Source code for abjad.iterpitches

import dataclasses
import typing

from . import _getlib
from . import bind as _bind
from . import get as _get
from . import indicators as _indicators
from . import instruments as _instruments
from . import iterate as _iterate
from . import pcollections as _pcollections
from . import pitch as _pitch
from . import score as _score

[docs] def iterate_out_of_range(argument) -> typing.Iterator[_score.Leaf]: r""" Iterates out-of-range notes and chords in ``argument``. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 r8 <d fs>8 r8") >>> violin = abjad.Violin() >>> abjad.attach(violin, staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 r8 <d fs>8 r8 } >>> for leaf in abjad.iterpitches.iterate_out_of_range(staff): ... leaf ... Chord('<d fs>8') """ for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument, pitched=True): instrument = _getlib._get_effective(leaf, _instruments.Instrument) if instrument is None: raise ValueError("no instrument found.") if not sounding_pitches_are_in_range(leaf, instrument.pitch_range): yield leaf
[docs] def respell_with_flats(argument) -> None: r""" Respells pitches in ``argument`` with flats. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("cs'8 ds' es' fs' gs' as' bs'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { cs'8 ds'8 es'8 fs'8 gs'8 as'8 bs'4 } >>> abjad.iterpitches.respell_with_flats(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { df'8 ef'8 f'8 gf'8 af'8 bf'8 c''4 } """ for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): if isinstance(leaf, _score.Note): assert leaf.written_pitch is not None leaf.written_pitch = leaf.written_pitch.respell(accidental="flats") elif isinstance(leaf, _score.Chord): for note_head in leaf.note_heads: pitch = note_head.written_pitch.respell(accidental="flats") note_head.written_pitch = pitch
[docs] def respell_with_sharps(argument) -> None: r""" Respells pitches in ``argument`` with sharps. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("cf'8 df' ef' ff' gf' af' bf'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { cf'8 df'8 ef'8 ff'8 gf'8 af'8 bf'4 } >>> abjad.iterpitches.respell_with_sharps(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { b8 cs'8 ds'8 e'8 fs'8 gs'8 as'4 } """ for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument): if isinstance(leaf, _score.Note): assert leaf.written_pitch is not None leaf.written_pitch = leaf.written_pitch.respell(accidental="sharps") elif isinstance(leaf, _score.Chord): for note_head in leaf.note_heads: pitch = note_head.written_pitch.respell(accidental="sharps") note_head.written_pitch = pitch
[docs] def sounding_pitches_are_in_range(argument, pitch_range) -> bool: """ Returns true when all pitches in ``argument`` sound within ``pitch_range``. """ assert isinstance(pitch_range, _pcollections.PitchRange), repr(pitch_range) if isinstance(argument, int | float): pitch = _pitch.NamedPitch(argument) return pitch in pitch_range if isinstance(argument, _pitch.Pitch): return argument in pitch_range if hasattr(argument, "written_pitch"): sounding_pitch = _getlib._get_sounding_pitch(argument) return sounding_pitch in pitch_range if hasattr(argument, "written_pitches"): sounding_pitches = _getlib._get_sounding_pitches(argument) return all(_ in pitch_range for _ in sounding_pitches) pitches = list(_iterate.pitches(argument)) if pitches: return all(_ in pitch_range for _ in pitches) else: try: return all(_ in pitch_range for _ in argument) except TypeError: return False return False
[docs] def transpose_from_sounding_pitch(argument) -> None: r""" Transpose notes and chords in ``argument`` from sounding pitch to written pitch. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<c' e' g'>4 d'4 r4 e'4") >>> clarinet = abjad.ClarinetInBFlat() >>> abjad.attach(clarinet, staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { <c' e' g'>4 d'4 r4 e'4 } >>> abjad.iterpitches.transpose_from_sounding_pitch(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { <d' fs' a'>4 e'4 r4 fs'4 } """ for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument, pitched=True): instrument = _getlib._get_effective(leaf, _instruments.Instrument) if not instrument: continue sounding_pitch = instrument.middle_c_sounding_pitch interval = _pitch.NamedPitch("C4") - sounding_pitch interval *= -1 if hasattr(leaf, "note_head"): pitch = leaf.written_pitch pitch = interval.transpose(pitch) leaf.written_pitch = pitch elif hasattr(leaf, "note_heads"): pitches = [interval.transpose(pitch) for pitch in leaf.written_pitches] for note_head, pitch in zip(leaf.note_heads, pitches, strict=True): note_head.written_pitch = pitch wrapper = _get.indicator(leaf, _indicators.StartTrillSpan, unwrap=False) if wrapper is not None: start_trill_span = wrapper.unbundle_indicator() new_pitch = interval.transpose(start_trill_span.pitch) new_start_trill_span = dataclasses.replace( start_trill_span, pitch=new_pitch ) wrapper_tag = wrapper.tag _bind.detach(wrapper, leaf) if wrapper.bundled(): new_bundle = dataclasses.replace( wrapper.get_item(), indicator=new_start_trill_span ) _bind.attach(new_bundle, leaf, tag=wrapper_tag) else: _bind.attach(new_start_trill_span, leaf, tag=wrapper_tag)
[docs] def transpose_from_written_pitch(argument) -> None: r""" Transposes notes and chords in ``argument`` from sounding pitch to written pitch. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<c' e' g'>4 d'4 r4 e'4") >>> clarinet = abjad.ClarinetInBFlat() >>> abjad.attach(clarinet, staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { <c' e' g'>4 d'4 r4 e'4 } >>> abjad.iterpitches.transpose_from_written_pitch(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { <bf d' f'>4 c'4 r4 d'4 } """ for leaf in _iterate.leaves(argument, pitched=True): instrument = _getlib._get_effective(leaf, _instruments.Instrument) if not instrument: continue sounding_pitch = instrument.middle_c_sounding_pitch interval = _pitch.NamedPitch("C4") - sounding_pitch if hasattr(leaf, "note_head"): written_pitch = leaf.written_pitch written_pitch = interval.transpose(written_pitch) leaf.written_pitch = written_pitch elif hasattr(leaf, "note_heads"): pitches = [interval.transpose(pitch) for pitch in leaf.written_pitches] for note_head, pitch in zip(leaf.note_heads, pitches, strict=True): note_head.written_pitch = pitch wrapper = _get.indicator(leaf, _indicators.StartTrillSpan, unwrap=False) if wrapper is not None: start_trill_span = wrapper.unbundle_indicator() new_pitch = interval.transpose(start_trill_span.pitch) new_start_trill_span = dataclasses.replace( start_trill_span, pitch=new_pitch ) _bind.detach(wrapper, leaf) if wrapper.bundled(): new_bundle = dataclasses.replace( wrapper.get_item, indicator=new_start_trill_span ) _bind.attach(new_bundle, leaf) else: _bind.attach(new_start_trill_span, leaf)