Source code for abjad.get

import collections
import enum
import typing

from . import _getlib, _iterlib, _updatelib
from . import duration as _duration
from . import indicators as _indicators
from . import iterate as _iterate
from . import parentage as _parentage
from . import pitch as _pitch
from . import score as _score
from . import select as _select
from . import tag as _tag
from . import timespan as _timespan
from . import typings as _typings

[docs] def after_grace_container(argument): r""" Gets after grace containers attached to component. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... container = abjad.get.after_grace_container(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(container)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") None Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("c'4") None BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") None Note("cs'16") None Note("d'4") None Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") None OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") None Chord("<e' g'>16") None Note("gs'16") None Note("a'16") None Note("as'16") None Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("e'4") None Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") None Note("fs'16") None """ return getattr(argument, "_after_grace_container", None)
[docs] def annotation( argument, annotation: typing.Any, default: typing.Any | None = None, unwrap: bool = True, ) -> typing.Any: r""" Gets annotation. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 e' e' f'") >>> abjad.annotate(staff[0], 'default_instrument', abjad.Cello()) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 e'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> string = 'default_instrument' >>> abjad.get.annotation(staff[0], string) Cello(clefs=('bass', 'tenor', 'treble'), context='Staff', middle_c_sounding_pitch=NamedPitch("c'"), pitch_range=PitchRange(range_string='[C2, G5]'), tuning=Tuning(pitches=(NamedPitch('c,'), NamedPitch('g,'), NamedPitch('d'), NamedPitch('a')))) >>> abjad.get.annotation(staff[1], string) is None True >>> abjad.get.annotation(staff[2], string) is None True >>> abjad.get.annotation(staff[3], string) is None True Returns default when no annotation is found: >>> abjad.get.annotation(staff[3], string, abjad.Violin()) Violin(clefs=('treble',), context='Staff', middle_c_sounding_pitch=NamedPitch("c'"), pitch_range=PitchRange(range_string='[G3, G7]'), tuning=Tuning(pitches=(NamedPitch('g'), NamedPitch("d'"), NamedPitch("a'"), NamedPitch("e''")))) .. container:: example REGRESSION: annotation is not picked up as effective indicator: >>> prototype = abjad.Instrument >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[0], prototype) is None True >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[1], prototype) is None True >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[2], prototype) is None True >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[3], prototype) is None True """ return _getlib._get_annotation(argument, annotation, default=default, unwrap=unwrap)
[docs] def annotation_wrappers(argument): r""" Gets annotation wrappers. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 e' e' f'") >>> abjad.annotate(staff[0], 'default_instrument', abjad.Cello()) >>> abjad.annotate(staff[0], 'default_clef', abjad.Clef('tenor')) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 e'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> for wrapper in abjad.get.annotation_wrappers(staff[0]): wrapper Wrapper(annotation='default_instrument', context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Cello(clefs=('bass', 'tenor', 'treble'), context='Staff', middle_c_sounding_pitch=NamedPitch("c'"), pitch_range=PitchRange(range_string='[C2, G5]'), tuning=Tuning(pitches=(NamedPitch('c,'), NamedPitch('g,'), NamedPitch('d'), NamedPitch('a')))), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Wrapper(annotation='default_clef', context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='tenor', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) """ return _getlib._get_annotation_wrappers(argument)
[docs] def bar_line_crossing(argument) -> bool: r""" Is true when ``argument`` crosses bar line. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)) >>> abjad.attach(time_signature, staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'4 d'4 e'4 } >>> for note in staff: ... result = abjad.get.bar_line_crossing(note) ... print(note, result) ... Note("c'4") False Note("d'4") True Note("e'4") False """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get indicator on component.") time_signature = _getlib._get_effective(argument, _indicators.TimeSignature) if time_signature is None: time_signature_duration = _duration.Duration(4, 4) else: time_signature_duration = time_signature.duration partial = getattr(time_signature, "partial", 0) partial = partial or 0 start_offset = timespan(argument).start_offset shifted_start = start_offset - partial shifted_start %= time_signature_duration stop_offset = argument._get_duration() + shifted_start if time_signature_duration < stop_offset: return True return False
[docs] def before_grace_container(argument): r""" Gets before-grace container attached to leaf. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... container = abjad.get.before_grace_container(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(container)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") None Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("c'4") None BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") None Note("cs'16") None Note("d'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") None OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") None Chord("<e' g'>16") None Note("gs'16") None Note("a'16") None Note("as'16") None Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("e'4") None Note("f'4") None AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") None Note("fs'16") None """ return getattr(argument, "_before_grace_container", None)
[docs] def contents(argument) -> list[_score.Component]: r""" Gets contents. REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): .. container:: example >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... contents = abjad.get.contents(component) ... print(f"{repr(component)}:") ... for component_ in contents: ... print(f" {repr(component_)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("c'4") Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Note("f'4") Note("c'4"): Note("c'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("cs'16"): Note("cs'16") Note("d'4"): Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16"): Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16"): Note("gs'16") Note("a'16"): Note("a'16") Note("as'16"): Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("e'4"): Note("e'4") Note("f'4"): Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") Note("fs'16"): Note("fs'16") .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... contents = abjad.get.contents(component) ... print(f"{repr(component)}:") ... for component_ in contents: ... print(f" {repr(component_)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4"): Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") Note("cs'4") TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") Note("ds'4") TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16"): TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") Note("c'16") Note("e'16") Note("c'16"): Note("c'16") Note("e'16"): Note("e'16") Note("cs'4"): Note("cs'4") TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16"): TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") Note("d'16") Note("f'16") Note("d'16"): Note("d'16") Note("f'16"): Note("f'16") Note("ds'4"): Note("ds'4") """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get contents of component.") result = [] result.append(argument) result.extend(getattr(argument, "components", [])) return result
[docs] def descendants(argument) -> list[_score.Component]: r""" Gets descendants. REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): .. container:: example >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... descendants = abjad.get.descendants(component) ... print(f"{repr(component)}:") ... for component_ in descendants: ... print(f" {repr(component_)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("c'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("c'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") Note("c'4"): Note("c'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("cs'16"): Note("cs'16") Note("d'4"): Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16"): Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16"): Note("gs'16") Note("a'16"): Note("a'16") Note("as'16"): Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("e'4"): Note("e'4") Note("f'4"): Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") Note("fs'16"): Note("fs'16") """ if isinstance(argument, _score.Component): argument = [argument] components = [] for item in argument: generator = _iterlib._iterate_descendants(item) for component in generator: if component not in components: components.append(component) return components
[docs] def duration( argument, in_seconds: bool = False, preprolated: bool = False ) -> _duration.Duration: r""" Gets duration. REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): .. container:: example >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... duration = abjad.get.duration(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(duration)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Duration(1, 1) Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Duration(1, 1) Note("c'4") Duration(1, 4) BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Duration(1, 16) Note("cs'16") Duration(1, 16) Note("d'4") Duration(1, 4) Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Duration(1, 4) OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Duration(1, 4) Chord("<e' g'>16") Duration(1, 16) Note("gs'16") Duration(1, 16) Note("a'16") Duration(1, 16) Note("as'16") Duration(1, 16) Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Duration(1, 4) Note("e'4") Duration(1, 4) Note("f'4") Duration(1, 4) AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Duration(1, 16) Note("fs'16") Duration(1, 16) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Duration of independent after-grace containers defined equal to 0: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... duration = abjad.get.duration(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(duration)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") Duration(1, 1) Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Duration(1, 1) Note("c'4") Duration(1, 4) Note("d'4") Duration(1, 4) Note("e'4") Duration(1, 4) IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") Duration(0, 1) Note("gf'16") Duration(1, 16) Note("f'4") Duration(1, 4) .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... duration = abjad.get.duration(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(duration)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") Duration(1, 1) TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") Duration(1, 4) Note("c'16") Duration(1, 8) Note("e'16") Duration(1, 8) Note("cs'4") Duration(1, 4) TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") Duration(1, 4) Note("d'16") Duration(1, 8) Note("f'16") Duration(1, 8) Note("ds'4") Duration(1, 4) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with selections: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> selection = staff[:3] >>> abjad.get.duration(selection) Duration(3, 4) .. container:: example Gets preprolated duration: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"\times 2/3 { c'4 ~ c' } \times 2/3 { d' ~ d' }") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0) \tuplet 3/2 { c'4 ~ c'4 } \tweak edge-height #'(0.7 . 0) \tuplet 3/2 { d'4 ~ d'4 } } >>> for lt in ... duration = abjad.get.duration(lt) ... preprolated = abjad.get.duration(lt, preprolated=True) ... lt, duration, preprolated (LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4"), Note("c'4")]), Duration(1, 3), Duration(1, 2)) (LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'4"), Note("d'4")]), Duration(1, 3), Duration(1, 2)) """ return _getlib._get_duration( argument, in_seconds=in_seconds, preprolated=preprolated )
[docs] def effective( argument, prototype: _typings.Prototype, *, attributes: dict | None = None, default: typing.Any | None = None, n: int = 0, unwrap: bool = True, ) -> typing.Any: r""" Gets effective indicator. REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): .. container:: example >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... clef = abjad.get.effective(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(clef)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") None Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("c'4") None BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") None Note("cs'16") None Note("d'4") None Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Chord("<e' g'>16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("gs'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("a'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("as'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("e'4") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("f'4") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("fs'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), container[0]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \clef "alto" gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... clef = abjad.get.effective(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(clef)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") None Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("c'4") None Note("d'4") None Note("e'4") None IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("gf'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("f'4") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), staff[-1][0]) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { \clef "alto" d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... clef = abjad.get.effective(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(clef)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") None TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") None Note("c'16") None Note("e'16") None Note("cs'4") None TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("d'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("f'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("ds'4") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) .. container:: example Arbitrary objects (like strings) can be contexted: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") >>> abjad.attach("color", staff[1], context="Staff") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } >>> for component in abjad.iterate.components(staff): ... string = abjad.get.effective(component, str) ... print(component, repr(string)) ... Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8") None Note("c'8") None Note("d'8") 'color' Note("e'8") 'color' Note("f'8") 'color' .. container:: example Scans forwards or backwards when ``n`` is set: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8") >>> abjad.attach("red", staff[0], context="Staff") >>> abjad.attach("blue", staff[2], context="Staff") >>> abjad.attach("yellow", staff[4], context="Staff") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 } >>> for n in (-1, 0, 1): ... color = abjad.get.effective(staff[0], str, n=n) ... print(n, repr(color)) ... -1 None 0 'red' 1 'blue' >>> for n in (-1, 0, 1): ... color = abjad.get.effective(staff[1], str, n=n) ... print(n, repr(color)) ... -1 None 0 'red' 1 'blue' >>> for n in (-1, 0, 1): ... color = abjad.get.effective(staff[2], str, n=n) ... print(n, repr(color)) ... -1 'red' 0 'blue' 1 'yellow' >>> for n in (-1, 0, 1): ... color = abjad.get.effective(staff[3], str, n=n) ... print(n, repr(color)) ... -1 'red' 0 'blue' 1 'yellow' >>> for n in (-1, 0, 1): ... color = abjad.get.effective(staff[4], str, n=n) ... print(n, repr(color)) ... -1 'blue' 0 'yellow' 1 None .. container:: example Use synthetic offsets to hide a clef before the start of a staff like this: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> abjad.attach( ... abjad.Clef("treble", hide=True), ... staff[0], ... synthetic_offset=abjad.Offset(-1), ... ) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \clef "alto" c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> for leaf in staff: ... clef = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.Clef) ... (leaf, clef) ... (Note("c'4"), Clef(name='alto', hide=False)) (Note("d'4"), Clef(name='alto', hide=False)) (Note("e'4"), Clef(name='alto', hide=False)) (Note("f'4"), Clef(name='alto', hide=False)) >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[0], abjad.Clef) Clef(name='alto', hide=False) >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[0], abjad.Clef, n=-1) Clef(name='treble', hide=True) >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[0], abjad.Clef, n=-2) is None True Note that ``hide=True`` is set on the offset clef to prevent duplicate clef commands in LilyPond output. Note also that the order of attachment (offset versus non-offset) makes no difference. .. container:: example Here's how to hide a clef after the end of a staff: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("treble"), staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach( ... abjad.Clef("alto", hide=True), ... staff[-1], ... synthetic_offset=abjad.Offset(1), ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \clef "treble" c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> for leaf in staff: ... clef = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.Clef) ... (leaf, clef) ... (Note("c'4"), Clef(name='treble', hide=False)) (Note("d'4"), Clef(name='treble', hide=False)) (Note("e'4"), Clef(name='treble', hide=False)) (Note("f'4"), Clef(name='treble', hide=False)) >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[-1], abjad.Clef) Clef(name='treble', hide=False) >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[-1], abjad.Clef, n=1) Clef(name='alto', hide=True) >>> abjad.get.effective(staff[-1], abjad.Clef, n=2) is None True .. container:: example Gets effective time signature: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff], name="Score") >>> leaves = >>> abjad.attach(abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)), leaves[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> prototype = abjad.TimeSignature >>> for component in abjad.iterate.components(staff): ... time_signature = abjad.get.effective(component, prototype) ... print(component, time_signature) ... Staff("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") TimeSignature(pair=(3, 8), hide=False, partial=None) Note("c'4") TimeSignature(pair=(3, 8), hide=False, partial=None) Note("d'4") TimeSignature(pair=(3, 8), hide=False, partial=None) Note("e'4") TimeSignature(pair=(3, 8), hide=False, partial=None) Note("f'4") TimeSignature(pair=(3, 8), hide=False, partial=None) .. container:: example Test attributes like this: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([voice]) >>> start_text_span = abjad.StartTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(start_text_span, voice[0]) >>> stop_text_span = abjad.StopTextSpan() >>> abjad.attach(stop_text_span, voice[2]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \new Voice { c'4 \startTextSpan d'4 e'4 \stopTextSpan f'4 } } >>> for note in ... note, abjad.get.effective(note, abjad.StartTextSpan) ... (Note("c'4"), StartTextSpan(command='\\startTextSpan', concat_hspace_left=0.5, concat_hspace_right=None, left_broken_text=None, left_text=None, right_padding=None, right_text=None, style=None)) (Note("d'4"), StartTextSpan(command='\\startTextSpan', concat_hspace_left=0.5, concat_hspace_right=None, left_broken_text=None, left_text=None, right_padding=None, right_text=None, style=None)) (Note("e'4"), StartTextSpan(command='\\startTextSpan', concat_hspace_left=0.5, concat_hspace_right=None, left_broken_text=None, left_text=None, right_padding=None, right_text=None, style=None)) (Note("f'4"), StartTextSpan(command='\\startTextSpan', concat_hspace_left=0.5, concat_hspace_right=None, left_broken_text=None, left_text=None, right_padding=None, right_text=None, style=None)) >>> for note in ... note, abjad.get.effective(note, abjad.StopTextSpan) ... (Note("c'4"), None) (Note("d'4"), None) (Note("e'4"), StopTextSpan(command='\\stopTextSpan', leak=False)) (Note("f'4"), StopTextSpan(command='\\stopTextSpan', leak=False)) >>> attributes = {'parameter': 'TEXT_SPANNER'} >>> for note in ... indicator = abjad.get.effective( ... note, ... object, ... attributes=attributes, ... ) ... print(f"{note!r}:") ... print(f" {indicator!r}") Note("c'4"): StartTextSpan(command='\\startTextSpan', concat_hspace_left=0.5, concat_hspace_right=None, left_broken_text=None, left_text=None, right_padding=None, right_text=None, style=None) Note("d'4"): StartTextSpan(command='\\startTextSpan', concat_hspace_left=0.5, concat_hspace_right=None, left_broken_text=None, left_text=None, right_padding=None, right_text=None, style=None) Note("e'4"): StopTextSpan(command='\\stopTextSpan', leak=False) Note("f'4"): StopTextSpan(command='\\stopTextSpan', leak=False) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Matching start-beam and stop-beam indicators work correctly: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'4 a'4") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StartBeam(), voice[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.StopBeam(), voice[3]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { c'8 [ d'8 e'8 f'8 ] g'4 a'4 } >>> for leaf in ... start_beam = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.StartBeam) ... stop_beam = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.StopBeam) ... leaf, start_beam, stop_beam (Note("c'8"), StartBeam(), None) (Note("d'8"), StartBeam(), None) (Note("e'8"), StartBeam(), None) (Note("f'8"), StartBeam(), StopBeam(leak=False)) (Note("g'4"), StartBeam(), StopBeam(leak=False)) (Note("a'4"), StartBeam(), StopBeam(leak=False)) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Bar lines work like this: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'2 d'2 e'2 f'2") >>> score = abjad.Score([voice]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.BarLine("||"), voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score << \new Voice { c'2 d'2 \bar "||" e'2 f'2 } >> >>> for leaf in ... bar_line = abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.BarLine) ... leaf, bar_line (Note("c'2"), None) (Note("d'2"), BarLine(abbreviation='||', site='after')) (Note("e'2"), BarLine(abbreviation='||', site='after')) (Note("f'2"), BarLine(abbreviation='||', site='after')) """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get effective on components.") if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), repr(attributes) result = _getlib._get_effective( argument, prototype, attributes=attributes, n=n, unwrap=unwrap ) if result is None: result = default return result
[docs] def effective_staff(argument) -> typing.Optional["_score.Staff"]: r""" Gets effective staff. REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): .. container:: example >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... staff = abjad.get.effective_staff(component) ... print(f"{component!r}:") ... print(f" {staff!r}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("c'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("cs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("d'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Chord("<e' g'>16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("gs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("a'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("as'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("e'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("f'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("fs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get effective staff on components.") staff_change = _getlib._get_effective(argument, _indicators.StaffChange) if staff_change is not None: for component in argument._get_parentage(): root = component effective_staff = root[staff_change.staff_name] return effective_staff for component in argument._get_parentage(): if isinstance(component, _score.Staff): effective_staff = component break return effective_staff
[docs] def effective_wrapper( argument, prototype: _typings.Prototype, *, attributes: dict | None = None, n: int = 0, ): r""" Gets effective wrapper. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... wrapper = abjad.get.effective_wrapper(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):}") ... print(f" {repr(wrapper)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") None Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("c'4") None BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") None Note("cs'16") None Note("d'4") None Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Chord("<e' g'>16") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("gs'16") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("a'16") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("as'16") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("e'4") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("f'4") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("fs'16") Wrapper(annotation=None, context='Staff', deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Clef(name='alto', hide=False), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) """ if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), repr(attributes) return effective(argument, prototype, attributes=attributes, n=n, unwrap=False)
[docs] def grace(argument) -> bool: r""" Is true when ``argument`` is grace music. Grace music defined equal to grace container, after-grace container and contents of those containers. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.grace(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") False Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("c'4") False BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") True Note("cs'16") True Note("d'4") False Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") False OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") True Chord("<e' g'>16") True Note("gs'16") True Note("a'16") True Note("as'16") True Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("e'4") False Note("f'4") False AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") True Note("fs'16") True .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.grace(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") False Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("c'4") False Note("d'4") False Note("e'4") False IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") True Note("gf'16") True Note("f'4") False """ if _getlib._get_grace_container(argument) is True: return True for component in argument._get_parentage(): if isinstance(component, _score.IndependentAfterGraceContainer): return True return False
[docs] def has_effective_indicator( argument, prototype: _typings.Prototype | None = None, *, attributes: dict | None = None, ) -> bool: r""" Is true when ``argument`` has effective indicator. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... function = abjad.get.has_effective_indicator ... result = function(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") False Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("c'4") False BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") False Note("cs'16") False Note("d'4") False Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") True OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") True Chord("<e' g'>16") True Note("gs'16") True Note("a'16") True Note("as'16") True Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') True Note("e'4") True Note("f'4") True AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") True Note("fs'16") True .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), container[0]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \clef "alto" gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... function = abjad.get.has_effective_indicator ... result = function(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") False Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("c'4") False Note("d'4") False Note("e'4") False IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") True Note("gf'16") True Note("f'4") True .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), staff[-1][0]) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { \clef "alto" d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... function = abjad.get.has_effective_indicator ... result = function(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") False TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") False Note("c'16") False Note("e'16") False Note("cs'4") False TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") True Note("d'16") True Note("f'16") True Note("ds'4") True """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get effective indicator on component.") if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), repr(attributes) indicator = _getlib._get_effective(argument, prototype, attributes=attributes) return indicator is not None
[docs] def has_indicator( argument, prototype: str | _typings.Prototype | enum.Enum | None = None, *, attributes: dict | None = None, ) -> bool: r""" Is true when ``argument`` has one or more indicators. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.has_indicator(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") False Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("c'4") False BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") False Note("cs'16") False Note("d'4") False Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") False OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") False Chord("<e' g'>16") True Note("gs'16") False Note("a'16") False Note("as'16") False Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("e'4") False Note("f'4") False AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") False Note("fs'16") False .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), container[0]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { \clef "alto" gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.has_indicator(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") False Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') False Note("c'4") False Note("d'4") False Note("e'4") False IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") False Note("gf'16") True Note("f'4") False .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), staff[-1][0]) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { \clef "alto" d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.has_indicator(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") False TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") False Note("c'16") False Note("e'16") False Note("cs'4") False TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") False Note("d'16") True Note("f'16") False Note("ds'4") False .. container:: example Set ``attributes`` dictionary to test indicator attributes: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([voice], name="Staff") >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef('treble'), voice[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef('alto'), voice[2]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { \clef "treble" c'4 c'4 \clef "alto" c'4 c'4 } >>> attributes = {'name': 'alto'} >>> abjad.get.has_indicator(voice[0], abjad.Clef) True >>> abjad.get.has_indicator( ... voice[0], ... abjad.Clef, ... attributes=attributes, ... ) False >>> abjad.get.has_indicator(voice[2], abjad.Clef) True >>> abjad.get.has_indicator( ... voice[2], ... abjad.Clef, ... attributes=attributes, ... ) True """ if isinstance(prototype, _tag.Tag): raise Exception("do not attach tags; use tag=None keyword.") if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get indicator on component.") if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), repr(attributes) return argument._has_indicator(prototype=prototype, attributes=attributes)
[docs] def indicator( argument, prototype: _typings.Prototype | None = None, *, default: typing.Any | None = None, unwrap: bool = True, ) -> typing.Any: r""" Gets indicator. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.indicator(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") None Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("c'4") None BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") None Note("cs'16") None Note("d'4") None Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") None OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") None Chord("<e' g'>16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("gs'16") None Note("a'16") None Note("as'16") None Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') None Note("e'4") None Note("f'4") None AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") None Note("fs'16") None .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), staff[-1][0]) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { \clef "alto" d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.indicator(component, abjad.Clef) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") None TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") None Note("c'16") None Note("e'16") None Note("cs'4") None TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") None Note("d'16") Clef(name='alto', hide=False) Note("f'16") None Note("ds'4") None Raises exception when more than one indicator of ``prototype`` attach to ``argument``. Returns default when no indicator of ``prototype`` attaches to ``argument``. """ return _getlib._get_indicator(argument, prototype, default=default, unwrap=unwrap)
[docs] def indicators( argument: _score.Component, prototype: _typings.Prototype | None = None, *, attributes: dict | None = None, unwrap: bool = True, ) -> list: r""" Get indicators. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> for note in ... abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation("."), note) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 - \staccato \grace { cs'16 - \staccato } d'4 - \staccato << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 - \staccato a'16 - \staccato as'16 - \staccato ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 - \staccato } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 - \staccato { fs'16 - \staccato } } } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.indicators(component) ... print(f"{component!r}:") ... print(f" {result!r}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): [] Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): [] Note("c'4"): [Articulation(name='.')] BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): [] Note("cs'16"): [Articulation(name='.')] Note("d'4"): [Articulation(name='.')] Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): [] OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): [] Chord("<e' g'>16"): [LilyPondLiteral(argument='\\set fontSize = #-3', site='before', directed=False), StartBeam(), LilyPondLiteral(argument='\\slash', site='before', directed=False), StartSlur(), VoiceNumber(n=1, leak=False), Clef(name='alto', hide=False), Articulation(name='>')] Note("gs'16"): [Articulation(name='.')] Note("a'16"): [Articulation(name='.')] Note("as'16"): [StopBeam(leak=False), StopSlur(leak=False), Articulation(name='.')] Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): [] Note("e'4"): [VoiceNumber(n=2, leak=False), Articulation(name='.')] Note("f'4"): [VoiceNumber(n=None, leak=False), Articulation(name='.')] AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): [] Note("fs'16"): [Articulation(name='.')] .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), staff[-1][0]) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> for note in ... abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation("."), note) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 - \staccato e'16 - \staccato } cs'4 - \staccato \repeat tremolo 2 { \clef "alto" d'16 - \staccato f'16 - \staccato } ds'4 - \staccato } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.indicators(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(result)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") [] TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") [] Note("c'16") [Articulation(name='.')] Note("e'16") [Articulation(name='.')] Note("cs'4") [Articulation(name='.')] TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") [] Note("d'16") [Clef(name='alto', hide=False), Articulation(name='.')] Note("f'16") [Articulation(name='.')] Note("ds'4") [Articulation(name='.')] """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): message = "can only get indicators on component" message += f" (not {argument!r})." raise Exception(message) if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), repr(attributes) result = argument._get_indicators( prototype=prototype, attributes=attributes, unwrap=unwrap ) return list(result)
[docs] def leaf(argument, n: int = 0) -> typing.Optional["_score.Leaf"]: r""" Gets leaf ``n``. ``n`` constrained to -1, 0, 1 for previous, current, next leaf. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.Voice("c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8")) >>> staff.append(abjad.Voice("g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8")) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \new Voice { c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 } \new Voice { g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8 } } .. container:: example Gets leaf **FROM** ``argument`` when ``argument`` is a leaf: >>> leaf = staff[0][1] >>> abjad.get.leaf(leaf, -1) Note("c'8") >>> abjad.get.leaf(leaf, 0) Note("d'8") >>> abjad.get.leaf(leaf, 1) Note("e'8") .. container:: example Gets leaf **IN** ``argument`` when ``argument`` is a container: >>> voice = staff[0] >>> abjad.get.leaf(voice, -1) Note("f'8") >>> abjad.get.leaf(voice, 0) Note("c'8") >>> abjad.get.leaf(voice, 1) Note("d'8") .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for current_leaf in ... previous_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(current_leaf, -1) ... next_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(current_leaf, 1) ... print(f"previous leaf: {repr(previous_leaf)}") ... print(f"current leaf: {repr(current_leaf)}") ... print(f"next leaf: {repr(next_leaf)}") ... print("---") previous leaf: None current leaf: Note("c'4") next leaf: Note("cs'16") --- previous leaf: Note("c'4") current leaf: Note("cs'16") next leaf: Note("d'4") --- previous leaf: Note("cs'16") current leaf: Note("d'4") next leaf: Chord("<e' g'>16") --- previous leaf: Note("d'4") current leaf: Chord("<e' g'>16") next leaf: Note("gs'16") --- previous leaf: Chord("<e' g'>16") current leaf: Note("gs'16") next leaf: Note("a'16") --- previous leaf: Note("gs'16") current leaf: Note("a'16") next leaf: Note("as'16") --- previous leaf: Note("a'16") current leaf: Note("as'16") next leaf: Note("e'4") --- previous leaf: Note("as'16") current leaf: Note("e'4") next leaf: Note("f'4") --- previous leaf: Note("e'4") current leaf: Note("f'4") next leaf: Note("fs'16") --- previous leaf: Note("f'4") current leaf: Note("fs'16") next leaf: None --- .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for current_leaf in ... previous_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(current_leaf, -1) ... next_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(current_leaf, 1) ... print(f"previous leaf: {repr(previous_leaf)}") ... print(f"current leaf: {repr(current_leaf)}") ... print(f"next leaf: {repr(next_leaf)}") ... print("---") previous leaf: None current leaf: Note("c'4") next leaf: Note("d'4") --- previous leaf: Note("c'4") current leaf: Note("d'4") next leaf: Note("e'4") --- previous leaf: Note("d'4") current leaf: Note("e'4") next leaf: Note("gf'16") --- previous leaf: Note("e'4") current leaf: Note("gf'16") next leaf: Note("f'4") --- previous leaf: Note("gf'16") current leaf: Note("f'4") next leaf: None --- .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for current_leaf in ... previous_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(current_leaf, -1) ... next_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(current_leaf, 1) ... print(f"previous leaf: {repr(previous_leaf)}") ... print(f"current leaf: {repr(current_leaf)}") ... print(f"next leaf: {repr(next_leaf)}") ... print("---") previous leaf: None current leaf: Note("c'16") next leaf: Note("e'16") --- previous leaf: Note("c'16") current leaf: Note("e'16") next leaf: Note("cs'4") --- previous leaf: Note("e'16") current leaf: Note("cs'4") next leaf: Note("d'16") --- previous leaf: Note("cs'4") current leaf: Note("d'16") next leaf: Note("f'16") --- previous leaf: Note("d'16") current leaf: Note("f'16") next leaf: Note("ds'4") --- previous leaf: Note("f'16") current leaf: Note("ds'4") next leaf: None --- """ return _iterlib._get_leaf(argument, n=n)
[docs] def lineage(argument) -> "Lineage": r""" Gets lineage. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... lineage = abjad.get.lineage(component) ... print(f"{repr(component)}:") ... for component_ in lineage: ... print(f" {repr(component_)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("c'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("c'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") Note("c'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("c'4") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("cs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Note("cs'16") Note("d'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("d'4") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Chord("<e' g'>16") Note("gs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Note("gs'16") Note("a'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Note("a'16") Note("as'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Note("as'16") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("e'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("e'4") Note("f'4"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Note("f'4") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") Note("fs'16"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Note("fs'16") """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get lineage on component.") return Lineage(argument)
[docs] def logical_tie(argument) -> "_select.LogicalTie": r""" Gets logical tie. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for leaf in ... lt = abjad.get.logical_tie(leaf) ... print(f"{repr(leaf):30} {repr(lt)}") Note("c'4") LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4")]) Note("cs'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("cs'16")]) Note("d'4") LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'4")]) Chord("<e' g'>16") LogicalTie(items=[Chord("<e' g'>16")]) Note("gs'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("gs'16")]) Note("a'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("a'16")]) Note("as'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("as'16")]) Note("e'4") LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'4")]) Note("f'4") LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'4")]) Note("fs'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("fs'16")]) .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for leaf in ... lt = abjad.get.logical_tie(leaf) ... print(f"{repr(leaf):30} {repr(lt)}") Note("c'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'16")]) Note("e'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("e'16")]) Note("cs'4") LogicalTie(items=[Note("cs'4")]) Note("d'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("d'16")]) Note("f'16") LogicalTie(items=[Note("f'16")]) Note("ds'4") LogicalTie(items=[Note("ds'4")]) .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Omits spurious rest when user ties from note to rest: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 r4") >>> # user error; shouldn't tie note to rest: >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Tie(), staff[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 ~ r4 } >>> abjad.get.logical_tie(staff[0]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4")]) >>> abjad.get.logical_tie(staff[1]) LogicalTie(items=[Rest('r4')]) Omits spurious rest when user repeat-ties into rest from note: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("r4 c'4", name="Voice") >>> # user error; shouldn't tie note to rest: >>> abjad.attach(abjad.RepeatTie(), voice[1]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \context Voice = "Voice" { r4 c'4 \repeatTie } >>> abjad.get.logical_tie(voice[0]) LogicalTie(items=[Rest('r4')]) >>> abjad.get.logical_tie(voice[1]) LogicalTie(items=[Note("c'4")]) """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Leaf): raise Exception("can only get logical tie on leaf.") leaves = _iterlib._get_logical_tie_leaves(argument) return _select.LogicalTie(leaves)
[docs] def markup( argument: _score.Component, *, direction: int | None = None ) -> list[_indicators.Markup]: """ Gets markup. """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get markup on component.") result = argument._get_markup(direction=direction) return list(result)
[docs] def measure_number(argument) -> int: r""" Gets measure number. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... measure_number = abjad.get.measure_number(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {measure_number}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") 1 Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') 1 Note("c'4") 1 BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") 1 Note("cs'16") 1 Note("d'4") 1 Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") 1 OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") 1 Chord("<e' g'>16") 1 Note("gs'16") 1 Note("a'16") 1 Note("as'16") 1 Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') 1 Note("e'4") 1 Note("f'4") 1 AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") 1 Note("fs'16") 1 .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... measure_number = abjad.get.measure_number(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {measure_number}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") 1 Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') 1 Note("c'4") 1 Note("d'4") 1 Note("e'4") 1 IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") 1 Note("gf'16") 1 Note("f'4") 1 .. container:: example REGRESSION. Measure number of score-initial grace notes is set equal to 0: >>> voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("b16") >>> abjad.attach(container, voice[0]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(voice) >>> print(string) \new Voice { \grace { b16 } c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> for component in ... measure_number = abjad.get.measure_number(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {measure_number}") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") 1 BeforeGraceContainer('b16') 0 Note('b16') 0 Note("c'4") 1 Note("d'4") 1 Note("e'4") 1 Note("f'4") 1 .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... measure_number = abjad.get.measure_number(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {measure_number}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") 1 TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") 1 Note("c'16") 1 Note("e'16") 1 Note("cs'4") 1 TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") 1 Note("d'16") 1 Note("f'16") 1 Note("ds'4") 1 """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): raise Exception("can only get measure number on component.") _updatelib._update_measure_numbers(argument) assert isinstance(argument._measure_number, int) return argument._measure_number
[docs] def parentage(argument) -> "_parentage.Parentage": r""" Gets parentage. .. container:: example >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... parentage = abjad.get.parentage(component) ... print(f"{repr(component)}:") ... for component_ in parentage[:]: ... print(f" {repr(component_)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("c'4"): Note("c'4") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("cs'16"): Note("cs'16") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("d'4"): Note("d'4") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Chord("<e' g'>16"): Chord("<e' g'>16") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("gs'16"): Note("gs'16") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("a'16"): Note("a'16") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("as'16"): Note("as'16") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("e'4"): Note("e'4") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("f'4"): Note("f'4") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") Note("fs'16"): Note("fs'16") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... parentage = abjad.get.parentage(component) ... print(f"{repr(component)}:") ... for component_ in parentage[:]: ... print(f" {repr(component_)}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }"): Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") Note("c'4"): Note("c'4") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") Note("d'4"): Note("d'4") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") Note("e'4"): Note("e'4") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16"): IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") Note("gf'16"): Note("gf'16") IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") Note("f'4"): Note("f'4") Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice') Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }") .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... parentage = abjad.get.parentage(component) ... print(f"{repr(component)}:") ... print(f" {repr(parentage[:])}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4"): (Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4"),) TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16"): (TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) Note("c'16"): (Note("c'16"), TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) Note("e'16"): (Note("e'16"), TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) Note("cs'4"): (Note("cs'4"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16"): (TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) Note("d'16"): (Note("d'16"), TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) Note("f'16"): (Note("f'16"), TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) Note("ds'4"): (Note("ds'4"), Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4")) """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Component): message = "can only get parentage on component" message += f" (not {argument})." raise Exception(message) return _parentage.Parentage(argument)
[docs] def pitches(argument) -> set[_pitch.NamedPitch]: r""" Gets pitches. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... pitches = abjad.get.pitches(component) ... component ... for _ in sorted(pitches): print(f" {_!r}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }") NamedPitch("c'") NamedPitch("cs'") NamedPitch("d'") NamedPitch("e'") NamedPitch("f'") NamedPitch("fs'") NamedPitch("g'") NamedPitch("gs'") NamedPitch("a'") NamedPitch("as'") Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice') NamedPitch("c'") NamedPitch("cs'") NamedPitch("d'") NamedPitch("e'") NamedPitch("f'") NamedPitch("fs'") NamedPitch("g'") NamedPitch("gs'") NamedPitch("a'") NamedPitch("as'") Note("c'4") NamedPitch("c'") BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") NamedPitch("cs'") Note("cs'16") NamedPitch("cs'") Note("d'4") NamedPitch("d'") Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }") NamedPitch("e'") NamedPitch("g'") NamedPitch("gs'") NamedPitch("a'") NamedPitch("as'") OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16") NamedPitch("e'") NamedPitch("g'") NamedPitch("gs'") NamedPitch("a'") NamedPitch("as'") Chord("<e' g'>16") NamedPitch("e'") NamedPitch("g'") Note("gs'16") NamedPitch("gs'") Note("a'16") NamedPitch("a'") Note("as'16") NamedPitch("as'") Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice') NamedPitch("e'") Note("e'4") NamedPitch("e'") Note("f'4") NamedPitch("f'") AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") NamedPitch("fs'") Note("fs'16") NamedPitch("fs'") """ generator = _iterate.pitches(argument) return set(generator)
[docs] def sounding_pitch(argument: _score.Note) -> _pitch.NamedPitch: r""" Gets sounding pitch of note. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("d''8 e''8 f''8 g''8") >>> piccolo = abjad.Piccolo() >>> abjad.attach(piccolo, staff[0]) >>> abjad.iterpitches.transpose_from_sounding_pitch(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 } >>> for note in ... pitch = abjad.get.sounding_pitch(note) ... print(f"{repr(note):10} {repr(pitch)}") Note("d'8") NamedPitch("d''") Note("e'8") NamedPitch("e''") Note("f'8") NamedPitch("f''") Note("g'8") NamedPitch("g''") """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Note): raise Exception("can only get sounding pitch of note.") return _getlib._get_sounding_pitch(argument)
[docs] def sounding_pitches(argument: _score.Chord) -> set[_pitch.NamedPitch]: r""" Gets sounding pitches. .. container:: example >>> staff = abjad.Staff("<c''' e'''>4 <d''' fs'''>4") >>> glockenspiel = abjad.Glockenspiel() >>> abjad.attach(glockenspiel, staff[0]) >>> abjad.iterpitches.transpose_from_sounding_pitch(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { <c' e'>4 <d' fs'>4 } >>> for chord in ... pitches = abjad.get.sounding_pitches(chord) ... chord ... for _ in sorted(pitches): print(f" {_!r}") Chord("<c' e'>4") NamedPitch("c'''") NamedPitch("e'''") Chord("<d' fs'>4") NamedPitch("d'''") NamedPitch("fs'''") """ if not isinstance(argument, _score.Chord): raise Exception("can only get sounding pitches of chord.") pitches = _getlib._get_sounding_pitches(argument) return set(pitches)
[docs] def sustained(argument) -> bool: r""" Is true when ``argument`` is sustained. .. container:: example >>> tuplet = abjad.Tuplet((3, 2), "c'4 ~ c' ~ c'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. container:: example >>> string = abjad.lilypond(tuplet) >>> print(string) \tweak text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \tuplet 2/3 { c'4 ~ c'4 ~ c'4 } >>> abjad.get.sustained(tuplet) True """ lt_head_count = 0 leaves = _select.leaves(argument) for leaf in leaves: lt = logical_tie(leaf) if lt.head is leaf: lt_head_count += 1 if lt_head_count == 0: return True lt = logical_tie(leaves[0]) if lt.head is leaves[0] and lt_head_count == 1: return True return False
[docs] def timespan(argument, in_seconds: bool = False) -> _timespan.Timespan: r""" Gets timespan. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 \grace { cs'16 } d'4 << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 a'16 as'16 ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 { fs'16 } } } >>> for component in ... timespan = abjad.get.timespan(component) ... print(f"{component!r}:") ... print(f" {timespan!r}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 1))) Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 1))) Note("c'4"): Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 4))) BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16)), Offset((1, 4))) Note("cs'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16)), Offset((1, 4))) Note("d'4"): Timespan(Offset((1, 4)), Offset((1, 2))) Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2)), Offset((3, 4))) OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2)), Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(1, 4))) Chord("<e' g'>16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2)), Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(1, 16))) Note("gs'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(1, 16)), Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(1, 8))) Note("a'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(1, 8)), Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(3, 16))) Note("as'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(3, 16)), Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(1, 4))) Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): Timespan(Offset((1, 2)), Offset((3, 4))) Note("e'4"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2), displacement=Duration(1, 4)), Offset((3, 4))) Note("f'4"): Timespan(Offset((3, 4)), Offset((1, 1))) AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 1), displacement=Duration(-1, 16)), Offset((1, 1))) Note("fs'16"): Timespan(Offset((1, 1), displacement=Duration(-1, 16)), Offset((1, 1))) .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with independent after-grace containers: >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> container = abjad.IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16") >>> music_voice.insert(3, container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 d'4 \afterGrace e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 } } >>> for component in ... timespan = abjad.get.timespan(component) ... print(f"{component!r}:") ... print(f" {timespan!r}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4 }"): Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 1))) Voice("c'4 d'4 e'4 { gf'16 } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 1))) Note("c'4"): Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 4))) Note("d'4"): Timespan(Offset((1, 4)), Offset((1, 2))) Note("e'4"): Timespan(Offset((1, 2)), Offset((3, 4))) IndependentAfterGraceContainer("gf'16"): Timespan(Offset((3, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16)), Offset((3, 4))) Note("gf'16"): Timespan(Offset((3, 4), displacement=Duration(-1, 16)), Offset((3, 4))) Note("f'4"): Timespan(Offset((3, 4)), Offset((1, 1))) .. container:: example REGRESSSION. Works with tremolo containers: >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "c'16 e'")) >>> staff.append("cs'4") >>> staff.append(abjad.TremoloContainer(2, "d'16 f'")) >>> staff.append("ds'4") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \repeat tremolo 2 { c'16 e'16 } cs'4 \repeat tremolo 2 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4 } >>> for component in ... timespan = abjad.get.timespan(component) ... print(f"{repr(component):30} {repr(timespan)}") Staff("{ c'16 e'16 } cs'4 { d'16 f'16 } ds'4") Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 1))) TremoloContainer("c'16 e'16") Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 4))) Note("c'16") Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((1, 8))) Note("e'16") Timespan(Offset((1, 8)), Offset((1, 4))) Note("cs'4") Timespan(Offset((1, 4)), Offset((1, 2))) TremoloContainer("d'16 f'16") Timespan(Offset((1, 2)), Offset((3, 4))) Note("d'16") Timespan(Offset((1, 2)), Offset((5, 8))) Note("f'16") Timespan(Offset((5, 8)), Offset((3, 4))) Note("ds'4") Timespan(Offset((3, 4)), Offset((1, 1))) .. container:: example REGRESION. Works with selection: >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'4 d' e' f'") >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >>> abjad.get.timespan(staff[:3]) Timespan(Offset((0, 1)), Offset((3, 4))) """ return _getlib._get_timespan(argument, in_seconds=in_seconds)
[docs] def wrapper( argument, prototype: _typings.Prototype | None = None, *, attributes: dict | None = None, ): r""" Gets wrapper. .. container:: example >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> for note in ... abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation("."), note) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 - \staccato \grace { cs'16 - \staccato } d'4 - \staccato << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 - \staccato a'16 - \staccato as'16 - \staccato ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 - \staccato } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 - \staccato { fs'16 - \staccato } } } REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> for component in ... wrapper = abjad.get.wrapper(component, abjad.Articulation) ... print(f"{component!r}:") ... print(f" {wrapper!r}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): None Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): None Note("c'4"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): None Note("cs'16"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("d'4"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): None OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): None Chord("<e' g'>16"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='>'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("gs'16"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("a'16"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("as'16"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): None Note("e'4"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Note("f'4"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): None Note("fs'16"): Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string='')) Raises exception when more than one indicator of ``prototype`` attach to ``argument``. """ if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), repr(attributes) return indicator(argument, prototype=prototype, unwrap=False)
[docs] def wrappers( argument, prototype: _typings.Prototype | None = None, *, attributes: dict | None = None, ): r""" Gets wrappers. .. container:: example REGRESSION. Works with grace notes (and containers): >>> music_voice = abjad.Voice("c'4 d' e' f'", name="MusicVoice") >>> staff = abjad.Staff([music_voice]) >>> container = abjad.BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[1]) >>> obgc = abjad.on_beat_grace_container("g'16 gs' a' as'", music_voice[2:3]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef("alto"), obgc[0]) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation(">"), obgc[0]) >>> container = abjad.AfterGraceContainer("fs'16") >>> abjad.attach(container, music_voice[3]) >>> for note in ... abjad.attach(abjad.Articulation("."), note) >>> lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile([r'\include "abjad.ily"', staff]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { c'4 - \staccato \grace { cs'16 - \staccato } d'4 - \staccato << \context Voice = "On_Beat_Grace_Container" { \clef "alto" \set fontSize = #-3 \slash \voiceOne < \tweak font-size 0 \tweak transparent ##t e' g' >16 - \accent [ ( gs'16 - \staccato a'16 - \staccato as'16 - \staccato ) ] } \context Voice = "MusicVoice" { \voiceTwo e'4 - \staccato } >> \oneVoice \afterGrace f'4 - \staccato { fs'16 - \staccato } } } >>> for component in ... result = abjad.get.wrappers(component, abjad.Articulation) ... print(f"{component!r}:") ... print(f" {result!r}") Staff("{ c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4 }"): [] Voice("c'4 d'4 { { <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 } } f'4", name='MusicVoice'): [] Note("c'4"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] BeforeGraceContainer("cs'16"): [] Note("cs'16"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] Note("d'4"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] Container("{ <e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16 } { e'4 }"): [] OnBeatGraceContainer("<e' g'>16 gs'16 a'16 as'16"): [] Chord("<e' g'>16"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='>'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] Note("gs'16"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] Note("a'16"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] Note("as'16"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] Voice("e'4", name='MusicVoice'): [] Note("e'4"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] Note("f'4"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] AfterGraceContainer("fs'16"): [] Note("fs'16"): [Wrapper(annotation=None, context=None, deactivate=False, direction=None, indicator=Articulation(name='.'), synthetic_offset=None, tag=Tag(string=''))] """ if attributes is not None: assert isinstance(attributes, dict), repr(attributes) return indicators(argument, prototype=prototype, unwrap=False)
[docs] class Lineage( r''' Lineage of a component. .. container:: example >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"""\new Voice = "Treble_Voice" { c'4 }""", ... name='Treble_Staff', ... ) >>> score.append(staff) >>> bass = abjad.Staff( ... r"""\new Voice = "Bass_Voice" { b,4 }""", ... name='Bass_Staff', ... ) >>> score.append(bass) .. docs:: >>> string = abjad.lilypond(score) >>> print(string) \new Score << \context Staff = "Treble_Staff" { \context Voice = "Treble_Voice" { c'4 } } \context Staff = "Bass_Staff" { \context Voice = "Bass_Voice" { b,4 } } >> >>> for component in abjad.get.lineage(score): ... component ... Score("{ { c'4 } } { { b,4 } }", simultaneous=True) Staff("{ c'4 }", name='Treble_Staff') Voice("c'4", name='Treble_Voice') Note("c'4") Staff('{ b,4 }', name='Bass_Staff') Voice('b,4', name='Bass_Voice') Note('b,4') >>> bass_voice = score['Bass_Voice'] >>> for component in abjad.get.lineage(bass_voice): ... component ... Score("{ { c'4 } } { { b,4 } }", simultaneous=True) Staff('{ b,4 }', name='Bass_Staff') Voice('b,4', name='Bass_Voice') Note('b,4') ''' __slots__ = ("_component", "_components") def __init__(self, component=None): if component is not None: assert hasattr(component, "_timespan"), repr(component) self._component = component components = [] if component is not None: components.extend(reversed(parentage(component)[1:])) components.append(component) components.extend(descendants(component)[1:]) self._components = components
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument) -> bool: """ Is true when ``argument`` lineage with components of same id. """ if isinstance(argument, type(self)): if len(self) == len(argument): for c, d in zip(self.components, argument.components): if c is not d: return False else: return True return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, argument): """ Gets ``argument``. Returns component or tuple. """ return self.components.__getitem__(argument)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Gets length of lineage. Returns int. """ return len(self._components)
@property def component(self): """ The component from which the lineage was derived. """ return self._component @property def components(self): """ Gets components. Returns tuple. """ return self._components