lookahead_kernel(lookahead_offset_counter)) lookahead_score = sum(lookahead_scores) # / len(lookahead_scores) return lookahead_score def _get_offset_counter_at(self, start_offset): if start_offset in self.cached_offset_counters: return self.cached_offset_counters[start_offset] offset_counter = {} stop_offset = start_offset + self.longest_kernel.duration index = bisect.bisect_left(self.ordered_offsets, start_offset) if index == len(self.ordered_offsets): return offset_counter offset = self.ordered_offsets[index] while offset <= stop_offset: count = self.offset_counter.items[offset] offset_counter[offset - start_offset] = count index += 1 if index == len(self.ordered_offsets): break offset = self.ordered_offsets[index] self.cached_offset_counters[start_offset] = offset_counter return offset_counter ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def cached_offset_counters(self): """ Gets cached offset counters Returns dictionary. """ return self._cached_offset_counters @property def kernel_denominator(self): """ Gets kernel denominator. Returns duration. """ return self._kernel_denominator @property def kernels(self): """ Gets kernels-to-meter dictionary. Returns dictionary. """ return self._kernels @property def longest_kernel(self): """ Gets longest kernel. Returns kernel. """ return self._longest_kernel @property def maximum_run_length(self): """ Gets maximum meter repetitions. Returns integer or none. """ return self._maximum_run_length @property def meters(self): """ Gets meters. Returns meters. """ return self._meters @property def offset_counter(self): """ Gets offset counter. Returns offset counter. """ return self._offset_counter @property def ordered_offsets(self): """ Gets ordered offsets. Returns offsets. """ return self._ordered_offsets class _MeterManager: """ Meter manager. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = () ### PUBLIC METHODS ### @staticmethod def get_offsets_at_depth(depth, offset_inventory): """ Gets offsets at ``depth`` in ``offset_inventory``. """ if depth < len(offset_inventory): return offset_inventory[depth] while len(offset_inventory) <= depth: new_offsets = [] old_offsets = offset_inventory[-1] for first, second in _sequence.nwise(old_offsets): new_offsets.append(first) difference = second - first half = (first + second) / 2 if _duration.Duration(1, 8) < difference: new_offsets.append(half) else: one_quarter = (first + half) / 2 three_quarters = (half + second) / 2 new_offsets.append(one_quarter) new_offsets.append(half) new_offsets.append(three_quarters) new_offsets.append(old_offsets[-1]) offset_inventory.append(tuple(new_offsets)) return offset_inventory[depth] @staticmethod def is_acceptable_logical_tie( logical_tie_duration=None, logical_tie_starts_in_offsets=None, logical_tie_stops_in_offsets=None, maximum_dot_count=None, ): """ Is true if logical tie is acceptable. """ # print '\tTESTING ACCEPTABILITY' if not logical_tie_duration.is_assignable: return False if ( maximum_dot_count is not None and maximum_dot_count < logical_tie_duration.dot_count ): return False if not logical_tie_starts_in_offsets and not logical_tie_stops_in_offsets: return False return True @staticmethod def is_boundary_crossing_logical_tie( boundary_depth=None, boundary_offsets=None, logical_tie_start_offset=None, logical_tie_stop_offset=None, ): """ Is true if logical tie crosses meter boundaries. """ # print '\tTESTING BOUNDARY CROSSINGS' if boundary_depth is None: return False if not any( logical_tie_start_offset < _ < logical_tie_stop_offset for _ in boundary_offsets ): return False if ( logical_tie_start_offset in boundary_offsets and logical_tie_stop_offset in boundary_offsets ): return False return True @staticmethod def iterate_rewrite_inputs(argument): r""" Iterates topmost masked logical ties, rest groups and containers in ``argument``, masked by ``argument``. >>> string = "! 2/4 c'4 d'4 ~ !" >>> string += "! 4/4 d'8. r16 r8. e'16 ~ " >>> string += "2/3 { e'8 ~ e'8 f'8 ~ } f'4 ~ !" >>> string += "! 4/4 f'8 g'8 ~ g'4 a'4 ~ a'8 b'8 ~ !" >>> string += "! 2/4 b'4 c''4 !" >>> string = string.replace('!', '|') >>> container = abjad.parsers.reduced.parse_reduced_ly_syntax(string) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> staff[:] = container .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { { \time 2/4 c'4 d'4 ~ } { \time 4/4 d'8. r16 r8. e'16 ~ \tuplet 3/2 { e'8 ~ e'8 f'8 ~ } f'4 ~ } { \time 4/4 f'8 g'8 ~ g'4 a'4 ~ a'8 b'8 ~ } { \time 2/4 b'4 c''4 } } >>> for x in abjad.meter._MeterManager.iterate_rewrite_inputs( ... staff[0]): x ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'4")]) >>> for x in abjad.meter._MeterManager.iterate_rewrite_inputs( ... staff[1]): x ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'8.")]) LogicalTie(items=[Rest('r16'), Rest('r8.')]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'16")]) Tuplet('3:2', "e'8 e'8 f'8") LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'4")]) >>> for x in abjad.meter._MeterManager.iterate_rewrite_inputs( ... staff[2]): x ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("g'8"), Note("g'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("a'4"), Note("a'8")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("b'8")]) >>> for x in abjad.meter._MeterManager.iterate_rewrite_inputs( ... staff[3]): x ... LogicalTie(items=[Note("b'4")]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("c''4")]) Returns generator. """ last_tie = None current_leaf_group = None current_leaf_group_is_silent = False for component in argument: if isinstance(component, _score.Note | _score.Chord): this_tie_leaves = _iterlib._get_logical_tie_leaves(component) this_tie = _select.LogicalTie(this_tie_leaves) if current_leaf_group is None: current_leaf_group = [] elif ( current_leaf_group_is_silent or this_tie is None or last_tie != this_tie ): yield _select.LogicalTie(current_leaf_group) current_leaf_group = [] current_leaf_group_is_silent = False current_leaf_group.append(component) last_tie = this_tie elif isinstance(component, _score.Rest | _score.Skip): if current_leaf_group is None: current_leaf_group = [] elif not current_leaf_group_is_silent: yield _select.LogicalTie(current_leaf_group) current_leaf_group = [] current_leaf_group_is_silent = True current_leaf_group.append(component) last_tie = None elif isinstance(component, _score.Container): if current_leaf_group is not None: yield _select.LogicalTie(current_leaf_group) current_leaf_group = None last_tie = None yield component else: raise Exception(f"unhandled component: {component!r}.") if current_leaf_group is not None: yield _select.LogicalTie(current_leaf_group)