Source code for abjad.lilypondfile

import dataclasses

from . import _indentlib
from . import configuration as _configuration
from . import indicators as _indicators
from . import iterate as _iterate
from . import score as _score
from . import tag as _tag

configuration = _configuration.Configuration()

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Block: r''' LilyPond file block. .. container:: example Use strings to add contents to a block: >>> string = r"""right-margin = 2\cm ... left-margin = 2\cm""" >>> block = abjad.Block("paper", items=[string]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(block) >>> print(string) \paper { right-margin = 2\cm left-margin = 2\cm } .. container:: example Define a context block like this: >>> string = r"""\Staff ... \name FluteStaff ... \type Engraver_group ... \alias Staff ... \remove Forbid_line_break_engraver ... \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver ... \accepts FluteUpperVoice ... \accepts FluteLowerVoice ... \override Beam.positions = #'(-4 . -4) ... \override Stem.stem-end-position = -6 ... autoBeaming = ##f ... tupletFullLength = ##t ... \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic""" >>> block = abjad.Block("context", items=[string]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(block) >>> print(string) \context { \Staff \name FluteStaff \type Engraver_group \alias Staff \remove Forbid_line_break_engraver \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver \accepts FluteUpperVoice \accepts FluteLowerVoice \override Beam.positions = #'(-4 . -4) \override Stem.stem-end-position = -6 autoBeaming = ##f tupletFullLength = ##t \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic } .. container:: example Define an anonymous block like this: >>> string = r"""command-1 ... command-2 ... command-3""" >>> block = abjad.Block("", items=[string]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(block) >>> print(string) { command-1 command-2 command-3 } .. container:: example Markup formats like this: >>> block = abjad.Block("score", items=[abjad.Markup(r"\markup foo")]) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(block) >>> print(string) \score { \markup foo } .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> block = abjad.Block("score") >>> block.items.append("<<") >>> block.items.append(r'{ \include "" }') >>> block.items.append(staff) >>> block.items.append(">>") >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile( ... lilypond_language_token=False, ... lilypond_version_token=False, ... ) >>> lilypond_file.items.append(block) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(lilypond_file) >>> print(string) \score { << { \include "" } \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >> } ''' name: str | None = None items: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): assert isinstance(self.items, list), repr(self.items)
@staticmethod def _format_item(item, depth=1): indent = depth * _indentlib.INDENT result = [] if isinstance(item, str): if item.isspace(): string = "" else: string = indent + item result.append(string) elif hasattr(item, "_get_lilypond_format"): string = item._get_lilypond_format() pieces = string.split("\n") for piece in pieces: if piece.isspace(): piece = "" else: piece = indent + piece result.append(piece) else: assert isinstance(item, _indicators.Markup), repr(item) string = indent + item.string result.append(string) return result def _get_lilypond_format(self, tag=None): result = [] if not len(self.items): if string = rf"\{} {{}}" else: string = "{}" return string strings = [] if strings.append(rf"\{}") strings.append("{") if tag is not None: strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, tag) result.extend(strings) for item in self.items: result.extend(self._format_item(item)) string = "}" strings = [string] if tag is not None: strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, tag) result.extend(strings) string = "\n".join(result) return string
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True) class LilyPondFile: r""" LilyPond file. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile( ... items=[ ... r'\include "abjad.ily"', ... '''#(set-default-paper-size "a5" 'portrait)''', ... "#(set-global-staff-size 16)", ... staff, ... ], ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP :: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(lilypond_file) >>> print(string) \version "..." \language "english" \include "abjad.ily" #(set-default-paper-size "a5" 'portrait) #(set-global-staff-size 16) \new Staff { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } """ items: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) lilypond_language_token: bool | str = True lilypond_version_token: bool | str = True tag: _tag.Tag | None = None
[docs] def __contains__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when LilyPond file contains ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'", name="Staff") >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> "Staff" in lilypond_file True >>> "Allegro" in lilypond_file False >>> 0 in lilypond_file False """ try: self[argument] return True except (AssertionError, KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, argument): r""" Gets item identified by ``argument``. .. container:: example Searches score: >>> voice_1 = abjad.Voice("c''4 b' a' g'", name="Voice_1") >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(1) >>> abjad.attach(command, voice_1[0]) >>> voice_2 = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="Voice_2") >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(2) >>> abjad.attach(command, voice_2[0]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... [voice_1, voice_2], ... simultaneous=True, ... name="Staff", ... ) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> block = abjad.Block("score") >>> block.items.append(score) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([block]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" << \context Staff = "Staff" << \context Voice = "Voice_1" { \voiceOne c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4 } \context Voice = "Voice_2" { \voiceTwo c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >> >> >>> lilypond_file["score"] Block(name='score', items=[Score("{ { c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4 } { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } }", name='Score', simultaneous=True)]) >>> lilypond_file["Score"] Score("{ { c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4 } { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } }", name='Score', simultaneous=True) >>> lilypond_file["Staff"] Staff("{ c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4 } { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }", name='Staff', simultaneous=True) >>> lilypond_file["Voice_1"] Voice("c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4", name='Voice_1') >>> lilypond_file["Voice_2"] Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4", name='Voice_2') .. container:: example Searches score: >>> voice_1 = abjad.Voice("c''4 b' a' g'", name="Voice_1") >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(1) >>> abjad.attach(command, voice_1[0]) >>> voice_2 = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="Voice_2") >>> command = abjad.VoiceNumber(2) >>> abjad.attach(command, voice_2[0]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... [voice_1, voice_2], ... simultaneous=True, ... name="Staff", ... ) >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([score]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \context Score = "Score" << \context Staff = "Staff" << \context Voice = "Voice_1" { \voiceOne c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4 } \context Voice = "Voice_2" { \voiceTwo c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >> >> >>> lilypond_file["Score"] Score("{ { c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4 } { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } }", name='Score', simultaneous=True) >>> lilypond_file["Staff"] Staff("{ c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4 } { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }", name='Staff', simultaneous=True) >>> lilypond_file["Voice_1"] Voice("c''4 b'4 a'4 g'4", name='Voice_1') >>> lilypond_file["Voice_2"] Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4", name='Voice_2') .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works when score block contains parallel container: >>> include_container = abjad.Container() >>> string = r'\include ""' >>> literal = abjad.LilyPondLiteral(string, site="opening") >>> abjad.attach(literal, include_container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'", name="Staff") >>> container = abjad.Container( ... [include_container, staff], ... simultaneous=True, ... ) >>> block = abjad.Block("score") >>> block.items.append(container) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile( ... items=[block], ... lilypond_language_token=False, ... lilypond_version_token=False, ... ) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(lilypond_file) >>> print(string) \score { << { \include "" } \context Staff = "Staff" { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >> } >>> lilypond_file['Staff'] Staff("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4", name='Staff') .. container:: example Finds blocks by name: >>> blocks = [abjad.Block("header"), abjad.Block("score")] >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile(items=blocks) >>> lilypond_file["score"] Block(name='score', items=[]) >>> score = abjad.Score([abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'")], name="Score") >>> lilypond_file["score"].items.append(score) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(lilypond_file) >>> print(string) \version "..." \language "english" \header {} \score { \context Score = "Score" << \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >> } Returns block or component. """ assert isinstance(argument, str), repr(argument) for item in self.items: if getattr(item, "name", None) == argument: return item elif hasattr(item, "items"): for item_ in item.items: if getattr(item_, "name", None) == argument: return item_ if isinstance(item_, _score.Component): for component in _iterate.components(item_): if getattr(component, "name", None) == argument: return component elif isinstance(item, _score.Component): for component in _iterate.components(item): if getattr(component, "name", None) == argument: return component raise KeyError(f"no block or component with name {argument!r}.")
def _get_lilypond_format(self): result = [] strings = [] if self.lilypond_version_token is True: string = configuration.get_lilypond_version_string() string = rf'\version "{string}"' strings.append(string) elif isinstance(self.lilypond_version_token, str): strings.append(self.lilypond_version_token) if self.lilypond_language_token is True: string = r'\language "english"' strings.append(string) # TODO: change to abjad.LilyPondFile._get_lilypond_format() tag = _tag.Tag("abjad.LilyPondFile._get_format_pieces()") tag = self.get_tag(tag) strings = _tag.double_tag(strings, tag) result.extend(strings) for item in self.items: if isinstance(item, str): result.append(item) else: try: string = item._get_lilypond_format(tag=tag) except TypeError: string = item._get_lilypond_format() assert isinstance(string, str), repr(string) result.append(string) strings = result string = "\n".join(strings) lines = [] for line in string.split("\n"): if line.isspace(): lines.append("") else: lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def get_tag(self, site=None): """ Gets tag. """ if self.tag: tag = _tag.Tag(self.tag.string) else: tag = _tag.Tag() tag = tag.append(site) return tag