Source code for abjad.label

import dataclasses
import typing

from . import _getlib, _iterlib
from . import bind as _bind
from . import cyclictuple as _cyclictuple
from . import duration as _duration
from . import enums as _enums
from . import indicators as _indicators
from . import iterate as _iterate
from . import overrides as _overrides
from . import pcollections as _pcollections
from . import pitch as _pitch
from . import score as _score
from . import select as _select
from . import setclass as _setclass
from . import tweaks as _tweaks
from . import verticalmoment as _verticalmoment

def _attach(label, leaf, *, deactivate=False, direction=None, tag=None):
    _bind.attach(label, leaf, deactivate=deactivate, direction=direction, tag=tag)

def _color_leaf(leaf, color, *, deactivate=False, tag=None):
    if isinstance(leaf, _score.Skip):
        color = color[1:]
        comment = _indicators.LilyPondLiteral(f"% {color}", site="before")
        _attach(comment, leaf, deactivate=deactivate, tag=tag)
        assert color.startswith("#")
        string = rf"\abjad-color-music #'{color[1:]}"
        literal = _indicators.LilyPondLiteral(string, site="before")
        _attach(literal, leaf)
    return leaf

pc_number_to_color = {
    0: "#(x11-color 'red)",
    1: "#(x11-color 'MediumBlue)",
    2: "#(x11-color 'orange)",
    3: "#(x11-color 'LightSlateBlue)",
    4: "#(x11-color 'ForestGreen)",
    5: "#(x11-color 'MediumOrchid)",
    6: "#(x11-color 'firebrick)",
    7: "#(x11-color 'DeepPink)",
    8: "#(x11-color 'DarkOrange)",
    9: "#(x11-color 'IndianRed)",
    10: "#(x11-color 'CadetBlue)",
    11: "#(x11-color 'SeaGreen)",
    12: "#(x11-color 'LimeGreen)",

[docs] def color_container(container, color="#red") -> None: r""" Colors contents of ``container``. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)), staff[0]) >>> abjad.label.color_container(staff, "#red") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override Accidental.color = #red \override Beam.color = #red \override Dots.color = #red \override NoteHead.color = #red \override Rest.color = #red \override Stem.color = #red \override TupletBracket.color = #red \override TupletNumber.color = #red } { \time 2/8 c'8 d'8 } """ _overrides.override(container).Accidental.color = color _overrides.override(container).Beam.color = color _overrides.override(container).Dots.color = color _overrides.override(container).NoteHead.color = color _overrides.override(container).Rest.color = color _overrides.override(container).Stem.color = color _overrides.override(container).TupletBracket.color = color _overrides.override(container).TupletNumber.color = color
[docs] def color_leaves(argument, color="#red", *, deactivate=False, tag=None) -> None: r""" Colors leaves in ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("cs'8. r8. s8. <c' cs' a'>8.") >>> abjad.label.color_leaves(staff, "#red") >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \abjad-color-music #'red cs'8. \abjad-color-music #'red r8. % red s8. \abjad-color-music #'red <c' cs' a'>8. } """ if isinstance(color, str): for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): _color_leaf(leaf, color, deactivate=deactivate, tag=tag) else: assert isinstance(color, typing.Sequence) colors = _cyclictuple.CyclicTuple(color) for i, item in enumerate(argument): color = colors[i] color_leaves(item, color, deactivate=deactivate, tag=tag)
[docs] def color_note_heads(argument, color_map=pc_number_to_color) -> None: r""" Colors note note-heads. .. container:: example >>> chord = abjad.Chord([12, 14, 18, 21, 23], (1, 4)) >>> pitches = [[-12, -10, 4], [-2, 8, 11, 17], [19, 27, 30, 33, 37]] >>> colors = ["#red", "#blue", "#green"] >>> color_map = abjad.ColorMap(colors=colors, pitch_iterables=pitches) >>> abjad.label.color_note_heads(chord, color_map) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(chord) >>> print(string) < \tweak Accidental.color #red \tweak color #red c'' \tweak Accidental.color #red \tweak color #red d'' \tweak Accidental.color #green \tweak color #green fs'' \tweak Accidental.color #green \tweak color #green a'' \tweak Accidental.color #blue \tweak color #blue b'' >4 .. container:: example Colors note note-head: >>> note = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> abjad.label.color_note_heads(note, color_map) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) \tweak Accidental.color #red \tweak color #red c'4 Colors nothing: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> abjad.label.color_note_heads(staff, color_map) Colors note-heads: >>> string = "c'8 cs'8 d'8 ds'8 e'8 f'8 fs'8 g'8 gs'8 a'8 as'8 b'8 c''8" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.label.color_note_heads(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'red) \tweak color #(x11-color 'red) c'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'MediumBlue) \tweak color #(x11-color 'MediumBlue) cs'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'orange) \tweak color #(x11-color 'orange) d'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'LightSlateBlue) \tweak color #(x11-color 'LightSlateBlue) ds'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'ForestGreen) \tweak color #(x11-color 'ForestGreen) e'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'MediumOrchid) \tweak color #(x11-color 'MediumOrchid) f'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'firebrick) \tweak color #(x11-color 'firebrick) fs'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'DeepPink) \tweak color #(x11-color 'DeepPink) g'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'DarkOrange) \tweak color #(x11-color 'DarkOrange) gs'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'IndianRed) \tweak color #(x11-color 'IndianRed) a'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'CadetBlue) \tweak color #(x11-color 'CadetBlue) as'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'SeaGreen) \tweak color #(x11-color 'SeaGreen) b'8 \tweak Accidental.color #(x11-color 'red) \tweak color #(x11-color 'red) c''8 } """ color_map = color_map or pc_number_to_color for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): if isinstance(leaf, _score.Chord): for note_head in leaf.note_heads: number = note_head.written_pitch.number pc = _pitch.NumberedPitchClass(number) color = color_map.get(pc, None) if color is not None: _tweaks.tweak(note_head, rf"\tweak Accidental.color {color}") _tweaks.tweak(note_head, rf"\tweak color {color}") elif isinstance(leaf, _score.Note): note_head = leaf.note_head number = note_head.written_pitch.number pc = _pitch.NumberedPitchClass(number) color = color_map[pc.number] if color is not None: _tweaks.tweak(leaf.note_head, rf"\tweak Accidental.color {color}") _tweaks.tweak(leaf.note_head, rf"\tweak color {color}")
[docs] def remove_markup(argument) -> None: r""" Removes markup from leaves in ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup { c' } d'8 ^ \markup { d' } e'8 ^ \markup { e' } f'8 ^ \markup { f' } } >>> abjad.label.remove_markup(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } """ for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): _bind.detach(_indicators.Markup, leaf)
[docs] def vertical_moments( argument, direction=_enums.UP, prototype=None, *, deactivate=False, tag=None ): r''' Labels vertical moments. .. container:: example Labels indices: >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4 e'16 f'16") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "alto" g4 f4""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "bass" c,2""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> abjad.label.vertical_moments(staff_group) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup \tiny 0 d'4 ^ \markup \tiny 1 e'16 ^ \markup \tiny 3 f'16 ^ \markup \tiny 4 } \new Staff { \clef "alto" g4 f4 ^ \markup \tiny 2 } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,2 } >> Labels pitch numbers: >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4 e'16 f'16") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "alto" g4 f4""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "bass" c,2""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> abjad.label.vertical_moments( ... staff_group, ... prototype=abjad.NumberedPitch, ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 0 -5 -24 } d'4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 2 -5 -24 } e'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 4 -7 -24 } f'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 5 -7 -24 } } \new Staff { \clef "alto" g4 f4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 2 -7 -24 } } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,2 } >> .. container:: example Labels pitch-class numbers: >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4 e'16 f'16") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "alto" g4 f4""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "bass" c,2""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedPitchClass >>> abjad.label.vertical_moments(staff_group, prototype=prototype) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 7 0 } d'4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 7 2 0 } e'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 5 4 0 } f'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 5 0 } } \new Staff { \clef "alto" g4 f4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 5 2 0 } } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,2 } >> .. container:: example Labels interval numbers: >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4 e'16 f'16") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "alto" g4 f4""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "bass" c,2""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedInterval >>> abjad.label.vertical_moments(staff_group, prototype=prototype) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 15 12 } d'4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 16 12 } e'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 17 11 } f'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 18 11 } } \new Staff { \clef "alto" g4 f4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 16 11 } } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,2 } >> .. container:: example Labels interval-class numbers: >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4 e'16 f'16") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "alto" g4 f4""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "bass" c,2""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass >>> abjad.label.vertical_moments(staff_group, prototype=prototype) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 12 7 } d'4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 2 7 } e'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 4 5 } f'16 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 5 5 } } \new Staff { \clef "alto" g4 f4 ^ \markup \tiny \column { 2 5 } } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,2 } >> .. container:: example Labels interval-class vectors: >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4 e'16 f'16") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "alto" g4 f4""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "bass" c,2""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> prototype = abjad.pcollections.make_interval_class_vector >>> abjad.label.vertical_moments(staff_group, prototype=prototype) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup \tiny \tiny 1000020 d'4 ^ \markup \tiny \tiny 0010020 e'16 ^ \markup \tiny \tiny 0100110 f'16 ^ \markup \tiny \tiny 1000020 } \new Staff { \clef "alto" g4 f4 ^ \markup \tiny \tiny 0011010 } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,2 } >> .. container:: example Labels set-classes: >>> staff_group = abjad.StaffGroup([]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'4 e'16 f'16") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "alto" g4 f4""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"""\clef "bass" c,2""") >>> staff_group.append(staff) >>> prototype = abjad.SetClass() >>> abjad.label.vertical_moments(staff_group, prototype=prototype) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff_group) >>> print(string) \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'8 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(2-5){0, 5}" } d'4 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(3-9){0, 2, 7}" } e'16 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(3-4){0, 1, 5}" } f'16 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(2-5){0, 5}" } } \new Staff { \clef "alto" g4 f4 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(3-7){0, 2, 5}" } } \new Staff { \clef "bass" c,2 } >> Set ``prototype`` to one of the classes shown above. Returns none. ''' prototype = prototype or int vertical_moments = _verticalmoment.iterate_vertical_moments(argument) for index, vertical_moment in enumerate(vertical_moments): label, string = None, None if prototype is int: string = str(index) elif prototype is _pitch.NumberedPitch: leaves = vertical_moment.leaves generator = _iterate.pitches(leaves) pitches = _pcollections.PitchSegment(generator) if not pitches: continue pitch_numbers = [str(pitch.number) for pitch in pitches] string = rf'\column {{ {" ".join(pitch_numbers)} }}' elif prototype is _pitch.NumberedPitchClass: leaves = vertical_moment.leaves generator = _iterate.pitches(leaves) pitches = _pcollections.PitchSegment(generator) if not pitches: continue pitch_classes = [pitch.pitch_class.number for pitch in pitches] pitch_classes = list(set(pitch_classes)) pitch_classes.sort() pitch_classes.reverse() numbers = [str(_) for _ in pitch_classes] string = rf'\column {{ {" ".join(numbers)} }}' elif prototype is _pitch.NumberedInterval: leaves = vertical_moment.leaves notes = [_ for _ in leaves if isinstance(_, _score.Note)] if not notes: continue notes.sort(key=lambda x: x.written_pitch.number) notes.reverse() bass_note = notes[-1] upper_notes = notes[:-1] named_intervals = [] for upper_note in upper_notes: named_interval = _pitch.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( bass_note.written_pitch, upper_note.written_pitch ) named_intervals.append(named_interval) numbers = [str(x.number) for x in named_intervals] string = rf'\column {{ {" ".join(numbers)} }}' elif prototype is _pitch.NumberedIntervalClass: leaves = vertical_moment.leaves notes = [_ for _ in leaves if isinstance(_, _score.Note)] if not notes: continue notes.sort(key=lambda _: _.written_pitch.number) notes.reverse() bass_note = notes[-1] upper_notes = notes[:-1] numbers = [] for upper_note in upper_notes: interval = _pitch.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers( bass_note.written_pitch, upper_note.written_pitch ) interval_class = _pitch.NumberedIntervalClass(interval) number = interval_class.number numbers.append(number) string = " ".join([str(_) for _ in numbers]) string = rf"\column {{ {string} }}" elif prototype is _setclass.SetClass or isinstance( prototype, _setclass.SetClass ): if prototype is _setclass.SetClass: prototype = prototype() assert isinstance(prototype, _setclass.SetClass) leaves = vertical_moment.leaves generator = _iterate.pitches(leaves) pitch_class_set = _pcollections.PitchClassSet(generator) if not pitch_class_set: continue set_class = _setclass.SetClass.from_pitches( pitch_class_set, lex_rank=prototype.lex_rank, transposition_only=prototype.transposition_only, ) string = str(set_class) string = rf'\line {{ "{string}" }}' elif callable(prototype): leaves = vertical_moment.leaves generator = _iterate.pitches(leaves) string = prototype(generator) else: raise TypeError(f"unknown prototype {prototype!r}.") assert string is not None label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup \tiny {string}") if direction is _enums.UP: leaf = vertical_moment.start_leaves[0] else: leaf = vertical_moment.start_leaves[-1] _attach(label, leaf, deactivate=deactivate, direction=direction, tag=tag)
[docs] def with_durations( argument, *, denominator=None, direction=_enums.UP, in_seconds: bool = False ): r""" Labels logical ties in ``argument`` with durations. .. container:: example Labels logical tie durations: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4. d'8 ~ d'4. e'16 [ ef'16 ]") >>> abjad.label.with_durations(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4. ^ \markup \fraction 3 8 d'8 ^ \markup \fraction 1 2 ~ d'4. e'16 ^ \markup \fraction 1 16 [ ef'16 ^ \markup \fraction 1 16 ] } .. container:: example Labels logical ties with preferred denominator: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4. d'8 ~ d'4. e'16 [ ef'16 ]") >>> abjad.label.with_durations(staff, denominator=16) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4. ^ \markup \fraction 6 16 d'8 ^ \markup \fraction 8 16 ~ d'4. e'16 ^ \markup \fraction 1 16 [ ef'16 ^ \markup \fraction 1 16 ] } Returns none. """ for logical_tie in _iterate.logical_ties(argument): duration = _getlib._get_duration(logical_tie, in_seconds=in_seconds) pair = duration.pair if denominator is not None: pair = _duration.with_denominator(duration, denominator) n, d = pair label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup \fraction {n} {d}") _attach(label, logical_tie.head, direction=direction)
[docs] def with_indices(argument, direction=_enums.UP, prototype=None) -> None: r""" Labels logical ties in ``argument`` with indices. Labels logical tie indices: .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<c' bf'>8 <g' a'>4 af'8 ~ af'8 gf'8 ~ gf'4") >>> abjad.label.with_indices(staff) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { <c' bf'>8 ^ \markup 0 <g' a'>4 ^ \markup 1 af'8 ^ \markup 2 ~ af'8 gf'8 ^ \markup 3 ~ gf'4 } .. container:: example Labels note indices: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<c' bf'>8 <g' a'>4 af'8 ~ af'8 gf'8 ~ gf'4") >>> abjad.label.with_indices(staff, prototype=abjad.Note) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { <c' bf'>8 <g' a'>4 af'8 ^ \markup 0 ~ af'8 ^ \markup 1 gf'8 ^ \markup 2 ~ gf'4 ^ \markup 3 } .. container:: example Labels chord indices: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<c' bf'>8 <g' a'>4 af'8 ~ af'8 gf'8 ~ gf'4") >>> abjad.label.with_indices(staff, prototype=abjad.Chord) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { <c' bf'>8 ^ \markup 0 <g' a'>4 ^ \markup 1 af'8 ~ af'8 gf'8 ~ gf'4 } .. container:: example Labels leaf indices: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<c' bf'>8 <g' a'>4 af'8 ~ af'8 gf'8 ~ gf'4") >>> abjad.label.with_indices(staff, prototype=abjad.Leaf) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { <c' bf'>8 ^ \markup 0 <g' a'>4 ^ \markup 1 af'8 ^ \markup 2 ~ af'8 ^ \markup 3 gf'8 ^ \markup 4 ~ gf'4 ^ \markup 5 } .. container:: example Labels tuplet indices: >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((2, 3), "c'8 [ d'8 e'8 ]") >>> tuplets = abjad.mutate.copy(tuplet, 4) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(tuplets) >>> abjad.label.with_indices(staff, prototype=abjad.Tuplet) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 ^ \markup 0 [ d'8 e'8 ] } \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 ^ \markup 1 [ d'8 e'8 ] } \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 ^ \markup 2 [ d'8 e'8 ] } \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 ^ \markup 3 [ d'8 e'8 ] } } """ if prototype is None: generator = _iterate.logical_ties(argument) else: generator = _iterate.components(argument, prototype=prototype) items = list(generator) for index, item in enumerate(items): label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {index}") leaves = _select.leaves(item) first_leaf = leaves[0] _attach(label, first_leaf, direction=direction)
[docs] def with_intervals(argument, direction=_enums.UP, prototype=None) -> None: r""" Labels consecutive notes in ``argument`` with intervals. Labels consecutive notes with interval names: .. container:: example >>> pitch_numbers = [0, 25, 11, -4, -14, -13, 9, 10] >>> notes = abjad.makers.make_notes(pitch_numbers, [(1, 4)]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> abjad.label.with_intervals(staff, prototype=None) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { c'4 ^ \markup +A15 cs'''4 ^ \markup -M9 b'4 ^ \markup -A9 af4 ^ \markup -m7 bf,4 ^ \markup +A1 b,4 ^ \markup +m14 a'4 ^ \markup +m2 bf'4 } .. container:: example Labels consecutive notes with interval-class names: >>> pitch_numbers = [0, 25, 11, -4, -14, -13, 9, 10] >>> notes = abjad.makers.make_notes(pitch_numbers, [(1, 4)]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> prototype = abjad.NamedIntervalClass >>> abjad.label.with_intervals(staff, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { c'4 ^ \markup +A1 cs'''4 ^ \markup -M2 b'4 ^ \markup -A2 af4 ^ \markup -m7 bf,4 ^ \markup +A1 b,4 ^ \markup +m7 a'4 ^ \markup +m2 bf'4 } .. container:: example Labels consecutive notes with interval numbers: >>> pitch_numbers = [0, 25, 11, -4, -14, -13, 9, 10] >>> notes = abjad.makers.make_notes(pitch_numbers, [(1, 4)]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedInterval >>> abjad.label.with_intervals(staff, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { c'4 ^ \markup +25 cs'''4 ^ \markup -14 b'4 ^ \markup -15 af4 ^ \markup -10 bf,4 ^ \markup +1 b,4 ^ \markup +22 a'4 ^ \markup +1 bf'4 } .. container:: example Labels consecutive notes with interval-class numbers: >>> pitch_numbers = [0, 25, 11, -4, -14, -13, 9, 10] >>> notes = abjad.makers.make_notes(pitch_numbers, [(1, 4)]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedIntervalClass >>> abjad.label.with_intervals(staff, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { c'4 ^ \markup +1 cs'''4 ^ \markup -2 b'4 ^ \markup -3 af4 ^ \markup -10 bf,4 ^ \markup +1 b,4 ^ \markup +10 a'4 ^ \markup +1 bf'4 } .. container:: example Labels consecutive notes with inversion-equivalent interval-class numbers: >>> pitch_numbers = [0, 25, 11, -4, -14, -13, 9, 10] >>> notes = abjad.makers.make_notes(pitch_numbers, [(1, 4)]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass >>> abjad.label.with_intervals(staff, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { c'4 ^ \markup 1 cs'''4 ^ \markup 2 b'4 ^ \markup 3 af4 ^ \markup 2 bf,4 ^ \markup 1 b,4 ^ \markup 2 a'4 ^ \markup 1 bf'4 } """ prototype = prototype or _pitch.NamedInterval for note in _iterate.leaves(argument, _score.Note): label = None next_leaf = _iterlib._get_leaf(note, 1) if isinstance(next_leaf, _score.Note): interval = _pitch.NamedInterval.from_pitch_carriers(note, next_leaf) interval = prototype(interval) if hasattr(interval, "name"): label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {}") elif isinstance(interval, _pitch.NumberedInversionEquivalentIntervalClass): label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {interval.number}") elif isinstance( interval, _pitch.NumberedIntervalClass | _pitch.NumberedInterval ): label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {interval.signed_string}") if label is not None: _attach(label, note, direction=direction)
[docs] def with_pitches(argument, direction=_enums.UP, locale=None, prototype=None): r""" Labels logical ties in ``argument`` with pitches. .. container:: example Labels logical ties with pitch names: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<a d' fs'>4 g'4 ~ g'8 r8 fs''4") >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(staff, prototype=None) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { <a d' fs'>4 ^ \markup \column { "fs'" "d'" "a" } g'4 ^ \markup { g' } ~ g'8 r8 fs''4 ^ \markup { fs'' } } .. container:: example Labels logical ties with American pitch names: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<a d' fs'>4 g'4 ~ g'8 r8 fs''4") >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(staff, locale="us", prototype=None) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { <a d' fs'>4 ^ \markup \column { "F#4" "D4" "A3" } g'4 ^ \markup { G4 } ~ g'8 r8 fs''4 ^ \markup { "F#5" } } .. container:: example Labels logical ties with pitch numbers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<a d' fs'>4 g'4 ~ g'8 r8 fs''4") >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedPitch >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(staff, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { <a d' fs'>4 ^ \markup \column { 6 2 -3 } g'4 ^ \markup 7 ~ g'8 r8 fs''4 ^ \markup 18 } .. container:: example Labels logical ties with pitch-class numbers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<a d' fs'>4 g'4 ~ g'8 r8 fs''4") >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedPitchClass >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(staff, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 } { <a d' fs'>4 ^ \markup \column { 6 2 9 } g'4 ^ \markup 7 ~ g'8 r8 fs''4 ^ \markup 6 } .. container:: example Labels logical ties with pitch names (filtered by selection): >>> voice = abjad.Voice("df''4 c''4 f'4 fs'4 d''4 ds''4") >>> string = 'Horizontal_bracket_engraver' >>> voice.consists_commands.append(string) >>> selections = [voice[:2], voice[-2:]] >>> for selection in selections: ... abjad.horizontal_bracket(selection) ... >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(selections) >>> abjad.override(voice).HorizontalBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> abjad.override(voice).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver \override HorizontalBracket.staff-padding = 3 \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { df''4 ^ \markup { df'' } \startGroup c''4 ^ \markup { c'' } \stopGroup f'4 fs'4 d''4 ^ \markup { d'' } \startGroup ds''4 ^ \markup { ds'' } \stopGroup } .. container:: example Labels logical ties with pitch numbers (filtered by selection): >>> voice = abjad.Voice("df''4 c''4 f'4 fs'4 d''4 ds''4") >>> voice.consists_commands.append('Horizontal_bracket_engraver') >>> selections = [voice[:2], voice[-2:]] >>> for selection in selections: ... abjad.horizontal_bracket(selection) ... >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedPitch >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(selections, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(voice).HorizontalBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> abjad.override(voice).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver \override HorizontalBracket.staff-padding = 3 \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { df''4 ^ \markup 13 \startGroup c''4 ^ \markup 12 \stopGroup f'4 fs'4 d''4 ^ \markup 14 \startGroup ds''4 ^ \markup 15 \stopGroup } .. container:: example Labels logical ties with pitch-class numbers (filtered by selection): >>> voice = abjad.Voice("df''4 c''4 f'4 fs'4 d''4 ds''4") >>> voice.consists_commands.append('Horizontal_bracket_engraver') >>> selections = [voice[:2], voice[-2:]] >>> for selection in selections: ... abjad.horizontal_bracket(selection) ... >>> prototype = abjad.NumberedPitchClass >>> abjad.label.with_pitches(selections, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(voice).HorizontalBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> abjad.override(voice).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver \override HorizontalBracket.staff-padding = 3 \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { df''4 ^ \markup 1 \startGroup c''4 ^ \markup 0 \stopGroup f'4 fs'4 d''4 ^ \markup 2 \startGroup ds''4 ^ \markup 3 \stopGroup } Returns none. """ prototype = prototype or _pitch.NamedPitch logical_ties = _iterate.logical_ties(argument) for logical_tie in logical_ties: leaf = logical_tie.head label = None if prototype is _pitch.NamedPitch: if isinstance(leaf, _score.Note): string = leaf.written_pitch.get_name(locale=locale) if "#" in string: string = '"' + string + '"' label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {{ {string} }}") elif isinstance(leaf, _score.Chord): pitches = leaf.written_pitches pitches = reversed(pitches) names = [] for pitch in pitches: name = pitch.get_name(locale=locale) name = '"' + name + '"' names.append(name) string = " ".join(names) label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup \column {{ {string} }}") elif prototype is _pitch.NumberedPitch: if isinstance(leaf, _score.Note): pitch = leaf.written_pitch.number label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {pitch}") elif isinstance(leaf, _score.Chord): pitches = leaf.written_pitches pitches = reversed(pitches) pitches = [str(_.number) for _ in pitches] string = " ".join(pitches) label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup \column {{ {string} }}") elif prototype is _pitch.NumberedPitchClass: if isinstance(leaf, _score.Note): pitch = leaf.written_pitch.pitch_class.number label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {pitch}") elif isinstance(leaf, _score.Chord): pitches = leaf.written_pitches pitches = reversed(pitches) pitches = [str(_.pitch_class.number) for _ in pitches] string = " ".join(pitches) label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup \column {{ {string} }}") if label is not None: _attach(label, leaf, direction=direction)
[docs] def with_set_classes(argument, direction=_enums.UP, prototype=None): r""" Labels selections ``argument`` with set-classes. .. container:: example Labels selections with Forte-ranked transposition-inversion set-classes: >>> string = "df''8 c''8 bf'8 a'8 f'4. fs'8 g'8 b'8 d''2." >>> voice = abjad.Voice(string) >>> voice.consists_commands.append('Horizontal_bracket_engraver') >>> selections = [voice[:4], voice[-4:]] >>> for selection in selections: ... abjad.horizontal_bracket(selection) ... >>> abjad.label.with_set_classes(selections) >>> abjad.override(voice).HorizontalBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> abjad.override(voice).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver \override HorizontalBracket.staff-padding = 3 \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { df''8 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(4-3){0, 1, 3, 4}" } \startGroup c''8 bf'8 a'8 \stopGroup f'4. fs'8 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(4-20){0, 1, 5, 8}" } \startGroup g'8 b'8 d''2. \stopGroup } .. container:: example Labels selections with lex-ranked transposition-inversion set-classes: >>> string = "df''8 c''8 bf'8 a'8 f'4. fs'8 g'8 b'8 d''2." >>> voice = abjad.Voice(string) >>> voice.consists_commands.append('Horizontal_bracket_engraver') >>> selections = [voice[:4], voice[-4:]] >>> for selection in selections: ... abjad.horizontal_bracket(selection) ... >>> prototype = abjad.SetClass(lex_rank=True) >>> abjad.label.with_set_classes(selections, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(voice).HorizontalBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> abjad.override(voice).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver \override HorizontalBracket.staff-padding = 3 \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { df''8 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(4-6){0, 1, 3, 4}" } \startGroup c''8 bf'8 a'8 \stopGroup f'4. fs'8 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(4-16){0, 1, 5, 8}" } \startGroup g'8 b'8 d''2. \stopGroup } .. container:: example Labels selections with transposition-only set-classes: >>> string = "df''8 c''8 bf'8 a'8 f'4. fs'8 g'8 b'8 d''2." >>> voice = abjad.Voice(string) >>> voice.consists_commands.append('Horizontal_bracket_engraver') >>> selections = [voice[:4], voice[-4:]] >>> for selection in selections: ... abjad.horizontal_bracket(selection) ... >>> prototype = abjad.SetClass(lex_rank=True, transposition_only=True) >>> abjad.label.with_set_classes(selections, prototype=prototype) >>> abjad.override(voice).HorizontalBracket.staff_padding = 3 >>> abjad.override(voice).TextScript.staff_padding = 2 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice \with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver \override HorizontalBracket.staff-padding = 3 \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2 } { df''8 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(4-6){0, 1, 3, 4}" } \startGroup c''8 bf'8 a'8 \stopGroup f'4. fs'8 ^ \markup \tiny \line { "SC(4-16){0, 1, 5, 8}" } \startGroup g'8 b'8 d''2. \stopGroup } Returns none. """ prototype = prototype or _setclass.SetClass() if prototype is _setclass.SetClass: prototype = prototype() assert isinstance(prototype, _setclass.SetClass), repr(prototype) for selection in argument: generator = _iterate.pitches(selection) pitch_class_set = _pcollections.PitchClassSet(generator) if not pitch_class_set: continue set_class = _setclass.SetClass.from_pitches( pitch_class_set, lex_rank=prototype.lex_rank, transposition_only=prototype.transposition_only, ) string = str(set_class) label = _indicators.Markup(rf'\markup \tiny \line {{ "{string}" }}') leaf = selection[0] _attach(label, leaf, direction=direction)
[docs] def with_start_offsets( argument, brackets=None, clock_time=None, direction=None, global_offset=None, markup_command=None, ): r""" Labels logical ties in ``argument`` with start offsets. .. container:: example Labels logical tie start offsets: >>> string = r"\times 2/3 { c'4 d'4 e'4 ~ } e'4 ef'4" >>> staff = abjad.Staff(string) >>> abjad.label.with_start_offsets(staff, direction=abjad.UP) Duration(1, 1) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 0 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 0 } { \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ^ \markup { 0 } d'4 ^ \markup { 1/6 } e'4 ^ \markup { 1/3 } ~ } e'4 ef'4 ^ \markup { 3/4 } } .. container:: example Labels logical tie start offsets with clock time: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'2 d' e' f'") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff]) >>> mark = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 60) >>> abjad.attach(mark, staff[0]) >>> abjad.label.with_start_offsets(staff, clock_time=True) Duration(8, 1) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 0 >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score << \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 0 } { \tempo 4=60 c'2 ^ \markup { 0'00'' } d'2 ^ \markup { 0'02'' } e'2 ^ \markup { 0'04'' } f'2 ^ \markup { 0'06'' } } >> .. container:: example Labels logical tie start offsets with clock time and custom markup command. No PDF shown here because command is custom: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'2 d' e' f'") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff]) >>> mark = abjad.MetronomeMark(abjad.Duration(1, 4), 60) >>> abjad.attach(mark, staff[0]) >>> abjad.label.with_start_offsets( ... staff, ... clock_time=True, ... markup_command=r'\dark_cyan_markup', ... ) Duration(8, 1) >>> abjad.override(staff).TextScript.staff_padding = 4 >>> abjad.override(staff).TupletBracket.staff_padding = 0 >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score << \new Staff \with { \override TextScript.staff-padding = 4 \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = 0 } { \tempo 4=60 c'2 ^ \dark_cyan_markup { 0'00'' } d'2 ^ \dark_cyan_markup { 0'02'' } e'2 ^ \dark_cyan_markup { 0'04'' } f'2 ^ \dark_cyan_markup { 0'06'' } } >> Returns total duration. """ direction = direction or _enums.UP if global_offset is not None: assert isinstance(global_offset, _duration.Duration) for logical_tie in _iterate.logical_ties(argument): if clock_time: timespan = logical_tie.head._get_timespan(in_seconds=True) start_offset = timespan.start_offset if global_offset is not None: start_offset += global_offset string = start_offset.to_clock_string() else: timespan = logical_tie.head._get_timespan() start_offset = timespan.start_offset if global_offset is not None: start_offset += global_offset string = str(start_offset) if brackets: string = f"[{string}]" if markup_command is not None: label = _indicators.Markup(rf"{markup_command} {{ {string} }}") else: label = _indicators.Markup(rf"\markup {{ {string} }}") _attach(label, logical_tie.head, direction=direction) total_duration = _duration.Duration(timespan.stop_offset) if global_offset is not None: total_duration += global_offset return total_duration
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True) class ColorMap: """ Color map. .. container:: example Maps pitch-classes to red, green and blue: >>> color_map = abjad.ColorMap( ... colors=["#red", "#green", "#blue"], ... pitch_iterables=[ ... [-8, 2, 10, 21], ... [0, 11, 32, 41], ... [15, 25, 42, 43], ... ], ... ) >>> color_map ColorMap(colors=['#red', '#green', '#blue'], pitch_iterables=[[-8, 2, 10, 21], [0, 11, 32, 41], [15, 25, 42, 43]]) """ colors: typing.Any = None pitch_iterables: typing.Any = None _color_dictionary: dict = dataclasses.field(compare=False, init=False, repr=False)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): self.pitch_iterables = self.pitch_iterables or [] self.colors = self.colors or [] assert len(self.pitch_iterables) == len(self.colors) self._color_dictionary = {} self._initialize_color_dictionary()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, pitch_class) -> str: """ Gets ``pitch_class`` color. .. container:: example >>> color_map = abjad.ColorMap( ... colors=["#red", "#green", "#blue"], ... pitch_iterables=[ ... [-8, 2, 10, 21], ... [0, 11, 32, 41], ... [15, 25, 42, 43], ... ], ... ) >>> color_map[11] '#green' """ pitch_class = _pitch.NumberedPitchClass(pitch_class) return self._color_dictionary[pitch_class.number]
def _initialize_color_dictionary(self): for pitch_iterable, color in zip(self.pitch_iterables, self.colors): for pitch in pitch_iterable: pc = _pitch.NumberedPitchClass(pitch) keys = set(self._color_dictionary.keys()) if pc.number in keys: print(pc, list(self._color_dictionary.keys())) raise KeyError("duplicated pitch-class in color map: {pc!r}.") self._color_dictionary[pc.number] = color
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Makes hash. """ return hash(repr(self))
@property def is_twelve_tone_complete(self) -> bool: """ Is true when color map contains all 12-ET pitch-classes. .. container:: example >>> color_map = abjad.ColorMap( ... colors=["#red", "#green", "#blue"], ... pitch_iterables=[ ... [-8, 2, 10, 21], ... [0, 11, 32, 41], ... [15, 25, 42, 43], ... ], ... ) >>> color_map.is_twelve_tone_complete True """ pcs = range(12) return set(pcs).issubset(set(self._color_dictionary.keys())) @property def is_twenty_four_tone_complete(self) -> bool: """ Is true when color map contains all 24-ET pitch-classes. .. container:: example >>> color_map = abjad.ColorMap( ... colors=["#red", "#green", "#blue"], ... pitch_iterables=[ ... [-8, 2, 10, 21], ... [0, 11, 32, 41], ... [15, 25, 42, 43], ... ], ... ) >>> color_map.is_twenty_four_tone_complete False """ pcs = [x / 2.0 for x in range(24)] pcs = [int(x) if int(x) == x else x for x in pcs] return set(pcs).issubset(set(self._color_dictionary.keys())) @property def pairs(self) -> list[tuple[int, str]]: """ Gets pairs. .. container:: example >>> color_map = abjad.ColorMap( ... colors=["#red", "#green", "#blue"], ... pitch_iterables=[ ... [-8, 2, 10, 21], ... [0, 11, 32, 41], ... [15, 25, 42, 43], ... ], ... ) >>> for pair in color_map.pairs: ... pair ... (0, '#green') (1, '#blue') (2, '#red') (3, '#blue') (4, '#red') (5, '#green') (6, '#blue') (7, '#blue') (8, '#green') (9, '#red') (10, '#red') (11, '#green') """ items = list(self._color_dictionary.items()) return list(sorted(items))
[docs] def get(self, key, alternative=None) -> str: """ Gets ``key`` from color map. .. container:: example >>> color_map = abjad.ColorMap( ... colors=["#red", "#green", "#blue"], ... pitch_iterables=[ ... [-8, 2, 10, 21], ... [0, 11, 32, 41], ... [15, 25, 42, 43], ... ], ... ) >>> color_map.get(11) '#green' Returns ``alternative`` when ``key`` is not found. """ try: return self[key] except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): return alternative