Source code for

import cProfile
import datetime
import hashlib
import io
import os
import pathlib
import pstats
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
import typing

import uqbar

import abjad

from . import configuration as _configuration
from . import contextmanagers as _contextmanagers
from . import illustrators as _illustrators
from . import lilypondfile as _lilypondfile
from . import parentage as _parentage
from . import score as _score

configuration = _configuration.Configuration()

[docs]class AbjadGrapher(uqbar.graphs.Grapher): """ Abjad grapher. """ def __init__(self, graphable, format_="pdf", layout="dot"): uqbar.graphs.Grapher.__init__(self, graphable, format_=format_, layout=layout)
[docs] def get_output_directory(self) -> pathlib.Path: return pathlib.Path(configuration["abjad_output_directory"])
[docs] def open_output_path(self, output_path): open_file(str(output_path))
[docs]class LilyPondIO: """ LilyPond IO. """ def __init__( self, illustrable, *, flags=None, output_directory=None, render_prefix=None, should_copy_stylesheets=False, should_open=True, should_persist_log=True, string=None, **keywords, ): self.flags = flags or [] self.illustrable = illustrable self.keywords = keywords self.output_directory = output_directory self.render_prefix = render_prefix self.should_copy_stylesheets = bool(should_copy_stylesheets) self.should_open = bool(should_open) self.should_persist_log = bool(should_persist_log) self.string = string
[docs] def __call__(self): with _contextmanagers.Timer() as format_timer: string = self.string or self.get_string() format_time = format_timer.elapsed_time render_prefix = self.render_prefix or self.get_render_prefix(string) render_directory = self.get_render_directory() input_path = (render_directory / render_prefix).with_suffix(".ly") self.persist_string(string, input_path) lilypond_path = self.get_lilypond_path() if self.should_copy_stylesheets: self.copy_stylesheets(render_directory) render_command = self.get_render_command(input_path, lilypond_path) with _contextmanagers.Timer() as render_timer: log, success = self.run_command(render_command) render_time = render_timer.elapsed_time if self.should_persist_log: self.persist_log(log, input_path.with_suffix(".log")) output_directory = pathlib.Path( self.output_directory or self.get_output_directory() ) output_paths = self.migrate_assets( render_prefix, render_directory, output_directory ) openable_paths = [] for output_path in self.get_openable_paths(output_paths): openable_paths.append(output_path) if self.should_open: self.open_output_path(output_path) return openable_paths, format_time, render_time, success, log
[docs] def copy_stylesheets(self, render_directory): for directory in self.get_stylesheets_directories(): for path in directory.glob("*.*ly"): shutil.copy(path, render_directory)
[docs] def get_lilypond_path(self): lilypond_path = configuration.get("lilypond_path") if not lilypond_path: lilypond_paths = find_executable("lilypond") if lilypond_paths: lilypond_path = lilypond_paths[0] else: lilypond_path = "lilypond" return lilypond_path
[docs] def get_openable_paths( self, output_paths: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path] ) -> typing.Iterator[pathlib.Path]: for path in output_paths: if path.suffix in (".pdf", ".mid", ".midi", ".svg", ".png"): yield path
[docs] def get_output_directory(self) -> pathlib.Path: return pathlib.Path(configuration["abjad_output_directory"])
[docs] def get_render_command(self, input_path, lilypond_path) -> str: parts = [ str(lilypond_path), *self.flags, "-dno-point-and-click", "-o", str(input_path.with_suffix("")), str(input_path), ] return " ".join(parts)
[docs] def get_render_directory(self): return pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
[docs] def get_render_prefix(self, string) -> str: timestamp = re.sub(r"[^\w]", "-", checksum = hashlib.sha1(string.encode()).hexdigest()[:7] return f"{timestamp}-{checksum}"
[docs] def get_string(self) -> str: if isinstance(self.illustrable, _lilypondfile.LilyPondFile): lilypond_file = self.illustrable else: lilypond_file = _illustrators.illustrate(self.illustrable, **self.keywords) return lilypond_file._get_lilypond_format()
[docs] def get_stylesheets_directories(self) -> list[pathlib.Path]: directories = [] path = getattr(abjad, "__path__") abjad_path = pathlib.Path(path[0]) directory = abjad_path / "scm" directories.append(directory) if "sphinx_stylesheets_directory" in configuration: string = configuration["sphinx_stylesheets_directory"] for path in string.split(":"): directory = pathlib.Path(path) directories.append(directory) return directories
[docs] def migrate_assets( self, render_prefix, render_directory, output_directory ) -> typing.Sequence[pathlib.Path]: migrated_assets = [] for old_path in render_directory.iterdir(): if not continue new_path = output_directory / shutil.copy(old_path, new_path) migrated_assets.append(new_path) return migrated_assets
[docs] def open_output_path(self, output_path): open_file(str(output_path))
[docs] def persist_log(self, string, input_path): input_path.write_text(string)
[docs] def persist_string(self, string, input_path): input_path.write_text(string)
[docs] def run_command(self, command): completed_process = command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) text = completed_process.stdout.decode("utf-8") success = completed_process.returncode == 0 return text, success
[docs]class Illustrator(LilyPondIO): """ Illustrator. """
[docs] def get_openable_paths(self, output_paths) -> typing.Iterator[pathlib.Path]: for path in output_paths: if path.suffix == ".pdf": yield path
[docs]class Player(LilyPondIO): """ Player. """
[docs] def get_openable_paths(self, output_paths) -> typing.Iterator[pathlib.Path]: for path in output_paths: if path.suffix in (".mid", ".midi"): yield path
[docs] def get_string(self) -> str: lilypond_file = _illustrators.illustrate(self.illustrable, **self.keywords) assert "score" in lilypond_file, repr(lilypond_file) block = _lilypondfile.Block("midi") lilypond_file["score"].items.append(block) return lilypond_file._get_lilypond_format()
def _as_graphviz_node(component): score_index = _parentage.Parentage(component).score_index() score_index = "_".join(str(_) for _ in score_index) class_name = type(component).__name__ if score_index: name = f"{class_name}_{score_index}" else: name = class_name node = uqbar.graphs.Node(name=name, attributes={"margin": 0.05, "style": "rounded"}) table = uqbar.graphs.Table(attributes={"border": 2, "cellpadding": 5}) node.append(table) if isinstance(component, _score.Container): node[0].append( uqbar.graphs.TableRow( [ uqbar.graphs.TableCell( type(component).__name__, attributes={"border": 0} ) ] ) ) if isinstance(component, _score.Tuplet): node[0].extend( [ uqbar.graphs.TableRow( [ uqbar.graphs.TableCell( label=type(component).__name__, attributes={"border": 0} ) ] ), uqbar.graphs.HRule(), uqbar.graphs.TableRow( [ uqbar.graphs.TableCell( label=f"* {component.multiplier!s}", attributes={"border": 0}, ) ] ), ] ) if isinstance(component, _score.Leaf): lilypond_format = component._get_compact_representation() lilypond_format = lilypond_format.replace("<", "&lt;") lilypond_format = lilypond_format.replace(">", "&gt;") node[0].extend( [ uqbar.graphs.TableRow( [ uqbar.graphs.TableCell( type(component).__name__, attributes={"border": 0} ) ] ), uqbar.graphs.HRule(), uqbar.graphs.TableRow( [uqbar.graphs.TableCell(lilypond_format, attributes={"border": 0})] ), ] ) return node def _graph_container(container): assert isinstance(container, _score.Container), repr(container) def recurse(component, leaf_cluster): component_node = _as_graphviz_node(component) node_mapping[component] = component_node node_order = [] if isinstance(component, _score.Container): graph.append(component_node) this_leaf_cluster = uqbar.graphs.Graph(, attributes={"color": "grey75", "penwidth": 2}, ) all_are_leaves = True pending_node_order = [] for child in component: if not isinstance(child, _score.Leaf): all_are_leaves = False child_node, child_node_order = recurse(child, this_leaf_cluster) pending_node_order.extend(child_node_order) edge = uqbar.graphs.Edge() edge.attach(component_node, child_node) if all_are_leaves: pending_node_order.reverse() node_order.extend(pending_node_order) if len(this_leaf_cluster): leaf_cluster.append(this_leaf_cluster) else: leaf_cluster.append(component_node) return component_node, node_order node_order = [] node_mapping = {} graph = uqbar.graphs.Graph( name="G", attributes={"style": "rounded"}, edge_attributes={}, node_attributes={"fontname": "Arial", "shape": "none"}, ) leaf_cluster = uqbar.graphs.Graph(name="leaves") component_node, node_order = recurse(container, leaf_cluster) if len(leaf_cluster) == 1: graph.append(leaf_cluster[0]) elif len(leaf_cluster): graph.append(leaf_cluster) graph._node_order = node_order return graph # TODO: remove because unused? def _compare_backup(path): if isinstance(path, str): paths = [path] elif isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): paths = [str(path)] elif isinstance(path, tuple | list): paths = [str(_) for _ in path] else: raise TypeError(path) for path in paths: backup_path = path + ".backup" if not compare_files(path, backup_path): return False return True def _compare_lys(path_1, path_2): """ Compares LilyPond file ``path_1`` to LilyPond file ``path_2``. Performs line-by-line comparison. Discards blank lines. Discards any LilyPond version statements. Discards any lines beginning with ``%``. Returns true or false. """ file_1_lines = _normalize_ly(path_1) file_2_lines = _normalize_ly(path_2) return file_1_lines == file_2_lines def _compare_text_files(path_1, path_2): """ Compares text file ``path_1`` to text file ``path_2``. Performs line-by-line comparison. Discards blank lines. Trims whitespace from the end of each line. Returns true or false. """ file_1_lines, file_2_lines = [], [] with open(path_1, "r") as file_pointer: for line in file_pointer.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue file_1_lines.append(line) with open(path_2, "r") as file_pointer: for line in file_pointer.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue file_2_lines.append(line) return file_1_lines == file_2_lines def _normalize_ly(path): lines = [] with open(path, "r") as file_pointer: for line in file_pointer.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue if line.startswith(r"\version"): continue elif line.startswith("%"): continue lines.append(line) return lines def _ensure_directory_existence(directory): if not directory: directory = "." if not os.path.isdir(directory): lines = [] line = f"Attention: {directory!r} does not exist on your system." lines.append(line) lines.append("Abjad will now create it to store all output files.") lines.append("Press any key to continue.") message = "\n".join(lines) input(message) os.makedirs(directory) def _read_from_pipe(pipe): lines = [] string = for line in string.splitlines(): line = line.decode(errors="ignore") lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def count_function_calls( argument: str, *, global_context: dict | None = None, local_context: dict | None = None, fixed_point: bool = True, ) -> int: """ Counts function calls required to execute ``argument``. """ def extract_count(profile_output) -> int: return int(profile_output.splitlines()[2].split()[0]) if fixed_point: # profile at least twice to ensure consist results from profiler; # not sure why but profiler eventually levels off to consistent # output last_result, current_result = -1, 0 while current_result != last_result: last_result = current_result string = profile( argument, global_context=global_context, local_context=local_context, ) assert isinstance(string, str) current_result = extract_count(string) return current_result result = profile( argument, global_context=global_context, local_context=local_context, ) assert isinstance(result, str) count = extract_count(result) return count
[docs]def graph( graphable, format_="pdf", layout="dot", return_timing=False, **keywords, ): r""" Graphs ``argument``. .. container:: example Graphs staff: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> abjad.graph(staff) # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> graph = >>> print(format(graph, "graphviz")) digraph G { graph [style=rounded]; node [fontname=Arial, shape=none]; Staff_0 [label=< <TABLE BORDER="2" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">Staff</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>, margin=0.05, style=rounded]; subgraph Staff { graph [color=grey75, penwidth=2]; Note_0 [label=< <TABLE BORDER="2" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">Note</TD> </TR> <HR/> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">c'4</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>, margin=0.05, style=rounded]; Note_1 [label=< <TABLE BORDER="2" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">Note</TD> </TR> <HR/> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">d'4</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>, margin=0.05, style=rounded]; Note_2 [label=< <TABLE BORDER="2" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">Note</TD> </TR> <HR/> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">e'4</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>, margin=0.05, style=rounded]; Note_3 [label=< <TABLE BORDER="2" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">Note</TD> </TR> <HR/> <TR> <TD BORDER="0">f'4</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>, margin=0.05, style=rounded]; } Staff_0 -> Note_0; Staff_0 -> Note_1; Staff_0 -> Note_2; Staff_0 -> Note_3; } .. container:: example Graphs rhythm tree: >>> rtm_syntax = '(3 ((2 (2 1)) 2))' >>> parser = abjad.rhythmtrees.RhythmTreeParser() >>> rhythm_tree = parser(rtm_syntax)[0] >>> abjad.graph(rhythm_tree) # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> print(format(rhythm_tree.__graph__(), 'graphviz')) digraph G { graph [bgcolor=transparent, truecolor=true]; node_0 [label="3", shape=triangle]; node_1 [label="2", shape=triangle]; node_2 [label="2", shape=box]; node_3 [label="1", shape=box]; node_4 [label="2", shape=box]; node_0 -> node_1; node_0 -> node_4; node_1 -> node_2; node_1 -> node_3; } Opens image in default image viewer. """ if isinstance(graphable, _score.Container): graphable = _graph_container(graphable) grapher = AbjadGrapher(graphable, format_=format_, layout=layout, **keywords) result = grapher() if not result: return _, format_time, render_time, success, log = result if not success: print(log) if return_timing: return format_time, render_time
[docs]def show(illustrable, return_timing=False, **keywords): r""" Shows ``argument``. .. container:: example Shows note: >>> note = abjad.Note("c'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(note) >>> print(string) c'4 .. container:: example Shows staff: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } Makes LilyPond input files and output PDF. Writes LilyPond input file and output PDF to Abjad output directory. Opens output PDF. Returns none when ``return_timing`` is false. Returns pair of ``abjad_formatting_time`` and ``lilypond_rendering_time`` when ``return_timing`` is true. """ illustrator = Illustrator(illustrable, **keywords) result = illustrator() if not result: return _, format_time, render_time, success, log = result if not success: print(log) if return_timing: return format_time, render_time
[docs]def compare_files(path_1, path_2): """ Compares file ``path_1`` to file ``path_2``. For all file types:: * Performs line-by-line comparison * Discards blank lines For LilyPond files, additionally:: * Discards any LilyPond version statements * Discards any lines beginning with ``%`` Returns true when files compare the same and false when files compare differently. """ path_1 = str(path_1) path_2 = str(path_2) if os.path.exists(path_1) and not os.path.exists(path_2): return False elif not os.path.exists(path_1) and os.path.exists(path_2): return False elif not os.path.exists(path_1) and not os.path.exists(path_2): return True if path_1.endswith(".backup"): path_1 = path_1.strip(".backup") if path_2.endswith(".backup"): path_2 = path_2.strip(".backup") base_1, extension_1 = os.path.splitext(path_1) base_2, extension_2 = os.path.splitext(path_2) assert extension_1 == extension_2 if extension_1 == ".ly": return _compare_lys(path_1, path_2) else: return _compare_text_files(path_1, path_2)
[docs]def execute_file( path: str | None = None, *, attribute_names: tuple[str] | None = None ) -> tuple[str] | None: """ Executes file ``path``. Returns ``attribute_names`` from file. """ assert path is not None assert isinstance(attribute_names, tuple) path_ = pathlib.Path(path) if not path_.is_file(): return None file_contents_string = path_.read_text() try: result = execute_string(file_contents_string, attribute_names=attribute_names) except Exception: message = f"Exception raised in {path_}." # use print instead of display # to force to terminal even when called in silent context print(message) traceback.print_exc() return result
[docs]def execute_string( string: str, *, attribute_names: tuple[str] | None = None, local_namespace: dict | None = None, ): """ Executes ``string``. .. container:: example >>> string = 'foo = 23' >>> attribute_names = ('foo', 'bar') >>> ... string, ... attribute_names=attribute_names, ... ) (23, None) Returns ``attribute_names`` from executed string. """ assert isinstance(string, str) assert isinstance(attribute_names, tuple) if local_namespace is None: local_namespace = {} assert isinstance(local_namespace, dict) local_namespace = {} try: exec(string, local_namespace, local_namespace) except SyntaxError: return result = [] for name in attribute_names: if name in local_namespace: result.append(local_namespace[name]) else: result.append(None) return tuple(result)
[docs]def find_executable(name: str, *, flags: int = os.X_OK) -> list[pathlib.Path]: """ Finds executable ``name``. Similar to Unix ``which`` command. Returns list of zero or more full paths to ``name``. """ result = [] extensions = [x for x in os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep) if x] PATH = os.environ.get("PATH", None) if PATH is None: return [] for path_ in os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep): path = pathlib.Path(path_) / name if os.access(path, flags): result.append(path) for extension in extensions: path_extension = path / extension if os.access(path_extension, flags): result.append(path_extension) return result
# TODO: merge into run_command()
[docs]def make_subprocess(command: str) -> subprocess.Popen: """ Makes Popen instance. Defined equal to: process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) Redirects stderr to stdout. """ # TODO: replace with return subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, )
[docs]def open_file( file_path: str, *, application: str | None = None, line_number: int | None = None, test: bool = False, ): """ Opens ``file_path``. Uses ``application`` when ``application`` is not none. Uses Abjad configuration file ``text_editor`` when ``application`` is none. Takes best guess at operating system-specific file opener when both ``application`` and Abjad configuration file ``text_editor`` are none. Respects ``line_number`` when ``file_path`` can be opened with text editor. """ if sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"): startfile = getattr(os, "startfile", None) assert startfile is not None startfile(file_path) return viewer = None if sys.platform.lower().startswith("linux"): viewer = application or "xdg-open" elif file_path.endswith(".pdf"): viewer = application or configuration["pdf_viewer"] elif file_path.endswith((".log", ".py", ".rst", ".txt")): viewer = application or configuration["text_editor"] elif file_path.endswith((".mid", ".midi")): viewer = application or configuration["midi_player"] viewer = viewer or "open" if line_number: command = f"{viewer} +{line_number} {file_path}" else: command = f"{viewer} {file_path}" if not test: spawn_subprocess(command)
[docs]def open_last_log() -> None: """ Opens LilyPond log file in operating system-specific text editor. """ text_editor = configuration.get("text_editor") file_path = configuration.lilypond_log_file_path open_file(str(file_path), application=text_editor)
[docs]def profile( string: str, *, global_context: dict | None = None, line_count: int = 12, local_context: dict | None = None, print_callers: bool = False, print_callees: bool = False, sort_by: str = "cumulative", strip_dirs: bool = True, ) -> str | None: """ Profiles ``string``. .. container:: example >>> string = 'abjad.Staff("c8 c8 c8 c8 c8 c8 c8 c8")' >>> result =, global_context=globals()) Then print result. Wraps Python's built-in ``cProfile`` module. Set ``sort_by`` to ``'cumulative'``, ``'time'`` or ``'calls'``. See `Python's docs <>`_ for more information. """ now_string ="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") profile = cProfile.Profile() local_context = local_context or locals() if global_context is None: profile = else: profile = profile.runctx(string, global_context, local_context) stats_stream = io.StringIO() stats = pstats.Stats(profile, stream=stats_stream) if strip_dirs: stats.strip_dirs().sort_stats(sort_by).print_stats(line_count) else: stats.sort_stats(sort_by).print_stats(line_count) if print_callers: stats.sort_stats(sort_by).print_callers(line_count) if print_callees: stats.sort_stats(sort_by).print_callees(line_count) result = now_string + "\n\n" + stats_stream.getvalue() stats_stream.close() return result
[docs]def run_command(command: str) -> list[str]: """ Runs command in subprocess. Returns list of strings read from subprocess stdout. """ process = make_subprocess(command) lines = _read_from_pipe(process.stdout) lines = lines.splitlines() return lines
[docs]def run_lilypond( ly_path: str, *, flags: str = "", lilypond_log_file_path: pathlib.Path | None = None, ) -> int: """ Runs LilyPond on ``ly_path``. Writes redirected output of Unix ``date`` to top line of LilyPond log file. Then appends redirected output of LilyPond output to the LilyPond log file. """ lilypond_path = configuration.get("lilypond_path") if lilypond_path is not None: assert isinstance(lilypond_path, str), repr(lilypond_path) if not lilypond_path: lilypond_paths = find_executable("lilypond") if lilypond_paths: lilypond_path = str(lilypond_paths[0]) else: lilypond_path = "lilypond" if lilypond_log_file_path is None: lilypond_log_file_path = configuration.lilypond_log_file_path ly_path_ = pathlib.Path(ly_path) # command = "{} {} -dbackend=cairo -dno-point-and-click --output={} {}" command = "{} {} -dno-point-and-click --output={} {}" command = command.format(lilypond_path, flags, ly_path_.with_suffix(""), ly_path) process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) subprocess_output, _ = process.communicate() subprocess_output_string = subprocess_output.decode(errors="ignore") exit_code = process.returncode date ="%c") with open(lilypond_log_file_path, "w") as file_pointer: print(date, file=file_pointer) print(subprocess_output_string, file=file_pointer) postscript_path = ly_path_.with_suffix(".ps") if postscript_path.is_file(): postscript_path.unlink() return exit_code
# TODO: remove because Abjad doesn't need to implement this; # use, shell=True) instead
[docs]def spawn_subprocess(command: str) -> int: """ Spawns subprocess and runs ``command``. The function is basically a reimplementation of the deprecated ``os.system()`` using Python's ``subprocess`` module. Redirects stderr to stdout. """ return, shell=True)